Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. Sex is very much important to maintain a spark in a relationship in order to keep the fire of love burning. Suppose if you are in a relationship since few months and haven’t even touched your partner yet. As you both will grow more affectionate of each other, you both will start holding hands. After few months, you both will kiss each other for the first time and sooner or later, it will lead to intercourse. It’s human nature, people will get bored if there is nothing new in a relationship. Everyone likes to have some change in their old life, that’s what keeps everything going. Even the nature changes its seasons because it can’t keep on having the same season its entire life. I am not saying that sex is very important. You can keep on having that spark in your relationship by trying many other things like doing some adventurous stuff like skydiving, travelling, trying new dishes et cetera along with your partner. But at some point, you will need it and do it only if you are serious about your relationship.
  2. I need them. Unfortunately they are illegal/banned in my country . I don't know if I can reach the same level of understanding while sober . You can have a mystical experience out of nowhere, or you may fast, meditate or do other intense ascetic practices for extended periods. Or, you may ingest a molecule, a mushroom, or a brew, and you may discover billions of years of evolutionary intelligence through journeys into the depths of human consciousness. Unfortunately that option is not available to me .and honestly it's making me upset .
  3. @Leo Gura in your philosophy video you talked about using philosophy to reach omniscience and a total understanding of all of reality. I wonder and I'm skeptical if that is is it possible to know everything in the world? “Everything in the world” would include all the grains of sand on every beach, and the names of seven billion people, and every thought in the mind of each of them. No one can know all of this, and no one would really want to. Einstein is quoted as saying, “The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don’t know”. To me, this illustrates how the illusion of total knowledge evaporates as we move closer to facing the infinite complexity of reality . Just the very fact that reality is infinite makes it unknowable. How can you ever know everything about something that is endless? Perhaps the illusion of total knowledge is comforting because of fear of the unknown. Many people are too quick to pigeonhole their experiences, or pretend to have total knowledge of things they’ve never been exposed to because it’s scary to admit to themselves that many things exist in the darkness beyond the reach of their knowledge. So I have a few questions What's the definition of omniscience? You talked in the past about general omniscience and detailed you can know the zoomed out picture of the earth but you can't get all the little details of every particle of sand on the whole planet .or is that kind of omniscience possible? If so,how ? How can you know everything when everything doesn't end how can you reach the end of infinity?
  4. @Pudgey @Michael569 So basically developing a skill and present my services into the market ? Or selling a product ? I lean towards selling products through online marketplace such as Amazon, Alibaba, eBay, Shopee, etc. can i sell either my own products or other people’s products through dropshipping arrangement? I want to write a philosophy book and sell it do I go about doing that ? Please guys be patient with me because I lack experience. I have zero expertise in online marketing so can you explain to me in simple steps what EXACTLY should I do ? I would love to list so many businesses that can generate massive income and can earn me a bunch of money..
  5. I don't believe in the Christian, Jewish, Islamic god . You know, the bearded man up in the clouds.... I believe in the one and only god. Existence itself.
  6. Omniscience is often regarded as impossible by folks who are unable to think outside their own three dimensional grasp of reality. Scientifically, to possess what we humans would consider omniscience, one might need a fourth, or fifth dimensional being. Maybe there's infinite dimensions that we don't know shit about? Who knows ? To understand how to achieve omniscience in this lifetime and this particular incarnation as this particular human.
  7. good question. Yeah sometimes when you corner Leo he just ignores you. But I don't think that he is making this shit up . Buy he is always ambiguous and mysterious when cornered. Supposedly, An omniscient being knows everything, including what he himself will do in the future. And An omnipotent being, on the other hand, can do anything, including committing a random act that he did not himself foresee. Of course, people try to get out of this conundrum by claiming that God is “above” logic, but that’s nothing more than a cheap dodge. It’s like claiming that God exists “outside of time” in order to explain how he could have created the universe in the first place. It’s a linguistic loophole without any actual semantic meaning.
  8. Why does God cut himself (itself ) from his unlimited power? Just for suspense ? For adventure? For it to experience what it's like to be a miserable fucking human being ? BTW I don't believe in God. I believe that if there's a God he must be me and nobody else .but that takes us to the solipsism question which is a gnarly one that I won't get into here. I'm an Atheist, so I do not believe an omnipotent being exists. Just wanted to make that clear from the jump. Now, the answer that believers in god used to give to the question of God's omnipotence was “Of course! An omnipotent being can create anything!” But then us pesky skeptical thinkers started asking things like “Really? So can he create a pepper so hot that he can't eat it?” Or “Can he create a boulder so big that he can't lift it?” Or “can he build a wall so high that he can't climb it?” and things like that. So then, just like always, in true “God Of The Gaps" rationale, the religious types shifted their goalposts and started claiming “an omnipotent being isn't REALLY omnipotent. He's maximally omnipotent. He can do anything that can be done, that doesn't tread all over the fundamental and universal laws of logic.” Which, if you ask me, is a massive cop-out and quite simply embarrassing for them. Because either God is unlimited in every possible way and can do whatever the fuck he wants to just by thinking it into existence...and the mysterious thing is he chose this absurd existence to incarnate as . God must be a weird mofo.
  9. I don't feel like I'm playing a game of not being omnipotent. I feel like I'm NOT omnipotent and I'm extremely limited in what can I do. sorry to say this but there's absolutely nothing above Omnipotence, nothing. Omnipotence means having unlimited power and having no limitations whatsoever. A Truly Omnipotent being can affect anything and nothing and I repeat nothing can affect them no matter what kind of creative method/argument/concept you might come up with to find a loophole or to outsmart Omnipotence it just won't work. Omnipotence is the very peak of everything and anything, there is nothing more than Omnipotence otherwise it wouldn't be Omnipotent. Hypothetically, literally, philosophically, metaphorically, etc, speaking, Omnipotence is the top, the pinnacle. So if was omnipotent at some point in the past but I forgot.and deliberately chose to cut myself off my unlimited power...then I must be the dumbest omnipotent God ever ?
  10. But is that desirable? ? Think about it..You know all things so you are essentially omnipresent throughout the universe at all points in time and you are in the minds of all living things so there is no such thing as a "new idea" since you would also know the possibilities, the future, the past, etc. There would literally be no purpose. Humans would have nothing to talk about since nothing would be funny or interesting since we all already know the rest of the sentence of the person who is talking to us. They would even know that we already know the rest of their sentence. In fact, there would be no point in bringing it up since the other person already knew that the first person would bring it up.?
  11. No .he means total understanding of everything in the entire universe. This is not the first time he mentioned this . He talked about how consciousness is capable of intercontinental self-understanding. If someone did know that..That person would be considered a god and worshiped by less developed individuals. The god would eventually get so tired of knowing all that there is to know that s/he would choose to start forgetting so that s/he would experience a sense of adventure in which the answer was not known.
  12. I remember 3 of them... 1-how is anything possible? 2-what is anything? 3- what is consciousness? I can't remember the other two . It's simply impossible. The amount of knowledge that is available for free is vastly larger than any one person will ever have time to learn. The knowledge created in the next day may be more than you can learn in your entire life.
  13. What are you even asking lol ?
  14. I think, most of the time, hatred of women's traits or women in general comes from fear, which is not necessarily unfounded. Women hold immense amount of emotional power over men. Basically, women look for men's love, while men look for women's approval. Not getting it hurts like hell. This is why we have "man up!" but not "woman up!", and dateless 40 year-old men going on killing sprees, but not women. Both men and women feel the same desire for love, sex and connection, but the pressure to earn that falls squarely on men's shoulders and often times stays there - consider, for example, that if a man initiates a breakup, we instinctively assign the blame to him, and we do the same thing when a woman does. It is no surprise, that men's failures and rejections exacerbate the fear, and it's natural to hate what we fear. To be fair, in an established relationship the power dynamic often reverses (although never completely), and there are just as many women hating men, having gone through bitter experiences, fueled by the fear of future betrayal or a
  15. I don't see why little of it would sit in your semen. Do you know difficult it is to build semen in the body ? It takes 30 days for a sperm cell to compose and fully mature . Let alone that it depends on your diet and exercise, sleep etc. Also in my religion (Hinduism) there is what's known as virya .its believed that there is only a limited amount of it in your body . What has been lost via ejaculation will never come back . Even though you never run out of semen and your body produces it daily . Which is why if you've been masturbating for years ..its clear to you that the volume of the semen in your ejaculation is less .
  16. And have you become conscious of it on your own?
  17. You can Google it What the hell do you think semen is composed of ?I Essential nutrients like zinc and iron and protein etc
  18. Sounds too good to be true . BUT!! do you know this for sure? Ever died before (as your current human character)? Because the only evidence is memories of these shifts from form to formless. But since you say you will erase all memories..then how do you know ?
  19. @something_else@The0Self OK fine . Can you explain the dizziness, sleepiness and tiredness that follows masturbation? Especially if you do it multiple times a day ? There is also another negative sides to masturbation other than the lack (however not very significant) of testosterone . If uncontrolled, it will cause weakning of nerves of pelvic floor causing you a lot of problems in life later. I understand ..You have high testosterone, you have high libido, you might masturbate more. But if you are doing it out of habit then it's cause of your habit and not testosterone. Your body loses lot of nutrients in semen. For the next 24 hours of ejaculation, your body goes into reserve state to replenish the loss. So don't do it excessively or out of habit. It's a good thing if done when you feel like doing. But most people (including myself) do it out of habit and chemical addiction has nothing to do with how horny you are . Because you can type up some porn shit and get arousal immediately. So I'm with it if done out of pure sexual craving. Not out of addiction and habit
  20. Obviously. Semen contains testosterone So when you ejaculate release some testosterone out of your body. And in nofap the opposite is the case . It's so obvious and simple when you think about it without the coomer mentality filter
  21. First of all ,I'm really really sorry for constantly complaining and posting about my smoking addiction. I made almost 4-5 posts in the past about this issue. People have recommend to me to just bite the bullet and quit cold turkey. It never worked. I just now finished half a pack of Marlboro Gold . I can quit for a day or two or even a week or two .but Quitting "forever" can seem impossible and daunting. I was always told to just tell myself to make it through the day because that's manageable. Then tomorrow i just tell myself to make it through that day also. I've read tons of tips, advice, and how-to's online, but non of them seem to work for me. would love useful insights and read some tales of inspiration. I know people will recommend to me the Allen Carr book.I've heard of it but have yet to check it out. I will soon. I also suffer from anxiety and mild depression. Not sure if it's because the cigarettes or not. I wouldn't call it depression nesscary but my mood in general is low. remember that. Sometimes the only reason I got out of bed was to smoke. I take some antidepressants (Prozac, Invega , rivotril,and zyprexa). I'm also becoming dependent on them .I can't function well and my mood goes to shit when I don't take them for even just few days . Please I'm looking for solid advice on how to quit .and if anyone can be my accountability partner ,please PM me . Thanks.
  22. When you are busy in mind the day passes quickly so it seems time speeds up when there is constant action in mind. When you are not busy and present in the moment in mind time can feel like it is slowed down ,you can get bored with nothing to occupy the mind. The above seems to suggest to me that time is dependent on how preoccupied your mind is or the extent to which it is preoccupied. So if time is linked to the speed of the flow of thought in the mind, then slowing thought down will give the impression that time is passing slowly in the mind. So the impression of time in the mind is related to action in the mind. So you can slow down that sense of time in the mind if you can get to that point in the mind, where all thinking in the mind has stopped.
  23. So do you agree with the notion that reality seem incomprehensibly mystical and beyond any attempt to box it in any conceptualization or framework ? Simply because It's infinite .and our tools (logic ,reason ,science, spirituality etc ) are inadequate finite tools ?
  24. Hehe ? It would not really matter, wouldn't it? Suppose all cats are enlightened or can gain enlightenment, then what? They speak cat language and we find that hard to comprehend. We understand only the basics and the clear signs. It would not help us in any way. So maybe a cat can achieve cat enlightenment. Also animals tend to have a quit mind relative to humans .A mind that is quiet, not attached to the past, or to projections of the future from the past can see the present moment as it is without the domination of the past experiences. If it sees someone is crying then it will attempt to comfort them if it’s possible, if it sees someone is yelling at them it will try to learn why without any desire to escape or transcend the situation. If it feels it is doing something that is not helpful, it will stop doing it. When there is no personal agenda attached to a situation, the situation is seen in its entirety and not from a limited motive, that is the small difference in seeing between human minds and animal minds. But you are right in that it lacks the conceptual understanding ..but does it really matter? Do you prefer to have peace of mind and inner bliss for the rest of your life or to gain a complete conceptual understanding of all reality? Think about it deeply .its no easy question.