Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. My favourite sexul position/act is blowjobs . Of course all my relationship with it via porn . it feels like heaven.... It's by far the most relaxing sex act ever. For me giving me a blowjob is about the nicest thing a woman can do for me.
  2. I was pretty young. I think my first thoughts were something like "Holy shit holy shit holy shit, white stuff came out of my dick. What the fuck did I do? That has to be bad for me. I'm never touching myself again!" And then the next day I did it again.
  3. There is no structure to this journal. Just random expression for my sexual life and exploring it .
  4. So i had my first orgasm pretty early in comparison to other boys. Shortly after hitting puberty. Shower head hit the right spot and I kept playing around. 30-40 minutes later my life was changed forever.?
  5. my first orgasm Didn't understand what was happening. Touching felt good but I felt like I was gonna pee. So I'd stop, then get to the point of "pee", stop. Repeat. I was at the cottage and at the cottage you pee on threes. So I went out in the moonlight and ended up giving a facial to the toilet ?. Gave myself an orgasm for the first time This is going to sound weird, but I was 14,and I've never really successfully touched myself before. I mean, I've tried,but never really succeeded. I was also always really embarassed and ashamed of it, every time I did. I gave it up as basically a moot point. I experimented with the whole showerhead thing first, which was admittedly a whole new experience. I'm not sure I've ever cum like that before. I've been trying and trying to replicate it with my hands, both out of a fear that I was going to desensitize myself by using the shower head, and because I wanted to learn how. I've been actively trying for weeks now , and I finally gave myself an orgasm! It's stupid and kind of weird, but I'm really proud of myself right now. I just wanted to tell someone about my success, haha. I didn't feel ashamed at all, and that feels really good. But nowadays orgasms make me feel guilty not sure why. Something is out of wack .gotta fix that shit .
  6. Do you plan on getting married one day and have children? For me personally .I want to get married but I have ethical reasons against having children. I'm okay with adopting a child. But I don't wanna give birth to a child . Now that's just my mind at 25 yo .maybe when I grow up I will change my mind due to life experience. What's your thoughts on marriage, having kids and abortion?
  7. It depends what you mean by “free will”. If you mean to ask whether people have the cognitive capacity to make decisions: to anticipate the effects of various options and select one based on preferred outcome then yes of course we can do that. If you mean to ask whether those decisions (or any other types of thoughts) are uncaused, or self-caused or occur primarily due to our will, then no. Our thoughts occur when they will, not when we will. They are caused by other events, most of which we're not directly conscious of.
  8. @Gabith what makes you think you Have limited free will ? also, if you have no control ,how exactly you gonna relinquish control ? Seeing any paradoxes in your little worldview?
  9. Remains a probability. Not certain. I mean People have had near-death experiences. Scientists have found that these may be related to physiological changes in the brain as the brain is dying. So some say the experiences people have our like dreams. However, we are material beings. And so one could argue that these experiences are real because they are experienced by people. It’s not like we are ghosts. The sad reality is that we simply don’t know what awaits us beyond this life. We just don’t. And nobody in the world can tell us. Its a bitter pill to swallow,I know .
  10. @Kksd74628 what do you mean by "content difference "?
  11. past lives and reincarnation are not real. They are just fiction. There is zero independently verifiable evidence that is beyond reasonable doubt that reincarnation exists. Out of the countless billions of people that have died in human history, there is no such evidence that anyone has come back from the dead. Not one scrap of verifiable evidence. What does that tell you? Reincarnation is just so much half-baked, wishy-washy mysticism that gives a warm and fuzzy, touchy-feely emotional comfort to those who are afraid of death. Anyways ..let's get back to the main topic now reincarnation is not the topic ..even antinatalism is not the main topic .the main topic was marriage and having children.
  12. Yeah but where is your evidence of life after death ? As far as we can tell ..the body drops dead ..decays and rots in the soil and fuse with everything in reality . Or do you believe in s soul that is separated from the body ?
  13. I don't believe in reincarnation. There are no arguments against it as such, but there is a complete lack of evidence for it, and there is also ( at least to my knowledge )no well-known hypothesis about the mechanism by which it could happen. It would require some kind of soul that would know to travel from a dead body into the body of a fetus or a newborn. Such a thing has never been observed and also seems to defy the laws of physics (e.g. the laws of everything we have ever observed). Reincarnation is basically just an untestable claim. You can make your own untestable claims over lunch. For it to be taken seriously as a fact of reality, some kind of evidence or at least a detailed description of its workings must be presented. But if you happen to reincarnate ..then that's bad news .and throws a wrench In this whole antinatalism pipe dream.
  14. My bad . Then I take back my words . But also notice that its still a high rate of deaths caused by suicide.
  15. People are born and their actions are shaped by their genetics, their upbringing,their education etc some will be Noble Prize scientists and some will be criminals . But just the chance that the child's life might go wrong is enough reason to not bring it into this world.
  16. There is difference between what you wish for and reality . The reality is there is a whole bunch of stuff that should be banned but isn' ..junk food .and the list goes on.
  17. Yes nonexistence is better than existence. But the problem is we are not sure that death =nonexistence. You might reincarnate as a mouse. Who tf knows ?
  18. Dream are less consistent. The waking reality is more rigid and solid .
  19. Yes I don't have much sexual experience. But I approach and talk to girls everyday and I know what attracts them and what not . Just to be clear are not saying that women are attracted to feminine guys (when you referred to the Emo types ) ? because that's just straight out wrong . The problem that women face today is Mostly because there are far too many men in the world who don't treat women right. They either treat them with no respect, or far worse. This does not make men attractive to them. In fact, this makes all women question whether there are any men who we can trust with our lives, since we all know instinctively that essentially any man could beat his wife up or kill her if he chose to. Women ook for a man who will actually love her and protect her from other men. These are just basic laws of the jungle, but beyond that, most men don't put much effort into making themselves look sexually appealing to women. Conversely, women spend an inordinate amount of time making themselves look sexually appealing to men. If men made more of an effort in this area, more women would find them attractive.
  20. And thousands of people take their own life away every year . Do you know that suicide is the 2nd most common cause of death globally every year ? Why do you think suicide even exist? If life is meant to be lived happily then why does bad shit keep happening to you but just because you are afraid of death you delay your suicide because of fear of a worse situation after death than your current life . That's really all it boils down to . Well..Im aware that it has both negatives and positives . I'm here specifically focusing on the negativity of it . assuming more people choose not to have kids, there will be less instances of screaming babies in theaters and restaurants. There is a benefit. There will also be less babies taking up resources so more for the rest of us. There will also be less infants suffering due to being unwanted and likely in abusive households or orphanages whose quality of life is absolute shit .
  21. The same difference between nighttime dreams and waking reality .
  22. Well actually It's not just in modern time ....this goes back to our ancestors thousands of years ago. The woman chooses her mate based on his sexual power .which is reflected in his overall physical power (a strong body =strong sexual energy). Its all about Power… men are primally attracted to women who can father children (youth, attractiveness, etc,) women are attracted to men that can protect them… which can happen myriad ways. Ww are judged by our Built: protector type, “I'll kill anyone threatening my people” is fundamentally attractive. Confidence: I'm the man in any room I walk into Most guys are a little of a couple of these things.. Depends what you're into.
  23. @zurew look dude ..Despite all the mental gymnastics people try to do to justify their own existence or cursing their children with the unfortunate state of existence without their consent, antinatalism is objectively true. There is no justification for our existences or for imposing existence on new individuals. It's just a fact . Any amount of pain, however small or insignificant, negates any value of existence. Even if our lives were 99.999…% pleasure and 0.000…01% pain it would STILL be better never to exist due to that small amount of pain. It matters not how much “good” there is in life, it does not make up for even the slightest amount of pain. Alas, there is no such life. There is no such life that is more good than bad. If we were to look at our lives objectively we’d see there is much more bad than good in even the best of lives. We just do not realize how bad our lives really are. We are totally unaware of most of the pain and suffering we endure on a day-to-day basis.
  24. Agreed. It is unfair for sexually active people to judge others for their lack of sexual activity, their use of drugs, their gambling, their drinking, their smoking, etc? From my own experience due to my very young age,people who don't like to be judged tend to judge others themselves ironically, and find every reason to justify putting others down while not looking in the mirror. Unfortunately in our modern time a man's manhood is judged by his sexual stamina . While it is a huge part of what makes you a man .having a low sex drive is nothing to be ashamed of .and it's actually has some positive sides like being free from thinking about pussy all the time .
  25. Lol .let's leave his appearance alone. He is a very intelligent and wise guy .judging by his posts (although there is too much of them) he actually knows what he is talking about. And a great contribution to this community. @Razard86 ❤