Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. If you want to be Happy, Happiness should come within you. So meditation helps to exaggerate that happiness, so you could be the happiest person on the planet. Put it this way, when you don't know happiness is an internal thing, you do a lot of other things to get satisfied. So if you spend some time with meditation, you could develop that Happiness within at no cost. So when you learn and know how to be Happy you don't need that extra work. Then again if you are Happy, you become Healthy. What more do you want? You can enjoy your Life.
  2. What are you talking about lol ? we are just star dust ,bro. and the universe does not give a crap about us . It's like when you step on ants as you walk by the street . You sure think you are the center of the universe aren’t you?
  3. So are you suggesting that spirituality as a whole is a scam ? I don't see your point clearly. I think you've been highly influenced by Nahm's communication that you just parroting what he says . If there is no spiritual teacher nor student because there is no separate self then why are you on two spiritual forums? What are you trying to achieve with engaging in spiritual communities?
  4. Will you try drugs as well? The whole point is that no matter what you do you are not gonna find true fulfilment and happiness in life by chasing after external things . Sure go have sex and do cocaine all you want.. and notice how empty and useless everything you do is . Meditation is the way ?.
  5. I love and respect all people. However, in this human form, time, energy, money, and resources are very limited, so... I don't take weight loss advice from morbidly obese people. I don't take financial advice from financially poor people. And I don't take any advice from unhappy people. By unhappy people, I mean those who lack what I call "inner peace", meaning the consistent contentment of spiritual freedom (a.k.a. self-discipline). Some people might call it "nirvana" or "the consistent joy of enlightenment". Some might just call it "true happiness". Some might just call it plain old happiness. As a human writing to you right now, I consider myself to be someone who does consistently enjoy the true happiness and consistent contentment of free-spirited inner peace. In short, I consider myself to be happy, truly happy. As such, if you want advice from a happy person, here's my advice to you (offered politely for you to take or leave as you see fit): Don't take any advice from unhappy people. That doesn't mean blindly do the opposite of what they advise either. Or to blindly do the opposite of what one commands makes you just as much a slave to the commands. Rather, I simply suggest you disregard unhappy people's advice entirely, as much as reasonably possible. You might ask ..what it takes to be happy? And how did I achieve this happiness.? Well..I first got rid of my past trauma and anxiety by seeing a psychiatrist who gave me the appropriate medications for my condition. So after a year of taking these medications (which I talked about here ): I'm now completely free from anxiety and panic attacks . Then I put an end to all my bad habits..I stopped smoking completely..I stopped looking at porn and wanking my Johnson completely..I stopped drinking Soda and eating Nutella and Ice-cream completely. The only addiction I have left is my addiction to this forum .which I'm working on at the you gonna see me less active and posting a lot less over the next year . I built healthy habits I meditate one hour every day ..using a technique that I myself invented it. I talked about it here : I got into lifting weights recently. I do 100 push ups everyday .and in a matter of 90 days I expect I will get jacked . Without going to the gym. All in the home . And finally I want to emphasise that your happiness and well being are the only things that matter in life in my opinion. It's even more important than enlightenment or finding the absolute truth of existence. Because even when you are seeking truth you are actually seeking happiness without being aware of of it . You seek the happiness that will dawn to you when you finally figure reality out . But you can go directly to happiness and fulfilment and fill your life with peace and joy . You just have to stop being lazy and work your booty off a little bit to make life an amazing experience.
  6. There are degrees of lucidity. Just like in a dream .you can be lucid in the dream. But to fully awaken you have exit the dream altogether. Completely. As long as you are inside the dream are not fully awake. The question is..Where will a spiritual awakening take you? Nowhere! It will only return you to where you already are and always have been. Its job is not to take you somewhere, it is to bring you back from your dreams and fantasies. That is precisely why it is called awakening. I'm living more in the moment and fully aware of how I'm imagining others . I'm carefree. Listless. And more calm and peaceful .its the peace that passes understanding .
  7. Heaven isn't some lifeless goalless future where all goals have been completed and no desire is left. It's isn't some lifeless future world so terribly and awfully perfect that there is nothing worth doing; No challenges, no stumbles, no failure-ridden paths to triumphs, followed by yet more of the same. Some awful state where one has no unfilled desire to achieve more, to climb higher, to fight and hopefully defeat another worthy tough opponent, no unfilled desire motivating one to fight another deliciously grueling fight to overcome a worthy tough challenge. It's not that. It isn't that because that doesn't exist. That imagined future state does not and cannot exist. And it would be unimaginably terrible if anything remotely like it could and did exist. It would be a state so incredibly lifeless and unmoving that it is worse than any death one can imagine. For it is a death without rebirth. It would be a lifeless nothingness so extreme that nothing could come out of it. And that awful absurd lifelessness is what some people desperately do their best to imagine when they imagine a heaven. Heaven is to wake up every day, look around at your world, and honestly say, "When I think about heaven, I imagine this," that is inner peace. That is true happiness. That is nirvana. That is heaven. It is to be in heaven and know it's heaven
  8. Well said as usual brother ?. . I think that learning how to self-reflect or meditate is as important as primary education. Unfortunately, many of us are thrown into this world without the basic tools to leverage the mind-body connection. This may cause anxiety, depression and chronic diseases.but hey It’s never too late…
  9. It's not a random unknown unjustified object with dirty smell and horrible taste . It's a fundamental piece of infinity. If you can't see God/Love in a beautiful piece of dog poop ..then you are not fully awake. Deconstruct more
  10. Dude..relax..I'm agreeing with you...all I'm saying is A spiritual teachers job is to give you a path, a practice and then you can go away and get on with it. So it is really looking at the path, the practice and the teachings that the spiritual teacher is generously giving you, and if you feel they are useful. If they try to keep you with them, or keep you constantly coming back, and/ or they are taking from you, demanding of your constant attention or worship and obedience then you might just wonder if they are worth your time. If they are telling you not to think for yourself or imposing a belief system upon you, or belittling you in any way that is really an abuse of power. These kinds of abuses do seem to happen much more in the Guru tradition.
  11. @roopepa @Carl-Richard do we "need " gurus to become enlightened? I think The good news is we don’t. Not until you vet them, check them out, spend extended time with them, and see if you still feel like they are the perfect reflection of you and for you, long after the honeymoon period is over. Even then, many years down the road, you may find your benevolent, glowing, enlightened spiritual master to have hidden ulterior motive‘s, and even committed sexual atrocities, that you were not aware of. I guess what @roopepa is saying The “good” news is there is no “you” or “spiritual master.” There is only the One Reality, and the whole purpose of working with a spiritual master is to find that out, to directly realize that. Since there are not two, but One, the true guide is You, within You, as You and your Life. @Carl-RichardIf you feel called to work with an outer spiritual teacher, take your time, be patient, spend time with many, and find the one that most feels like a reflection of you and your perfect path. Be open to the fact that you may have several spiritual masters in your lifetime, and be prepared that you may later find the master you felt so much kinship with in the beginning, now feels alien or even repulsive to you, much later.
  12. @KH2 it did land. I knew it was a somewhat trollish comment. But I decided to take it lightly
  13. That's a nice little excuse to stay home and wank . instead of going out and bang
  14. To you there are no arguments. To me, it's obvious. Because I've experienced myself what it means to be really messed up mentally and what it means to be happy. So i have a frame of reference that makes me distinguish the two. For example..Unhappy people look for happiness in the wrong places. They spend their time focusing on what others think of them, when they should focus on themselves. An unhappy person concentrates on trying to please others, in an effort to gain approval. This is something we should refrain from doing. You cannot always gain approval from others, nor can you tailor your beliefs to suit others. You will only find dissatisfaction in this. To be happy you must put yourself and your beliefs first. Do what makes you happy and not what others will approve others. Unhappy people see the negatives in life, their main focus being what they don’t have. They tell themselves, “if only I had this job, I’d be happier” or “if only I had more time, I could focus on my real talents”. Unhappy people believe that they need something they don’t have to be happier. Their focus remains on these things they don’t have, making their everyday life boring and unsatisfying. So how could such people give you advice on about how to gain what they themselves have failed to gain ? It's really a simple logic . It's like asking poor people for advice on how to escape poverty ?.
  15. If one brings happiness to others its others who are happy. The happiness of others does not magically transfer onto the one who caused it. Comedians, for example, do suffer from depression. There is no such thing as “bringing happiness to other people”. One can bring up the feelings of joy, safety, comfort, excitement in others, but those are passing emotions. Not happiness. Happiness is a much deeper, more fundamental state of being that one derives from how one chooses to relate with oneself. Bringing other happiness is like bringing others falling in love - both falling in love and being happy is something everyone must find for oneself. So what I'm suggesting is that both happy and unhappy people cannot transfer happiness to you .however (and this is very important) ,unhappy people can definitely give you lame advice .whereas happy people (who are generally happy ,which isn't something that can be measured with a radar) can put on your path towards happiness. They can only show you the path .but you gotta walk it yourself.
  16. Let's get some definitions clear first . What is "binary "? It doesn't mean there are no happy people and no unhappy simply means that happiness is not like an on and off switch. It comes in degrees and variations. And you can confirm that from your past . Why am I saying this because i do have some reasons. our whole life we keep on running after happiness but an ideal human being is never happy. This is necessary because its not "binary " . So you never can say "at this exact moment I'm happy ". ٧ you can't quantify it . Do you understand what I mean ?
  17. I don't know why you always doubting me bro ?..I guess I know myself and what I'm experiencing better than you. Because you need to have the first person experience to know it and obviously you are not me .so you can't accurately judge me .
  18. Yes I agree .but also depressed people need empathy and compassion. You know that life can go either way right? One bad experience, circumstance or life altering decision could throw you into depression. How would you feel if everyone who thought their life was so perfect didn’t want to be brought down by you and turned their back on you when you needed them? People suffering with depression don’t need negative attitude towards mental health brought to their doors.