Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. Semen contains testosterone. When you ejaculate you lose testosterone.
  2. Yes but what has been lost can't come back . You build new semen cells .so you gonna have overall lesser quantity if you ejaculate regularly. So why not save it and have more of it and enjoy it's benefits?
  3. No it's correct . This is obvious stuff . Semen is what makes you a fucking man. It's why we say for less decisive men that they got "no balls " . What's so special about the balls that makes you a man? What do you think? Also,you DO lose some chunk of energy when you nut . Whether you want to admit it or not .and no matter how insignificant it is . You can do a quick Google research on the subject . But if you dont ejaculate, notice how sensitive and how easier it is to get a hard on. so if you over do it, there are some consequences.
  4. Do you know how semen is made in the body? It the juice of the finest nutrients that your body preserve. One full chunk of cum takes at least two weeks to be rebuilt. Also saints and sages throughout history have advocated celibacy and semen retention for its spiritual benefits. Yes you never run out of semen ,because the testicle is producing it nonstop ..but it requires energy to build semen. It requires good nutrition. If i fap more than twice a day i feel like a flimsy piece of shit. Because I didn't give my body the enough resources to recover. Also comparing Cumming to shiting is ridiculous. You don't shit nutrients. You shit the waste .all the nutrients get absorbed by the blood cycle . Maybe because you haven't done long streaks of NoFap you are unaware of its benefits. Just try it for a couple of months and see how you feel . Also should not go without mentioning that fapping typically makes you Watch porn to get off . And porn is proven scientifically to be harmful for the human brain .
  5. @something_else dude.. I'm not Gonna argue about these niggly little details . Honestly , I don't care about these medical "facts" about semen . What matters to me is direct experience. And my direct experience Is that I feel like shit when I fap . Should I trust my direct experience or you ?
  6. It's obvious . Semen is energy .it contains high amounts of nutrients like Protein and Zinc and minerals etc. When you ejaculate you are losing energy . However this is only temporary. You should recover in a matter of two days max. Recharge up your battery by eating foods with high nutrients and sleep . Do some exercises like push ups. This should make you recover quickly .
  7. Ok .Im thinking of giving free copies to friends and family. But i wanted to send it as e-book to friends and family (not professional reviewers). I could of course just compile as pdf and send the file to friends and family... or send them the epub doc... is writing a habit or a skill? I would say a mixture of both. I Write every day it is a good mantra and a difficult one,i write as much as i can, This is a habit. It requires a trigger, such as setting the alarm for 4, get up and write for an hour. Once established, anywhere from 30 to 60 days, this can be as natural as breathing. I write therefore I am. However, where i don’t necessarily know *how* to write *well*, then this is a skill. I can write, but a story, a novel, that is something else. And i need to learn how to do it first. But a skill is made up of habits, write, read, practice story structure, develop vocab, subject familiarity. Secondly, and importantly, obtain feedback on how well I'm performing, beta readers, critique partners, even a friend who could be coerced into reading a chapter/ a page.
  8. The way I learned how to write well was by reading as much as possible and trying to pay attention to sentences or paragraphs that are really good to me as a reader and consider how the author constructed those. Then try and duplicate it in my own writing. Up until now I'm filling my book with jargony technical language that I literally have "stolen " from other authors/philosophers I'm reading . I think this is what a good book in philosophy should be bulked with . But sometimes I try to make it more simple for the average reader to make it easier to understand. I shared two paragraphs to @Carl-Richard above. That's the style I'm using to write . What are your thoughts on it ? (I obviously can't share more of the book which is really close to be over for copyright purposes lol).
  9. @Michael569 hi ,hope you are doing well. .I have a question: as far as science can prove, what is the healthiest diet? carnivore? Keto? All fruits?Vegetarian? Or something else ? I understand that there is quite a bit of controversy amongst nutritionists to this question, and that diets can vary from person to person based upon genetics and medical issues. With that being said, as far as modern science/medicine can prove, what is the healthiest diet? I have read numerous articles on this subject ranging from the Atkins Diet to vegetarianism with only one thing in common, they all believe they provide the guidelines for the healthiest diet. As far as science can prove, what is the healthiest diet? The only thing I got clarity about as a general rule is that I should avoid processed foods and eat things that are simple and don't have too many preservatives .and that The bulk of the diet should be plant based. Can you provide more general rules or guidelines? Or can you give to me the right diet for me specifically? I'm trying to lose belly fat but I have another problem ..which is that I don't get easily full ..sometimes I eat dinner three times in a matter of two hours ..and still go to bed with trembling stomach. How do I feel full for longer hours ? Thanks.
  10. Thank you for saying this! I actually wrote my first "book" in first grade and was so proud of it, wanted to be a writer all growing up until around 8th grade my dad "gently informed" me it was a dead-end aspiration that would leave me destitute. Now I'm close to achieving my dream and so many ideas never get finished because it just feels like re-doing something else, and you know, gotta pay the bills.etc . So I really hope I can make good chunck of money selling this book. That would be a huge financial success for me to start such project (writing) in a very young age .
  11. Thanks dude for the support . I'm writing my first book, and i hope it will leave an impact on the largest chunk of audience. I'm writing my first book . And to be honest im still not satisfied with the quality of my writing. That's why I go back and erase some sentences and sometimes even entire paragraphs and edit them . what I do when I read it feels boring and badly written, and I find myself using the same few words more often without creating selecting the right words. How do I make sure to fix these? Is it just me holding myself to a higher standard than others? Or am I seriously doing something wrong here? I've already written over 9 thousand words, So I don't want to keep writing anymore if I'm doing something wrong. It would just make fixing it that much more painful. I There is a reason I want to write. Video games and reading my favorite books always helped me out with my severe lack of attention span, And writing a book .. It really Does make me happy and takes my attention away.
  12. Yes my original intention was to publish it directly in written form in a big bookstore in the main city . But you made me think twice about it . That I should first make sure that it's quality is captivating enough to attract readers who will buy my book . So then I thought of publishing it online on a blog for free for a minority of people and get feedback. And if it did generate positive responses then I can sell it In written form with more confidence. So which one you suggest to go about doing ?
  13. @LastThursday thanks dude I this really a concern? I can publish the book online and not make it public. Amazon allows you to do this and still provide copies for people who you will give the right to see the book. This still provides proof of my authorship. I could also do this on a blog which i publish privately, and only permit certain people to see. So is your advice is that I should want to make sure that i do not allow the book to be viewed by the general public until it is good enough?
  14. Sure .I am writing on Google Docs, so its functions are quite perfect for me. I can give you a free full copy of it as soon as I finish it .just PM me via gmail, and ensure me you will only view but without edit, so therefore you can’t even copy and paste. I will quote two paragraphs about Descartes' famous skeptic argument of distinguishing dreams From "reality ". It's from the first chapter: Philosophy is based on axioms. Axioms are self-evident facets of reason that allow you to construct the rest of philosophy on them. Descartes basically argued that all of the axioms that had previously been used were wrong because they were not self-evident. In the same sense that you don't know you are in a dream when you are dreaming, how do you know that anything around you is as it truly is? So he started his philosophy with doubting EVERYTHING. At first, he couldn't figure out where to go from there. How are you supposed to know anything if you doubt everything? Eventually, he discovers his first axiom: I think therefore I am. In order for him to doubt everything, HE must exist. He can't assume anything about who or what he really is but he can safely assume that he exists, otherwise, he would not be thinking about the fact that he exists. So about the difference between the waking reality and dreams... First of all... It's not possible to distinguish the two.. Unless you go lucid on a dream. But for now.. You can't tell which is which. That is.. You don't know if you are dreaming or awake right now. You might have just woke up from one dream to enter another dream. And this might go on endlessly. Which is interesting because it kinda show that there is absolutely no difference between dream and "reality" in terms of phenomenonal experience. The same thing.. Sights, sounds, and different kinds of perception are identical. Except maybe in the dream state its kinda unstable and dark.. And there is a huge lack of consistency. All of which are the opposite in the waking state. It's pretty solid and consistent. But dreams only seem inconsistent after you wake up and compare them to the waking world. So it's not highly unlikely that this world too might be highly inconsistent relative to a higher order of reality that you might wake up to. The dream argument (similar to simulation theory argument) is that the act of dreaming provides preliminary evidence that the senses we trust to distinguish reality from illusion should not be fully trusted.. and therefore.. any state that is dependent on our senses should at the very least be carefully examined and rigorously tested to determine whether it is in fact reality. But my answer to that is that dreams are all there is. Who said that dreams aren't real? They are 100 %real since we experience them. They are just different kinds of reality. As in they come about (generated) differently than the waking world (as assumed) but they are phenomenally identical as I said. Which means there is no such thing as illusion vs reality. It's all just different kinds of reality.
  15. I'd say the first reason people can be "arrogant" (or, perhaps better said, overconfident and presumptuous), is because we hate uncertainty. Hence we like to think we KNOW IT (even when we don't). when i think about it, i seldom hear "I don't know" as an answer from you . Second, many people have some kind of "faith" (be it religious, political, popular, scientific...), or belief, and we cling to our faith / belief. To the point to refuse even evidence.because faith makes us feel safe and certain (and we crave safety), so letting go of our belief it's a big loss (even when that belief is harmful). Think about how many Muslims cling to their faith (even if it makes them miserable), or how many believers in Communism clung for decades to the belief that Russia was kind of an ideal country If you have a teacher complex, you will find yourself ego involved rather than appreciate the process of everyone learning something new. This cannot be helped if your internal resources provide only that as a reasonable source of fun. You can dig yourself into a real hole there but if you are flexible and mindful of others, you have a better shot at learning. When possible, allow it to be a mutual experience. .Don’t assume that you are the only teacher here and that we all are your ignorant students. In fact there is few members here that I consider more awake than you. Like @Moksha and @Consilience and others. But you seem to believe that you are the most awoke person ever . But that's just simply not true and I have evidence for that . Deleting the solipsism video was because you yourself weren't sure that solipsism is true (and you still aren't sure ) evident by posting the video "Infinity of Gods" awakening which contradicts your deleted video . my Point is still have a lot of work to do and more stuff to awaken to ..why do you assume you're done and can't learn even from newbies? I think that's the root cause of your arrogant style . Is thinking you've got it all figured out .
  16. None .I have contacted publishers and bookstore owners. People with phd in philosophy can't help me publish my book. I refuse the academic route .i don't want to become a philosophy Professor in a university. I want to become an Independent thinker. to have a graduate level knowledge of philosophy (and probably any subject), you will need to do a lot of reading in the secondary literature of philosophy, which is mostly professional philosophy journals that discuss the specific problems, interpretations, and analysis of the famous philosophical texts. It can be downright boring. But I decided to take the red pill and read dozens of highly complicated philosophy texts from the most genius philosophers ever. I would just read the philosophers themselves. here are the texts that still resonate with me years after reading and reflecting upon them: -Plato. The Republic -Aristotle. Nichomachean Ethics and The Politics (They’re really part of the same work.) -Marcus Aurelius. Meditations. -Augustine. Confessions. -Descartes. Meditations on First Philosophy. -Pascal. Pensees. -David Hume. Inquiry Concerning Human Understanding. -Spinoza. Ethics. -Kant. Critique of Pure Reason. Critique of Practical Reason. Critique of Judgement. -Hegel. Philosophy of Right. -Kierkegaard. Fear and Trembling and The Sickness Unto Death. -Nietzsche. The Genealogy of Morals. Beyond Good and Evil. Thus Spoke Zarathustra. -Ludwig Wittgenstein. Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. -Martin Heidegger. Being and Time. -Jean Paul Sartre. Being and Nothingness. -Emmanual Levinas. Totality and Infinity. -Simone DeBeauvoir. The Second Sex. -Luce Irigaray. Speculum of the Other : Woman. -Michel Foucault. Discipline and Punish. History of Sexuality. I read ALL that . Word by word . And again I'm starting from zero . I want to be creative . Most people who are Interested in philosophy go the academic route .but that's not what I'm aspiring to . I want to become a worldwide well known philosopher . Not just a dude with A phd in philosophy and teaches the history of philosophy (which is not real philosophy, but that's how its done in academia ).
  17. You aren't helping me dude . You are putting me down even though you don't know me personally or how much I know about these subjects . Why do people at school think I'm smart, but I don't? Real smart people are so smart, they doubt their own intelligence. Dumb people brag about being so smart. You’re probably smart if you think you’re dumb. I you expressing “Why am I not very smart”, it all distinctively relates to the “Dunning Kruger effect”. This study has evidently shown that people with less intelligence are prone to having higher interests than average people. Am I smart or do I just think I am? I’m going to be kind of mean here , you sound a lot like me when I was twelve, and this is some of the stuff I wish I could have told myself. “As third parties, I would like to ask any of you..based on what I say above, am I intelligent? Super intelligent? Or just knowledgeable? Or just average and got lucky? Or just dumb and thinking I am?” Now, you sound pretty intelligent. …you’ve got a good resume there. I don’t think you’re dumb, and considering the things you say about yourself, I wouldn’t call you just knowledgeable, either. Here’s the thing, though. I’m still unsure about the word ‘smart’, but to my mind it implies problem solving (from your grades and self-teaching I assume you have that), and maturity. You are intelligent, and you know that already. You are not smart, because you are immature. You asked how mature you’d sound, and how old people would think you were. If you hadn’t told me your age, I would have assumed you were twelve. Maybe thirteen, but not much older. Why?
  18. Why ?what it takes in your opinion for people to" take you seriously" ? How to be taken seriously? I know this isn't a rare problem, but for anyone who has made the leap from chump/chumpette to master of the realm, please send help. I feel constantly overlooked. Aside from affecting my life financially and emotionally, it is straightup gaslighting me at this point. - It doesn't matter how rationally and patiently I explain my feelings and needs. - It doesn't matter how clearly and intelligently I speak, people will always hear whatever they want to. - It doesn't matter how much I have to repeat myself . It's in every corner of my life. My life has become a living comment section on a Brietbart article.. . I feel like I spend my entire time trying to package some emotional labor with my suggestions to try to facilitate people listening to me, but as soon as I try to straighten my spine a bit and become just plain assertive (not condescending or rude), I'm perceived as being an asshole and it does more damage than just watching people ignore my contributions. Is there a patch I can download to my personality? What does one do in this position? I Anyways, thanks. Edit: Somehow I'm attracting a lot of trolls with this post. I may not receive respect, but I have self-respect. You should consider it sometime. 2nd edit: I seriously can't even be taken seriously in this post. This is absurd. This is fucking absurd.
  19. I’ve always held the belief that if someone truly knows a subject then they can explain it to you in simple terms that you will understand. I can write simple watered-down sentences or highly complex jargony technical language. But people will probably don't understand.
  20. Underestimating, if you are constantly thinking: I can't do it This is not my cup of tea Fearing failure Estimating, if you are constantly thinking: 1.I can do it 2.I will give my best 3.Not thinking whether the result is rewarding or not and just keep going consistently Overestimating, if you are: 1.Not putting needed effort 2.Day dreaming instead of what should be done 3.Doing everything other than what needs to be done and expecting good results. I didn't show signs of underestimating or overestimating . I know exactly my capabilities and the nuances it takes to criticise such advanced thinkers. Perhaps you should explain why do you think I'm overestimating myself.
  21. Didn't say you were trying to be disrespectful..but you were implying that I'm nowhere near the level of these philosophers .like who am I to criticise these top their thinkers? Right? What I want you to understand is that Being “smart” alone isn’t a guarantee of success in being an intellectual. There is no limit to grown men with a 130 IQ who live in their parents’ basement and spend all their time smoking weed and playing video games. So to the question of “how smart am I?”, I respond, “Who cares?” There are also plenty of people of average intelligence who live happy lives and have successful careers, because of other traits in addition to their average intelligence. So it's not a matter of's a matter of dedication and hard work .
  22. If marketing is about who knows you exist, then author brand is about what they think of you once they do. So do you suggest to publish relatively small books first that aren't the peak of my potential and then as I test out how the market responds to my books ..then I should think of publishing my main book? I think The beauty of being a starting author is that you get to craft that author brand, to deliver your books in such a way that your readers will come to see you in a favorable light. But i understand that it can't be done easily . Maybe I shouldn't get ahead of myself since I haven't finished the book yet . If I could give a piece of advice to myself from three years ago, it would be start thinking about my author brand before i publish. Never stop thinking about it. I think if a reader sees the cover of a new book by me, will they know that its one of mine ? Is the author name the same font and placement? Anyway, was just having some coffee and thinking about this stuff and figured this is the best place to ramble about it I will try to incredibly invest in my author brand. My author name is in the same font on every cover, all my books should be a consistent length/tone, etc. I believe it's the key to creating longevity in sales. I'm trying to build a catalogue that will encourage new readers to rea everything I've written. If I'm right with this experiment, then my author brand will become stronger if I'm able to consistently sell crazy quantities of books across multiple series. So far, things are looking very negative. Thanks aurum for the info .
  23. Yes it Is .Life is a series of endless suffering. The rich suffers because of their richness. The poor suffers because of their poverty. People having family suffers because they have a family. People without family suffers because of not having family. People with job suffers because of job. People without jobs suffers because of joblessness Life is a series of endless problems. Ending of a problem is a birth of new problem. Such as you want to lose weight: thats a problem. You decide to go to gym and in a way you indulge yourself in more problems such as going to gym, exercising, paying gym fees . etc So suffering is inevitable if you want to grow properly in life . But learn to love the suffering and look at its benefits.
  24. Be careful not to take the whole "dream " analogy too literally. Reality is NOT literally a dream . No one is dreaming it .it just exists mysteriously . It just is .nobody knows what THIS is . This is correct from the absolute level . Direct experience .exactly as it is .
  25. lot of things around us are beautiful but we never feel it, and so is mathematics. Many of us have an aversion to Mathematics. This is because right from childhood we are told that it is a difficult topic and thus requires some special skills, which are not easy to find in a common person. Lemme tell you, this is a myth, to feel the beauty of the mathematics we need to understand its usage, applications, and ability to mould every problem in one’s own way is required and not just to practice questions only to crack the exam.