Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. My question is why ? What is preventing that? I did some experiments on my nightly dreams by counting my fingers and noticing that they don't add up to five.I can recognise that I'm dreaming. I can enter a state of lucid dream and once I'm lucid in the dream then I can change how the dream unfold .and I can literally imagine ANYTHING into existence. But why can't I do the same with the waking reality ? Is there a fundamental metaphysical difference between the waking state and the dream state that makes it impossible to modify?
  2. I need a shortcut bro .ain't got no patience anymore ? Maybe I'm just trying to spiritually bypass the work I have to do in myself. Instead I'm fantasising about magical woo woo shortcuts.
  3. Yes I understand. So my own will is interfering with my own will . My question is why? I can't imagine a different universe filled with hot super models pleasing me sexually because I'm busy imagining this current universe? So I need to first erase this whole universe entirely and start again from scratch? Because once I imagined this universe and convinced myself that its reality then I must play by it's rules that I myself have imagined ?
  4. I would but I couldn't How exactly? Describe the method. Give me a scientific method to test it out .
  5. @Vibroverse so once we are stuck in this dream then that's it ? We are bound by the limitations of the current dream ? So we basically need a reset button to start a freshly new dream altogether?
  6. That's BS for me . If God is all powerful..and I'm god ..then I can materialise anything I wish into existence..just like how I am imaging this whole fucking world right now ..but it seems like once you imagine a world and live through it for a decent period of time becomes a rigid and solidified dream that have rules which cannot be broken by the same imagination .
  7. Isn't I the creator of the entire dream ? And every other person is a "dream character " in my own imagined world ? But you are saying I'm a dream "who " is dreaming me ?
  8. Hold on a second ..lemme try ... Nah it didn't work
  9. Can you manifest a hot girl to have sex with just by imagining it into existence?
  10. Nice view . tbh though. .the Islamic paradise beats em all
  11. It translates into "Emptiness". It's different than cessation or complete lack of experience or phenomenon. It's a mode of perception, a way of looking at experience. It adds nothing to, and takes nothing away from, the raw data of physical and mental events. You look at events in the mind and the senses with no thought of whether there’s anything lying behind them. This mode is called emptiness because it is empty of the presuppositions we usually add to experience in order to make sense of it: the stories and worldviews we fashion to explain who we are and the world we live in. Although these stories and views have their uses, the Buddha found that the questions they raise..of our true identity and the reality of the world outside..pull attention away from a direct experience of how events influence one another in the immediate present. Thus they get in the way when we try to understand and solve the problem of suffering.
  12. Buddha was not a nihilist in the western sense of the word. However in terms of spirituality, his philosophy comes under nihilism. Let me explain: The western nihilism says that life is meaningless because ultimately everyone has to die and no matter how much we try we won’t get anything superior out of our lives. It also rejects all religious principles as well as moral principles. Buddhism believes that the whole problem of suffering is due to our desires and thus in order to eliminate sufferings we have to take care of desires. This, in fact, is also what vedas say or what koran and bible says. what differs is the solution provided by different philosophies. Buddhism says that in order to end the sufferings (and thus become blissful) one has to end the desires. It says that when one stops all the material desires then one becomes free and can experience sunyata(void) . the all pervading bliss .
  13. Yeah .The Buddhist concept of heaven and hell is entirely different from that in other religions. Buddhists do not accept that these places are eternal. It is unreasonable to condemn a man to eternal hell for his human weakness but quite reasonable to give him every chance to develop himself. From the Buddhist point of view, those who go to hell can work themselves upward by making use of the merit that they had acquired previously. There are no locks on the gates of hell. Hell is a temporary place and there is no reason for those beings to suffer there forever. The Buddha's Teaching shows us that there are heavens and hells not only beyond this world, but in this very world itself. In fact he called life suffering. Pure suffering .even the pleasures of this world are misery for him. To me Buddha went to understand reality and leaned towards ending It in all possible ways (because he saw only the evil aspect of life ). While Jesus and Mohammed went to understand reality and leaned towards the maximisation of happiness and pleasure. Because they saw that existence is inherently good .
  14. The entire universe exists inside your consciousness. Where else could it be ?
  15. Forgot one ..the neo-advaitan's heaven: Heaven is what is .
  16. Most of us are under the illusion that consciousness is localised inside the body or the brain or behind your eyes . But that's just simply an illusion. If you study your direct experience carefully enough will realize that consciousness extends to the whole bubble of perceptions that you are experiencing right now .the problem is you identify yourself with your physical body .which is only a small portion of the entire experience. You are the entire experience that you are experiencing right now. So if you're experiencing seeing a tree over there are the tree ..consciousness is localised in the tree itself not in your eyes .you don’t actually see the tree with your eyes see the tree exactly in the place which it is occurring in . what you think is the world out there is actually you. The problem is you think there is me here and a world there and me is looking at the world. That's duality. The observer is the observed. And this is meant literally. What you think is a screen right now that is being perceived by you via a medium of perception system (eyes) is actually what you are. You are not looking at the screen right now. You are the screen. And this is the case for any other duality. You and your thoughts are actually one thing. You and your feelings are actually one thing. Meaning there is no you that is feeling feelings.. The feelings are what you are. Evident by when there are no feelings there are no feeler as well. Similarly when there is no perceiver there are no perceptions. And since there is in fact no duality between the perceiver and the perceived.. There is neither a you nor a world out there.. There is one unbroken actuality. And this is it. In this actuality there is actually no "you" and no "other". If you try to pin point where or what exactly is" you" in direct experience and what is or where exactly is "other" you will fail miserably. Because this boundary is completely imaginary. It's all one thing. There is no you right here perceiving a world out there. It's all here. Here is there. You is the world. So what you call other people are literally you. The entire actuality of what's showing up in consciousness right now is you. Not just what you are identified with as your body. The entire field of consciousness is you. From this place there is neither you nor a world as two separate things. There is only what is. And what is.. Is one unbroken actuality with no divisions. you are literally the entire world. You are the totality of what is.
  17. @Carl-Richard Yes exactly. notice that any philosophical scheme that you are trying to box reality in doesn't hold water . Whether it be materialism,idealism, solipsism etc. We don't need to explain the first order phenomenon (the raw experience of consciousness) with something less fundamental (philosophical schools )which are just thoughts and conceptual noise .
  18. Actually, both idealism and physicalism fail the razor. Why would you assume that reality is "physical " or "mental " instead of it being undefined and indefinable? You don't actually know what reality is .so the simplest explanation is that reality is exactly what's taking place in your consciousness right fucking now and that's it .Full stop. We don't need any philosophical school to explain it away . But let's debate physicalism and idealism..the simpler theory is the one with less numerous or less complex premises than its competitor, and should therefore be selected based on its Syntactic simplicity. two theories (A and B)... and suppose that theory B has one extra premise. Because theory B adds a premise without adding explanatory power, we should prefer theory A for the sake of Elegance. While this example easily illustrates how one theory is more elegant than another,and that of reality being only what you're directly conscious of right now .so if we have to choose between physicalism and idealism..then idealism is our best guess using the razor .but if we truly wanna cut the shit and use the razor effectively..then no epistemic system is required at all as I mentioned in OP. Reality is just what is .prior to all philosophical schools .
  19. Imaginary is just another word for conceptual. You don't appreciate how much of your reality is actually fantasy and imagination vs actual. . It's impossible to prove an objective external world outside of your imagination due to the nature of conscious experience only having the ability to exist as experience. Consciousness is all you have to prove a world. So you are always using consciousness as the actual substance of inquiry and you cannot step outside of consciousness to verify is something outside of consciousness. When you give your back to the world your mind assumes there is a world behind you.. You do this because you need to create reality.. Because If you don't create it.. It doesn't exist. If you stop assuming anything on top of what is "actual".. You would see the only actual thing is nothing. You think the phone that you are holding is actual.. It's not.. There is no phone.. Each moment there is a changing appearance but your mind comes in and create out of this groundless flow an illusion of "object". There are no objects. Each moment you are holding a new phone.
  20. Congrats bro. I'm happy for you I would say just be yourself and don't be nervous. Treat her like she is already your spouse. With confidence and man-to-woman eye contact . Eye contact can be a great tool for flirting because it's super intimate and makes a nonverbal statement. Think for a second about how much prolonged eye contact you usually hold with people. It's somewhat rare, right? Holding your date's eye contact for a bit longer than you would a friend's can be a sweet and sexy way to say, "I like you".
  21. Two explanations for the same phenomenon could be more complex or simple than each other. For example if you have a stomach explanation is that you ate something unhealthy or unclean ..another explanation is that there is an invisible demon lives in your gut that's causing you the stomach ache. Using the razor we go with the first explanation because it carries less unjustified assumptions. We should eliminate unnecessary elements that would decrease an explanation's efficiency.
  22. @xbcc have you heard of sexual transmutation? Sexual energy is creative energy . You can use all that lust and channel that energy into spirituality, work ,exercise or anything you want ?.