Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. Take 1 teaspoon, or 3.1 grams, of maca powder daily for 6 to 12 weeks to see the benefits take effect.
  2. Existence =being .and being =Existence. It's a perfect tautology. It's a feature not a bug. Since everything ultimately circles back into itself.
  3. I'm trying to come to terms with an argument I've been having with a friend of mine. I take the position that science is fundamentally objective. I don't think that scientists themselves are necessarily objective, but that science as a whole is objective. I also don't think that science necessarily arrives at the absolute truth. I make the claim, though, that science can reach objective truth. My friend takes a different position. He claims that science cannot be objective as there is always inherent bias. He thinks that science is at least to some degree subjective, that science isn't done in a vacuum so to speak, it's done by people -- people who are laden with social, political, and economic baggage -- and that science is done within an historical context. I've been trying to read up on each side of this debate and it seems quite involved. Can anyone suggest some good arguments from both sides? I want to do this as "objectively" as I can.
  4. Leo no longer teaches no self He teaches "God-Realization " aka solipsism.
  5. I made a post about buying a sex doll and it get locked so I deleted it . So I have some explaining to do ..and I hope you guys can understand, not judge me and try to offer me some help. I don't know what to say, honestly. I am fit and healthy, I consider myself good looking .I take care of myself, I have hobbies/interests, yet here I at 26 and it feels like every woman I ever meet in isn't interested in me in any shape or form. However, my friends are all off getting married, getting engaged and so on, I feel like I'm really missing out on such a huge part of life that I just never got the chance to engage with. The fact that I every time I *put myself out there*, I end up feeling like utter shit because i suck at socializing with people. Especially strangers, especially girls, especially hot ones. Every time i try to approach I get feeling of fear (I think that not approaching is the right descsion to make to stay in my comfort zone) I don't like to press myself on strangers. i cant be anywhere near girls because anything i do is considered "creepy". every other guy is fine but im a "creep" just because the way i come off. ive never harassed anyone i just exist and that a problem. everyone subconsciously wants me to hang myself in the woods and not exist. I'm beginning to get paranoid about it . To put it shortly, bluntly and brutally honest..I just want pussy feel me ? I want have hot sex with hot do I make that happen ? I have no fucking idea .these days I go out every weekend to malls and places where people hang out and I try to approach girls..and even guys (not for gay purposes, but just to make friends) but i always hesitate like a pussy ?. Any advice or clarity appreciated ?.
  6. Here in India..there are still people who literally worship osho . That gives you an idea of who this guy was . This is a famous video of Osho saying that there is no such thing as God. He calls God "the greatest lie invented by man ". Because man feel very helpess .so afraid of death .so burdened by life's problems. So they (people) use the idea of God as a ontological bed to rest their existential troubles on. I mean the guy (supposedly) was one of the wokest human beings ever. If you want to get a taste of how it feels like to see Jesus or Buddha talking..then listen to osho . Still i don't understand why in this video he says that God is a myth. Even though most of his books are filled with talks about God and the divine. I'm confused ?.
  7. Can I do it solo or do I have to join a formal group ? I actually do visit a therapist on a monthly basis and we work through the trauma that I have. Being bullied in school. The fact that I became the man of the house and being responsible at a very young age because of the death of my dad and not having enough fun childhood. We also talk about my addictions .I'm trying to apply his advice..but In the end he cannot do the work for me ..i have to put on the nesscary effort in order to quit .whether it be smoking or any other bad habit that I have.
  8. I smoked 15-20 per day for years. I tried quitting a number of times, on one occasion for a whole year, but kept going back. People tell me There are lots of methods i can use, books, patches, gum, hypnosis etc and i may find some work better for me than others, but I believe none of it will work . My case is very difficult. I need to change my mind-set. I must change from being a smoker who is trying to quit to being a non-smoker. This is fundamental. As long as i regard myself a smoker, i will spend my time fighting the urge to return to type. If i think of myself as a non-smoker who smoked for a while, then reverting to type seems a lot less daunting. @Yarco what I find in smoking is a stress relief. It gives me this high state .I get high off of it .I also adore the smell and taste of nicotine in my mouth and nose . @Roy I do have healthy habits. I actually work out in my home (weightlifting) once every week .but it didn't help me quit smoking. In fact the more I worked out the more I needed something to relax me .and I smoke to chill out and relax .now I understand that there are other ways to relax than to burn my chest with smoking. But it became a habit. I started when I was 16 to impress girls in high school .and it became an addiction. y it can be a good idea to visually collect the money you'd otherwise spend on cigarettes (as in, physically putting cash in a jar every day). This can help you visualise how much money you used to spend on worsening your health, and you can start thinking about better things to invest in from there on. Like a weekend trip in nature or quality time with friends. Of course that's not gonna cure the addiction itself, but it can be a useful habit to support your recovery. It can also be a good idea to get more into health stuff in general. Working out, inproving your diet, starting a new supplement (not a useless one, but something that you know you'll benefit from), skin care, etc. This can set the mood and get you excited about improving your health, and so quitting cigarettes is just one more good thing that you do in support of this new project/attitude. @Judy2Good idea .the ironic thing though is that I do take care of myself and my health besides smoking .I eat a clean diet consisting of high quality vegetables etc .and I work out on a weekly basis. If it wasn't for the smoking thing. .I would have been a very healthy person .but it's almost I have split personality disorder (not really but just as a metaphor ) I have a mix of good habits and bad habits at the same time .im a very confusing and confused person. I think I need more clarity .my father passed away when I was 14 yo. And so I don't have any role models to look up to . How is that gonna help me quit smoking ? Thanks .Will check it out. How is that gonna help me quit ?
  9. No .God is a bitch . if he wanted to..he could have designed a better universe than this shitty one where you don't have to experience pain and hunger and loss.etc.but he chooses not to.
  10. christianity ✝️ : The concept of heaven in the afterlife in Christianity and the bible is so boring and disappointing. You will simply be in the companion of Jesus christ and glorifying the Lord for all eternity. We will be like the angels that hold the throne of God. We will be made of pure light just like angels. And we will praise and glorify God for the rest of eternity. Until the end of time .which of course has no end . If you ask me i would rather go to hell than exist in this boring place forever..that is the heaven as described in the bible . islam ?: When it comes to Islam though..things get a little bit interesting. Heaven in Islam is simply a place for hedonism. Its described as an infinite garden full of all kinds of tasty fruits and other kinds of food (rivers of honey and milk and wine ) all mentioned in the quran ..and the most important part of course is the 72 virgins lol. Muslims believe that in heaven you will engage in eternal sex with heavenly gorgeous women forever without getting tired or bored.and without your dick going numb .you will be in a constant state of sexual excitement until the end of time .which of course has no end . If you ask me ..Mohammed was a genius in his description of heaven to motivate people to follow his religion. Buddhism ☸: finally let's talk about Buddhism .Buddhists have a term for heaven which is called "Nirvana ". Nirvana is the ultimate aim of every serious Buddhist. Nirvana Is simply a complete lack of existence. Pure nothingness. According to Buddhism we live and reincarnate over and over again in this cycle of life and death called "Samsara " and life in Buddhism =suffering. And the root of suffering is our endless desire that can never be satisfied. So we should pursue killing our desire to break out of the cycle of life and Death to enter the sweet nothingness of Nirvana and never ever reincarnate again . If you ask me..Buddhism is a bit of nihilistic religion. When the heaven to them equals ceasing to exist. Then its a pretty depressing view . So what's YOUR view and definition of heaven? Do you even believe in an afterlife ? Can heaven be actualized in this world? And how would you describe your perfect paradise?.
  11. Yeah it's just a story .a way of making sense of reality (which Is completely senseless ). There is no storyline to reality .reality is just spontaneous occurrence. Completely chaotic .
  12. Well fuck god then . If I could only see this motherfucker... Oops ..I just realised i can see him In the mirror
  13. And why it's doing that ? Why can't it just stay in its original state of omniscient and omnipotence? Why is God such a drama queen?
  14. @DocWatts i agree with what you're saying. Although science is never 100% objective..for the reasons you is still by far our best tool to approach as much objectivity as possible. Science relies on objective evidence and accepts no statements about reality to be absolutely and immutably true. So, it uses objective evidence rather than authority to decide between two competing theories. So that's credit specifically for the scientific method. unlike Faith which tries to shoehorn evidence into its fixed beliefs, Science fits ideas to objective evidence. Science is not about the Truth but about true enough. That being said, Science works and allows us to build technology to make our lives easier. You try and build a working satellite network, a functioning helicopter, or, even discover a new treatment for a disease solely relying on the content of sacred texts and Received Wisdom from preachers. Good luck!
  15. @Mu_ I'm actually leaning more towards the postion that science cannot be 100% objective. For the reasons you mentioned and for other reasons as well. Science tries it’s hardest to be objective. It has measures and procedures to make sure that whatever it observes or measures looks the same to all who observe or measure it, on the assumption that if everyone sees the same thing then that thing must be “objectively” true. But it isn’t. Measurements are always a bit off, from one measurer to another. Statistical error exists. An experiment performed few decades later suddenly yields different results than it did when performed previously. A genius comes along proposing his own perception of reality, and suddenly all the previous “laws” and “truths” become wrong and the new perception becomes the “objective truth”. No matter how scientists, being human, resist change - change happens, and change undermines the notion of objectivity. The only place where science is truly objective is in the minds of it’s many worshippers. Still, in the search for “the true truth”, the objective truth, science didn't do much better than religion did in it’s search for the “true God”.
  16. The concept of 'love on the first sight' is another concept that is found in literature of romance genre. Occasionally,people claim of having this feeling or the moment. Is it a real thing? Or is it a 'made-up' reason for getting attracted towards or falling in love with someone when it is impossible to deliver a rational reason? Or is it a variation of the Deja vu phenomenon ? I believe its Made up. An individual finds one attractive by bodily symmetry to what I understand. So, we label an individual attractive and try to describe an intangible feeling with pretty romanticized words by "love at first sight" and "soul mates." Seems to me like a type of personal justification for whom they had chosen. For me that's just a girly thing .like a girly fantasy. like it's gonna find the perfect handsome boy to fall in love with. Its completely different for us guys. We want to basically sleep with every single hot woman we encounter .but girls mostly want one guy. Also girls care more about romance. While guys,all they care About is sex.
  17. I can't take psychedelics unfortunately. They are illegal in my country . But I promise you to write less mental masturbation In the future. This thread was just for fun anyways .
  18. Thanks brother for the suggestions. I heard that "the seven Habits of highly effective people "book is quite popular and powerful one ? Could you give me a brief introduction of what It is about?
  19. Scientists try very hard to be objective. That’s why they do double-blind randomized trials. That’s why they have peer review. That’s why they encourage other researchers to try to replicat their results. But we are humans and subject to bias. Confirmation bias, expectation bias, selection bias, survivor bias, halo effect… there’s practically no limit to the ways humans can be biased. We do the best we can, and learn as we go.
  20. I'll start by trying to move from a state of "knowing nothing" to knowing something by explaining that it's wrong that you know nothing . It's false that you "literally" know nothing. You may know less than you want to know, but if you really "literally" knew nothing, you wouldn't have been able to read this post . Clearly, you understand English grammar and vocabulary, how to operate a computer, how to read etc. My guess is you also know how to dress yourself, how to brush your teeth, and how to tie your shoes. So i want to distinguish between two types of knowledge. Knowledge at the 1st order and knowledge at the 2nd order .knowledge at the first order is at the level of being .and we don't know anything in that domain .we just observe things and experience them .but we don't know what they are existentially. So for example you can experience the can look at it can read thousands of science textbooks describing the sun and you still won't know what it is at the level of being. And that is simply because reality is irreducibley mystical and unknown. However that doesn't mean we don't know relative stuff .like we know scientifically how big the sun is's's gravitational pull on the earth and so forth .but we don't know what the sun is existentially. So it's helpful to distinguish between these two. To strike the perfect balance between thinking you know too much or thinking you know nothing .the truth is you are in the middle point between these two extremes.
  21. I suppose science is really after an understanding of nature. To this extent it is purely a human endeavor that will be inextricably entangled within the realm of human reason and observation. It does seek to discover truths that are universal and therefore somewhat independent from we, the observers; and we therefore place the requirement of consistency to our discoveries; a consistency that must transcend culture, time and place. The ‘scientific method' is designed to ensure that these universal objective ‘truths' about the workings and elements of nature revealed by observation are indeed consistent; thereby possessing some independence from the observer. But that can't happen. As it is shown in quantum physics that the observer actually changes the structure of particles with the act of observation. So to do science that is 100% objective..we need to not involve with our minds in the process of doing ..which is impossible to do because we don't exist outside of reality and measure it from outside. We are deeply interwoven with the fabric of reality itself that we are trying to measure.
  22. Describing the infinitude and majesty of consciousness.
  23. I think you are too demonising blue .it has great values: Searching for meaning, order, routine and security Self-control, discipline and loyalty to the doctrine and the rules Absolute, literal and definite Morality.
  24. Good job man . I don't want to slip back to stage blue. I wanna integrate it. As in completely transcend it and not leaving any shadow of blue present . Im satisfied with stage Orange and I don't feel like growing myself to the higher states because I haven't had the necessary spiritual experiences to upgrade to green, yellow, or turquoise. I experience Blue as without ambition, hiding behind the system, not pragmatic, unmovable, and inflexible. Surely the blind spots are more than its advantages. So how to completely transcend blue ?