Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. I hope this isn't against forum guidelines and the "no sourcing" policy. If it is ..then feel free to lock it ,O moderators!. It seems like weed is the only substance I can obtain in India. Even though it's also illegal like psychedelics. But I have heard that there are weed dealers here .not sure where to find them. It seems like everyone in the world has easy access to weed except for me. I always felt weird about asking to buy some so I never asked. I have a very limited amount of friends and none of them really smoke regularly. I’ve read some people say to go to a college campus and ask around. That seems super risky for me to go around asking random students. Knowing my luck I’d either be laughed at and made fun of at best or get in trouble with campus security at worst. I joined a weed group on Facebook and made a post saying I lived in India , and was looking to find weed dealers .Only one person commented and said I was probably a cop. I’m kind of socially awkward so going around trying to make a bunch of friends seems not only difficult but time consuming. Like all I wanna do is meet up with someone, buy it, and leave. I’d literally be the easiest customer ever. A couple days ago I messaged someone on FB who I went to school with who posts about smoking weed all the time and I messaged him and asked to buy some and all he said was “I don’t sell” so I just assumed he wasn’t going to give me his dealer’s number so I didn’t pry. Or should I simply get the fuck out of India to places where its legal and easily obtained?
  2. "God-realization" is a term coind by Leo himself. So naturally he is the only one teaching it .
  3. What's the point of having an orgasm without ejaculation? Seeing the semen just bursting out of your dick head is a pleasure into itself.
  4. @Gesundheit2 it would be more beneficial when you link something to me to give a brief explanation of it or why are you linking it and In what context or which post of mine that made you link it . I watched that video before .I guess its about language and the limitations of language and something like that . Are you implying that I have problems in my style of using language? Or something else? Please explain.
  5. @Razard86 I'm very happy that you are done.
  6. @Godishere yes you got it . Non duality teaches that consciousness is the only actual existence. This is obviously quite different from the understanding of the solipsist. Solipsism is a theory holding that I can know nothing but my own modifications and that I am the only existent thing. It is like saying, I exist but everyone else could just be my dream. There is a definite “me” and “other” duality in solipsism. Nonduality is that there is no other. In fact, the “I” is also a fiction of thought. “My own modifications” are part of the illusion of duality. There is no “me” or “my”. Duality is an illusion…there is only nonduality and no other.
  7. God is Both form and formless. Since God is unlimited, He cannot be limited to being either formless or having a form. Since God is everything, He must possess both form and formlessness. God is unlimited, and His form, consisting of eternity, knowledge and bliss, is also unlimited. Usually form is defined by limitations in space, so an unlimited form is inconceivable to us. It would be the same as formless. Still, for the simple reason that one cannot love the impersonal, unlimited feature of God. One can only love a person. Therefore we say that God is both the formed world and impersonal formless at the same time . You can't escape this problem. You can't lean towards one or another (form or formless). It's both .
  8. Right now, you are probably sitting on a chair, using a mouse or a keyboard that is resting on a desk ..all these things are solids. Something is described as a solid if it can hold its own shape and is hard to compress (squash). Once again (this is the third time now )..where are you going with this whole conversation? What's your overall point ? Please explain. Or I might stop responding to you.
  9. Solipsism is defined as "only the self is real". And that's exactly correct .the Self is all there is. There is nothing but the Self . The whole trick is how do you define the Self .if you take it to be the human self ..that's just a wave in the ocean. The Self is the entire ocean. We are all the same being.
  10. Nor getting what ? Please explain your point /points fully in your next reply because as I said I'm starting to forget what this whole conversation is about . Being a physical object with physical volume and mass and inertia and all the physical qualities.
  11. Of course they are ungraspable. They are "mental objects ". They are abstract rather than concrete. Not everything has to be a physical object to be considered a form. Being a specific form means it must be limited .so yes .a cat is a cat and not a dog .and a dog is a dog and not a cat . Ultimately reality is unlimited. It's infinite in all directions and dimensions. But it consists of limited things .those limited thing add up without a beginning or end to then compose an infinite reality. BTW I'm starting to lose track of this conversation that we are doing here would you mind explaining what it is exactly that you are trying to get at from all these questions? Or what is your overall point that you are trying to make?
  12. @Razard86 thoughts are forms, aren't they? Whether you're thinking in images, or symbols, or in abstract concepts..or your mind is just chattering aimlessly all involves the creation of some sort of mental forms. So, the reason thought is incapable of grasping Ultimate Reality, is that thought is form and form cannot get hold of formlessness. In fact, in a certain sense, form actually hides formlessness. If you're trying to see white light, but you're always wearing colored glasse..well, you're never going to see the white light, are you? You may be looking right at the light, but you still won't be able to see its whiteness, because the light will take on whatever color your glasses are. It's the same when you're trying to apprehend the formless nature of Ultimate Reality. If you're always looking for formlessness through form, how are you ever going to see formlessness?
  13. The same ineffable substance out of which everything is made out of. Thoughts are no exception. The cold harsh truth Is that nobody fucking knows what it is . It's pure being .nothingness. pure magic. But these are just words .
  14. It's not mental masturbation. You see the issue here ? Is you don't take these kind of topics seriously. You think it's just a waste of time and it won't change how reality is . But that's completely false. These kind of realizations/deep awakenings/insights are what's mandatory to live a deep satisfying existence . But if you're satisfied with your hard nosed skeptic materialist type of mentality..then by all means..go for it . Thanks for the conversation anyways. Cheers!
  15. First, there is no past. After all, that’s what “past” means .. it’s gone. Yes, we have memories, but however useful for doing things, our memories are only that. They are not the past. There is no past. Similarly, there is no future. By definition, it has not yet arrived. We have our fantasies, which are projections of our memories, but fantasies are not the future. So, there is no future. That leaves us with now. How short (in time) is “now?” Well, it’s pretty darned short. It’s gotta be shorter than a second, because the first part of the second is already gone before we get to the end of it. So, if we cut it in half, and then cut that in half, and keep doing this until the cows come home, we’ll still be snipping away at that little bit of time. Here’s the truth: “Now” is so small that it is not only unmeasurable, it is analogous to a “point” in space. It has no duration. But you are failing to grasp the obvious. This clearly shows who's "noob " and who's not when it comes to basic spiritual knowledge. And I basically agree .I never said you were or will be in present. You are ever-present in present. Try to understand the point first before you go disagreeing with no basis.
  16. @Gesundheit2 are either awake or not . By doubting the present moment you show that you are completely lost in fantasy land .it's gonna take you years of work to achieve full awakening/liberation (if you even care about them ,I doubt it ). If you can't even get that the present moment is not a concept . The present is all that exists in our experience of time. You can not be in the future or in the past. Of course you can dream of the past, or how you imagined it you remember what happened, sort of but you usually have no vivid recollection of being there. You have literally forgotten nearly all your life so far. You can also suppose or guess the future and be even more wrong. You don't even know the hours and days you will have until you die, let alone what will happen in the world and with you in it in that long or short time. All that you have is the present moment, but it is completely real. If you can really be in the present moment and not in your dream or your imagination of it, you are one of the few humans at that moment who are really there. And you will have greater chances of becoming awakened .
  17. @Razard86 the Buddha has taught since the Dawn of time that "form is formlessness. And formlessness is form ".. What do you make of that ? The problem is you imagine a difference between "nothingness " and this very experience that you are having now . Notice that you are imagining " dreamless state " in favor of what's actual (which is the present). You are literally doing it .you are just fantasising. form is what we live out as an incarnation. Somewhere along the line in that story, we awaken. We begin to realize we are not only the incarnation, that there is more to us than meets the eyes, and we begin to realize that the more that we think we are, we are. That leads us to re-look at our experiences and to open to new experiences that allow us to enter into other planes of consciousness, other perspectives, other ways of looking at it. But you seem so stuck in your perspective. @Cykaaaa fair enough .Im full of it .
  18. Since it is a definite point (or period) in time, the present isn't really relative. However, it IS subjective to the time span that the person is referring to i.e. the length of the present period of time. "Present time" could refer to the current second, minute, hour, day, the present week, month, year, decade, century, millennium, age, period, epoch, era, eon, etc. So at this very second, I am in the present moment... Now, that moment has passed and is part of the past, but I am still in this present minute... (1 hour later)... I am still in this present day! ... and so on. Got it ? When did I say in this thread that I'm enlightened?
  19. This depends on what do you mean by "taking them seriously ". What I mean is I'm sure of them .they are not just ideas .they have become a living reality for me . ing? Like what's the difference between that and becoming relatively conscious of that same thing, or some other thing(s It means simply that you are 100% certain about them .because it's direct experience. You are absolutely conscious of this screen right now. The present moment is not a paradigm .it's the background upon which all paradigms appear and disappear. Notice that you don't have to "believe " in the present moment. It's prior to all of that . does not create truth. I agree .it's the other way around . Truth creates overconfidence. You Don't need the Internet to realize that the present moment is all that exists How ? Of course. Who told you I'm here to teach you or anybody else?I'm just sharing my thoughts with community .I make two kinds of threads if you haven't noticed . Question threads and what you call "teaching " threads .which are really just me sharing my insights in hope for feedback or in hope it can help someone in their spiritual quest. It won't make sense to you unless you have some awakening experiences.
  20. I mean how hard it is to understand? THIS right here is all there is ..the present moment is all there is . Have you ever experienced anything other than here and now ? What is "death " but a belief? What are "others " but something you are imagining? I'm not asking you to believe me or take me for my word. Look and see for yourself in your own direct experience. Is this guy talking nonsense or is it literally actually true ? I get it though ..just because I haven't taken psychedelics then I have no credibility in talking about spirituality or metaphysics? That's a limitation that I don't buy into. I mean I'm not coming up with quantum mechanics theory here..I'm pointing out something extremely obvious but often overlooked ...the only thing one can be absolutely, 100% sure is that “I am” or “I exist”. You cannot doubt that because there must be someone or something to ask this question. As what I exist .. that is something to be found, though. Experiences are real. Can you image any experience that is unreal? The question is about interpreting these experiences. We can call interpretations of experiences unreal or illusory because they are a product of the mind. They are merely ideas, not our direct experience anymore. Therefore, existence is real. In fact, it is all there is. All experiences and all ideas appear in existence, including this idea. So how hard to believe that these are genuine insights?
  21. I take my insights seriously because I've become absolutely conscious of them. So when I said I've become conscious that everything is imaginary or that death is imaginary or that the present moment is all there is...I'm 100% certain of these things. The problem is you are not open to the possibility of awakening. You think we are just kidding here. Awakening is a very real thing and many sages throughout history have awoken to the same existential truths (Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Ramana maharishi etc). Misunderstandings can happen because we don't think alike. Words can be misinterpreted and actions can be misunderstood. Many times, we don't look beyond what has been said and done and this leads to conflicts .Being misunderstood can deeply hurt and it equally hurts if you feel someone you respect has intentions to cause harm. In any situation, we need to look at such situations with an open, accepting, and forgiving mind. Anyways ..I hope that our future interactions in the forum are gonna be decent and healthy . Good luck in your journey. Whatever it may be .
  22. @Razard86 no I completely understand. That wasn't the part of disagreeing with him because he thinks realizing that the separate self is illusory is all that there is to enlightenment. And I was simply telling him there is much more . Regarding your comment is both real and unreal. Since everything is in a flux and nothing is permanent, the world is unreal. Even science says that what appears as true is not the reality. But the observer of the change is permanent. But everything has a temporary reality. For example, if I am hungry, I cannot just say that my hunger is a dream. It has a temporary reality. Hunger has to be satisfied. But hunger is not permanent reality. As, soon as I eat, hunger is gone. But the entity who was hungry and ate food is still there. It is permanent. So, experience is impermanent but the experiencer is permanent. Everything in the world is unreal except the Self. This Self is God. This is spiritual knowledge.
  23. @Gesundheit2 I mean we used to be good friends at the beginning of my arrival on this forum. I even asked for you to come back when Leo banned your previous account and we used to PM each other and it was all nice. What happend lately ? Why are you being trollish in your behavior with me ? And not just with me ..I see that with almost everyone in the forum . No wonder you've been banned from the forum numerous times in the past .but you always come back . Why ? What are you getting from this forum ?if the " reality is dream paradigm " doesn't resonate with you then why are you wasting your time on this forum arguing with me and Leo and everyone else about it ? And in going back to the subject of this thread. we are immortal Souls. Unfortunately, we do not realize what is enlightenment. Enlightenment is overcoming ignorance. The goal of enlightenment first of all, is liberation from misery on earth, from the pain of the body, misery of the mind, agony of the ego. The goal of enlightenment is liberation from rebirth. And when there is liberation from rebirth, the goal is immortality, the goal is unification with the Divine. If you are at stage orange in your development (basically buying into a materialist metaphysics) then why are you bothering yourself trying to "debunk " enlightenment and mysticism? You could do better .
  24. @Gesundheit2 "Oh I'm such a smart ass being a skeptic of everything taught in this forum ". ..that's the vibe I get from you bro. I am ONLY answering just to help interested people come out of many misconceptions . From what I understand, once one realizes the Self meaning that you are no longer identified with anything that changes (like the mind or body) then everything else is gravy. When you realize that you are that nondual awareness both transcendent and immanent in all creation then you see that you've always been and will always be "immortal". But not you as a human personality, you as that fundamental awareness beyond all description. That is perhaps more accurately eternal rather than immortal. we all exist as eternal sparks of divinity experiencing endless forms and realities in some sort of continuity which enlightenment gives us conscious control over, but all of that still happens within the Absolute or the Self. If you actually "do the work " instead of mentally masturbating and being so full of yourself doubting this stuff will realize that you are not the body .this is ABC spirituality #101. How could you be the body when it's always changing ? Science tells us the every 10 years all of our cells get replaced by new ones. So how can you be the same body throughout the course of your life. You are that which is aware of the body. This will take you just 30 minutes everyday 9f practicing meditation to realize. But unfortunately you are not doing the work to awaken . You are just here to doubt everything and everyone. Which is kinda sad to see.
  25. The false identity will die(the human body ) The real you (consciousness/being/nothingness) will never die . I love this quote by Sri Nisargadatta maharaj :"the real will never die .the unreal never lived ".