Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. Death is the ultimate fear that humans have. Death is no joke . I contemplated my Death before in a failed suicide attempt. I simply couldn't do it . The unknown will fuck you in the ass.
  2. I don’t have any proof but my intuition tells me that time is circular. Linear time is analogous to when people used to think the Earth was flat, then people discovered if you go far enough west you end up in the East. Similarly I believe if you go far enough into the future you’ll end up in the past. This means that our past is also our future, which explains how the ancients built the pyramids and so on. This also explains why most cultures revere their ancestors, to such a degree that until recently the search for knowledge was usually conducted by reviewing ancient scrolls. So at some point in the future the human race will build the pyramids and then some event will occur which will wipe out our cultural knowledge and the cycle will repeat again. this also explains the Bible Code, how the ancient knew of events to come and used computers to encode these events into the Bible. However even though there is a general cycle I dont believe history repeats exactly the same way as there is an element of random variability. So each time the historic cycle repeats it is a bit altered creating a variation on a general theme. If you tell most people time is circular as the world is round they will think you lost it. But isnt it a more beneficial paradigm than seeing time as linear?
  3. The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao .
  4. True . eternity has no beginning and no end .but why do people refuse to see that time is a circle?Only in that way can eternity be understood. This moment, now, is but a point on our finite timeline.We are linear beings with respect to time. Our timelines are finite.Birth- Now- Death. Yet our finite timelines exist within eternity. As a fraction of a degree of arc On the circular timeline of infinity. All moments within eternity exist on this circular timeline.Each moment occurs, then eventually, following each moment after, forward on that circle, returns and occurs again.Eternity is an infinite repetition of the same moments. Any moment in eternity is both the beginning and the end of time.
  5. What I'm really asking is really Did reality itself begin and will it end? Even if you make the implausible and irrational claim nothing existed before the universe, well then wouldn't that have been the "reality" at the time? But how does that make sense, if there was no mind here to conceive of or contemplate "reality"? No matter how you cook it, when you suggest reality had a "beginning," you spiral deeper and deeper into absurdity. It's impossible to explain how reality could begin..without something having had to begin it. That something, then, would itself have to have been "real" to begin reality. You're therefore stuck in an infinite regression. You're going to have to make something eternal.
  6. I find him difficult to read and speaks a lot of philosophical word salad. What's his thoughts about how all of existence came about ?
  7. That sweet moment when you really find a porn video that captures your attention ?
  8. For hungry, food is heaven. For thirsty, water is heaven. For armyman, country is heaven. For parents, their child's happiness is heaven. For kids, parents are heaven. For priest, temple is heaven. For tippler, alcohol is heaven. For smoker, cigarette is heaven. For greedy, money is heaven. For lustful, sex is heaven. For king, palace is heaven. For me, well ..I will withhold this until YOU tell me first what is heaven for you? Yes, heaven exists but it's definition changes according to different people and diffrent situations.
  9. If you are not enlightened, then you probably don't know what Truth is . But are you satisfied with this state of not knowing ? Why not brainwash yourself with any kind of ideology or religion and buy your peace of mind instead of doing the hard work of finding the truth by yourself? The point I'm trying to make is that given that our current state in the spiritual journey is less than ,let's call it ,"fully awake ".. Then how do you at least find a ground for your metaphysical and epistemic worldview which you know isn't complete and you are deluded about ? If you knew the Truth, it would make your life a whole lot easier. But one thing about truth is that it’s hard to cover up once you recognise it for what it truly is. When you learn the fundamentals of some truth, others can’t deceive you into believing “alternative truths” or modified truths. You can easily see if claims other people make fit the truth or not. False infromation doesn’t fit/connect with the truth without having to twist it in some fundamental and obvious way. Thus you know that something is wrong with the new information you’ve been given. But the question is are you there yet ,or do you got it all figured out?
  10. Any excessive thinking of any kind accumulates concepts and delusions. If you stumble upon any topic including spirtuality and start incessantly thinking and conceptualizing about it ,it won’t only cause stress and anxiety but it will also hinder your spirtual progress,it will back fire on you. But also don’t try to suppress those thoughts because supressing thoughts using thoughts will create further anxiety and irritation. So you have to leave your mind alone just let thoughts come and go untill they get exhausted and come to an end. People in the contemporary world want freedom to experience spirituality in their own pace, in the doze that they are ready for. Adhering to religious authorities or submitting to religious power structures are not very attractive to the modern person. It’s a great development in my opinion. But the move towards spirituality is not without its flaws, for even the world of spirituality has its hierarchy in the inner plains. Right now, its a bit free-for-all, the blind teaching the blind and both are running around in circles not finding enlightenment. Because when you find a true spiritual master ( “guru”) who has authority in the unseen spiritual world to teach, your heart will be drawn to that teacher and you’ll want to follow him and learn from him! Meanwhile spirituality is about finding the truth on your own.
  11. Attraction can come from anything. A laugh. A comment. A wink. A nice dress. A smile. The way your hair looks when you look away. It could come from hands, feet, shoes, a skirt, a pair of baggy jeans that makes someone wonder what’s under them. It can come from a walk or the way someone orders a drink. It’s not something that makes sense and fills a certain number of things on a checklist. Attraction just happens. The secret is to be able to keep it. THAT’S the part where everyone fails most of the time.
  12. Enlightenment is not Nihilism . You should probably listen to some Alan Watts, he’s quite good on all this .I can’t really keep track of his thoughts but hey ho, it doesn’t matter. Nirvana too. Very good on this. Don’t blow your brains out though because the entire universe is created within you by your experience of it. So you can choose what matters. Let your heart steer you towards finding meaning and what matters, to you.
  13. Actually understanding that you don't know everything is a sign of acquiring some maturity and some common sense, not enlightenment. Ideally this is not where humans end their path of growth and development . it's where they begin.
  14. You are falling into the neo-advaita trap . Obviously you exist. Touch you'd body .feel your sense of self . There you go. I do agree though that there is no "you" as in a CEO that lives inside your skull behind the eyes somewhere deciding stuff .it's all happening spontaneously . But this realization alone isn't complete enlightenment. There are other facets to enlightenment .
  15. Yes, totally. But I don't believe enlightenment is a myth. Its a real experience that you can have. Now,granted ,There will be different levels of enlightenment. Or let me say that different people will have different explanation of ‘enlightenment. So that will be people specifics.. At the beginners level it could be situational enlightenment that they are in at the moment of enlightenment.. more like how we grow at different stages in life.. when we start learning alphabets to sentences to essays. The fairly enlighten ones will have more wholistic control as compared to someone who just started on the path of spirituality. So you must have the experience yourself in order to understand .its like trying to describe color to a blind person. Not gonna work.
  16. Well, a consistent logic, if it the correct logic for the semantic domain at hand, can be used to reason from truths to truths. But this of course leaves us with the problem of establishing some initial set of truths to even start reasoning from. Logic cannot be used for this purpose. Truth is in this sense extra-logical. I used logic with you because you are highly logical and skeptical. But the truth is that Truth can only be experienced .you can't logic your way to Truth . Can you be enlightened without knowing what enlightenment is ?
  17. Because Well, suppose the answer to the questions "does truth exist ?" is ‘no.’ If the answer is ‘no,’ then it follows that ‘it is the case that there is no absolute truth,’ but that would mean that it’s absolute truth that there is no absolute truth. But that’s a contradiction. So the answer can’t be ‘no,’ and we’re left with a ‘yes’ answer. So there you go: there is an absolute truth. The assertion, ‘There is no absolute truth’ is made by a relative mind. The trouble with Spirituality as a philosophy is that the relative is trying to figure out the absolute, or the dual is conceptualizing the nondual. Every attempt to philosophize the spiritual truths has always failed, and will always fail in the future too. The absolute Spiritual truths are to be realized, and not merely philosophized. Absolute truth is not subject to differentiation. Absolute truth cannot be conceived of intellectually, or expressed verbally. That's why when asked “what is truth”, Jesus remained silent, and Buddha turned his back and walked away. Even if they wanted to convey the truth to those asking the question, they would not have been able to. This is because absolute truth can only be experienced, directly, by the one's own consciousness. The consciousness has its root in the truth; it is where it came from, and what it is. This can only be understood by awakening the consciousness. “My truth” and “your truth” are just artificial constructs of the ego.
  18. Obviously some truth must exist. Otherwise we would say, “Truth does not exist,” which is equivalent to saying, “It’s true that no truth exists.” That’s an obvious contradiction. Furthermore, truth must be whole (singular) and complete. If it was split (instead of whole), what would be on the other side? More truth? If it was incomplete, where would the rest of the truth be? In nonexistence land? Truth must also be infinite. What would be beyond it? More truth? I could go on, but think I’ve made my point
  19. You can’t understand this with more thinking though. It is crystal clear to me that neither true nor false make any sense ..because they depend on each other. However there exist something called absolute truth. Without thoughts there is no what isn’t, only what is. Philosophy is about giving you the thinking tools to seek truth for yourself. Philosophy is not going to lead you to truth. You are the only one that can lead yourself to truth. For example, your car is not going to get you to school. You driving your car to school is going to get you to school. Philosophy is not going to get you to truth. You using philosophy and seeking truth is going to lead you to truth.
  20. Fundamentally, distraction is everything that keeps away your concentration on one thing you’re supposed to be doing or thinking. Thus, everything could be a distraction, except for the thing/action you’re focused (or supposed to be focused) on. However, at the same time, everything could not necessarily be a distraction, because we can concentrate on every action and thing (at least individually, unless you relate “everything” as a whole thing). If theorising is a distraction, then it is distracting from less important matters. Personally, i have incorporated philosophy into my thought-processes, since i was a small child. So perhaps i have a “gift” for it, or a curse, depending on who you ask. Those that dislike my philosophizing, I've found, are those persons who are unable to discipline their train of thought, and are most often derailed by ego or negative emotion. They get frustrated or embarrassed at their lack and project it on to me
  21. All religions play on the weak spot that humans have..which is the psychological need to believe something. That can happen in all sorts of ways. We're highly suggestible. We adopt the beliefs of a group we are with. Our programming as we grow up can be such that it doesn't fit the real world. And there are many other reasons. So can know something makes no sense and still need to believe it. If it makes you feel good about yourself and your life .religious people Idon't think they have a delusion... but they certainly have some dissonance between what they know (that delusions exist) and what they feel. delusion is, by definition, fooling yourself into believing something that is not true I have adjusted the definition of delusion to something that fits our needs. Which seems to be that humans can't control what they believe if they just weren't weak.
  22. On a deeper level men are attracted to femine women, not masculine women; which society, is trying so hard to promote. Men also while in relationship; likes peace and no drama. “Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife.”