Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. Because its boring being in God mode and having magical powers to literally imagine anything you want into existence. So you have put some limits on yourself so that you can cosplay as human to experience maximum diversity of emotions and experiences. In God mode you are omnipotent and you can have whatever you want just by imagining it into existence. In the human form you have to struggle to get the goodies.
  2. Of course there are levels of Consciousness bro .are you telling me that a drunk person's Consciousness is the same as a sober persons Consciousness? Consciousness is our perception of cognitive events and stimulus. Every perception in life is a different cognitive event. There are as many types of consciousness: Quark Consciousness is a bit too hectic. Proton Consciousness is so lonely. Atom Consciousness is downright dervishly dizzying. Molecule Consciousness is Hungry Hippos for electrons. Cell Consciousness is certainty of a unique intent. Body Consciousness is sufficient individuality. Body/Mind Consciousness is sentience. Body/Mind/Self Consciousness is human. Self Predominates Consciousness is enlightenment. Self Predominates Sensory Input Consciousness is God Consciousness. Self Solely Seen Consciousness is Unity Consciousness. Self Without Witness Consciousness is BRAHMAN. Standard neuroscience says there are three ordinary ones: wakefulness, non-REM sleep, and REM sleep. However, by any rational standards, what’s called Stage sleep is its own state. Most people don’t even realize it’s sleep; it’s the period where you’re still dimly aware of the outside world, are fighting off sleep, and your thoughts are running off the rails into nonsense. The only reason it’s not listed with the other three is that it’s too transitory to study well. Another distinct state that isn’t listed that almost everyone experiences at least a few times is the disorientation upon being awakened from deep sleep. It’s called “sleep drunkenness” if its pathological, but I know of no name for the ordinary version. The number of aberrant states of consciousness is large. Your SOC is determined by the individual levels of four brain chemicals (histamine, acetylcholine, norepinephrine, and serotonin) and there are many more possible combinations of levels than the ones that create the states I’ve mentioned. Back to are GOD .Full stop. You are God cosplaying as a human .you have infinite creative potential. You could literally create entire worlds in a finger snap .but you have deliberately denied that possibility from your current dream/human existence to make it more challenging and interesting. Because if you are in God mode are infinite and eternal and you have everything that could ever possibly be created .so its kinda boring .so you have disconnected yourself from God mode to experience duality
  3. Desiring nothing .wanting nothing .needing nothing .being complete and wholly content with the here and now ..with whatever God gives to you ?.
  4. Like I said you are still creating duality between what you call "the image "and infinite consciousness. If there is only one substance in existence..namely consciousness..then there can't be stuff that outside or separate from it .the ego is not God. But God is the ego .as God is everything .so the ego has the power to awaken to its nature as infinite power and intelligence. And here is where manifesting comes into place . Because everything you ever wanted exists within absolute infinity. You have to only enter God mode and bring it forth . Thoughts seed manifestations, but the only thing you can physically manifest with thoughts alone are of your own body. You can make yourself sweat, you can create new neural connections and trigger biochemical reactions by what you think. You cannot sit in a room, alone, in the dark, and manifest objects in the palm of your hand if that is what you mean. Nor can you, under those same conditions, cause change in the external world. But that's only because you are in finite limited hunan form at the moment. All it takes is changing your state of consciousness to become infinite and omnipotent. Then magic can happen.
  5. Sorry I'm not playing this "dictionary" game .the ego is simply the sense of separate self. That Is well known in all spiritual circles. And the neo-advaita teaches that the ego is completely illusory. And that's simply false . I choose the words, then I type them out on my keyboard.Then I edit and hit post.It was all certainly seems like I am doing all this.But is that really true?How did I choose this answer? I don’t know.Why do these words occur to me? I don’t know.How do I move my fingers on the keyboard to type this out? I don’t know that either.Somehow, someway all of it is just happened. And yet, the neo advaita nonsense teaches that this Self doesn't exist .This is the great misunderstanding: it’s not whether the self exists, but rather what is the nature of the real self? Clearly, there is something or someone here that is aware of what is happening, of words being thought and written.Call it awareness, consciousness, or knowing. And this is the distinction: The true you is the awareness that observes every thought, feeling, sensation, and experience. This awareness isn’t anything in and of itself: it has no color, sound, smell, taste, or feeling. It is formless and invisible. And yet it’s there. OK. I think it's time to tell you to go get wasted because you are talking about me and what I know and what I don't know based on what? Do you know me ?I don't even have to prove to you how much spiritual work I did because it's unimaginable amounts. And it's something you will never comprehend. I have fully deconstructed my entire sense of reality and all of my false beliefs until all I'm left with is pure Truth . So spare me your "I'm better than you, you don't know, but I know " silly little game because I'm not gonna engage in this BS .and don't reply me to this post because I'm not gonna waste my time responding to you once again because you don't care about truth or understanding. All you care about is being right and debating endlessly. The ego is consciousness. Since everything is consciousness. Full stop .nothing more needs to be added . Again I have to tell you to stop your arrogant ass tone (you don't know me ).so spare me again your judgement of my understanding. Yes I'm talking about the law of attraction. It works. What you send out is what you get back. Your frequency determines the reality you will experience. Your vibration of being activates the Law of Attraction in a specific way, making the things in your life appear a certain way, as a reflection of what you "send out ". Don't reply to this post (or do if you wish ).because I'm not gonna continue playing your stupid little game of trying to outsmart each others.
  6. Neo-advaita is the branch of spirituality that focuses too much on the Buddhist concept of anatman or "no self ". Some modern teachers of this style of spirituality are people like Tony parsons and Jim Newman and @VeganAwake. Again depends on how do you define the ego .If you define it as a unicorn then it doesn’t exist .however if you define it as the body-mind organism .then it does exist. Without an wouldn't even know who's shoes to put on in the morning. You Obviously you don't know me and how spiritualy developed I am. And I'm gonna prove this right now by not even engaging in this "I'm right ,you are wrong " childish debate that you are trying to push me towards. Again you are falling into neo advaita nonsense with these kind of questions .I think it's ridiculous to police ourselves to such a degree that we avoid any use of words like "we " and "me "..these words exist in all languages in the worlds because they are corresponding to something. You are creating a duality here .ego VS consciousness .the ego IS consciousness. Since there is only one substance out of which everything is made. I manifested online friends. A job offer .and good grades in my university course. it works like magic. You just have to believe in it that it's already done. You don't have to be desparate for the wish you had asked or doubt on it, just feel it that it's already yours and detach yourself by handing your wish to the Universe . That's how it works.
  7. I like the analogy of the words on the screen. If by the words you mean individual egos .and by the screen you mean our true ultimate nature as pure consciousness itself .that can never die.was never born .doesn't come from anywhere and doesn't go anywhere. It's always in its eternal static absolute state which is not even a "state " but again, that's the limits of language. However, you still create a subtle duality with this analogy..that is ..of the words AND the screen .its like we have two things here .and nondual understanding says that there is only one thing in existence. Which is existence itself with no divisions . So we must at the ultimate analysis agree that the words are indistinguishable from the screen . And the words can awaken to their ultimate nature as just pure screen.because the screen is reality. Like what Robert Adams says "all appearance are like moving pictures on the eternal screen of consciousness " When it comes to manifesting things into existence..we first have to have some degree of awakening. To recognize that we are absolutely infinite. And everything that we ever wanted is already contained in infinity. But we have to tap into our infinite power and infinite intelligence to be able to manifest our dreams . And finally i will just leave this quote here by Robert Adams "
  8. I'm not sure that consciousness has absolutely no limits at all when It comes to logical paradox like a square circle etc .it has to be infinite. But remember..some infinities are larger than others. For example if we take all the real positive numbers ..that's infinity .yet if we include the negative real numbers ..that's also infinity. But its a "larger " infinity. So consciousness can be infinite while at the same time have logical impossibilities like something that can't exist by it's definition because its definition is self-contradictory .like a square circle. I don't agree that we just have to surrender and let life flow .that should happen at the end of our life .we are young guys (me and you). I assume you are something in your late 20s or early 30s..we have some shit to do .don't you want to earn tons of money? Fuck hot girls? Travel the world ? Buy luxury items ? Smoke a bunch of weed and go to parties with cool people? We all have dreams and desires we aspire to .and it's our job and responsibility to make them happen in the flesh . You are falling into the neo-advaita trap.this is a very reductionist and simplistic view that its almost useless .It is not so black and white when it comes to the existence of the separate self or the ego . There is no simple answer. I would say, both yes and then no. We exist. Don't we? Right here in this forum there is someone who has asked this question, and another person giving an answer. You wouldn't say that the question and the answers are illusions, would you? We are all different beings.. we are individuals. And as individuals we have a “self” that defines our individuality, resulting in a feeling of separateness. So self is real and not an illusion. If I pinch you, you will feel the pinch, not I. What's it that makes us feel separate? What's it that gives us a feeling of self-existence and distinguishes us from others? When we think about this very deeply, we come to understand that we are just a consciousness of some kind. This consciousness presently resides in a body and identifies itself as the body. It believes it is the body and protects the body, protects the personality. I’ve been studying manifestation for a year now, and I’ve been able to manifest. I’m not an expert on it yet, but here are some stuff that seems to be working for me. The feeling, the vibration you are in, is everything it seems. When you visualize what you want, your feelings/vibration will be completely different than what you have now. It’s usually a bit of joy at first, but more neutral, calm and confident. I think this is the secret, to channel yourself to have this vibration constantly (living in the end result). That’s also the tricky part, because you have deny the 3D physical world constantly, and remove yourself from a feeling of lack or even desiring what you want, you just have to be in a state of “I have it already, this is great.” It’s almost feel like im brainwashing myself at times, by denying the 3D world, and living in imagination. Pretending I have it before I have it, and not breaking character. It’s almost psychotic haha. But, you have to really buy your own dream, you know? You have to really believe and have faith that it’s already yours, that you’re already it. When you question where it is, why isn’t it here, or whatever lack, you actually cancel the spell in its process. You just have to “let it go” and believe you already have it, and don’t question it, just be it. Because the world around you is made by you, there's a sense of intuition, or calmness with decision. Every prophet, every teacher (even me) is your subconscious playing itself out. Everything is your subconscious, and your intuition is your guidance. If you had all the money in the world without working for it, and everything you could ever desire, I bet you would just relax and do something fun all the time. There is no work, no “I have to get this, study this, work for that,” it’s just simply “flow.” Nothing else. Just enjoying your life. So we have to look at what are the obstacles that prevent us from achieving all our dreams ..most of them are mental/psychological..not physical.
  9. I can't make peace with the here and now .I can't help it.i tried all the meditation and letting go techniques .didn't work. I'm not satisfied with my current experience of life .it just plain sucks . Yes's not an accident that we live in this particular era .but it's also not our conscious choice .I don't remember that I have chosen to exist in today's world . You didn't choose your birth as this particular human.. In this particular world.. In this particular part of the world.. In this particular Era.. To this particular family.. With this particular genetics.. With this particular gender.. With this particular look.. Yada didn't choose the language that you are speaking.. You didn't choose your upbringing.. You didn't choose your cultural conditioning.. You don't choose your heart beat.. You don't choose your thoughts.. You don't choose your actions.. You don't choose your reactions.. You don't choose what you agree with.. You don't choose what you disagree with.. You don't choose your beliefs.. your desires.. your traits your moods.. your habits.. your chances.. your anything lol...simply because you are not real as an individual. you yourself are a thought or at a best a continuity of conditioned thoughts been shaped by your environment. Now in getting back to the whole magical manifesting stuff .. I think that the only hope to be found in scientific advancement and all we can do is to hope that a miracle will happen and that science will advance in the next few Decades what would have taken otherwise a 200 years or something.
  10. Time is an illusion in the sense that It's not an absolute. Time differes depending on the velocity that you are moving on .and in general relativity..if you actually moved by the speed of light your time will stop .and if you move faster than the speed of light you will enter the past .crazy possibilities man. And still. Science is evolving every day exponentially. Who knows what would happen 200 years from now . We will probably have Artificial intelligence robots doing all the boring labor stuff that humans struggle with today . When it comes to manifesting stuff..there are three major points: 1.You have to have a very clear picture in your mind as to what it is you want to manifest. There can be no other add ins at all. Only what you want. 2.You have to feel the emotion associated with the manifestation, I mean really feel the emotion. 3.Thirdly there must be no consideration that the manifestation will not happen, Any negative thought will destroy the outcome. All the above is easy to say, but to do it takes a lot of practice. At the moment I am researching this topic and found interesting articles talking about how can we display our nightly dreams into a video projector. And once we develop this technology..imagine what would happen. If you become experienced in lucid can literally dream up/materialise anything into the video projector. Any many other interesting possibilities. I think magical manifesting will definitely happen in the far future when science and technology advances enough to reach that level .unfortunately tho I don't think it will happen In our lifetime .and that's what makes me upset ?.
  11. Thanks for the feedback. But I think I'm pretty grounded and realistic .I remain skeptical of magical manifesting but I remain open to it at the same time . Like I said if you showed today's technology to a person from 2000 years ago..he will call it magic . So why aren't you able to entertain the idea that in the far far future science will evolve to such a degree that literally it can do miracles. And you can manifest whatever you want just by imagining it into existence. I mean they already have VR simulations right now that are basically indistinguishable from reality. So why wouldn't be possible that in the future You can manifest a new reality. It means visualizing your dreams into reality. And for this, you need to get clarity on what you want . From a source unknown that you can’t even predict you’ll receive your gift from the universe. It’s so hard to explain or to understand until you experience it. But once you do, you’ll be a believer for the rest of your life. You’ll think you’ve been blind all your life and now you can finally see.
  12. You just Said that it's possible. But you didn't explain how. I do know that it's possible..I believe magic is a real thing..but we haven't yet understood all the hidden secrets of the universe to know how it works.
  13. So I incarnated myself in this world so I can have limitations and challenges? But what was I thinking when I decided that ? I must have been drunk or something ?..because who will design a world that have pain and suffering and misery and challenges and little to zero chances of success to live in but a stupid God? I think God should visit a psychiatrist lol.
  14. I'm struggling to understand your point . What do you mean by "everything I want is created "? I think we do not have free will . Something as little and trivial as weather swings can collapse your entire daily plan ..(maybe you planned to go to the beach expecting it to be a sunny day,and suddenly you find out that it's a rainy day and you can't get out ). So we are under the forces of nature . Let alone all this manifesting stuff which has zero empirical evidence that it could work .but I mean I remain open minded to magic and that sort of stuff because what do we really know?..if you talked to a person 2000 years ago that in the future we can have a chat with each other when live in totally distant places in the globe ..he would call that magic. So who knows ..give science a couple thousands years ahead and maybe we will invent a technology that can materialise anything we want into existence. But definitely it's not gonna happen in our lifetime .
  15. You are talking like a materialist and a reductionist. Yes ,magic doesn't make sense under the materialist paradigm..but have you considered that your entire metaphysical understanding is incorrect? Have you take a look at quantum mechanics ? It's pure magic . Look, I'm trained in critical thinking. It’s a constant, daily argument in my head. It really shouldn’t be, because there’s a lot of magic going on, but, well, there’s a lot of magic going on. I will give you two examples..In the first we regard technology, in the second magic: Magic is everything you can’t explain with Science. Arthur C Clarke said that that "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.". Think about your iPhone. Everything about how it works is completely hidden. It just does what it does and you don’t have to think about it. You tell it what to do and it does. Magic. But it’s not: it’s technology based on science as well as magical principles (such as hidden interfaces), because we can explain’s Science. “Cogito ergo sum” means “I think, therefor I am.” But that doesn’t really explain anything, does it? It’s just a cleverly multidimensional circular reference. Sorry if I went off your dictionary with that phrase but magical understanding requires extra vocabulary sometimes!!! I long for a common jargon but alas most wizards make their own languages… but I am getting off track: the point is, y’ain’t got a CLUE why you exist, just know that you do. Science can’t explain your self. You’re magical and therefor magic’s Magic. Existence itself is pure magic. Look at the sunrise ..the birds..the trees ..the stars ..the sea ....I mean I could go on and on's ALL pure fucking MAGIC.
  16. I think that definitely miracles are possible and paranormal abilities are a thing .its been happening throughout history by great sages and enlightened people. So unless you are a hardcore materialist and naturalist and don't believe in woo woo mystical stuff then you can't deny the existence of magical manifesting. Magic is when you break the normal laws of causality to produce an event controlled by you, but not actually caused by anything you directly did. This can occur lots of different ways. Isaac Asimov wrote that “technology sufficiently advanced is indistinguishable from magic.” What most people want to know is actually rather tricky to rigorously define. The domain of causality is immense, and any break in the rules is ‘magic’. The problem with magic is that it’s never practical, this is why you don’t see it all over the place, why there aren’t schools that teach it. .Manifestation is the most interesting form of magic you can learn how to do. It’s where you literally affect reality with your thoughts. But it requires giving up the idea that things are going to happen exactly as you want them. But giving up the idea makes you more powerful. More powerful means you need magic less. So you might be asking right now, if magic is real, why can’t I do it? It’s a valid question. The answer is twofold: first, magic can only work if you believe it can work. You can build the belief but it’s akin to a skill. There’s a lot of little angles to it that you need to pick up. For example the will of other people has to be taken into account. You can override another person’s will and force something to happen but that adds a whole ‘nother layer of complexity. This is why manifesting tends to start off with something simple and easy like finding pennies on the ground. Second, magic is a greater-than-human agency deciding to intercede on the world on your behalf because you wanted it to happen. You have to treat it respectfully because if the greater-than-human agency decides it doesn’t want to do your bidding, it simply won’t.
  17. First of all... It's not possible to distinguish the two.. Unless you go lucid on a dream. But for now.. You can't tell which is which. That is.. You don't know if you are dreaming or awake right now. You might have just woke up from one dream to enter another dream. And this might go on endlessly. Which is interesting because it kinda show that there is absolutely no difference between dream and "reality" in terms of phenomenonal experience. The same thing.. Sights sounds and different kinds of perception are identical. Except maybe in the dream state its kinda unstable and dark.. And there is a huge lack of consistency. All of which are the opposite in the waking state. It's pretty solid and consistent. But dreams only seem inconsistent after you wake up and compare them to the waking world. So it's not highly unlikely that this world too might be highly inconsistent relative to a higher order of reality that you might wake up to. Interesting. The dream argument (similar to simulation theory argument) is that the act of dreaming provides preliminary evidence that the senses we trust to distinguish reality from illusion should not be fully trusted.. and therefore.. any state that is dependent on our senses should at the very least be carefully examined and rigorously tested to determine whether it is in fact reality. But my answer to that is that dreams are all there is. Who said that dreams aren't real? They are 100 %real since we experience them. They are just different kinds of reality. As in they come about (generated) differently than the waking world (as assumed) but they are phenomenally identical as I said. Which means there is no such thing as illusion vs reality. It's all just different kinds of reality
  18. You are exaggerating a bit . Im a pretty stable person physically and psychologically. In this thread I'm just expressing my thoughts and wishes (we all have magical wishes ) and kinda mentally masturbating and venting .just getting some stuff off my chest .it's called expressive journaling. It's healthy .do not take everything I wrote in this thread too seriously or you might get a very wrong idea about me as a person.
  19. Yes I'm learning the lesson .it's gonna take me a while to accept that reality doesn't work in this wishy-washy way that I'm expecting and wanting to be . To get a result you have to put an effort into it. Tbh that kinda suck .I wish I have designed the world in a different way when I was in my god mode prior to creation. But there must be a way to regain that omnipotent omniscient state.
  20. There seems to be contracting views here .on the one hand you say miracles are possible and I do have magical power (you still didn't explain how exactly is that possible). And on the other hand you say it takes work and action . Tbh I'm lazy and lame..I dont want to take action because its pain in the ass .I would rather die than suffer through the tremendous amount of work that it takes to achieve my goals .i want them right here right now .the question that even possible?
  21. I've had few awakenings to the fact that I'm the only conscious person in reality .but they were the opposite of fulfilling. They were quite depressing and bleak. I guess I have changed my mind about my priorities in life .I slided back from my fake stage turquoise to stage orange .I'm now a full on materialist .and a hedonist. All I care about is my little personal happiness. And I'm under the spell that happiness is achieved only by acquiring certain material possessions . All of which I can't acquire in my current life situation. Which make me depressed about it all .that's why I'm trying to find a way out through magic and instant manifesting and that kinda nonsense.
  22. It's true .sometimes you work so hard or look forward to think it will make you happy for good ..but then once you achieve it become disillusioned and disappointed. Just like every time I have an orgasm ..I realize it wasn't that much of a big deal anyways.
  23. I would say that my mind is creating reality in the sense I get the raw data from the external world and then my mind interpreters it to create my bubble of consciousness. That does not equal that I'm willingly creating everything in my experience. For example I'm hungry right now .and that hunger can't be satisfied unless I put food in my body .its not like I can press a button and boom done the hunger will go. I will have to play by the rules of this universe where hunger can only be satisfied by putting food into my mouth . Same with materialising stuff .I repeat to you the same question..if I'm creating reality using my mind ..what ,exactly is preventing me from creating the kind of reality that I want ?
  24. Please teach more .I want to know how to reach those levels of consciousness . You say if I reach an infinite state of consciousness then I will automatically lose interest in manifesting money or sex or such things....does that mean what I'm really after in life is infinite consciousness and total omnipresence but I mistakenly looking for it in these materialistic pursuits?