Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. Maybe. I'm open to this possibility . I need to experience awakening to Love/Goodness of existence. As per my current conviction..there is nothing that is 100% good or efficient or in other word "perfect". According to me no one should be perfect because if you fill the glass with water up to its brim than there will be no further scope to fill it. One should keep learning new things. The day this thought comes in your mind that I know too much , you won't be able to think and learn further. Thanks for your time ?
  2. Well let me disagree with you here leo .. Good does not exist. It is just a word we use to describe objects, feelings, actions, sensations, things we see, here, taste and experience in a positive way. Things that we experience and view in a negative way are “bad” or even “evil”….Nature itself does not define things the way humans do. If all humans disappeared from the face of the earth nature would not define that as bad. it would just keep on doing what it is doing.
  3. The bigger question, that stands behind this one, that needs to be answered before answering this one, is that of how we are defining good and evil. How we define good and evil and where we obtain those definitions will help us recognize if God is good or evil. From the historic Christian perspective, God is only good. Evil is not a thing in itself, but a deviation from good. God created all things, including definitions. God is love and there is no darkness (evil) in him at all. Yes, God allows evil to take place, simply because he created us with a free will, to act as we choose. I do not think that anyone wants God forcing them to do what is good and right. That behavior needs to come from us, from our own legitimate desire.
  4. If God made everything so he is the source not just of everything good, but everything evil too. In fact,we may not comprehend the depth of God's evil. If a theist cannot accept God made evil then there is a cognitive dissonance they must hold since there's no explaining away the fact that evil exists in a world made by a supposedly only good God.
  5. @Leo Gura Are you saying Good and evil are subjective evaluations of moral outcomes ?we can see this in holy wars where killing the enemy is good but having your people killed is evil. For any particular death however the assessment of good vs evil is exactly opposite depending on the perspective of the evaluator. The mistake is treating good and evil as nouns instead of adjectives.
  6. please understand this are gambling when you consider don't know what happens after death..maybe you will live a worse life after you kill yourself. I mean who the fuck knows what happen when you die . At least you know this world and you can ground yourself in the Here and now .while in suicide you are risking going to a hell realm. You have no other options . .to be..or to be .
  7. @Holykael what's stopping you from suicide?
  8. How do you know? Did he practiced on you before ?
  9. If there's a man or woman alive that hasn't fantasized about having sex with another person, then they must not be all human. Fantasy is a natural thing, as is masturbation. Religion makes anything sexual a taboo thing, because they like to control people. It's that simple. If there is a god, he should not have created the human body to produce testosterone in men, because it makes us horny.
  10. Wait until you get such a traumatic experience like this in your life and having an infinitely loving asshole raping you and let's see if you would still call it love. The problem here is lack of experience. Its like trying to describe colors to a blind person. Impossible. Somethings need To be experienced firsthand before judging it .
  11. @Zigzag Idiot that's a hell a lot to read my man ? Tbh I didn't read it all .I just skimmed through the paragraphs . But generally you seem to be talking about the relationship between masturbation and religions. The way I see it is that Religion is about controlling people, it uses a stick and carrot approach, the stick in this case is the prohibition of certain sexual practices, with the claim that you are always under surveillance by an all knowing, all seeing being, who will torture you for an eternity after you die, in a place for which there is no evidence. By prohibiting sexual acts, religion exploits one of the most powerful urges in nature, and uses it to instil guilt, shame and fear. It's a fascist dictatorship believers impose upon themselves.
  12. Dude has a great way of delivering content. My only gripe is that his videos tend to be a bit too long and a bit too ramble-y. If he could cut them down a bit, he could avoid repeating himself and make for snappier content. Also he does have videos with graphic illustrations like this video : He’s got ideas I agree with, he’s got ideas I completely disagree with, but either way I enjoy watching his stuff. This is just my 2 cents. Take it or leave it .
  13. Why is masturbation always considered as a shameful and unhealthy behavior which will weaken you physically while having sex is almost to the contrary? What is the main difference between them? Although not all cultures view masturbation as something negative but there is some truth to this view if masturbation becomes an addiction wasting the individual's sexual drive and social energy. I guess Because the perception is that masturbation is failure. The ideal scenario is to have a sexual partner (or partners) and masturbation is what occurs when that scenario can't be achieved. Very few people fantasise about being alone and masturbating while they're having sex but most people fantasise about having sex while masturbating. Sex also has an element of conquest to it in most modern societies. In order to have had sex, someone else had to be persuaded that the person was sexually desirable. If the other person was particularly attractive then the conqueror has boasting rights and if the "performance" was especially impressive then there's added kudos. But masturbation can be performed by the ugliest and most repulsive human and the only prerequisite is to have reached puberty. There's no sense of achievement or ability.
  14. He always insist and repeat in his videos to not take his teachings as a belief or an ideology and to verify everything he says in your own direct experience.
  15. @Breakingthewall not to kiss Leo's ass..but he is the most awakend teacher that you find online nowadays.
  16. @Breakingthewall why do you think Leo says that no one here is awake ? Its like this: Not everyone needs to lift weights and get great body definition in order to be fit, right? Some people might simply want to do some cardio, some Yoga and others might choose to not exercise at all. Your body will manage. Life will not be utterly miserable or anything. You won’t die. But someone who wants to achieve the peak of fitness, health and shape will need to lift weights. Right? So similarly, a spiritual awakening enhances your life experience; you live life at from a completely different level. But those who are not spiritually awakened might be living good lives too, and they might not even feel the need for an awakening. They are blissfully aware of the spiritual dimension, yet life feels good. IT IS NOT EVERYONE’S NEED TO AWAKEN IN THIS LIFETIME. It’s not even everyone’s need to be spiritually inclined in this lifetime.
  17. The ultimate level of spirituality is reality. As far as we feel different levels of spirtituality, there is still someone in us, considering those levels as something important, something that leads us “to the end”. But there is no end. Same as there never has been any beginning. From the point of view of separate self, there si practiced spirituality, there are spiritual acheivements, spiritual faults and spiritual successes. But none of them are real, non of them are permanent. All of them will vanish with the physical death. Spiritual experiencies are not important. Labeling, naming or evaluating spirituality is the path to hell. But if you want to be a spiritual guy, there is nothing wrong with it, same as there is nothing wrong to be an athlete or musician.
  18. Agreed. If a seeker is interested in the stages of spiritual awakening then he is not true seeker. Stages and destination are the way of ego. Ego wants to know the progress ,ego is always interested in numbers ( which stage am I in? ). Buddha never asked this question and he attained the enlightenment when his all desires died including desire to be desireless(the last hook). The infinite is the finite .the limited is the unlimited. Form is emptiness. Emptiness Is form . There is nothing to do and nowhere to go . THIS here and now is all that is .
  19. you need to be enlightened to be able to know who is enlightened. Like an old saying: "You need to become saint, to know what is a saint".
  20. My relationship with Masturbation has many bad effects on my health. I feel guilt immediately after masturbation. This increases my stress level. My mood is always nervous after masturbation. It increases negativity in my mind. It decreases my self-confidence. l feel tired the whole day. I feel energyless. Still haven't figured out why or how .because doctors say that it's perfectly harmless activity and all mammals do it .
  21. nofap no-PMO(or no-Fap) is by no means a easy feat. Its incredibly difficult and takes insane control at least for the first few months. And even after those few months, its still incredibly difficult to make sure you don't fall for any temptations and unknown surprises while watching movies and stuff. I am doing it for a few reasons: 1. Motivation: I have insanely low motivation to really do anything in the past few months. And this low motivation is a result of certain beliefs. And no-PMO helps me increase my motivation. So, I will continue no-PMO at least until I rectify my beliefs and become naturally motivated. 2. I love to challenge myself: Being able to say no to temptations is my latest(by that I mean its 2 year old) addiction. It feels good each time I do it because It makes me feel in control of myself. 3. I notice that I don't fear things the way I used to before when I am on no-PMO. 4. I feel attracted to girls, even if they are not physically attractive. (I am not sure why because logic dictates I shouldn't be). My thoughts on Porn: The issue with porn is, it increases your expectations about sexual experiences to unimaginable heights. So, after a while even when you are married, you will prefer masturbation and porn to actual sex. Which is unhealthy for your relationship(I believe intimacy is a huge part of healthy romantic relationships). I think this is the only and a fundamental reason why I avoid porn. If you are naturally motivated, in good shape, already have a healthy romantic relationship, I see no reason why you should avoid porn and masturbation. Don't follow no-PMO(or no fap) like a religion. If it serves your interests, well then follow it. Otherwise don't.
  22. I don’t believe in sexual orientation anyways .The type of sexual experiences or fantasy leads us to believe that we are this and that. I have had dreams where I am fucking a guy and also where I am fucking a dog. I also remember having an erection while watching a lioness in youtube. Just search “beautiful lioness”. I can look at this animal and fantasise about having babies with her all day. At the same time I have had huge embarrassing erections while watching a saree covered ass. These are nothing but associations made by mind i.e, I want to pour this semen somewhere. I know right, funny. Mind is a strange thing. The people who say that they are gay or lesbian or straight they are controlled by mind. Let’s be honest who on earth has not dreamed about having sex with their similar gender but we don’t do whatever mind says to us. We control our mind. There is no orientation.
  23. Im not 100% straight but I'm not 100% gay either. Sometimes I’ll be in a grocery store, or just watching a movie, and someone shows up on screen and my brain is like, “Alert! Alert! The curves and lines of this figure (face) in front of you are appealing for some reason your conscious mind can’t comprehend!” Nice full beards add a lot to this alert system. I’m also a fan of the recently trendy short sides long combed top haircuts. (secretly a fan of the hipster style… shh!) But that’s where it ends. Beyond whatever underlying thing causes me to notice and appreciate the appearance of these physical forms, there’s nothing in my mind or heart that desires to go beyond that into “I want my mouth all over that!” territory. On the other hand, I’ve met females here and there, and we’ve chatted, and connected, and then she says something cute, or there’s that moment where we just look at each other in silence and the body language is pretty clear, and my brain says, “Alert! Alert! For some reason unbeknownst to your conscious mind, you suddenly want to smush your face into their face! You don’t even know what purpose that serves! But it just seems like the best thing in the world!” That’s where the difference is. Some guys are physically attractive, based on whatever unknown standards are in my subconscious making those judgments, but there’s no desire for a deep intimacy with them. On the other hand, the attraction I’ve felt for some women has grown to a point of desiring intimacy. It has gone beyond outward attraction to “Gosh dang it! I want to know everything there is to know about you!” That’s how I got over the cultural taboo of complimenting other guy’s physical appearance. Some dudes look good! They have great style! They carry themselves in a very confident way. It’s attractive! I’ll say it to some people (not necessarily random strangers). “Man! You look good with that beard!” or “You look really nice in that shirt!” I can say it confidently because there’s no secret desire under those compliments. It’s purely innocent and complimentary, through and through! With a female, I might say, “You look really nice today!” but there might also be an underlying flirtatious tone. Still innocent and complimentary, but also hinting at something deeper. So why am I not gay? I’m not gay because, while I can appreciate the physical attractiveness of the same sex, 0% of me desires to have an intimate relationship with another guy. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯