Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. I think you make a valid points . Yes many boys in their teenage years become more masculine as they age to late 20s . And that can be explained only by increasing in testosterone level . However what's confusing me is I didn't find a single study that says testosterone increase as you age past the age of puberty . There are rises in testosterone during a boy’s development, which coincide with major brain development. But these don’t happen at the age of 20.
  2. So Many men in their 40s and 50s and above are taking exogenous (synthetic) testosterone or over-the-counter supplements there any harmful side effects if not administered properly? And what is a healthy alternative? I know a few like a balanced clean diet ,hitting the gym ,getting enough sleep and sunlight ( vitamin D)etc...but is there anything else ?
  3. But I have read some studies suggesting that Testosterone decline is not inevitable with age. Older men in excellent health can maintain their hormone levels. when you consider all the possible influences, age had no effect on testosterone levels in these very healthy men. It's a separate issue when you consider unhealthy habits like smoking, drinking,eating junk food and never exercising etc. By itself, age does not cause a lower testosterone in healthy men, it's more likely that lowering of testosterone is a consequence of illnesses men acquire as they get older, like cardiovascular disease and obesity. What do you think of that ?
  4. There are no enlightened people. Nor people.
  5. Everyone is afraid of death. Dying is a terrifying thought to the individual, and it brings sadness to that individual's close ones. And there are many that become like 'vegetables' (technically speaking 'vegetative state') and live a terrible life before dying. Latter is more tragic than the former. But I always felt like life is the real tragedy. We always struggle to keep our lives, maintain our bodies, keep our relationships, to be happy, etc. And we have to put a great effort to fulfill all these, yet at the end if we do not achieve what we expected we feel sad. However, death is not like that. It is a peaceful state in which you can stop all the running and struggling, and be calm and quite. So I feel like life as a tragedy and death as a gift.
  6. @WokeBloke You are the Now. When you get down to the very bottom of what is it that you actually are.. what you’ll find is that what you are.. is not any of the concepts you attach to yourself.. but that all you are is raw consciousness itself. Your consciousness and my consciousness are not similar.. but PERFECTLY identical. Not talking about the contents of consciousness.. but the consciousness itself.. being the feeling of felt experience.. the very sense of being. That is absolutely perfectly one hundred percent identical across all things. And despite all the perceived differences within our consciousness.. the one thing that it all has in common is that it is all happening right now. Your now and my now are the exact same. For a while I thought Leo is not awake and he is far "gone".. Lost in solipsism and there is no hope for him. But I became precisely aware of what he means by "everything is imaginary". This is my own interpretation after all. "everything is imaginary " is pointing to something. that term only makes sense in contrast to it’s opposite. So if we said that your mother is imaginary.. you have to ask “as opposed to what?” What is imagined aka what is experienced is as real as real can be. The duality of real and imaginary collapses into a unity as do all dualities. Your life is true and real. It’s just not ULTIMATELY true. It’s relatively true. The ultimate truth is that all there really is is consciousness/the present moment.. and everything else is concept which can be interpreted differently from view point to view point. Your life is conceptual. But that doesn’t mean it’s not real. When Leo says the "everything is imaginary” thing.. he doesn’t mean what you think he means. When he says that everything is imaginary.. he’s saying that everything is merely appearance without substance.. and that how we interpret those appearances is relative. Consider that whether I am a real person or not is relative. There is no factual truth about it because it's conceptual. Unlike THIS.
  7. Good video from her.
  8. edging also gives you a greater understanding of your body and what it likes. It provides you with increased control over your own pleasure, helping you determine when and how it happens. It also keeps your mind from wandering. Edging is a good time to practice keeping the mind completely focused on the now. Not only will this concentration and focus help make edging easier, but it will allow a person to fully enjoy the pleasurable feelings,so its actually good as well as a meditative technique
  9. Im so tired of living life. I'm physically exhausted and I view living as a chore . Even the basic stuff like eating ,showering, shittng etc all of it feels like a burden. I don't really understand the feeling but I will try my best to explain it . It really doesn’t seem worth it anymore. Nothing brings me happiness or satisfaction. I have no goals and no ambitions. All I do is play video games, mentally masturbate on this forum , smoke, sleep. And repeat. I’ve got no lover and probably won’t have one for a long time. I’ve got no real passions or hobbies that I look forward to.except maybe philosophy. But I can't be a philosopher with a business degree . I have friends, but I struggle with intimacy and I’m always wrapped up in my insecurities that I’m always worried I’ll lose them eventually. I don’t go out. No one invites me anyways. I don’t have any confidence in myself to go do things alone and even if I did, I don’t have the money. I’m sick of living life. It seems like nothing but stress and competition and pain. I wake up every morning feeling like shit. I go to bed feeling like shit. I’m just going through the motions waiting till I die. Nothing seems like its worth it anymore. Nothing brings me happiness or satisfaction. I have tried so many different things. I am so done with trying. I want to give up.
  10. As I shared plenty of times here..I struggle with smoking addiction..and I'm experiencing health problems due to that like a burning sensation in my chest especially after eating food .I think my lungs are severely damaged. However I continue to smoke despite the consequences .someone suggested to me to buy a vape .so I bought one . Is vaping less or more harmful than smoking normal cigarettes? Since it contains less nicotine. Is it a step towards a healthy state?
  11. I think Personal taste seems to play a lot into peoples' opinion of which languages sound beautiful compared to others. Some prefer the logical nature of languages like German whilst others prefer languages that appear romantic i.e. the romantic languages; French, Spanish and Italian. I'd also say any language which seems different to ones own has a certain appeal and allure. Cheers
  12. Most scientists,are more hardline realists about death. It is simply the result of two facts about nature: (1) the Second Law of Thermodynamics, or the fact that there’s an arrow of time in our Universe that leads to entropy and the wearing down and eventual death of all systems, from stars and people to the Universe itself. (2) the logic of evolution, or the fact that natural selection created immortal genes through our offspring but mortal bodies because resources were better allocated toward future generations than keeping alive great great grandparents. we die so others may live. In the past quarter century some of these scientists ,particularly those who do not believe in an immortal soul or ethereal heaven don’t want to just live on through their children or their work but want to live on in their current bodies ..they have undertaken the grand goal of extending the human lifespan into centuries, millennia, or possibly even forever. Who knows ? If you told someone from 10000 years ago that one day in the future we will be able to communicate globally with each other via all the technologies we have today they would think you are crazy. Certainly the possibility is open for science to advance exponentially in the coming centuries. And maybe one day will actually find an antidote to death of the body .because our souls (true nature ) is already eternal.
  13. So is your point that Preventing the human body from aging still isn't enough to achieve immortality? We have example from the animal kingdom..the hydra. Even though hydra don't show signs of aging, the creatures still die. They are eaten by predators, such as fish, and perish if their environment changes too much, such as if their ponds freeze in winter.
  14. Yeah we have to basically find a cure to all fatal diseases as well. Especially with the increasing of unhealthy habits among people in this era (smoking ,taking drugs etc). you are human, you are going to die. Immortality technology will not be invented in our lifetimes. So we can be dam sure that we are gonna die. This isn't the most comforting thought, but death is the inevitable price we must pay for being alive. however, we getting better at pushing back our expiration date, as our medicines and technologies advance.
  15. Grounding techniques can keep you connected to the present and help you avoid feelings, memories, flashbacks or intrusive thoughts that you don't feel able to cope with yet. You could try: breathing slowly listening to sounds around you walking barefoot wrapping yourself in a blanket and feeling it around you touching something or sniffing something with a strong smell. Focus on the sensations you are feeling right now. You might find it helpful to keep a box of things with different textures and smells (for example perfume, a blanket and some smooth stones) ready for when you need it.
  16. Yeah . Perhaps the best thing about willfully avoiding ejaculation is the fact that there appears to be no downside. On the other hand, there may be several benefits that we are still learning the true extent of today. Sperm that is not expelled is simply absorbed back into the body. This fact likely has led to the idea that not ejaculating can raise testosterone levels.
  17. For Me personally I would just smoke cigarettes and jog around the city My favourite combo
  18. @CuriousityIsKey "non-existence" doesn't exist. By definition. What you are confused about is nothing vs something. Form is formlessness. Formlessness is form. Non existence cannot exist. Notice the contradiction. If non existence existed .. It would be existence. Lol Reality can dissappear into a black void or something like that.. But it would still exist as that black void. You can't escape from existence. Whether you exist as a form or as formlessness
  19. Yeah .Another benefit of edging is experiencing a more intense orgasm. The delayed gratification aspect of edging may make your eventual climax feel more powerful.
  20. @Raze obviously if it becomes an addiction and prevents you from being productive and working on your goals then it's harmful . But we are talking about doing it responsibly and reasonably and in moderation. I don't see any negative effects . Part of the shitty feeling I feel after I ejaculate..especially to weird ass porn ..but with this technique you can please yourself effectively without losing much. So I don't think there is any problem with edging .
  21. @Dany Balan just take three pills of Cialis. it should work .
  22. Actually.. I have no idea if 'birth' was even real. Notice that your entire past is a thought you are having. Memories are just images in your mind. You see I don't take this stuff for granted. Lol But In any case.. I don't recall anything around The age of two or three. But that does not mean I wasn't conscious back then. It just means that I don't recall. And that's a different thing. What if I lost all memories of my entire life.. Does that mean I wasn't conscious yesterday just because I can't recall it? Obviously we were conscious since the day we were born. We are just not self-conscious. Which means we are not conscious that we are conscious. We haven't developed an ego yet. As I said you are pure consciousness itself. Not the the separate sense of self that develops around the age of three. Hope it's clear for you now.
  23. Have you noticed that you don't remember your first memory or where you came from ? You can go as far as to remember your first day at school and your first dream etc but you can't actually remember the very first spark of consciousness that you ever experienced in your life ? Like when exactly did you become aware that you are aware ? so why exactly you can't remember your first memory? It's Because there can't be a first distinct one. It's like if you have a spectrum of the different degrees of the color yellow slowly shifting into orange.. Can you actually pinpoint where exactly does yellow "completely" turn into orange?? Of course you can't because it's a spectrum.. It's all yellow and it's all orange simultaneously but in different degrees. You can't remember your "first" memory because there never was one! How could you say that this particular event was my first memory without a frame of reference? That is a prior experience to that to judge what's before and what's after that event.. And so you will keep looking for something prior and prior and it's infinite regress.. You can't determine the exact point that awareness popped at. Just like in dreams at night.. You can't say when does the dream begin or what was the first appearance in the dream.. It just begins with no beginning!!
  24. If you wonder why does evil shit happen all over the world and in your own's because its inevitable. It's a nesscary part of absolute infinity. Which by it's very nature includes absolutely everything. So it's not all rosy and shiny. It also contains horror and shit . Absolute infinity must include every thing .including this human life that you're living right now with all the suffering and the shit you are going through. the term "absolute infinity" was originally coined by the mathematician Georg cantor.. Not Leo. (look him up) Some infinities are larger than others. For example.. The positive real numbers are infinite.. Yet if we include the negative real numbers we get.. Paradoxically.. A larger infinity. But that's just numbers.. Same thing applies to colors.. Sounds.. Dimensions.. Feelings.. Etc Take the largest infinity. Not the partial ones. Take the infinity of all possible infinities...... And that is what is known as absolute infinity. Georg cantor himself equated that with GOD. You might ask Is reality absolutely infinite? How is this possible? Well, how is it possible that reality could be finite?? Every limitation you imagine upon reality must be imposed by a larger limitation. And so on to infinity. So reality ends up being absolutely infinite. In all possible ways conceivable or inconceivable. And that's it. reality is infinite forms. Infinite images. Infinite consciousness. Label it however you want. But you get the idea. Imagine right now any possible image.. Anything.. I don't care how crazy it is.. That thing exists. And everything you can possibly imagine exists. And it can happen. If you can imagine it.. It is real. That's the rule