Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. @Leo Gura do you feel good this morning? I feel that ya feel amazing ?
  2. @Adamq8 but don't you agree that his behaviour is weird in this thread ?
  3. @Adamq8 Leo is a truly advanced thinker. He is radical with some statements like when he says stop moralizing, stop socializing, stop watching TV and stop reading fiction books. He actually does not mean this activities are bad or wrong. For example he says stop socializing because people this days tend to put too much value on superficial relationships, and almost none with themselves. He is asking you to stop wasting your time watching TV and reading “entertaining stuff” and get to work in your life purpose to be truly fulfilled. He says stop moralizing so you can’t stop punish and blaming yourself for the bad things that you do. What is right or wrong anyway? That’s the kind of questions Leo is trying you to ask yourself
  4. @Leo Gura If you tell people exactly what you think. i.e: Very accurate feedback. They will most of the time be very insulted. People need to hear it though. Telling a chef his food is great when it’s terrible is not gonna help him learn to be a better chef. Tell people what they need to hear. Not what they want to hear. Is that your attitude @Leo Gura ?
  5. Lol .tone it down please Leo. We are not having a fight here.
  6. @Leo Gura Solipsism argues that because physical senses are unreliable and people can’t tell when they’re in dreams, you can’t be sure everything around you even exists. But since something needs to exist in order to interpret things in such a way as to make the larger world appear to externally exist, your mind is assured to exist, but everything else is questioned. I remain agnostic about it . I can't say "it " because I could ne delusional. Probably are .
  7. @LSD-Rumi Awakened from what or where? There are all kinds of awakenings. Any bit of personal stretching or growth is an example of an awakening. But, to me, anyone who says that they are “awakened” is likely not. It’s been my experience that a soul in the process of true awakening understands that it is an ever-expanding journey, not a single destination.
  8. Great post. Thanks for sharing A couple of notes though: I can't tell you what death ie or it will ruin the human experience you are having. I can tell you that: 1. You don't need to fear it. 2. It will happen at the right time can't significantly hasten it or delay it. 3. After it happens, you will have all the answers you need. 4. You may have a reaction similar to "that was great ..i want to do it again." I think one must experience fully the life we have now and don't worry about what's next.
  9. @Leo Gura How humble of you ? Srs tho..if I'm not mistaken you equate awakening =solipsism, right ? And I'm the only being in the universe and everything comes from my imagination? I wouldn't believe myself capable of have experiencing everything I have, and remembering it well enough from experience to experience, for it to have come from my imagination . Seems quite egotistical to im6agine you, created every beautiful work of art, every song, every experience… and while YOU can't remember where you left your car keys, you or it somehow remembers the perfection of some concerto written 500 years ago. I made a post few months ago talking about my awakening to absolute solipsism shortly after you released the solipsism video and before you took it down. Now that I think about it again .I'm beginning to doubt the idealist /solipsist worldview and leaning more towards objective external reality being real . Why? Because its more sane .I Don't want to lose my goddam mind with this solipsism stuff . Solpsism is an unfalsifiable claim. When its falsifiable, when the claim has sufficient definition to check, then we can check. Until then… a natural world we are born into is a perfectly fine explainination that requires no further assumptions without fact. P.S I will be the first who buys your upcoming awakening course when it's out .
  10. I thank you for this beautiful comment.. However I want to clarify something: There is one main thing which I did not know at the beginning, Of my spiritual journey.. it is the main issue and you will realize it after your Self realization. At the beginning the “I” (ego) thinks that is awakening into the reality. It thinks that it will gain some new perspective, shift or wisdom and will become enlightened. But that is not true, yet it can hold you on the path for all your life with no result. But all this process is not about gaining., it is not about becoming., it is not about progress in time. It is not about the change of the “I”, who thinks that will become enlightened. It is about the death of the “I”. It is about the dissolving the ego within the God, Reality, Conciousness. It is about losing all of the attachement for the arising phenomena. It is about a pure freedom which remains after all cleaning process is through. But it is just a partial ralization of HUMAN BEING. From the point of the Self realization the job is not done. The true stuff starts at this point. Egoic tendencies are not totaly gone. Patterns of the conditioning are still present.You are one foot in the absolute “bliss” and one foot in the ego.
  11. @JuliusCaesar As you go through the ups and downs in life, a stage comes, when you come to the conclusion that nothing matters and no one actually matters much. You find out that everything is shortlived or fake. And everything fades out. No one loves you unconditionally. People, who claim to love you, are more in love with themselves. They just pretend to love you to persuade you to love them back. As soos as you awaken to this truth, you no longer feel too much pleasure or pain. You become indifferent.
  12. And how do you know that ? Have you died before ?
  13. The problem with Neo-Advaita teachings Is focusing on the goal, or "end point" of Nondualism, which is the nondual state itself, while almost completely ignoring the path and the teachings on how to achieve same. In, say, Christianity, this would be the equivalent of talking only about the experience of "Heaven" while giving no importance whatsoever as to how to get there. They seem to think that simple knowledge and agreement of Nonduality as being the "default state of Existence/Reality" is all that is required, and no further seeking of Truth is necessary. To me, that is like being stranded on a deserted island with few resources and looking across the ocean at a lush, tropical island paradise and then being too lazy or afraid or whatever to take the necessary steps to escape the current misery of the lesser place and arrive at the better one. The red flag which led to my discovery of Neo-Advaita was that whenever I was interacting with members of this online Nonduality group I had joined, many of the members had very strong ego reactions to the teachings that I was attempting to share. A true Nondualist on the path to Enlightenment/Self-realization, unless they are raw beginners or noobs should be much more in control of ego's urge to react with negative emotions. With many there, the mere mention of the word "God" or "Consciousness" resulted in immediate contradictory posts, many with a clear tone of condescension. It became clearer and clearer to me that something important was being left out of the Nondual equation in that group, and that something was the EGO.
  14. But Leo..isn't enlightenment the purpose of life? I mean what else is there to do after you. get your survival needs handled? I guess If you are still seeing life as a means to an end, then the answer is ‘yes’… Enlightenment is the ultimate purpose of life. This is not really the correct answer but the best and useful answer that I can give you right now. People are usually conditioned to think anything as a journey from point A point B. The thoughts like ‘I want to become rich’, ‘I want to become famous’, ‘I want others to think I am smart’ etc stem from this conditioning. There is always a feeling of lack and people are seeking something to destroy the feeling of lack. This makes people to always look forward to the future. But the truth is, nothing that you do, know or experience will destroy this feeling of lack, the feeling of ‘not enough’… It only causes an endless cycle of accumulating wealth, knowledge and experiences. This accumulation is never ending and the feeling of lack will be still there, no matter what you do. Only through awakening cam you realise the inherent value of being instead of doing and achieving.
  15. I know I've made several posts about my smoking habit in the past .but this time I'm more serious than ever .and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to quit . Guys I need serious help to quit smoking .these days I smoke 15 stick per day . Its affecting my lungs negatively .I can feel the burning sensation in my chest. Honestly I don't know what I'm waiting for to fucking quit once and for all I have to have a heart attack as a wake up call or what? Why am i being stupid? I think it's pretty clear that smoking is terrible for you, in so many ways. It's the most obvious thing in the world, and its constantly drilled into your head that smoking is expensive, bad for your health, bad for others around you, unhygenic, disgusting, smelly, etc, etc. and that you NEED to quit RIGHT NOW. For god's sake, even the packaging is plastered with warnings and graphic imagery, what more could possibly be done to deter smokers? For me, personally, none of these warnings mattered. When I wanted a cigarette, I was going to smoke a cigarette, end of story. I could list any number of reasons why I loved smoking (the taste, the social aspect, the chance to take a break, that satisfying burn) to counter any of the anti-smoking arguments. But none of that really matters. Recently..two weeks ago , as soon as I finished a cigarette, I crushed it out and realized that I WANTED to quit smoking. At that moment, the actual desire to NOT have a cigarette was outweighing the desire to have a cigarette. This wasn't the first time I had this feeling, but it was the first time I decided to seriously act on it. The next day, I didn't smoke. The day after that, I didn't smoke either, but I started craving one. The third day, I wanted a cigarette BADLY, but by that point I realized that if I gave in, I'd have wasted the previous two days. The desire to maintain that record, and taking pride in that record, helped me make it through that third day, and then the rest of the week. That record became my defense against smoking. It's like building a house of cards. Every day you add a card to the house, and at first, it's not very impressive, and not much of a shame if you knock it down. But after a while, that house of cards starts looking pretty good, and if you knocked it down, it would be a real shame. You develop an emotional attachment to the project. Right now, I've got a 2 weeks old house of cards, and it's the only thing keeping me from picking up a cigarette. It's not the health warnings, it's not the expense, it's that house of cards. I know if I smoke even one cigarette, that entire house comes down, and I'm not 100% certain I can start over again. I simply value my house of cards more than I do a cigarette. Every few days I'll have a nightmare where I have a cigarette, and I'll wake up, terrified that I ruined my house of cards, relieved when I realize I didn't. That's how I know I've really quit. Still, some days are pretty hard. On the way to college this morning, I saw a guy on his apartment balcony smoking a cigarette in the hot weather , and I got a strong pang of jealousy. But it went away after about 30 seconds. That urge fades, in time, but it comes back every once in a while just to call your bluff. Why I'm still hesitating? When I'm gonna finally quit for Good ? That would be one of my gloriest victories in my life .but I need help. ?
  16. You could say so, yes, but for most people it would be utterly misleading. In the separated state, there’s a clear distinction between conscious and unconscious. There’s a lot of activity in the unconscious. In the enlightened state the distinction between conscious and unconscious ceases to be. So you could say that everything becomes conscious, or that everything becomes unconscious. These statements are equivalent, and equally absurd since there is no distinction anymore.
  17. Here is some neo advaita stuff and where they get confused imo: 1)True, there's nothing to do. The problem is there is *some* work we have to do to our ways of looking to see that there's nothing to do lol. 2) There are no words to teach it. Important to note here that I would NOT say there is nothing to teach. The problem is there are no words for it. The words can only point our looking in the right direction. Once we finally see it there's nothing else to do but keep seeing it. 3) We need to define what the "it" is we are seeing. Lets say "it" is the full realization of impermanence, there only being right now, the inseparable nature of emptiness and form and it's dependent arising which means there is no self and all suffering ceases. In that case, sure, once you see it all there is is to keep seeing it. But here is where effort and gradually deepening realization comes in. We may only recognize bits and pieces at first. Like at first we might notice we are not our thoughts, then see that all things arise in consciousness, then we see they arise automatically, then we deepen that realization and see consciousness is empty too and dependently arising with all the automatic things, then we might see all the parts that make up the whole and how they aren't separate. We understand it to be not one, not many. There's only the passing manifested experiencing. The problem I see a lot with neoadvaita is with the *nothing to do* attitude. They recognize the Absolute, the emptiness, the void that precedes all things and is free of relativity. Then they think that's the end. There is nothing else to do. In doing so they solidify it and dismiss all that comes out of it. Not realizing all that comes out of it is NOT seperate from experience, NOT separate from the Absolute. What could we know about the Absolute *Un*conditioned if we had no Conditioned? They're the same. As Nisargadatta Maharaj says "As the Absolute, there is no Absolute" And, so, identifying with the emptiness/Absolute as a "thing" leads to "Nothing to do, no one to teach." They fail to see the conditioned and unconditioned/relative and infinite as one in the same arising . if it was *nothing* why do they go around "teaching" it lol. They are teaching that there's nothing to teach. It's literally still a teaching. If it was nothing why live at all? Having the freedom to see things as empty of flavor or quality that can cause suffering isn't "nothing." And they actually may very well be talking about the same thing but their ability (or lack of) to articulate it, by saying there's no teaching, makes it sound as if they got stuck identifying with emptiness as a reified ground of being. Alternatively some will identify as a Self with capital S. A God consciousness. This would be more accurate .
  18. @Inliytened1 Thanks man. It's a philosophy born out of fear from the inevitable truth of reality. You can observe this for yourself by looking at the lives of people who turned to Advaita (and who became 'teachers’) of this dogmatic religion. (Where the denial they're caught up in, will make them say things like “there is no 'me’, no 'lives’, no 'mind’” and more of this type of escapist nonsense.)
  19. But that's a gross underestimate. I ACTUALLY had enlightenment experiences. It's just that I got there sober and through the intellect alone (no drugs ,no mediation, no self-inquiry etc). I suppose ive experienced what is referred to as gradual enlightenment. I’ve experienced something similar to what others describe but I see that as just a state or a feeling. For me it’s been a series of experiences, realizations and revelations that pertain to my personal spiritual journey prior to and after this life as well as the state, conditions, history, and future of humanity. The knowledge and wisdom I gain does change me day by day and I change in ways that make me feel that one day certain states I’ve experienced temporarily will be more permanent. Time kind of disappears. Death disappears. I understand what lies ahead for me on a Soul level and how the rest of my life will basically be preparation for it. That’s been enlightenment for me thus far.
  20. I will try to keep my philosophical masturbation In the philosophy section and the deep spiritual stuff here But it's tempting to post here because it gets more views and replies..ya know what I mean ?
  21. I guess you are right in that I require some awakenings to the perfection of the universe. Because Honestly , no , for me perfection doesn’t exist why ? because each one of us has a different definition of it , what’s perfect for you is normal for another person and the opposite which makes perfection doesn’t exist For me perfection is a word someone created when he felt someone has everything he wants but as we know no matter how much you have you’ll want more it’s an endless thing.
  22. Actually all my "awakenings " revealed to me that I don't know crap .not grasping myself even in the slightest little bit . But that's something you have to experience. Maybe your awakenings are different than mine . Let me ask you: did you have awakening experiences before ? And what was revealed to you ?
  23. @Nilsi I was talking about the part that reality is neutral and doesn't care whichever way our lives turn out to be . About grasping reality in its entirety..We can appreciate a part of it, realize a further smaller part of appreciation. But complete reality cannot be understood as as our operations of observation influence the event or microscopic object/system. How can you step outside of infinity and measure it from outside? It has no outside. Because it has no end .therefore it's ungraspable.
  24. @Nilsi Easy to prove that reality is indifferent . I'm gonna use a gross example here but bear with me lol.. Imagine You have erectile dysfunction and you are going through hell..the sun will still rise ..the birds will still sing in the morning..etc..nothing in the universe will stop playing its role just because YOU are depressed. Who tf do you think you are ?
  25. Obviously I can't grasp reality in its entirety because its infinite. I only can deal with the bits and pieces that are thrown here and there in the universe and make my judgement based on that . And based on that I say reality is neither good nor bad. It's neutral. In other words it's indifferent. It doesn't give a shit about us .