Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. When you say "absolute being ", what ,exactly, are you talking about ?
  2. It's a matter of identity. What do you identify as ? If you identify as this human body ..then obviously thus will die .and anyone who says otherwise needs a serious reality check . BUT if you identity as nothingness. Obviously nothingness cannot die .
  3. @Michael569 thanks for the information. So the bottom line is i Can't build muscle mass while water fasting? Since you theoretically need just a calorie surplus and enough protein, and can’t you get this from fasting? Why can't I get it from protein powders? Is it because You break down adipose tissue while fasting? but since every living cell has some protein, why can’t you take sufficient protein from this breakdown? Another point ..I hear the “you only get 31 calories per pound of fat a day” line a lot. It’s been attacked by some(some fat-adapted people lose more, some very lean athletes have demonstrably lost more fat in a day than this theoretical limit allows, and water fasting increases GH to some extent to prevent the loss of muscle mass, and their refutations make sense to me. You can always leech out more fat from a seemingly endless reservoir of it, so you might think a calorie surplus wouldn’t be a problem, but maybe fat is just harder to derive energy from? It’s obviously not as prioritized in most people’s bodies as glucose or glycogen. I thought about just going on a simple 500-calorie deficit and working out, but since I already have successful prolonged water fasts under my belt, I thought this wouldn’t be a problem. However, if I can’t lift during an extended water fast(or at least can’t lift with the expectation of hypertrophy rather than preservation), then I might just fast until I’ve gone below 20% body fat and then start lifting with that increased nutrient partitioning?
  4. @King Merk @Jannes @aurum I do Strength training during a fast which will help me maintain and keep muscle.. even if I don't get the enough nutrition ? Im Basically water fasting for the last 10 days or so . I lost a LOT of weight in the first two weeks . so I suspect I had a lot of water weight and crap in my digestive system. After that it was about 1lb/day on average, which is on par with what people here say. I'd break the fast every now and then due to temptations but hopped back on pretty quickly. Helps that I walked about 2 hours a day. So can I water fast for 3/4 of the day and exercise during that time and only eat one meal per day before sleep consisting of nothing but healthy protein?
  5. @Michael569 can't I build muscle because of changes in hormone levels?... During periods of fasting your body drastically increases GH production, a hormonevassociated with lean tissue growth, fat reduction, etc. The body is quite adept at repairing itself even in the absence of nutrients. How can you build muscle during water fast? Is there a chance ? How else can I get a skinny muscular shape ?I wanna lose as much fat as possible and gain as much lean muscles as possible. I mean, i've seen many people say that you can keep weight training during extended water fasts, but what's the benefit of it? Don't you need to consume protein in order to build-maintain muscle? (I'm asking, I have no idea)
  6. So does Strength training during a fast help you maintain and keep muscle.?. You will most likely NOT build muscle during a fast.. i need to really be in a caloric surplus to do that. I should definitely strength train while on a fast...but focus on building muscle once I'm done.. and incorporating something more like intermittent or alternate day fasting. I finished a 14 day fast.. and am finishing up a 12 day on friday. After this, I plan to alternate day fast so I can focus at lifting. During my first fast.. I gained strength.. but this time I've gone down about 10% on my lifts. I'm not as strong as I was on my first fast.
  7. But I'm a nobody .no one will invite me on his podcast or TV channel. Doesn't that just come after I already publish the book and get a little bit known for it ? I will be known as the author of the book (X).
  8. I wouldn't consider myself a materialist .even though I've got some orange shadow to integrate. I like to appeal to science for such issues. Of course you don't have an experience of consciousness ending or not upon dying..why? Because you are still alive! Duh ! The only way to know is by actually dying. But at least we can measure brain activity. We can measure signs of life. Death causes these to stop. There is no measurable thing that suggests any other kind of activity continues after death. Sure, you can't prove there's no afterlife, but that's the default position , so unless an afterlife can actually be proven to exist, the "only evidence against it" is now everything we know as the practice and study of statistics. The fact that there is no evidence in favor of it is precisely why the doubt exists. The doubt is not the evidence against it. Somewhat more facetiously, but shorter: I can't prove there are no invisible leprechauns playing in my room right now, but that doesn't make both this belief and its disbelief equally plausible. To those who do believe in an afterlife, I won't tell you to stop believing. You have every right to believe what you want, and I support that right. I'm explaining here why I disagree with that position.
  9. Nah the next moment until you die is this life .you were talking about a life after physical death of the Current body . And the only evidence is what, just hope ? My view is less, "there is no next life ," and more, "who knows." For example..If you imagine you had never slept before and someone tried to explain what dreaming is, it would sound crazy. There would be no concrete evidence for or against it, except what other people say about it. This comparison falls apart in that people sleep and dream every night and can tell each other about it afterwards, but with death that simply isn't the case. Again, I'm not trying to argue for or against the existence of an afterlife. I just want to point out that in matters where you can't quantifiably measure things, matters like next life souls, and afterlifes, you can't prove or disprove things.
  10. Not sure about sexuality . Your sexuality is highly dependent on your genetics. Also whether you are a male or female obviously depends on your genitals. So I don't think it's a social construct .it's all determined by biology. Society plays a role .but it's secondary. Biology comes first .
  11. A very interesting article on NDEs and DMT trips. DMT gets released naturally in the human brain while sleeping during REM sleep (the sleep phase when you have dreams). Those dreams are hallucinations induced by the release of DMT . And it also gets released during death . This is just my own speculation and interpretation of the article above . When you die you will first see a replay of your entire life in quick flashes .then your brain will release insane amounts of DMT .and you will enter a DMT trip basically where consciousness will begin to get speed up and you will see some weird ass hallucinations. Then after your brain is completely out of function ..the hallucinations will stop and something from two possibilities will occur .because there isn't a third possibility: 1. Either all of perceptions of any kind will completely disappear and you will enter a state of complete formlessness forever . Or.. 2.another dream/life /experience will magically appear out of nowhere just like how this life appeared. It doesn't matter what are the details of this new experience/lifetime. The only thing that's sure is that there will be consciousness of some sort. I can't think of a third possibility. . The religious belief regarding death doesn't make sense and lacks evidence ..You either go to hell or heaven based on how you did in this life. Everyone know that going to hell is going to be a hell of a ride, and going to heaven is leading to eternal happiness. But, if we go just to suffering and just to joying, are we still ourself? We live as a human beings, we sometimes suffer and be happy, and that what make us complete as a human being, because there is no happiness without suffering, and vice versa. So in conclusion..there is only two possibilities : 1.You die, it's just pitch black, your life just ends there. 2.we die ,we live and born again, or reincarnated as a person in the past or maybe someone we know.. So if you believe this, the chances are I am you, and you must be kind to me and others because we are you.
  12. How do I gain life experience? I'm a 25 year old college student who's on the typical path that my parent's wanted for me: I pretty much already have a job offer in the business field after college. But I can't help but feel like all my life, I've missed out on crucial life experiences that my peers were able to have. I'm still a virgin, and have never really had my first real girlfriend. I'm not exactly ashamed of this as I know this is just my life path..but I want to be more charismatic and comfortable in my skin when I am in my social circles . I want to travel the world, have crazy and exotic life experiences before my body starts to decline from it's physical and sexual peak. But I don't know how. I feel trapped to live a "safe" life. My biggest fear is that I will wake up one day 35 years old and still single, wondering where the time went and why I didn't take advantage of being a healthy, young adult.
  13. What's your favourite quote from Leo? Here's mine :" the biggest mindfuck of life is to realize that death is actually infinite love ". He said it in this video share your favourite quotes from Leo and if you remember from which video it is..then post a link to the video too.
  14. He says I almost in every video ...quite a lot in the forum too
  15. @cjoseph90 sorry for saying that .I apologise. @Federico del pueblo good openers...but a bit too nice and goody-goody? Don't you think ?
  16. @something_else it's just not gonna work in India .I have made up my mind . im gonna get the hell outta here ASAP.
  17. Yeah if she doesn't like fingering. You can use your dick . But who knows ..that's a tremendous existential question that needs years of contemplating and self-enquiries.
  18. @something_else yeah like I said in my mind there is no other solution but to leave to a western country for a while. It's really hard to find sluts (just saying it as it Is) here .
  19. What help do you need ?
  20. @something_else The reason is pretty India, Most of the girls live with their parents up to they get married. If we somehow find a way to talk or mingle with girls, then girls will act like they are not interested…..But they actually are. Also, men are afraid of the girls family members… Dating is not a big thing here. We can’t just meet up a girl and ask for a coffee. Of course, these same girls do dating outside of India. So, It’s pretty hard to be in a relationship with a girl you don’t have access to( I mean you must work together and things like that) For example, you can have a conversation with a girl in your class, or your neighbor etc. But it’s really hard to start a conversation with a girl you just met outside of your daily routine. People outside of India ask for a date and then they eventually get to a relationship in this kind of times. Also, If we try to get to know their name etc etc…they will just slap us away because for them that is flirting, sexual harassment, Sexual assault etc etc…. That's why I'm considering moving to a western country for a month or two .
  21. Consciousness didn't create itself . All there is ,is consciousness and full stop .nothing more .nothing less . We don't know where consciousness came from. Because it didn't actually come from anywhere. Nowhere in the universe it is written that consciousness creates itself . That's just a fantasy of yours . All of that is conceptual mumbo-jumbo. Its pure fantasy and has nothing to do with how reality actually is .
  22. Yeah man it sucks but I can't make excuses. I never had a girlfriend in my entire life and it's not hard for me to get one but I'm an introvert and cringe while talking to people. yep with girls more. it's not I don't like them I like them but most of the time I make them cringe . Just few days ago I was at rajouri garden Metro Station(a place in India) and a girl started looking at me. I stared her too but then I thought she likes me and oh snap i approached her . Here is my conversation with her Me :I like you She :oh I'm not interested (think like a Victoria secrets angel) noh u can go please leave and don't waste my time. Me (my voice was shaking) :okay thanks My body overheated and I left like I was a plastic body And here could be a different scenario if I did this in western countries Let's assume that too Me : hey I like you She : OK I'm sorry but I'm dating someone I'm really sorry. Me:no it's okay She : but nice try though I think you can find someone Me : thanks There's a big difference in Indian girls and western girls A big mentality difference I have anxiety and depression and I thought I would be happy if I find some friends or girlfriend. These days I'm trying to approach guys also ..but not for gay purposes (non-sexual intent ). But just to make some friends. Because I currently have zero friends. And that sucks .if we don't mention the online friends of course like people on this forum etc. I consider myself a friend of Leo and that makes proud of myself. I'm a friend of god hehe ?
  23. @Galyna nah I'm not gonna start a new thread in the spirituality section. I'm out for ideas for now . But you are welcome to jump in ,in this topic . What do you think is the perfect opener when talking to girls ? I wanna hear it from a female perspective. What you find attractive and what you find cringey?