Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. Here you said there is no such thing as the whole story . What I mean by "stories" is assumptions and : -other people have consciousness -the world exists when I am not perceiving it -I’m smarter than most people -I will die -I am a human -I’m not dreaming -What scientists say is provable -If I don’t eat food I will die -my parents are my parents -I was born -my memories of past events are accurate -everything is made of atoms -I am more virtuous than most people -Tomorrow will happen -I’d be happy if I had what I think I want Now question to you you have beliefs like these or am u underestimating your wokeness ?
  2. Thank you sir . I needed to hear something from this ilk . I recently came to know that same conclusions. That really happiness and peace of mind come from surrender to God. My mom is a deeply religious person .she has unshakeable faith in God. And even though we are going through some tough times recently she never lose her smile and serenity. She always tell me that you just be with God and you will be at peace that passeth understanding . Happiness is god alone. Life is god alone .nothing means anything without God. There is nothing beyond God or before God. If you didn't reach God yet ...then you are not alive ..and if you are living forever.
  3. it might be true but it isnt practical. Even if im god and all alone dreaming up reality ..everything in my relative existence goes against this . People will still call you a basket case if you told them you're God. But I understand that it can be a good escape when things get hectic and life is throwing lemons at you. Unless you are luicd in a dream..there is no use calling it a dream.
  4. you didn't call those spiritual teachers "clowns "? And no . Enlightenment is surrendering to God. Just like the Islamic worship. I don't know exactly what you mean by " opening ". If we are not splitting hairs then we are talking about the same thing . Otherwise I'm waiting for you to clarify what you mean by that statement.
  5. I'm not doubting him. In fact that's what I literally said ..that he has his own absolute conviction that he knows what's up and that Leo ..Sadhguru..Osho ..Peter Ralston ..Ranama Maharshi..Robert Adams are ignorant fools . All I say is that reality and truth are relative and perspectival . Is it 6 or 9?(see the picture below). Its both depending on where are you standing. And of course it's not just 6 or 9..if we Zoom into it we shall find all the numbers combined together in that symbol. So it's actually infinity. And only appears as 6 or 9 relative to the observation. The truth is not isolated. It's intertwined with the observer. When looking for the truth.. One should make a distinction between the Truth.. And his own truth. The Truth is always infinite. While one's own truth is one's own perspective and POV. Always partial Of course you are familiar with the parable of the elephant and the six blind men ... As Leo said "the elephant is infinity" its every possible perspective and POV that it can be looked at from.
  6. Are you aware of something..that everyone lives in their own bubble reality? No two humans on the entire planet have the same perception of a chocolate bar ..let alone the nature of reality or what constitutes enlightenment. Some people think think enlightenment is simply realising the ego is illusory. Leo thinks it's about realizing that you are god . You think it's "opening your legs to the full glory of the existence "(whatever the hell that means ). I think its killing yourself mentally and surrendering your entire existence to god . Who's to determine which definition is correct? You ? That would be begging the question. Just truly to humble yourself and tone down your absolutist confidence in these matters .
  7. I once asked Leo a question about how can you say that "reality is a dream "? Since everything Is just itself and not some other thing. Its a perfectly symmetrical tautology . Reality is reality. Nothing more .if you Hojo follow my posts I try to be epistemologically rigorous because of the tricky nature of language and the mind. And I have a suggestion to create more fruitful philosophical discussions on this forum: We must always be clear and concise in our that philosophical discourse makes sense and the thoughts we converse about actually point to existing/comprehensible things in reality. (I know that that begs the question of who defines what "existing/comprehensible" things are.).. I say now that all of this existential Inquiries are infinite regressing phenomena that covers no ground.. precisely because there was no ground to cover in the first place. I am well aware that this is exceedingly radical.. but I'm going to write a few of my points like this : 1. All definitions are not definite. 2. All ideas are assumptions. 3. All ideas are beliefs. 4. All ideas refer to themselves and only themselves. Ideas exist in relation to other ideas. 5. Following premise 4.. ideas are all relative. 6. All ideas can be questioned in an infinitely regressing fashion. 7. All ideas are fundamentally groundless. To notice this for have to question whether or not you "know" anything at all. truth cannot be a belief. Which makes me conclude that truth cannot be an "idea".. Since all ideas are assumptions and beliefs that ultimately cover nothing. Many of you can probably point out contradictions or paradoxes from everything that I've said up until now. But what I'm saying is that paradox/contradiction is inherent to the nature of "meaning" and "definitions" and ultimately.. ideas. Not reality itself.
  8. so what's your alternative? Do you have the nerve to claim you live without "a story "? I mean we don't nesscary need to squeeze goats testicles or read the tarot or any woo woo myths to believe in ....but at least since you are not awake you believe you are a human chimp living on a rock that orbits around the sun in the middle of nowhere... No . Stories are essential for survival .you couldn't have human life without em. Imagine living as an empty headed nobody who abandoned society and just begging for bread on the streets will end up like that without Stories. When you interact in society with other human chimps who are also not awake and deeply stuck in the matrix just like have to practice etiquette and play by the social matrix's rules . Without Stories you couldn't sleep at night..because you need an ontological bedrock of assumptions that it's safe to drift off .
  9. Sorry I don't understand what you're saying . Are you saying that purpose of contemplating is to show the futility of all mentaition and to arrive at actuality beyond thought? Kinda like using the mind to kill the mind ?
  10. Oh you gonna die sooner than you imagine..why the rush ?
  11. Not quite . You as God have created this limited existence and incarnate as a human is for you to experience what its like to be limited. Before you were born you were in Nirvanic nothingness aka God mode and you were blessed out enjoying your infinitude and perfection . Why did you decide to imagine you are a limited human? Because well ..why the fuck not ? you have eternity to be infinite ..and only few decades to be finite . Make the most of it . Or quit and go back to Nirvana. Choice is yours . For me personally I know everything happens for a reason.
  12. @integral i made a thread before about something similar somewhat to what youre asking . Please read it and tell me what you think .
  13. Confused. Confusion stems from two factors : 1- illusion of self .there is no one who is at the driver seat of this body . The self is just a thought . So Confused thoughts don't Confuse the self but rather the self is a Confused thought . 2-lack of Calmness and clarity in solitude. No shit I'm Confused when I'm being distracted by 1000000 source of information all of them are contradictory. There is like 100000000 religious beliefs and philosophical schools. No wonder people are Confused monkeys.
  14. Reality just is . No experience of the material world will or can bring happiness and joy .because these things are the very juice of existence. If we squeeze existence down to its core..we will find boundless perfection . People try drugs or have sex or achieve money and success because they want happiness. Can happiness come from activity or is happiness inherent in existence and obscured by seeking it in external conditions?
  15. Lately I've been sleeping all day and staying up all night . Something in the darkness makes me calm . The noisy sunny day is making me panic . I hate society. I wish I could just live in a cave or something.
  16. Still struggling with anxiety .I've been taking medication for 3 years now . Still anxious to get out of my house to the real world . Still living in childish fantasised virtual realities. Nothing has been accomplished in the real world . I feel like I've hit a dead end in my life . My life lacks novelty and purpose .I don't know what am I supposed to do anymore .I don't know what is wrong and what is right . My life is the same boring routine every single day. I'm convinced that life in general is meaningless but that might be spiritual bypassing.
  17. It's tricky . The ego doesn't have free will . I don't care who says we have free will . Free will is a total horseshit . If you pay attention to your experience you will notice that. I like this experiment.. Try to stop your thoughts and movements for just few seconds.. And notice how your body will carry on thinking and moving on its own. It can be a very scary experience. You have zero control over your body. I had a hard time with this realization few months ago. I thought Im losing my mind.
  18. This is true from the absolute level because everything is exactly In its right place and everything is unfolding as it should and nothing is ever a mistake from God's pov . So even if you end up as a homeless broke or end up in jail or suicide yourself's all OK from God's pov. But this must be realised by the ego to align itself with God's will . If someone has a big inflated ego he cannot get this .ego must surrender to Allah .
  19. Huge relapse . Smoked one cigarette yesterday and jerked off to some weird ass porn . Resetting the counter . I think I've got serious damage in my brain .maybe I need a 12-step program or something more than a public journal. I think I have to fill my time with positivity and healthy habits to replace the bad habits .that way I can feel like smoking and porn are not worth it to ruin my efforts which I have put into positivity. So I will try to add healthy habits like daily meditation and exercise. Porn: day 0. Cigarettes: day 0.
  20. I agree . For me personally I don't want to know more about life . Because there is infinite amount of things to know. Which is the same thing as saying there's nothing to know . Leo and Sadhguru and some new age people are in this business of figuring things out . I lean more towards Ramana Maharshi and Robert because their approach is very simple and direct . They don't stuff your head with relative knowledge and conceptual maps . They point you directly to liberation.
  21. @Breakingthewall everyone including leo ..osho ..ralston ..Sadhguru..etc are clowns and you are the one who showed the fly out of the bottle? Humble yourself son.
  22. 🙏 the gist of his teaching is that The one who believes they have free will is the ego. If you can release the need to have duality between programming and free will.. you will know true freedom. Or what in Hindu tradition called Moksha . No one to choose.. no one to suffer. Nobody to do anything .
  23. He does not mean it in the sense that there is a god who has written your life script before you were born . He means you are just a collection of conditioning. Itthat our ego is kind of this shitpile we have to speak. We have gathered enormous amounts of different garbage and glued it into ourselves.. forming the ego. This ego makes us act in different ways to various can do stuff ..the ego can do stuff . but the decision is not an expression of free's just the conditioning reacting to stuff in various ways. For instance..One thought says "ooooh thats sum good lookin cookie" and then another thought says " has so many calories don't do it" Then another thought says "just one!!! its no big deal" etc... and then lets say I take the box of cookies and I throw them in the lake!!!! It does seem like I decided with my free will to throw that box of cookies in the lake. But actually.. What happens is.... The thought that says good cookie is in fact a result of previous experiences and substances in your brain that you have/had no control over.. That clashes with the thought that it has too many calories which you believe to be true from the bs you've gathered from medical and magazines area (no control over that either)... It's all programming..