Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. Leo has an amazing video on Not-Knowing. Please go watch it if you haven't already. My claim Is simple... I don't actually know anything. I have no idea at all what anything is. That doesn't mean I can't brush my teeth or I don't know how to tie my shoes. I'm speaking about an advanced thing. Nothing is wrong with relative knowledge. But in truth. You don't have a clue what anything is. I feel like a broken record for saying it, for some of you that's nonsense I've come to expect from this forum. Unfortunately, the vast majority of members here don't want to hear the raw fucking Truth. and not a single one of them can offer any compelling reason to believe in their ideas. Recently I've been constantly contemplating the question of death.. What happenes when we fucking die? no one knows the answer, and anyone who says otherwise is lying whether they realize it or not. Maybe this world is a simulation the way Bostrom suggests. Maybe it's an elaborate illusion conjured up by the mind like Shankara thought. Maybe it's just matter like Dennett describes. The point is that no one knows. If you are looking to explain away reality then you are looking to demystify the mystery, but it’s always there, you are always there and you are always a mystery. The answer you look for is to have no answer and that is why you don’t find it, this doesn’t satisfy you, you’re always thinking there must be more, something you’re not getting, but you’re here, what is there to get? When reality asks why it exists this begins the apparent disassembly of itself, it divides itself, because it feels it is not enough, but all those divisions are it, what new answer can it expect to find? To ask “why” is to believe that what “IS” is not enough to satisfy you, there must be “reason”, but reason is boundless for what is the very reason of reason? Reason is there for its own sake, there’s no reason underlying reason, every reason reached you can ask “why”... Every single one, and you’re free to ask why for eternity but you’re chasing your own tail. Reason itself is circular reasoning, the most perfect reasoning, it is because it is, you can subdivide reason and create a whole universe but it’s an illusion, the only reason is just that it just is.
  2. Yes smoking can cause erectile dysfunction. Short term solution :Pop up some Viagra or Cialis. Long term solution :Eat healthy and hit the gym
  3. This is a follow up of my thread here the realization of how little I knew hit me like a wall when I started my first year of college. I was so clueless about so much.. and the realization of how much there was to learn flooded into my mind and made me feel so small and insignificant. But this realization was also, honestly, thrilling. I had a seemingly unlimited amount of awesome shit I could learn and so much of it was fascinating. Of course, I could never dream of learning anything more than a fraction of the knowledge that exists.. but still, a lifetime of learning was something I realized could happen and I was excited. But now I feel that there is a huge gap of not knowing compared to the the stuff I know. It seems impossible to figure out just even the basic things in life like your choices of career, life purpose, marriage etc.. So how can I fill that gap of not knowing (let's just call it that)…?
  4. With me it’s got to be blondes. I know, I know I am being sexist, but it’s true when they say blondes definitely have more fun. I have a bit of a story to tell, but first I will show you a picture.. (see the picture below?). It illustrates perfectly the type of hair I like. I don't know Why am I so in love with blonde girls?lol Long straight blonde hair does it for me. Feel free to vent your wrath in the comments . I really don’t care what anyone thinks, I have wanted to express my feelings for quite some time about this. Here goes. I just love the way their long blonde hair flows over their shoulders, even better if they have deep green eyes. I could sit and gaze into them for hours, they could just melt the coldest of hearts with a single glance. What’s not to like. Beautiful blonde hair combined with a great personality, it’s got to be a winner. Check this girl out.. I could sit there and stare at her for a decade lol (no she ain't a pornstar and I don't know her name)?
  5. To be honest my friend, I'm exactly like 90% of the Indian youth who are unmarried. Most of us are single, we want somebody in our life, and we fall in love with every beautiful girl we see just to console our heart. We imagine that beautiful girl we see, as our girlfriend, become happy for a moment and get on with our work with that happy thought. Then, well we see another beautiful girl. Same story all over again. Also, the moment we see that beautiful girl's boyfriend, the thing that comes to our mind is, "That lucky bastard", and we move on.
  6. Haha I knew this thread was going to be hilarious. God what did I do lol. Let's hope this is not going to be locked.
  7. There is a blonde in my university and I just love her. Can’t stop myself behaving like a smitten teenager when she’s around. She sometimes wears a top that reveals her cleavage, and a bit of her breasts and I so fantasize about kissing her and removing her top and sucking her pink nipples. Sometimes I imagine her lactating and suckling her and drinking her milk and that really gets me horny right in the dam uni lol. ve tried to focus on my work, but whenever she’s around, its next to impossible.? Could be. There is this beautiful blonde in my university. She tells me blondes aren’t the top value anymore. They are more common now so no one really cares more if they see one. They don’t catch more attention. but for some people really hair color doesn’t mean shit.
  8. Thanks. Makes sense. There is a reciprocal relationship between thoughts (or intellectual beliefs ), emotions (feeling or affect) and behaviors. Feelings generate thoughts which can be experienced as internal dialogue. Internal dialogue, thoughts, can affect the intensity of a physiological response to the environment. Excitement and anxiety may actually be the same physiologically, but it is the label we give our experience, our cognitions which then create the way we experience our experience. But I cannot separate the two. If I believe that life sucks and meaningless and God is an evil mofo asshole..then how can i justify not doing suicide? (this is just an example, I'm neither depressed nor suicidal)
  9. Because I went so far down the not knowing rabbit hole that I started questioning everything. Like how do I know the floor underneath me will stand still? How do I Make sure that the universe will not just disappear next second for no reason at all? You feel me? It can easily lead to insanity. So I bitched out and stopped the questions lol. Yes. Because without knowledge we don’t know nuttin’ and so we can’t do nuttin.’ Consequently we are up the creek without a whatever.
  10. Idk what to do with your posts. They are extremely short and ambiguous. Care to elaborate a bit about your stance? Dude, you literally said it
  11. Can God stop dreaming? If God is all powerful.. Can he make himself not all powerful? I can ask similar questions but I guess the paradox is quite clear?
  12. You said that I'm experiencing negative emotions as a result of my clueless state lol. And I'm saying it's not 100% negative. It's quite adventurous and exciting as well to bonder things and to be in a state of genuine not knowing.
  13. Not quite. I mentioned that there Is also a thrill of being not having a clue. Personally I believe it is better to know, It might not be what we want, though or even imagined possible. But to seek truth is to truly live. Blinders are used on horses so they don’t startle or scare, to keep them in check so they continue to run in circles blinded from truth or interaction. Which helps keep a system in balance. Profiting off
  14. Idk I think to say it's less than perfect and eternal is a bit contradiction. First God(you) become Omnipotent. Now that you can do anything, make yourself be….everywhere…omnipresent. Now that you are everywhere you should quite easily perceive everything…omniscient! Done it yet? Hmmm. No go huh The motivations for wanting to be all seeing, all powerful and everywhere are quite worldly. Power, riches, ambition, the desires of the flesh, to heal the sick, to defy death, to right the injustices of the world. All of these things might seem important to a mere mortal, but to a god they mean nothing. So within hours of knowing, being and doing absolutely anything all the reasons you wanted it for will evaporate, become trivial and meaningless. Catch 22. You have motivations that lead you to want super powers. You get the powers. All of a sudden your motivations cease to exist. Its like using a video game cheat code for real life. Fastest way to get utterly bored and disillusioned with the whole thing. And because youre immortal you can never, ever check out.
  15. Do you think that an average or pretty blonde would get more atternion next to Megan Fox? Or that Megan Fox would look better as blonde? Stunning blonde couldnt beat stunning brunette bc there is a rule.. dark hair makes face stand out more( so the stunning feautures will more visible) and blonde hair draws attention from face, making the stunning features less noticable. Thats why when a girl with noticable flaws like crooked nose or weak jaw look better after they bleach their hair. It draws attention away and all u see is, ''wow, a blonde '’ Notice how Megans hair makes contrast to her face, if she was blonde, it would eat her face up. But i think many men would notice blonde more than stunning brunette, but in countries with alnost nonexistant number of blondes bc its very rare there.
  16. Hell yeah.. The blonde hair is the biggest turn on for me ?
  17. Yes, of course. If some being without any margin for error knows everything that is going to happen, then what you are going to do is perdetermined. If your behavior is predetermined, you have no choice but to do exactly what is predetermined and have no free will. Those who will try to redefine omniscience or free will get around that. Omniscience and free will are fundamentally incompatible. Do you agree?
  18. Absolutely. In fact, no human will ever know everything about a non-trivial subject. Being an expert in one field only requires one to know a significant fraction of what other experts know about the subject, enough so that you are recognized as one of their peers. If someone claims to be an expert it's a strong signal that they aren't one. Most experts in any field realise how much more there is to know so refrain from claiming to have expertise. And I've been slapped in the ass and shocked by how little I know as soon as I started studying philosophy in college. But also I realized that I can bullshit my way to success. I don’t have to be an expert at all. It is only important that other people think I am an expert. Just as long as I can be the one-eyed leading the blind. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it does not.
  19. Thanks for the great response Well, lemme tell you how I see things and see what you can make of it. Throughout my time at school I always assumed the learning in life would stop as soon as I graduate. Learning was for classrooms, life was for freedom. After graduation, it didn’t take me long to realise my assumption was wrong. Since graduation my learning has only increased, in most cases exponentially. In the 5 years since finishing school I’ve taken two online courses, countless Treehouse lessons to learn how to code and have attended numerous meetups etc I used to feel like I had to know everything to be good at what I did. However, I've realized two problems. The first is I don't have the slightest idea what anything is (on a ontological level) and the second is that knowing everything means you can’t become an expert in anything. Instead, I should learn whatever it is that I need to help me move from A to B. If I want to improve my communication with my people, I should learn about communication. If I want to improve my skills at writing, I read a book about writing, and so on. Knowledge is important because if you do not know you can't function. In all fields. Even if we approach It be successful in your job and to Earn money you have to know how to do your job properly. I think this is obvious and I don't need to elaborate. BTW I'm already writing a book and I'm getting close to finishing it and I hope I can get a bunch of cash out of it. Doing what I love ad and getting paid for it. Best of both worlds.
  20. The user @Gesundheit2 lives In Syria. And he used to be very active for years (posted every other day). But since the last earthquake in Turkey and Syria he disappeared. If anyone knows him personally like @Loba, or if he himself is doing good please confirm. Thanks.
  21. Very elegant answer. I enjoyed reading this. Thank you. Oh of course, you are correct man trust is absolutely essential to modern living. I trust that when I phone someone or write to you on this forum ,that magically my words get converted into electrons and bounce around satellites and cables to influence a stranger in some far flung remote corner of the world. In some small way, if you’re reading this, you’ve connected with a guy from the other side of the globe . Isn’t that incredible?
  22. @Gesundheit2 glad you're doing well, friend.
  23. Thanks dude. I like your posts. But I have a question.. How do you trust something you don't know? You can not trust the universe, unless you are willing to take a leap of faith in that direction. Everything is connected, me, you, other people here, plants, animals, the elements, the weather. It's all a web, kind of like a spider's. I guess Unless i show myself that i want to take a leap of faith and give in to the unseen, thus then receiving the information I seek, that trust you are suggesting for won't come to me unless I start knowing who am I and what existence is. Which is currently In my mind it seems near impossible.