Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. Right now I can see a person's face ..I can look at his eyes and I can become fully conscious of him . But I cannot be conscious as him. I can only be conscious of him .i cannot penetrate inside his perceptual system and see the world via his eyes . If he was consious ,I would be conscious as him .but since I'm conscious as me and not as him..therefore he is not conscious and I'm the only conscious person In existence. My consciousness is the ONLY fact in existence. The consiousness of other beings is a Fantasy that I'm imagining to create an illusion of reality . So the entire universe is only the bubble of consciousness that I'm conscious of right now . Solipsism isn't bad or's the absolute truth. And I'm only having terrible time with it at the moment because I'm going through a process of stomaching it and accepting it .Once I fully accept it...I wouldn't need to share anything on this forum .because I'm only sharing it with myself.
  2. It exists .it's called delay spray In my masturbation sessions I have used several techniques including benzocaine in different doses (spray, gel, etc), thicker, double and triple condoms, quick-burning exercise and I still can’t last more than 3 minute. The orgasm lasts 20–40 seconds, so I have to perform oral sex on this girl before I ejaculate inside her.
  3. She is a girl I met in uni few weeks ago .then I went on two dates with her to a coffee shop and a restaurant and we exchanged Ideas and getting to know each other . She is definitely into me. Because she offered having "intimate time together "(that's how she framed it).if it’s what she wants it’s what she wants. I think people often underestimate how women also get urges, seems like it makes sense considering she’s a single before meeting me I don't think it's an issue at all. I know many ppl will make assumptions that if a woman wants sex right away she's a skank and couldn't want a real relationship but that's just not true and not fair. Also ..I don't have time for long periods of courting before sex. I can't just meet up whenever, it requires arranging some meetings .So when I do find someone I actually like and deem worthy of my limited time more than likely we fucking.
  4. bro..I'm asking how do you distinguish dreams from reality ? Which means how do you know you are not dreaming right now ? How do you know you are in the "real " world right now ? Inside the dream there is a complete universe. It has the appearance of depth and solidity that we also experience when we are awake. The laws of physics are sometimes different and we meet with people who are deceased. However inside the dream, these things appear to be totally normal. They are all created by our mind. We can walk through forests and cities, lie on the beach or make love. We eat, drink and experience the full gamut of life. How can we tell that the waking experience is not a dream? How do we know for sure that when we sleep, that isn’t a waking up experience for another dreamer, the dreamer who is dreaming us? Of course, we know that the waking experience is similar to dreams in many ways. We know that the world our senses perceive isn’t really as it seems. We know that the objects around us aren’t really solid..they are made of atoms which are themselves 99.9999999999999999% empty space. The apparent depth and solidity that we perceive are all creations of the mind. This is, of course, also true of your own body and those of the people around you. Enlightenment is, in a way, realising that the waking world is just a creation of our minds. It is realising that as real and solid as it might seem, the waking world is really just a series of concept and ideas created by our minds. And, off course, the existence of the mind is itself just a dream. Seen at an atomic level, there is no brain, no body and no mind. These are also just ideas. Inside our sleeping dreams, we also perceive bodies who seem to think and act and experience the world around them. Those bodies, brains and minds have no objective reality outside of the mind that is dreaming them. Why, then, is it so hard for people to accept that this world, too, is merely another dream? Accepting that the waking world is another dream, devoid of objective reality outside of our minds, is the secret to permanent peace. It is lucid dreaming in the waking state. We participate in the world, totally accepting that is a dream and acknowledging that the dream has no objective reality. Once we accept that our own concept of self, of the ego, the “I”, is a complete fabrication, it is impossible to take it seriously like we once did. If you were asleep and having a lucid dream (i.e. aware that you are in a dream), would you worry about anything happening inside the dream? Or would you just go along with it and enjoy the ride?
  5. @Gesundheit2 I obviously cannot prove that stones and bricks do not have experience. But suppose they do not have experience; they exist nonetheless. Therefore, the words "experience" and "existence" are meant differently as far as I'm concerned. I don't really know of anyone who thinks and can justify that experience is an element of existence. . Rocks exist, but we have absolutely no evidence that they experience anything. I'm assuming that "experience" means consciously experience. If it just means "stuff happens to the target of the experience" then, sure, stuff happens to rocks. If we go with that definition, then I'd change my answer to yes. If something exists..if it's a form of matter, located in the Universe..then stuff happens to it, even if only on an sub-atomic level.but only YOU have sentience.
  6. The equation has no two sides. Direct experience is all there is . Notice this! Don't argue with me ..just notice it . It's not difficult or impossible to do .you can do it .
  7. Good questions. It's tricky to explain. But i will try my best to explain.. Whoever it is that is conscious in this Universe and reading this sentence RIGHT FUCKING NOW is the ONLY conscious being in existence. So if you are conscious right now ..that means you are the only one . And no one else Is conscious but you. And even if anyone else is are them In a different timeline. The bottom line is that there is only ONE conscious experience happening at a time .they are NOT simultaneous. How do you even distinguish dreams from reality ? You are missing the point. That boundary between the dream world and the waking world is imaginary . Do you agree that everyone in your dreams are imaginary and just your own construction of your own mind ? Now just extend this to include even the waking world. is up to you to believe what you want about this issue . I have a complete clarity about it . If by some implausible chance solipsism is correct, I think you would want to spin out whatever stories you have going as long as possible to avoid the loneliness of an empty universe.
  8. this is my own opinion that feels hard for me to say. So no hate please, I don't want to push a belief onto you so please stop reading and don't say anything rude please if you disagree : I just don't see how more than one consciousness can be displayed at a time. I think the universe can only give vision, colors, and thoughts to one person at a time. But I believe all of life shares one being's life anyway. I feel like the universe can only be like one tv screen for everyone's eyes to look at, but inside same body. I guess the one living being would reincarnate forever too because there is not another option for the universe to give life to everyone. (I would think the being is a girl because if everyone had to vote on being male or female the most votes would probably be female) I don't believe life ends after death, especially since the being shared by everyone has so many lives to lose if it dies. I feel like it is impossible for no life to be occurring in the universe at all.. So that would basically grant eternal life and happiness to one being that is not really ‘alone’, not human, but a vessel for all the souls to continue living forever. I wouldn't be exactly happy about it, and I feel like the universe would give everyone their own consciousness if it could be able to. I just think if there actually was more than one life going on at the same time, the original one beings eyesight would have to be a split screen like video games, but split into over 6 billion pieces. Which wouldn't make sense. Solipsism is true .and what's more fascinating is that you can be 10000% sure about . Just study your direct experience carful enough. No need to logic your way into convincing yourself about it as a belief system. Just think for a moment..what's the difference between Leo's bald head that you see on YouTube and Leo's bald head that you see in your dreams? Is there any difference? They are both appearances within your bubble of consciousness. Which is the only thing that exists . And you know this very well. Your denial about it comes from an emotional reaction. It simply doesn't "feel good " to view the world in a solipsistic view . But do you care about truth or how you feel ?that's the question.
  9. And the aliens are conspiracies (don't know the plural of this word ) on the earth by the illuminati . This in the midst of a big galactic war between good guys and bad guys.
  10. Imagine that you go to sleep and you suddenly wake up as an alien in a humanless world, realizing that you had only been dreaming you were a human and that humans were merely a fictional creature that you had dreamt up while sleeping. Too far out there ? Maybe but I haven't found any evidence that makes this impossible. First, I would like to focus on dreaming. We all are familiar with dreaming as we all have experienced dreaming during our sleeps. We happen to be in entirely new situations in those dreams, and I am sure 'out of body' experiences are not rare among the dreams that people have seen. It is true that when we suddenly wakeup from a dream we happen to feel a bit awkward. But after that we carry on with our normal lives as nothing as happened. So I think this will apply even if we are aliens who are in a deep sleep dreaming a life as a human. When we wakeup, we will be aliens and nothing more. When I think about the themes that this scenario implies, I would like to clarify a few things: 1) Do you believe in presence of aliens? 2) Do they have a consciousness? 3) If yes, is it similar to our consciousness and can we think of the shared consciousness including their consciousness? 4)if the universe contains billions of galaxies..isn't it u unprobable that humans who live on this tiny little rock that is floating around in the middle of nowhere(earth) are the only sentient beings in a seemingly infinite universe?
  11. lmao for real you think space aliens exist (a different race than HomoSapiens)? imo they exist. We just didn't find them yet . And denying their existence in our universe, is like scooping a ‘cup’ of water from an Ocean and saying, “Yeah, there’s no fish in this ocean, lol ” See, we humans having existed for only 0.2% of the Earth's existence, its more likely that aliens turned up, saw an empty planet and left without a second thought. We judge a planet’s potential for life using our planet as a reference, there's a good chance aliens have analysed Earth and determined no life could be here based on their planet as a reference, which is completely different from ours.
  12. I thought this is an interesting topic Anyone wanna discuss aliens and stuff ? I'm bored
  13. For me, I believe it is the problem of induction. How do I rationally demonstrate that one induction is more logical or reasonable than another? Sure, intuitively we believe it is more reasonable that the sun will rise again tomorrow, than the sun will not rise again tomorrow. But, rationally, why is this? If we could discover a rational construct of thought which could evaluate the rationality of inductions, I believe epistemology would be in a better place.
  14. I recently was told by someone that religion is a good thing even if it is false. He said that it's good because it brings people together and teaches morality. Is this true? Is religion good for people even if it is false? A good question that could only be answered, I think, by taking a group of newborns and splitting them into three groups. Group 1: Don't learn anything about religion. Group 2: The common person, learns some. Group 3: The highly religious, learns everything. As they live you can compare how they interact within their own groups, then if you want you can have them interact with the others. It's inhuman to do something like that but I think it will show what religion can and can't do. I just read said something like if God really doesn't exist, then it would probably be very necessary to invent it. I'm still thinking about that one.
  15. Yeah man . Thanks for the encouragement. However..I think two weeks are nothing compared to the long years I used to smoke in . I smoked all day everyday for about 5 years . My body must be terribly damaged . I visited a doctor to get a scan on my lungs to see if I'm on my way to having a heart attack and thank good my lungs are still healthy and functioning. However the doctor kept scaring me of getting throat cancer if I continued to smoke .especially that I take all the smoke down my throat..I don't release. I just enhale (no exhale for the smoke ). I think Any self-respecting doctor will not judge me for smoking. It’s an addiction and they will understand that. He most likely respect the fact I'm determined to quit. and he assured me that its not too late for me. I made sure my respiratory system isn’t damaged beyond help. Thanks ?.
  16. I'm not making it complicated. It IS COMPLICATED. Maybe you lack frame of reference to understand how addictive smoking is (I assume that you didn't smoke before ). But yeah I will definitely try to build a healthy set of habits that motivates me to quit. Especially sports .I can't be fit for sport with a lungs filled of nicotine shit . I will Forget about cutting down, especially because i have low self control. All I'm doing is torturing yourself for no reason. Pure masochism. The only way to quit is cold turkey. I must Put my current pack of smokes (which i didn't get rid of it yet).under the kitchen faucet, get them nice and soaked, and then throw them in the garbage. I don't have a stash hanging around fortunately. Thanks ?
  17. Trust me when I say this. Nicotine gums contain nicotine. What’s bad about cigarettes is that they contain nicotine. So eating gums instead of cigarettes is no good. From one nicotine product I'm passing to another. Better is i try not to smoke at all. This will not happen in a day, but will take time. I must be patient. I thought about First trying to reduce the number of cigarettes. But it didn't work too well.i get back to smoking a pack in two nights or so . I think the only option is cold turkey. Enough beating around the Bush Fortunately none of my family members or the people I hang out with I'm college smoke. So that’s gonna help me avoid passive smoking that might trigger an urge In me to smoke . Thank you ?
  18. Thanks man for the tips . Highly appreciate it. OK I got it, eat more carbohydrates, drink plenty of water ,and any form of physical activities. I understand the point about water.. I think it can help flush out toxins and chemicals from my body. It may take some time, however, depending on how long i have smoked. Which is 5 years .i will Try to drink 6-12 cups of water a day. This can also help boost my energy levels, which is important especially if that I relied on cigarettes to make myself alert. Thanks again. ?
  19. @Michael569 btw ..any detoxing protocols to apply that can help clean my body and reverse the damage of smoking over five years?
  20. I actually went to Thailand few months back looking for hookers and prostitutes lol. Its a beautiful country .but I had to come back to India for college I think it depends on my budget and my tastes. Thailand can be as cheap as chips if i go the budget route. I will find a hostel bed for as little as US$10 a night, and a four-star hotel room for $40–50. Even a five-star room can be had for as little as $100 , although you can pay way more at the very high end. And the nice thing about Thailand, it is suitable for all budgets. I Don't expect rooms for ten dollars a night . Ten dollars, big breakfast included, free parking. The lowest price in Thailand. Also I get the information from Booking. Com. Financially speaking, I want to use the money that I usually used to buy smoke for other things, such as gym membership, books or other stuff that might help my personal development. Environmentally speaking, I can mitigate, though insignificant. I think when i stop smoking, I will also stop harming those around me who don’t smoke (passive smoker). It might have insignificant effect, but sometimes it might surprise you.
  21. @Razard86 My only criticism of you is that you post a lot . Like A LOT!! might want to take a break from the forum for a while . You don't have to be constantly pumping insights every day .It's not like you get paid for it lol. No matter how carefully one phrases their speech there will always be someone who misunderstands, or only hears what they want to hear. There are people who get a kick out of deliberately taking your words out of context just to cause an argument. So no. You cannot speak without offending someone, somewhere. I find that the best policy is to tell them what you are going to tell them. Tell them what you have to tell them and then tell them what you have just told them
  22. @Tyler Robinson The best way to respond to someone who is not making sense and doing so deliberately to either confuse you or deflect your attention away from himself to simply say that: “I can see that you’re trying to confuse me,” and then nothing more after that. You have to say it flatly as a factual statement, with no emotion whatsoever. It is not an invitation to discuss any further or to enter into a debate; you are not offering him an opportunity to explain himself. It iis a simple statement that you can see what he is doing. The hard part is to do it calmly and without emotion, and then press the “mute button” for anything he says in response. He will undoubtedly attempt to respond and keep you engaged until he can be right and you can be wrong, but it won’t work. You can’t hear or see anything he says or does in response; you’ve pressed the “mute” button.
  23. @Leo Gura be more polite and stop insulting people when you lock their threads. For real though..First, take a look at your website's design. Is it outdated or does it look like it was made by a professional? If it's the latter, then you might want to consider hiring a web designer to give your website a makeover. Take a look at your blog's content. Is it informative and well-written? If not, then you might want to consider hiring a content writer to help you improve your blog content. Because sole of your recent written blogs of yours were like trolling and low quality.
  24. I have come across the idea that people's political outlooks can be described by two independent dimensions. A left-right axis and a libertarian-authoritarian axis. But is it a good model ? Are all four quadrants populated ? Or is leftism inherently authoritarian ?Is there a libertarian left ? To my understanding Leftism first and foremost wants the government to redistribute income (and/or pay for free/cheap public services). Libertarianism amounts to seeking freedom from government intervention (where possible). Therefore, in my opinion, there is rather limited scope for leftist libertarianism.but it exists . Am I correct ? Sorry for my poor understanding of these issues . I'm still a noob in politics ?
  25. Nothing . He's just inactive recently.