Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. I am certain I'm going to finish typing this sentence. Because Will.
  2. @Leo Gura you talked about tapping into creativity in your last video..I really liked it and the video was awesome and it helped me get motivated to pursue my life purpose seriously. I want to become a philosopher. Just like you . Bold statement. I know. That's just how I am. But on a serious note... How does one become a philosopher? What books should I read and how should I conduct my life? I know that to some of you I'm being silly. But believe me when I say that I'm very serious with this whole thing. How can I become a renowned philosopher who gets recognized worldwide the same way people like Nietzsche and Socrates are recognized? Is formal education necessary? Or can I get by, by reading books?
  3. How is this replacing addictions ?
  4. I did give a solution. You suffer because you desire endlessly. The solution then is to drop desire and to accept reality unconditionally. It doesn't get any simpler and clearer than this . The idea of acceptance as an antidote to suffering may seem counterintuitive and difficult to grasp. However, take a second to think about it. When you suffer, like when having your heart broken or experiencing grief, more pain arises from resisting or denying that you feel bad in the first place. Suppressing those strong emotions can only make things worse and even cause us to act out in unhealthy, destructive ways. I basically agree partially. Focusing on what's missing is the second side of desire coin. Buddhist psychology makes a clear distinction between pain and suffering. Pain is an unavoidable aspect of the natural world. It is physical, biological, and social, woven into our existence as night is with day, as inevitable as hard and soft, as hot and cold. In this human incarnation we experience a continuous ebb and flow of pleasure and pain, gain and loss. Inhabiting our human society is the same: we encounter praise and blame, fame and disrepute, success and failure, arising and passing constantly. this thread is titled "according to Buddhism ". so I'm specifically highlighting the Buddha's perspective on what causes suffering. The Buddha attributes all forms of suffering, whether physical pain or an emotional struggle, to two factor: impermanence. And desire . I talked about desire enough. Now let's However talk about impermanence people feel better when having a sense of predictability. This makes them deny the simple truth that nothing stays the same. Rather than surrender to change, people fight against it. We try to keep things the same; our job, our partners, our friends, our homes, our communities. Then, when the world around us changes, as it will eventually, this causes anger, sadness, and frustration. And yet, change is inevitable. Rather than constantly clinging to the past, or grasping for something better, the Buddha recommends accepting things as they are, at this very moment, by living fully in the present. That means letting go of the past so we can fully appreciate all that exists right now. In this way, we live in harmony with nature, always changing. We open ourselves to all that the present moment has to offer and do not struggle against the current of impermanence. I basically agree and that's also what the Buddha teaches. @Razard86
  5. I addressed your two points. Your first point about me not giving a solution to the problem of suffering. To that i replied that by understanding the root of suffering (which is desire ) you can automatically bring suffering to an end by dropping desire and getting absorbed in meditation( no mind). when you understand the disease fully you automatically know the medication. So if it's a stomach ache you need to take stomach ache pills and so on ... And to your next point about suffering not depending much on desire but rather "focusing on what's missing ". Yeah that's the same thing as craving. You crave something because you feel that something is missing and you want to fill the gaps in your life with all kinds of material possessions. But it always falls short . The Buddha said, “All I teach is suffering and the end of suffering.” Suffering in his teaching does not necessarily mean grave physical pain, but rather the mental suffering we undergo when our tendency to hold onto pleasure encounters the fleeting nature of life, and our experiences become unsatisfying and ungovernable. The simple teaching of the first noble truth,ls the truth of suffering, may be the most difficult to understand and accept. But it's enough into itself to put an end to suffering. We keep thinking that if we just fix this or fix that, tweak here or there, we can avoid it. We think that if we were smarter, prettier, wealthier, more powerful, living somewhere else, younger, older, male, female, with different name it...that things would be different. But things are not different.they are as bad as they seem. Since it is unrealistic to hope for a stress-free life, and that would not be all that good in any case, it makes more sense to learn how to deal with the stresses that inevitably arise.
  6. Well, in Buddhist philosophy, the ego self is an illusion that does not exist, this is distinct from the spirit. which is pure mind, our real identity. I agree with this philosophy, as I understand that our ego is formed by social shaping, which makes us appear to be something that we’re really not. But don't forget that you don't exist as a separate self. That's the illusion of separation .but you exist as pure consciousness itself. When you wake up from a dream.. you don't say that you were a character because you are the creator of that dream. The entire dream (not the dream elements) is actually you.. not only the character you're playing. The other characters that appear on that dream are just components that make up the whole dream.. they don't have a life of their own to wake up at the same time with you. Don't take this too literal.. just that in real life you're not a character or a human, you're the entire Universe that you're experiencing right now. This is not solipsism . This is absolute oneness and nonduality.
  7. The understanding of the cause of suffering will automatically allow you to overcome it . If you understand that desire and longing to change your present condition constantly is what sits at the root of your misery and dissatisfaction in life ..then you automatically work on bringing the mind to rest and abandon desires as much as possible. Suffering comes from craving things and also from events in a person's life, such as birth, old age and death. People go through various types of suffering. For example: People go through emotional pain (eg someone says something that upsets someone else) and physical pain (eg when a person has an injury.) In life things don’t stay the same and are always changing, which can cause suffering. For example, some people enjoy it when the sun is shining. If they are outside enjoying the sunshine and the weather changes, this may make them sad. People are attached to many different things, including people and material possessions. When they lose these things, they suffer. Buddhists try to realise that people cannot hold on to everything in life as this will bring about suffering.
  8. Yeah pretty much that sums it up. It's basically being unable to be satisfied with the current moment, regardless of what you're doing . Its this habit of projecting yourself into the future in hopes that a different moment in time will provide you more than what the current moment has to offer... and it never stops. It occurred to me this weekend while enjoying the National Park (one of my absolute passions) that i was still not pleased or at peace while doing something i have come to thoroughly enjoy... Even on the side of the park I was projecting myself someplace else because i felt "this wasn't good enough"... These emotions cause me to carry out an array of random acts in hopes of satisfying my craving for a new form of stimulation... anything from checking my phone every 5 minutes for social media updates, to engaging in smoking cigarettes , channel surfing for hours without deciding on a program. My brain always finds away to become distracted from the current moment and seek a way out of it. The fact that im aware of this behavior does motivate me to continue to open this new level of consciousness
  9. @Kksd74628 The feeling of a me, the sense of a me in the body dissappeared…now there is sensation as life or awareness as this. The body is sensation but not my sensation. With the sense of an individual me not here, any division or separation as life is not here either as the separation was the sense of me but when I was that me (again “I” is used but not felt) that me had no idea it was in the way, that me was the looker, the seeker and it was the dream veiling life that's not two. The sense of self did not destroy itself, it can not because its not real in the first place. Like dreaming yourself awake, it can not be done. It's Grace.. Amazing Grace… It has nothing to do with selves or personal will. Its also exceptionally ordinary and unseen, unnoticeable to another. In a funny ironic way even though it has no person to it, its deeply personal. Lol. Just like all duality meets here and is neither and both at the same time. Everything is here while nothing is here and none of it makes any sense. That's what's so wonderful about it, the mind can not grasp… Mind is absolutely impotent here.. Love.
  10. I like to distinguish between the false ego self and the true Self. The ego self is a construction of mind. Even the tree you see is a construction of mind so it is not so far fetched that this elaborate mind construction of a self is nothing more than delusion. It is however very necessary and useful . Without a sense of self you wouldn't know who's shoes to put on in the morning, as Alan Watts puts it lol.
  11. in my experience there is a difference between the ego self (the false self which is illusory) and the true Self (we might call it God or Love or Infinity or whatever ). Enlightenment is both a gaining and a losing process. You lose your false self and gain the true infinite Self . The ego doesn't go away with enlightenment. Ego is a deep and fundamental aspect of mental operation. Its Rather a projected self image, which you had taken to be real, is seen as an illusion. There is no doer. You see how the ego program works. A feeling like pride arises from it, and you realize that emotion makes no sense. It is not the ego that needs to die, but its illusory beliefs. Both enlightenment and death are creations of the egoic mind. The truth is, neither really exist, you only think they do! Your task in awakening to the truth of your existence is not to rid yourself of ego, but to purify it and to live in harmony with it.
  12. So to summarise.. Why so much suffering in the world, so much suffering on your path? 1 self-awareness. Do you think a rock will suffer if you torture it? 2 survival. The movement of survival and the struggle to keep the body in homeostasis. Ever renewed needs. Etc. Pain and pleasure are like guiding signals to push you away from what threats your survival and towards what keeps it. 3 judgment. Attachment. Likes and dislikes. See when you were a little kid you were peaceful most of the time. Because you were pure. As you grow up you get attached to all kinds of shit. You form a whole identity out of your attachments. And shit will not always go your way. And when your attachments get threatened you will suffer.
  13. I also talked about this technique in my simple enlightenment guide here you might want to check it out
  14. No at least that's how it is for me . I don't watch porn without masturbating. And I don't masturbate without watching porn . Maybe it's different for other guys .I dunno really.
  15. There is no easy way out of samsara, if there were, everyone would do it, but there is a simple way. To just sit, free of thoughts, bringing the awareness to the heart, and remain there until eventually we will see who we are, beyond the mind and body mechanisms. To meditate on the heart is to expand the awareness of our beingness, that is the self, the I am of God within. Everything else is illusory, just a dance of love and light experience.
  16. Well..according to my research The Buddha identified three types of craving, which in turn are related to what are called the three poisons : ignorance , attachment and aversion The types of craving are: Craving for pleasure: the desire for sense-pleasures, wealth and enjoyment. The basis is ignorance as to the Four Noble Truths and impermanence. Craving for existence :an ego driven desire for becoming, continued survival, identity, importance, and so on. The basis is attachment. Craving for non-existence :the desire not to experience unpleasant conditions, situations or people. The basis is aversion. The path to liberation from Samsara (the endless cycle of life, death and rebirth) and its suffering involves extinguishing deluded craving and the “fires” of attachment and aversion. Cultivating equanimity can pave the way, whereby we accept pleasant and painful experiences equally, and abandon striving to gratify and reaffirm our ego.
  17. AMA

    Just to get out of the boredom I'm experiencing. Just shower me with your questions . It could be about anything. Philosophy. Science. Spirituality. Psychology. Sexuality. Society etc. And I will try my best to compose a perfect answer. Only personal questions are not allowed . Lemme hear ? ?
  18. We can fly as well.we use airplanes to fly .
  19. AMA

    @BlurryBoi sorry I don't quite understand your question properly. Could you try to rephrase it in a different way ?
  20. Actually ..if reality was just pure formlessness..that would be the literal Definition of heaven . But since there is form, there is duality, and therefore there is suffering.
  21. Masturbation and porn are inseparable . Who on earth watches porn but doesn't masturbate or vice versa ?
  22. You move your arms and legs with your mind all the time. Moving things is one of the things our mind does.
  23. Is it really that big of a difference to fap with or without porn ? For me they trigger each other and lead to each other . I can't even masturbate without watching I would say cut them both from your lifestyle and reward yourself with anything else .like you can come up with a list of a hundred things to replace porn and masturbation. From food to video games to music to going outside etc