Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. I mean I can use my imagination and get hard ..but it's easier to watch porn than to hold a flimsy image in your mind . each his own.
  2. Thank for the feedback. Nope ..I'm not seeking to stroke my spiritual ego or anything like that . This post highlights how I became enlightened and I thought to share it with the community for any serious seeker for truth . Nisargadatta maharaj was one of the greatest enlightened teachers ever . If you read his works you will immediately extract the wisdom and it will benefit you you greatly in your spiritual quest. Also that video contains very direct and effective quotes from him that points you directly to your true nature . Also silence is a crucial thing for seeking enlightenment according to all Eastern traditions. Because it makes you focus inward and not outward. The “outside” orientation is prevalent among humans, they nearly constantly focus outward onto the world, onto other people, onto life happening around them. There are few occasions on which humans turn inward and focus on the life happening within them. Such turning inward is essential for anyone seeking spiritual anything, let alone enlightenment. Such focusing inward is much easier to achieve and sustain if one isn’t distracted by trying to connect with that which is outward, like other people.
  3. I can pop a boner whenever I want . With or without porn . What I meant is I find it boring to fap while staring at the wall . You need to be looking at hot stuff to arouse you properly.
  4. Yeah not a fan of his teaching, main reason being is it's to direct and dose not accommodate to the fact everyone is at different levels of understanding so it will just resonate with a very small niche audience, I just think it could be done with a bit more empathy. But if it resonates and it helps nothing wrong with that .
  5. @flowboy bro you are just trolling at this point. Go do something productive with your time.
  6. I love you too . Sorry if I offended you. I sometimes just get a little bit too excited or caught up in my conceptual worldview so pardon me . Trust me won't find anyone more open minded than me in this whole world . A bold claim but then again..Is being skeptical and questioning everything a trait of open-mindedness or close mindedness in your opinion? Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. That's my definition . So all the things you mentioned are real . You’re staring at it right now. Beliefs and opinions, on the other hand, only belong to our individual experience thus are illusory on an absolute level but in order to maintain your sense of identity/reality you have to have them Reality doesn’t require thought. Hearing the snapping of two fingers is enough to know reality. Google it . Its the branch of spirituality that focuses too much of the Buddhist teaching of anatman or no-self . That's simply your projection. I listened to their "message " enough times .its the same no-self rehashed over and over again with nothing new . "It's THIS" "boundless energy " "there is no you ""it's just what's happening ". Hard to extract a useful application to my life from such message .
  7. What do you mean it's not real ? You are living in a world where things exist. Your bed, your handheld device, your door, your friends, your family, your pet.. Everything that you can feel, hear, touch, taste, and smell is reality. Take a break from Neo advaita BS.
  8. I had a blowjob from a hooker in Thailand few weeks ago .but that's about it .I'm back to India now where women are not easily sexually open. I talk to at least one new girl every day .that's a challenge I have set for myself. So I know what works and what doesn't in attracting girls. Especially in the first date/approach.
  9. Unfortunately, we can’t avoid it, it is all part of the great big learning curve we call Life! We experience it to learn our lessons. There is a saying Enjoy what we can - Endure what we must ! So embrace it without wallowing in it , and think about what the experience has taught you.
  10. That's just simply not possible. Happiness and suffering are conditions of your mind . Your interior state of being. Your resistance to what's happening vs your acceptance and embrace of it . It doesn't depend on external conditions . Don't go thinking that billionaires and people who eat the best food and bang hot chicks everyday are happy ..they have everything. And the paradoxical counterintuitive thing is that when you have everything you wish for then you will feel like you have nothing. You will feel empty and listless and sad . Because happiness (true happiness) doesn't come from anywhere other than within you. "the Kingdom of heaven is within you"-Jesus.
  11. So is your point that trying to overcome suffering is resistance to suffering and it perpetuates suffering? Because I don't disagree in that point . The overcome I'm talking about is not resistance. But acceptance. When something goes wrong, most people resist it. “This shouldn’t be happening!” Goes the inner dialogue. The resistance comes from a good place..a wish for things to be going “right,” and for you to be okay. But it’s not actually doing you any good. Because resistance is the main thing that causes us to suffer when we feel pain.
  12. There is truth to this perspective. However this thread should not be an advanced guide to solve porn addiction .or any addiction really. Maybe most people need to visit therapists .but this is just a simple hack that can ease the way . Everyone ie seeking pleasure and fulfilment in one way or another. Even the religious ascetics never just abstained from the pleasures of the flesh they run towards the pleasures of the spirit. Masochists while inflicting pain search for pleasure. What pleasure is can be discussed, but we are built to seek it. I mean porn is only possible because of built in sexual pleasure centers. Ancient cultures covered women head to toe not because of some "oppresion" but because they knew the impact of seeing skin on the sexual centers. And when I say ancient I mean before WWII. . That is why I think women should cover themselves even today, not because of religious god will kill stuff, but out of care for men and their mental and physical health.
  13. You are the creator of your suffering. This understanding will help you dissolve suffering. An unhappy person in heaven will convert even heaven into hell.ahappy person can convert hell into heaven. So, change is not required anywhere except within you. If you have an unhappy mind, even if you are in heaven, you will ‘stink’. So, to overcome suffering, you have to understand that your unhappy mind is the cause.
  14. I feel what you are saying here. But simple concrete rewards so the instant gratification monkey in our brains is kept under watch is important. seems good. Plus withdrawl feels like shit so any help to boost well being and happinesd is good. I mean people say life without porn .the brain is terrible at such general terms. I mean if you have a girlfriend and without pmo you can watch her in the eye and not feel guilt that is very specific and concrete. I think we also need short term boosts of energy along the road.
  15. Yes. No. Maybe. Not yes, not no; nor not-not yes, nor not-not no. If you are “enlightened” (fully, not simply “awake") you know ain’t no such thing as this “self” to which you refer, rather, there is “It”, which has no meer identification with that which is called “self”. However, sentient beings refer to this “self” as the collection of that which IS here and now, that which identifies with THIS or THAT, HIM or HER, etc. So who is that which is observing, eh? Try to stop thinking of it all in such absolute terms as being black and white; begin to cognize the subtle aspects of the gray instead.
  16. It's the other way around. By dropping desire you become enlightened. Third Noble Truth, the truth of the end of suffering, has dual meaning, suggesting either the end of suffering in this life, on earth, or in the spiritual life, through achieving Nirvana. When one has achieved Nirvana, which is a transcendent state free from suffering and our worldly cycle of birth and rebirth, spiritual enlightenment has been reached
  17. Yeah you keep repeating this as if it were from the VeganAwake holy book. Lemme ask you this you agree that you have a body and mind ? By body I mean this three dimensional meat suit that you're (please let me use the word "you " without questioning my existence lol) wearing..and by mind i mean the generator of thoughts ?
  18. Are you saying that Bottom line ,you can't be certain about anything in the future by defintion because the future is a belief?
  19. What does it mean ? Which language is this ?l guess its Arabic
  20. Meditation is the essence of spirituality and religious mysticism. And meditation is nothing but being .simply being . And prayer is nothing but showing gratitude. Be great and awesome. Because existence gave you this greatness . And this greatness and awesomeness is present all around you everywhere . But we take it for granted . That's one of the most stupid things that you can do .to take life for granted. But the mind does this all the time . It filters out the magic of existence to be able to put it into boxes and dissect it logically. Just look at a sunrise .imagine you are on the beach at 5 AM and you are seeing the sunrise. The morning has infinite beauty .yet we take it for granted "so what? It's just another morning. This has happend millions of times before .and it will continue to happen millions of times in the future ". That sort of attitude is fundamentally what disconnects you from God and from the infinite goodness of reality.
  21. No need to apologise .I appreciate everyone's perspectives .and your post made me think deeply and grow. Thank you ?. BTW surely the Buddha knows better than me . Who am I to compare myself with him ?
  22. Taoists sought happiness or supreme good by severing themselves completely free from worldly interests and passionate desires until release from all activity was attained (wu wei ).so its simmiar to Buddhism in this regard .
  23. I often say that life is like a play and this play revolves around one theme : want and desire. Our desires are like a bottomless pit. We’re always seeking, never satisfied. This plays out in all aspects of our life. When eating, we don’t just eat to sustain our bodies and appease hunger; we crave good-tasting food. For our home, it isn’t enough to have a modest place that shelters us from the elements; we desire comfortable surroundings, the bigger and more luxurious the better. All our life, we work hard to fulfill our desires. One dream fulfilled spawns another. We seek happiness, but for most of us, we think happiness comes with having more. Instead of being content with an ordinary, simple life, our vanity causes us to want more wealth, success, glory, power, and so on. Our ambitions are endless. But the truth is, more isn’t necessarily better and it can have adverse effects. In our endless pursuit of our desires, we actually create much suffering for ourselves. The Buddhist sutras tell us that people with many desires suffer greatly because they’re constantly seeking self-benefit and gain. When we give rise to desire, we act in order to seek things. When we can’t get what we want, afflictions arise and we suffer. We might get into arguments with people over what we want. We might tire ourselves out scheming to get what we want. Our efforts to fulfill our desires bring us much affliction. Those with few desires don’t suffer like this. If we want to get rid of our afflictions, we have to know their source : our desires. We can then get rid of them by being content. Contentment leads to spiritual riches and a sense of satisfaction and happiness with what we already have. With fewer desires, we can sleep soundly at night without worries. Our heart can be at peace. After all, what do we really come into the world for? What is life really about? Only by turning toward the Dharma can we begin to understand life’s true value and purpose.