Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. Yeah isn't it scary though ? Breaking news.. The universe might end this very second..that's a fact. You can't prove that everything won't just disappear boom gone this very second. No you can't. You want to believe it can't. But it most certainly can. What the fuck is holding everything together anyways?.. Just a creepy thought. Pulling it out of my stuffy subconscious. And be sure you can find thousands of such creepy thoughts. When you understand this you might want to consider to let go of a lot of bullshit that you think you know.
  2. So if I stopped believing that the sun will rise up won't?
  3. To my mind this is mostly based on expectations. Those who anticipate that life has a deeper meaning or some sort of cosmic justice or balance are vulnerable to disappointment when they observe the randomness or "unfairness" of life. OTOH, those who accept the lack of any discernable "plan" or deeper meaning and concentrate on the numerous aspects of life that are within their personal control or at least direct influence can enjoy the benefits of that influence and control and thus create a local (as opposed to universal) "plan" (their own).
  4. Hume's main argument against causality is that we see things happening in the world in pattern. Then we conclude that the same phenomenon will repeat the next time it's tried. What this also means, is that a truly two linked events will never do anything because they don't have any concrete laws to rely on and it cannot logically justify why past observations must be linked to the future either. Equivalently, it may do anything it wishes because there is no reason why one set of actions is better than another. So no reason why doing nothing is better than doing something. They are all equally good options for it. The universe is lawless to it unless it figures out some new information. Then it means human being are not completely logical beings either. As I type this, I rely on the same assumption that I talked about earlier, and consider this course of action better than others. My actions therefore are completely irrational. There is no way to justify them. It is just that I have a desire, and I'm hoping the said assumption is true and will help me fulfill my desires, even though I cannot logically justify it. My human instincts want me to believe that there is a pattern. In fact my instincts developed like this in the first place because there was a pattern, and because it contained a link to predicting the future. There is still no way to guarantee that the patterns always work, or will continue to work, but biological systems discovered that their best bet to survival was working under the assumption that it will mostly work.
  5. Prove me wrong. Is there a single thing in this uncertain world of ours that is by definition, “impossible?” I think NO . Of course, many people misinterpret the meaning of the word “impossible.” If something cannot be done now, does that mean that it will never be done? No, of course not. For example, we humans used to think that flying was impossible, that it was the stuff that only happened in fairytales. But look at our world now! Airplanes! People probably also thought, at a certain point in time, that seacraft made of metal was impossible. Well, look at our harbors now! Metal ships everywhere! So what really is impossible? In my opinion, nothing is strictly impossible. If you can’t do it, that doesn’t mean that others won’t be able to. A fish would obviously think that climbing a tree was impossible, but little did the fish know that it was indeed possible. For the fish, it was impossible, but for a monkey, it was possible. In the same way, the monkey would think that it was impossible to live in water, but the fish demonstrated to him that it was indeed possible. Now, there are some things that are possible but not plausible, as I like to say. Have you ever wondered why humans haven’t built any flying cities? Many people would say that such things are impossible. But are they really? No! Flying cities are possible, just not plausible. If you build a gigantic metal platform and attach millions upon billions of engines and propellers to it and build a city on the platform, you have a flying city! It is indeed possible, but the cost of building such a mammoth would be extremely high. That is why we are still stuck to the ground. But if something is deemed impossible now, that may change in the future. In some cases, particular things that were possible in the past are now impossible. A good example of this is Greek fire. In conclusion, is anything truly impossible! No. The correct way to view this is, “With God, anything is possible
  6. Why are we always constantly seeking more achievements ,which might take multiple forms ? More money .more sex .more luxury items etc. Why can't we be satisfied with having just about right what's nesscary for our survival and that's it? food and water and shelter and basics of life ? Why do people go out of their way? To me,minimalism seems to be more simplistic and easy to walk through in this life . Minimalism is not about depriving yourself from basic comfort or putting yourself through hardships. It is about developing in yourself the mindset of a monk. We are on a journey on Earth. This journey shall last a few decades. In the grand scheme of cosmos, our lives do not last for more than a blink. When we travel to some place , we try to pack only as much as is necessary. Anything more becomes a burden, an inconvenience. Same goes for life. Pack only that is necessary. Everything else is a burden. I do not see any cons of minimalist lifestyle.
  7. @r0ckyreed You are projecting the idea that what you are experiencing right now has a deeper independent reality to it. Which you call the external objective world. You Believe the world exists when you are not perceiving it. recognize it’s a more of convoluted belief system that requires extra mind baggage.. that careful.. objective.. direct study of experience and reality does not need. In fact.. if you studied your direct experience long enough you’d notice all sensory perception has no solidity to it at all.. it’s just a fluid.. spacious.. fluctuating field of is-ness popping into and out of a void. the “objective” reality science thinks is out there is quite literally impossible if they knew what they were actually studying, which is perception. The thoughts that think there’s an objective layer are also popping into and out of this void. This requires an extremely stable...mindful concentration of what is really happening vs what your mind thinks is happening.
  8. Science can't understand what consciousness is because Consciousness runs through everything. So you can't get outside of consciousness to explain it from beyond. It goes through everything. It runs through everything through different 'escapes'. Sensation or sentience often seen as some form of 'awareness' or a slight comprehension of the outside world. I beg to differ but still believe consciousness can be an object of supporting inanimate objects as having some form of reality to them, despite that not being the purpose of consciousness. If you hit a rock, in my opinion, it will not be aware that it has been struck, as it has no perceptual system of neurological or even slightly intelligent behaviour. It is just a rock, although as I said consciousness is an omnipresent thing so hypothetically, the atoms that respond could be reacting and therefore being aware to the extent of unintentional and instinctive reactivity. So consciousness runs through everything. Even inanimate objects that seem to have no consciousness but are made of consciousness. And as long as scientists assume that consciousness is something that living beings have it will forever remain a mystery.
  9. This should've been a YT episode . Leo deconstructing the illusion that reality is being perceived via sense organs and perceptual system. Must watch if you want to understand how consciousness and perception work. The main point is that what's occurring right now is not perceived . So the visual field is not perceived via the eyes .it exists exactly where it appears .which is outside the eyes and distant from it . That's just one example.
  10. That's laughable to Any scientist or academic . They don't see different kinds of science or different versions of scientific method. Vodo and witchcraft and psychedelics can never be considered real science. Because science comes with a metaphysical assumptions of materialism as you pointed out . So my point is that science will never fully understand consciousness using the current set of assumptions. Consciousness is forever a mystery to itself. Reality is pure magic .irreducible mystery. How could you use finite tools and methods (science, spirituality, religion etc) to unravel something which is infinite ? An absolute truth in an infinite reality? Don't you see the obvious weirdness of such claim?
  11. This is a cycle version of the liar paradox. There is no easy way to answer it, something which has been known for over two thousand years. If the first statement is true, so is the second statement, so the first is false, which is a contradiction. If the first statement is false, so is the second statement, so the first is true, which is a contradiction. Its self contradiction . Therefore it's meaningless . "This statement is false", it is clear that there is actually no statement being said. The "This . . ." part of the text perhaps enables the text to reference itself, but assuming this self-reference, the ". . . statement . . . " part misascribed this text as being a statement. There is no description or claim about the world being made (even about this bit of text), and so the text does not qualify as being a statement. If, on the other hand, the text had read "This text is not a statement" (assuming once more successful self-reference), then the claim would be a linguistic one that is in fact true, and there is nothing paradoxical happening here. But "This statement is false" is not a statement, as has been shown.
  12. The barrier for science to understanding consciousness is that we ignore the fact that all of our knowledge of the world has come from consciousness. When we think that this world knowledge is separate from consciousness, then we eliminate all of the consciousness that we know about except the misunderstood activities inside the brain. Those brain activities will likely be substantially understood in the future. But people will still have a problem thinking of consciousness as a thing that arises from the brain. In the way that we think of a chair as a thing. Spirituality also doesn't know what consciousness is . You can keep having awakenings forever. And still not get to the rock bottom of what consciousness is . Because its infinite. Will that be an adequate explanation for you?
  13. The statement is incoherent. That is, it uses language and syntax as if it meant something, but it does not mean anything, it does not refer to anything, it makes no truth claims.
  14. I want to bring your attention to a particular logical principle. The principle is known as the “law of non-contradiction.” A=A. It can be formulated in a number of ways, but my favorite natural language formulation runs thus: the same sentence cannot be both true and not-true at the same time, in the same place, in the same respect. It cannot both be and not-be. It’s not both at the same time. Perhaps it can be neither, if you don’t buy the law of the excluded middle, but it cannot be both. Perhaps there is some middle road between false and true, if you want to push it that far, but there simply cannot be something that is both true and false, at the same time, in the same place, in the same respect. So no .such universe cannot exist . How to reconcile that with reality being infinite? I don't know.
  15. Yes .the answer though is that something and nothing are identical. These are dualistic notions that must break down at the ultimate level . Just like a dream st night .it's both something and nothing simultaneously. Further more, wevcan only know what exists here and now and only to the extent to what can be measured here and now. But from what has been gathered here with these limitations, everything appears to be a zero-sum situation. A supersymmetry. And when I say everything, I mean extended to what exists but can’t be measured here (Everett interpretation of QM) and what exists in others universes as well.
  16. Yeah very much agree. Another analogy would be the eye trying to see itself . And that's actually more reflective because the eye is a portal for consciousness. Consciousness is everything and nothing. It always was. .and that is why God Consciousness is nothing. Nothing and everything. and is infinite. We are all connected through our consciousness. The reality you are experiencing right now is an illusion. The real truth is complete awareness; one with God Consciousness and you will experience it or may have already. You created your reality with your conscious imagination. You are doing it all the time, you just do not realize it. You chose this life, this incarnation, before you were born; when you were still spirit. You chose this reality to learn, grow, and ascend from. Oh, there is so much. But I will just stop here lol
  17. I think the biggest problem in metaphysics is obvious: Why does/how can, reality exist? Not the universe, or a multiverse, but reality itself.
  18. Are there any REAL ways to make extra cash online/at home? I currently work full time in a call center. but I'm seriously struggling in every way possible financially. I'm lucky if I eat one good meal a day because all my money goes toward bills and debts every month. . I need to get a part time job but my schedule makes it very difficult to find anything. I was looking into investment in the stock market but that's really not my thing unless I can be completely be anonymous. I've looked into data entry jobs, those stupid (and obviously fake) survey things, but no luck. I can't make and sell things on etsy because I don't ever have enough money for materials, which aren't even guaranteed to sell. I don't have any talents I can use to make money Does anyone have extra cash online? If so, what did you do ? Thank you ?
  19. I want to describe my interpretation of the mechanics of the Karma system. I believe Karma is definitely similar to an ironic event, it sums up to, do unto others what would be done unto you or as TOOL would say "Do unto others what has been done to you." There's two experiences in reality, birth and death, there's also a belief that reincarnation is real but whether you believe in it or not its really not relevant for consciousness. The persona is the character or role you play in life, your personality or how you act towards others, It's pretty much an act. The persona is illusory to consciousness and makes the mistake of thinking it is actually the persona. I'ts not the ego its just a trickery of the mind, in other words you play different roles through your experience of birth and re-birth. Consciousness is doing this forever, a very repetitious nature, and is quite possible that you may have experience every single persona that ever existed through the eras of time. You are born into the world and what you do to it will have an impact on you and no one else. Bad Karma is simply, I hurt you, and If you hurt others or harm the world (leaving it in a worst shape than you found it). Eventually you will end up playing the role of the person that you hurt and experience a world that you destroyed. You can relate to this, how many times has someone else made you cry? Good Karma can lead to more good karma. You're born into a world that takes time to understand and you have the power to make someone else's life better and when you die, you did all you could to make the world better for future generations. That's my view of a Karmic system, take from the world put back into it and improve it for your future self.
  20. @Razard86 do you not sleep ? (Just joking lol ) Great thread as usual
  21. Speaking from personal experience, I function in exactly the same way I did before my awakening except for one thing… My fundamental perception of life has now shifted from an ego-centric viewpoint to a “heart” or God-centric viewpoint. This means that I no longer view myself as an individual at an essential level, only at a functional level. Consequently, my actions now arise out of that which is most beneficial to the whole. Time no longer holds any power over me. Past and Future are denied airtime. My playground is Eternity. I no longer need to think before I act. I just do. I just am.
  22. Since I was a very young child, I've always been interested in understanding the universe far beyond the scientific sense. It troubles me, as I'm sure it does many of you, to understand who we are, where we came from, and what our purpose is here. Imagine you have awoken on a train, not knowing how you got there. What would your two first questions be? 1)How did I get here? 2)Where are we going? For me, that is life. The Universe is constantly a mystery to me, and it makes no sense how we exist. And this might be the reason why Andrew Tate have accepted Islam, and I fully believe that he knows the story of Islam and how corrupt and skewed it is. But the Quran simply offers clear-cut answers to the big existential questions like where did we come from ?and why are we here ?and where are we gonna go after death ? When I see someone intelligent (supposedly) choosing to immerse himself in a religion that is simply outdated and not applicable to our modern society values then I notice that people In the West lack spiritual connection to reality . They are by far the largest power when to comes to material power (money, oil,science, technology)etc but there is this hedonistic and nihilistic and pragmatic approach to life that makes people all they care about is food and sex and drugs etc. And that's why in the last decade or so there was a growing number of spiritual communities in the west teaching Buddhism and Zen etc . To fill that existential gap in the hearts of western people. What are your thoughts ? Do you agree with me ?
  23. Not necessarily but potentially. The problem is that the moment you train people to accept religious claims unquestioned you can tell them anything as long as you disguise the claim as a religious claim. The results are crusades, jihads, inquisition, heretic hunts, people strapping bombs to their bodies and setting them off in a crowd or flying planes into buildings(9/11).etc Religion is a tool. It can be used for good or bad. But the basis of blind faith introduces a gigantic potential for abuse. I agree. Even though I've never been into any western country but obviously you could have more possibilities there easily. You live in the middle East if I'm correct? Why don't you consider migrating to a a first world country ? You are a smart guy and should have all opportunities open to you(if its not already Inyour country then my bad ). A secure income is of course a good foundation. To get there, get decent job skills and working habits. Regardless of whether you run your own business or accept employment. Reliability, dependability, discipline and the other boring old fashioned stuff works in that direction. But I say all that is secondary. You must first discover the ultimate truth. Just like how the Buddha or Ramana Maharshi did . They left society from a very young age and went to seek truth .then after reaching the ultimate understanding of who they are and what reality is, they came back to society. That's how it should be. Its not backward.
  24. @Gesundheit2 have you watched any of his podcasts and interviews after his conversion? Do you know that the average mulsim is so ignorant of their religion that they don't even know about the verse in the quran which says that men should beat women if they disobey their husbands ? Islam has come under unfair attack. The average muslim family has not read the Quran and just want their families to do well. When it comes from westerners converting to Islam you can say that they understand more about Islam than arab original Muslims do . the issue here is not Islam really. But the lack of spirituality in the west . People in the west have become so immersed in materialism and hedonism .which started to backfire into new age spirituality. What I want to stress in this thread is that you should build your spiritual foundation BEFORE even getting the basics of survival in life (becoming financially independent, and leaving your parents home and marry and have children). Without spiritual clarity it is simply impossibility to be happy and fullfiled in life. And that's what make westerners convert to Islam or Buddhism because they think they've found what they are truly looking for .