Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. @Razard86 you are just speculating . no matter how you capitalize words . I don't buy this solipsism BS anymore. We all are conscious. If you truly were a solipsist and you want to be consistent with your worldview then you simply should stop blabbering your mouth everyday on this forum and just rejoice in your solipsistic bubble instead . But since you are in a forum talking to a group of "other people " then you are not a solipsist.
  2. Lol Nobody told you that those first few sips of tea in the morning with some fine Marlboro Gold makes for a perfect combo? I usually smoke while drinking tea . They are wired together in my brain. Afraid that I need to drop tea as well
  3. @Carl-Richard ? or ? It's my choice .
  4. Those whom you thought cared about you and loved you, run from you because to them you’ve become some strange alien. You find yourself in a place where you’re completely alone and left to deal with your souls karmic obligations and evolutionary processes. The wool is removed from your eyes and you’re able to see this earth shit for what it truly is. You’re no longer afraid of what life could possibly hand you. You tend to focus more on knowing and understanding your purpose for being here and moving and acting accordingly. You now understand that it’s time to put on your grown folks shoes, strut through the earth being exactly who you are and doing exactly what you’ve come to do. You really arrive at a place where you realize you have no more fucks to give about the things you once thought were very important.
  5. @Leo Gura leo, please, let's be clear and precise as possible. Tell me ..if right now I shoot my head with a gun.. What exactly is going to happen? I need a visual description. And an auditory description. A Complete phenomenological description that gets me a real image of what death is like. Thanks.
  6. Absolutely nothing man ? It's not so much stopping that's difficult. Believe it or not ,I can put down smoking cigarettes right now if i wanted to . It's the withdrawal I cannot bear. I've noticed I've become very short tempered and my overall anxiety increases when i don't have nicotine. I tried to quit for two weeks and those two weeks were full of stress .I could not sleep .I had no energy .and my mood was awful . I regret that cursed fucking day when I put the first damn cigarette in my mouth . I need help man .
  7. @justfortoday so I'm the only conscious observer right now in the entire universe? But there will come a time in a hypothetical future (timeline) that I will live through your POV? But then what's the difference between that and our conventional perspective? You can only verify your own consciousness but you cannot absolutely cannot in a million years jump behind my eyes and see the world from my pov and conclude that I'm just a figment of your mind like in a nightly dream and have no independent existence. It's a game of probability really. Since certainty around this issue is unreachable. You can only speculate. But the problem arises when you take your speculations so seriously and get stuck on them and not being able to jump between different paradigms . I accept both the idealist and the realist paradigms simultaneously. While you only accept the idealist paradigm. Which means you need to expand your perspective more .
  8. I smoked again today . Fuck this shit is more difficult than I thought . I wish I never started smoking.
  9. I will start first. I eat usually 3 eggs sandwich for breakfast with some coffee .sometimes I eat cheese but mostly boiled eggs . I eat rice and meat (chicken or red meat or fish etc) with cooked vegetables for lunch and dinner . I may have a snack here and there between the meals ..usually a piece of chocolate or fruits.
  10. Yes 100% agree ?. The point of life to me is to enjoy it to the fullest .there is really no other point if you think about it . Life is too short. 80 years on average is pretty much very little time . And that gives it even more illusory side. Everything is so fleeting and impermanent. Before you know it you will be in your death bed regretting that you didn't make the most out of your life during the peak period (the youth period ).
  11. @justfortoday so are you saying that it's me who's all alone or yourself? but regardless..I struggled a lot with this solipsism issue myself and from the few occasions that you seem to be active on this forum (which is very little) you seem to be advocating solipsism. I can't prove or disprove solipsism. But I can deal with it from a pragmatic approach. no one lives this way. So your life is a practical denial of the concept. If a cliff is merely an illusion, then there is no reason not to walk off of a cliff. If people are merely constructs of your own mind, there is no reason to need anyone, value anyone, or to treat other people well. The brain has inadequate computing power to create the detail which we experience daily in everyday life. You can easily verify this by the fact that dreams are much lower resolution than what we see in our waking life. So our perception are not purely internal, they depend on an external reality. If You believe that a pot of boiling water is real.. You would not put your hand into boiling water. Furthermore..if you read this answer, then there are two conscious beings- me the writer and you the reader. Also I dislike solipsism because it's lame and feminine. Whereas realism is masculine. But that's a topic for another day .
  12. Illusion is all there is .then it becomes absolute. Since all there is ,is illusory ..then its as real as real gets .it has no opposite.
  13. People can be figment of your consciousness AND real independent consciousnesses simultaneously. @axiom what did awakening reveal to you about the solipsism dilemma?
  14. "Nobody enters the gateless gate ,so be nobody .'
  15. @axiom can you please tell me what did you become conscious or?
  16. This is just my response and reaction to this thread : Even though OP didn't explain why he thinks reality is meaningless...but I can feel him . @Zeroguy...there is meaning in every little thing of the life that we live in. Everything happens for a reason. The almighty has planned something for us already which we maybe not aware of. If not immediately but definitely it will happen to us. There is meaning behind every breath that we breathe, every heartbeat that we make. Nothing in this god damn world happens for no reason. We might overlook the cause behind anything but things do happen for some reason. Afterall we are only humans who can't see the future. But trust that the future will be brighter than the present. Remember this:"everything will be okay at the end .If it's not okay, then it's not the end ".?
  17. @Myself infinity must include all finitudes. Otherwise if wouldn't be infinite.
  18. Trees, birds, animals and the whole universe is already enlightened. They don't have any other way of being. Only humans are not enlightened because they have free will. Humans can become animals and divine also. Assassins and rapists are examples of becoming animals. Whereas Krishna, Jesus, Buddha are the example of humans becoming divine. Every human being on earth is potentially enlightened and enlightenment is a journey from false to truth, from darkness to light. Enlightenment of animals and birds is unconscious and it is like enlightenment of kids. They are awake but they are unconscious, whereas enlightenment of humans is conscious. Like the madness of mad is unconscious, whereas madness of enlightened beings is conscious. An enlightened being is consciously mad.
  19. Animals are already enlightened. If by that you mean living completely with the present moment and not give a crap about the future or the past.
  20. I don't know. We can't know. But... Every religion and every philosophy builds itself around attempting to answer this question of what is the meaning of life. And they do it on faith because life didn't come with a user's manual. We live our lives inside a bubble with an opaque surface. Is there something bigger? Were we put here for a purpose? What happens next? What is the end goal? Is there an end goal? If those answers exist they are likely outside of our perception. So, from our narrow perspective, what do we know? Or think we know? As far as we know, we get one life. If reality is like a video game with three lives, we don't know that (sorry Hindus). That's as much meaning as we can perceive or measure. One chance. So, ask yourself "If I had only one life, how would I live it?" and there is your meaning. WARNING: ASKING THIS QUESTION RESULTS IN SELF-LOATHING EVERY TIME ONE LOOKS IN THE MIRROR, IF ONE DOESN'T FOLLOW THROUGH. LIFE IS EASIER IF ONE DOESN'T ASK.
  21. Thanks to everyone who commented on this thread . I sincerely appreciate it . I'm making some progress. I'm about to hit three weeks smoke-free and I've never been more happy. Now all I want is to keep pushing myself through these first days/initial steps until I can overcome the withdrawal symptoms. Wish me luck ?.
  22. @Holykael Trust me trying to help you .i was in your shoes once .and I successfully overcome my existential crisis. You are having an existential crisis. There are two main reasons why people tend to have existential crises..and neither has much to do with Existentialism. Deep questions about meaning and existence are important, but we were built to function without having answers to them. Which means when these mysteries truly hinder someone, something is wrong. And the fix isn't answering the unanswerable. Have you ever seen "Annie Hall"? The boy in it is depressed. His mother takes him to the doctor, and the doctor asks him what's wrong. The kid answers, "The Universe is expanding." He then goes on to explain that one day it will expand so much that everything will be pulled apart and destroyed. So, in a Universe like that, what's the point of anything? When I was in my teens and early twenties, I related to the kid's angst about meaninglessness. When I got older an re-watched the movie, I noticed that the kid was living in poverty and his parents were constantly fighting. He wasn't unhappy because the Universe was expanding. He was unhappy because real nuts-and-bolts things in his life were screwed up. He couldn't solve those "trivial" problems so he turned them into something epic--something operatic--in his mind so at least his unsolvable problems wouldn't be hum-drum. It's very similar to how we often cope with real-life problems by watching superhero movies or listening to bombastic music. It elevates our animal problems to mythic status. It's not us; it's the universe. It's cosmic! I love Philosophy, so I don't want to come across as saying, "Your life has no meaning? What a bunch of flapdoodle! Just go get laid!" I take existential problems seriously. However, I'll reiterate that healthy people with met needs have built-in mechanisms to be content without solving these huge, mysterious problems. So, here are some possible reasons why, in my guess, you're worried about these matters at all : You have some very down-to-Earth needs that aren't being met. For most people, these are concerns about safety, intimacy (sex, friendship, love, etc), worries about a sick loved one, financial concerns, social status, safety, and so on. Take a good look at what's going well in your life and what's not going terms of these "banal," everyday issues. You don't get to move on to "the Universe is expanding" (or whatever) until you've eliminate the following. - Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend (or whatever you want in this regard)? - Are you sexually satisfied? - Do you have any health concerns? - Are you at all worried about money? - Are you worried about someone you care about? - Are you worried about being abandoned? Have you been abandoned?