Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. Yes you've got it .👍 It sure is . Sorry for chit-chatting with your online imaginary gf 😂 lol jk
  2. Animals are like newborns and toddlers . They are conscious..but they are NOT "self-conscious ".meaning they know they exist ...but they don't have meta knowledge of their knowledge of existence. In other words they don't know what they are .you don't see a dog walking around saluting you "hey! I'm a dog and my name is Bobby and I work at Walmart and my life sucks because I haven't eaten In 3 days bla bla bla ". Right?
  3. Don't judge the sensation. Become a brick wall .does a brick wall suffer when you smash it with a hammer? Does your IPhone say "ouch " if you poke it with a needle ? Of course not . Why ? Because they have no mind .they have no sense of self . But you do .and that's why you suffer. Because you conclude that pain or hurt equals suffering. That's what the mind does .if you get rid of your mind completely and's guaranteed that you shall never suffer. Even If the sky is falling apart or if your body is being dipped in Lava fire ..if you have no mind ..this experience can't make you suffer. Now you should notice that this degree of detachment and indifference doesn't come easily .it has to be developed. Start with poking your skin with a needle without being bothered by it .and see how it goes .
  4. Physical pain exists .no question about it. Suffering is the story of "why me ?" .."poor little me ".."why is life such a bitch ".."why my life sucks " .etc I always say ..pain is inevitable..but suffering is optional . You can actually train yourself to not feel suffering when you feel pain . It's just a sensation .it doesn't mean anything really . Poke your skin with a needle and feel the pain but notice that it doesn't really mean you should construct a story aka suffering around this meaningless sensation. Suffering exists only in the mind .pain in the body .you can't get rid of your body (except via suicide).. but you can get rid of your mind by questioning it to death . As long as you are not totally destroyed as a mind ..there is no hope for you to escape suffering.
  5. @Breakingthewall why you are always imagining the most hellish worst case scenarios? Why talk about sick and extreme levels of suffering in this world ? I'm not denying that this world is a jungle where survival is for the most powerful..nature is a sadistic dog and if it has a god who is separate from it ..then it's appropriate to call him a fa***** . is also full of beauty. Do you have friends?..a girlfriend..?do you appreciate your food ?..your comfort? Your health ..? What are you doing on this forum 24/7?
  6. Guys go watch Leo's episode called "the multiple facets of awakening " I believe its called . All of this nonsense you're all fogging about is resolved when you realize that phenomena is perspectival and multi-faced . You're looking for binary dichotomous definition of Enlightenment. Which is antithetical to it .
  7. You're welcome brother ♥. Pertaining to your post though ..I don't like Buddhism..Trust me most of these stereotype western Buddhist who are trying to water down Buddhism to western people have not reached the ultimate level of spirituality. Which is Not to say there is no benefit at all to be gleaned from them ..they can be useful and I find this particular teacher interesting. Anyways seem captivated by Buddhism..I would suggest you look into hinduism as well . Ramana Maharshi was a hindu btw . And Robert Adams (which Is my personal guru ) was a devotee of him. You might find his collected works interesting.
  8. This is great that science is seeing through its limiting faulty paradigms. Carl ,you know how many posts I've made about the relationship between consciousness and the brain 😂..more than my posts on solipsism... I think of it like this ..The brain can't be generating your experience.. What you call "the brain" is itself an experience.. You can't say that this" piece of meat" is what is causing experience because that piece of meat IS an experience. Ponder this.... What should be generating the experience from outside can't be an experience . It becomes strange loop. The brain which is an appearance in consciousness generated consciousness which is itself!!!! In both cases there is a mysterious fucking thing there that was generated by nothing. Nothing found inside of your experience can be the cause of your experience from outside. Just like if you are playing a video game... The cause of the entire video game world which is the PS device can't be found inside the video game world. It's like looking at your own body with a microscope.. Sure you will find some cells and atoms in there.. But those themselves are phenomenon within your experience aka consciousness.. You can't say that atoms or brains are generating consciousness.. Because atoms an brains ARE consciousness.
  9. Thank you for the support . But I just can't pick my poison .both porn and smoking have bad impact on my brain . I don't want to settle for one of them . I already take 4 different types of SSRI’s. Doesn't cause my libido to drop .I'm stallion af😁. Jk Seriously tho..its not a problem with my dick's a problem with my brain .Notice that I said I'm not addicted to masturbation. I'm addicted to porno. I rarely do masturbate ..but I must watch porno almost every day . Yeap. Great stuff .thanks!
  10. Welcome back Brandon. Missed you brother. Hope everything is fine in your personal life and mental health wise .
  11. @Javfly33 got news for you buddy aint going will never die as consciousness (not as Javfly33). Yes you can destroy all forms. But you cannot destroy the formless..because its already no thing and no where. ALREADY!
  12. @r0ckyreed Guys ..the dude is making a simple logical point ..Here is A little thought experiment..: You don't experience time when you are sleeping. Hours pass and to you it feels like nothing. What If you slept for 5000 years or died during that time and then woke up.?... From your pov it will be as a blink of an eye. No time has passed from your pov. Yet 5000 years have passed on earth. Even an eternity can pass on earth and the entire world might end.. Yet from your pov it will be as a blink of an eye. This means time has no existence and no relevance without you. Without an observer that feels time. That's why when you die the whole world will die with you. Because the whole of eternity will happen in a blink of an eye. This takes us to the topic of soli****🥶
  13. Porn : day 0. Ciggies: day 2. Cell phone is a disaster . Everyone is glued to their fucking smartphone like a treadmill . I really wish to quit it but its toooo much.
  14. Thanks man . Appreciate it . Though you're putting pressure on my shoulders. I've to not disappoint others not just myself. Hi. Thanks for the advice .and I always appreciate you commenting on my threads and posts're such a brilliant person and compassionate as well . Help me to is it that I should continue smoking and not being assertive about quitting ? Shouldn't i use willpower? I literally have my wall with this sentence written on it "I will not smoke". That's a decision I must made..being enforced by the force of will. Which is a good thing. Could you explain? Also..any advice in quitting "you know what "?
  15. @LfcCharlie4 hi . Thanks for resurrecting this thread 😁. Now that I've given it second thought you could say the point is creating whatever you want to create . No restrictions whatsoever. With baring in mind that you will reap what you sow you are absolutely free to be like Hitler or Stalin but that doesn't mean there won't be consequences to your actions. These days I'm just sitting in silence doing nothing .just existing .just being .rather than doing . What are you gonna do anyways? You are eternal..there is no death that can annihilate then imagine if you awakened to the fact that you are god and that you are eternal...really and this is a sincere question: what the heck are you gonna waste your eternal existence with? Joy and bliss ? That is nice but without misery and suffering there won't be any meaning to happiness. Which is exactly why this world is NOT perfect and there is a shit ton of suffering and evil and wars going on ..because God metaphorically speaking has gotten sick and tired of infinite bliss and decided to spice things up with a lil bit of drama if you will . Now That I think about it .the only point to life is life itself. Being .pure existing .basking in awareness. "Being interested In the experience of being aware " as Rupert Spira puts it .because there is literally nothing to do and nowhere to go after you've done it all . Just my thoughts Much Love brother 🙏
  16. I wanna talk about this because there is a lot of "lost souls" if you will on here (me included to a certain extent). The thing is know what's The point of life Is you first must know what life is ..I made a thread before called "life is a game " . And that might sound insulting to people who suffer or have hardships going on in their lives ..but trust me ..I don't care who you are and what is your daily routine is a game and you are actively playing every single day . You deep down know that none of it makes any sense and that its just a big cosmic joke or "Leela"(play ) as hindu folks describe it . Even your most serious aspects of your life..even death treat all that as a game ..subconsciously not necessarily consciously. The point of life is to create your own reality. You see ..your true nature is infinite consciousness .which means you get to create endlessly. That's the only game In town . God /You have nothing else to waste your fucking eternity with ..just creating . Pure creativity. So find what's the most thing that you are passionate about and start learning how to create it . Could be movies anything. You are infinity. have limited access to its full potential..still you have the free will to decide what you do with it and what sort of reality you want to create for yourself. if you want to create good..create good if you want to create artwork..create artwork if you want to create an online shopping basket full of your favourite clothes.. create that what ever you create is fine. However..... bare in mind..the twist is to align yourself with god itself ...what ever that may be for you.. the totality of it is are imagining all of this and so the devilry inside of you is to not accept that fact that you are god. but if you do choose to be a devil and to create stuff thats harmful for the world like drugs..guns ..pornography..etc..if you choose to be a devil .. you will get a life of devilry .not that there is anything wrong about that from the absolute perspective..but everything has consequences . such is the point of infinite creation.
  17. Thanks for the uplifting comment . Appreciate it .
  18. Smoked two ciggies Marlboro Red while taking a walk in the darkness of my town. Back to zero . This shit is more difficult than I have thought . At this point I have no doubt that I have neurological addiction. Its not just a vice or something that I enjoy doing .it's something my whole freaking life depends on . Porn :day 0. Cigarettes : day 0.
  19. Relapse . I watched porn today for 2 hours . Back to day 0. But I didn't smoke . I think it's better to keep a separate record for each. Porn: day 0. Smoking : day 2.
  20. Thanks for the advise .you are welcome to comment on the journal. But actually I don't want to substitute one addiction for another .I'm still going to use sugar and videos games as I mentioned. Because they are less harmful than porn and smoking.
  21. There is nothing that you should seek for .or there is..doesn't matter ..seekers gonna seek .unseekers are gonna unseek. There are no shoulds or should nots. There is nothing that has to be done .everything is exactly in its right place. All is well .