Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. OK I will try to address your points.. First of all..There are many paths to enlightenment. However ,there is not different types of the ‘realisation of the one truth’. The truth is just ‘you are God ’. But, there are many minds from different conditionings and backgrounds that seek different kinds of realization. Leo is talking about a specific type of enlightenment. . For example..I'm sure you are familiar with the Neo-Advaita philosophy and POV on Enlightenment: No paths lead to enlightenment. Enlightenment is not ‘somewhere else.’ Enlightenment is right here. This is it. If enlightenment resides on a distant summit somewhere, there is no enlightenment. There is only Being. There is no “you” that arrives at ‘enlightenment,’ no matter which path/practice you take, nor which trail you climb up any mountain. The question presumes there is a separate “someone” who can arrive “somewhere” other than where we are, through “their” own volition. It also presumes the illusory “you” wants that, perhaps as an escape from your ‘normal’ life or ‘suffering.’ When that false ”you” dissolves, all that’s left is Being/Enlightenment. blah blah blah And Leo says : you go full circle from extreme denial of the self to recognize that the self is everything. And that you are the whole of reality and that you are God. The actual creator of this universe. And you can reclaim your authority as God and create your life accordingly. It doesn't seem to me that it's ego stroking or games to gain money or that Leo is being childish (the entire planet doesn't understand enlightenment, only I do ). You ate free to interpret that as you like .that either Leo is turning enlightenment into business and trying to gain profit from it .or he is really onto something. I choose the second option . If you choose the first option then you are basically saying that Leo is manipulating people into his mumbo-jumbo enlightenment nonsense and tries to gain money via courses and YT etc . And this makes me ask you: if you do think that ..then why are you in a forum of that scammer?
  2. @Gesundheit2 He is partially correct especially about Buddhism. Buddhism does not define God. Beings have levels of awareness .. some of these beings ( depends on which school of Buddhism ) function as deities. But there is no Creator, no single ‘god’, no CEO at the top. There is just ‘our’ Universe, floating inside the meta-Universe, with everything floating inside and part of it. The meta-Universe can create anything it feels like, because everything is already part of it, but it is not God
  3. @Leo Gura i know this wasn't directed to me..but it got me curious and I have few notes .. Howsoever you turn it, if you are looking for a definition of enlightenment, you would be doing so with your own conditioning and your ideals and ideologies. You would be looking for your own conditioned projection. if you think all other conditions of “enlightenment” as you define it are fullfilled. So, yes, it is possible for an enlightened person, like you, to be arrogant. But can't you have empathy for other "versions " of enlightenment that you yourself used to sprout in the past ? You have a pinned thread about exercises to reach enlightenment from few years ago and it basically talks about no self. Zero mention of God. I understand that that was years ago and you have been growing exponentially over the last few years ..but why can't you see that guy as similar to you ?he is just in the beginning of his journey.
  4. Cigarettes are made for you to inhale the smoke. As much "bad stuff" as possible goes straight into your lungs. Cigars (good cigars, not cheap garbage cigars) have no additives to "mellow" the smoke so you can't suck them down like cigarettes. Also I Read that Cigar smokers have a much lower rate of lung and throat cancer than cigarette smokers, but still have elevated rates of lip and mouth cancer from direct contact with tobacco and "tasting" the smoke. I'm not saying anyone should smoke a Cigar , rather it's just the smartest of the two stupid options. I've never smoked a Cigar. And I'm getting bored with regular cigarettes. I didn't smoke anything for a while. But now my brain is trying to trick me into trying something more exciting to get off like trying Cigars, maybe weed etc
  5. As we age older.. Do we require more calories to feel full and satiated? I guess because our bodies get bigger and weigh then It follows that we require more fuel?.. But also aren't we already have accumulated all that energy throughout our lives that we should feel hungry less often? I really don't know. I'm asking because Its difficult for me to feel full.. Which wasn't the case few years ago. Maybe it's due to me cutting out all sugar and junky carbs from diet. Idk.
  6. I'm beyond help. I'm smoking right now as I'm typing this lol. I'm completely at peace and I accept myself as a smoker and that I have no problem smoking for the rest of my life. Because smoking is WONDERFUL!! There is simply no way that I will ever quit! I am very glad that I started! What do you guys say to that ? I've been doing it for almost a decade now and it is becoming a big part of my psychology. I started when I was 16 to impress girls in high school . ,I didn't like it at first and coughed a lot ,but with time it became my best friend. I may have learned to use cigarettes as a coping mechanism for everything from excitement and happiness to boredom or even anger. How i quit for good when I've become emotionally attached to cigarettes? The power that nicotine has over people who smoke is tremendous. I know that nicotine is a toxic substance .only because of the many health risks of smoking, but because of the tricks nicotine plays on those who use it. I just can't stop .I can't put the damn cigarettes down no matter how much I try. And you know what? What's the worst case scenario? Dying from a heart attack or a stroke ? Imma fucking die anyways . And honestly, I'm not so satisfied with the quality of this dying prematurely would be great !. Fortunately, cigarettes can help me with that . I hope that anyone reading this doesn't "get it " as a cry of help being cosmetically covered with bragging about my smoking habit . Rant over .
  7. That's typically my daily breakfast. I drink a lot of water. Eat lots of healthy vegetables and fruits. But you are right when you said I programmed my body to eat sugar (glucose). So now when I finish my main meal I crave some dessert.
  8. @Emrie thanks for sharing your story.
  9. Is cereal with fresh fruits and honey considered "shit"?
  10. Then why do we have something like the recommended daily calorie intake about 2,000 calories a day for women and 2,500 for men? Isn't calorie dependent on our physique, and weight? I'm pretty sure a bodybuilder requires more food than a simp. And how is that connected to age? Well as we Age from puberty to mid 20s we normally gain weight.
  11. @Emrie thanks for the response. I already see a therapist and I Take a lot of SSRI's. To make this short and precise for both of us..just tell me how tf to quit? Did you quit alcohol? How did you do it?
  12. Well if it depends on brain chemistry then any qualified neuroscientist could study the brains of enlightened people... And pin down the exact chemical soup that produces enlightenment and then invent an instant enlightenment pill. What's stopping us from doing this?
  13. Now that is a profound and powerful answer. yes, one can live without a belief system. But the reality is far from easy to accomplish. To do this can lead to enlightenment. To be without a belief structure one must examine all their beliefs and be able to disassociate from them completely. This requires hyper-self-awareness on a moment to moment basis and the willingness to let go of every single belief and expectation. That includes beliefs about who and what you are and your place in the world. You must become a complete blank. I have actually created meditations and other practices for accomplishing this but it takes a great deal of commitment and work. But it can be done. Can you for example stop believing that other people exist? Don't know what?!
  14. Go ahead and try to avoid all belief and let's see how will your life work out. Every time you go with "gut feel," you are using a belief system. Every time you select an option from an equally probable menu of choices, you are applying some other criteria according to a belief system. An entirely rational and empirical life might be desirable to some, but it is utterly impossible. All theories of science started by abstract perspectives, which scientists initially believed to be true. But when a theory is put into test in reality, the belief is verified, and turned into a fact. If a belief system is beneficial, why would one reject it?
  15. And how do you know that? Maybe belief is actually the only way to reach truth ..After all let me ask you this: do you know what anything Is ? Of course you will be bullshiting if you said you do .so why not just wager on faith ? Epistemically, what gives "direct consciousness " more value than "belief "? Please ponder this question carefully before you respond. Because I'm making a very subtle point.
  16. Not just a religious person..You seem to claim that NOBODY at all understands what God is . This is an outrageous claim .you seem to claim to be the most awake person ever and you shit on Buddhism, Islam, advaita, nonduality and almost all spiritual teachings and teachers since the dawn of time. You have yet to prove that you know better than all mankind.
  17. Well.. I can't think for myself because I'm not awakened. So all that is left for me is to follow a spiritual teaching or a spiritual tradition. Even "thinking for myself" would be a bias of mine. How do you know that thinking for yourself will not lead you astray and further removed from the truth? In comparing Islam to Buddhism.. Islam forces you to pray five times every single day even during sleep time... And if you miss a single prayer you gonna go to hell. There is of course no such thing as heaven and hell as in an eternal place of abiding after death. It can be understood metaphorically.
  18. @Leo Gura what do you think of Islam? It's by far the only religion that describes god in a way close to what you teach.. That there is only one universal consciousness that preceeded every single thing into existence. And he is eternal and omniscient and omnipotent etc If you read the Quran, you will find a very striking straightforward description of God and the infinitude of God in a very poetic manner. I'm actually considering converting to Islam. Honestly, me as an Indian, I think that Buddhism is weak sauce. Buddha himself said that there isn't a God. He only focused on understanding and eliminating suffering. That is the bulk of the Buddhist teaching. Could you make a video about comparing religions?
  19. Liberalism is the political ideology of children: self-irresponsibility, victim-mentality, blame others, spoilage, corruption, innocence etc Conservatism is the political ideology of adults: self-responsibility, anti-victim, blame self, moral, virtuous, wise.etc Do you disagree with this division? Explain why or why not in a detailed response. Let me explain myself : Liberals blame "guns" for violence, not people. Because liberals refuse to believe that people are the cause (causal agents) of crimes. If a spree-shooter goes into a batman movie in the theater, and murders dozens of people, then the gun is the problem, not the spree-shooter. Liberalism blames objects, not subjects. Because subjects, humans, especially including women and children, are pure and innocent, never evil, and can never do harm. Even if a human becoming could do harm, in liberalism, then liberals would "forgive" this person immediately. Because liberals believe in absolute goodness of redemption. Liberals believe that all badness/evil can become "corrected" through indoctrination, education, and schooling (brainwashing). Liberals believe they can brainwash the world into goodness and happiness. Conservatives blame people for violence, not guns. Because conservatives accept that people are causal agents; people are moral. People are capable of good and evil. A conservative will not hesitate to sentence the spree-shooter to a death sentence, and murder the murderer. Conservatives lean more toward eye-for-an-eye justice. It morally is acceptable to murder a murderer. And conservatives hate the victim-mentality. If a girl gets raped at a frat party then why was she there in the first place, getting drunk, and dressed like a skanky slut? She deserved it. Because she is responsible for herself. But liberals say: no, women are never responsible for rape, only men are. Conservatives reject this. Because conservatives support self-responsibility and dislike blaming others. If something bad happens to a woman or child then the woman or child should take some responsibility, or learn the hard way. How do you dare respond to these mentalities? Which are you? Are you liberal or conservative? Are you an adult or a child? Do you blame others or yourself? Do guns kill people or do people kill people?
  20. @Emerald For anybody whose once normal everyday life was suddenly shattered by an act of sexual violence... the trauma, the terror, can shatter you long after one horrible attack. It lingers. You don’t know where to go or who to turn to…and people are more suspicious of what you were wearing or what you were drinking, as if it’s your fault, not the fault of the person who assaulted you…We still don’t condemn sexual assault as loudly as we should. Guess why? Because western society is getting more and more and more liberal.we make excuses, we look the other way…[Laws] won’t be enough unless we change the culture that allows assault to happen in the first place.
  21. Billions of people all using up so many resources for so many things, like how can we just keep extracting these seemingly endless amounts of wood, oil, minerals and metals and still have plenty to extract for the next 100 years? I know that The earth is really really really big. Thats really it, the earth is astronomically (pardon the pun) huge. We only take up a fraction of its surface area. Dont get me wrong we are getting there, we are facing some pretty serious shortages in the next couple centuries, but we have got this far simple because the earth is huge and has a huge amount of Resources to start with. But can't we run out of water? Food? Electricity? Money? I want to understand how we didn't run out of resources for all those centuries?
  22. Don't you realize that making guns illegal only disarms the law abiding citizens and empowers the criminal element? Look at the murder and crime rate in places that banned guns in USA (Chicago, New York, etc.) Thanks for the response. Very well said . I think liberalism trying to upgrade everything in society without taking into account that we still live in the dark ages . Most people even in the US and the developed countries still are attached to their old traditions and religions and way of approaching life . I'm a conservative because in our current era we can't revolutionazie everything out of thin air . There has to be progress first in how the masses think and behave. So you could say that I'm a potential liberal. Meaning I'm only a conservative temporarily until our society is capable of handling the liberal revolution. (I'm mostly speaking about Indian society). You can't balance the two . In the US, liberalism refers specifically to social liberalism and cultural liberalism, and it leans farther to the left than liberalism in other countries. while Conservatism is derived from the traditions of a society, so American conservatism reflects the ideas of classical liberalism and Christian belief that were dominant in the early history of the US.
  23. It's simpler than that. Let's go by my example of rape, the conservative approach. Liberalism blames the "aggressor" while conservatism blames the "victim". Conservatism is anti-victim mentality. Liberalism is pro-victim mentality. That is the reason why females and children (especially younger age) tend to be liberals. Because children automatically have a "victim-status" and "human rights" just for being born. For example children are more susceptible to harm, scams, and crime. They also suffer more from crime against them, like rape, beating, or murder of a child. These are all grievous and heinous crimes. But why does a child receive "special status"??? Because children automatically are victims of crimes, not perpetrators of crime. For a liberal, it seems almost impossible that children can commit crimes or be 'evil'. But for a conservative (my perspective), a child can be evil. This is a huge moral difference between liberalism and conservatism. I would choose the right. I resonate more with their moral compass and value system. Leo, I only made these points based on your videos on liberal mind and conservative mind. What the majority of liberals fail to recognise is quite amusing, they promote the subjective approach to ethics and social constructs, yet they continuously categorise people by their actions while failing to acknowledge the subjectiveness of their identity, quite ironic really. You would rather judge someone based on what they do not by who they are. The fact they would rather blame a rape victim, rather than the rapist, clearly shows how skewed the liberal mind is.
  24. Thanks. That was insightful. It seems like the supply on earth is very limited and I'm surprised we haven't run out of things with the way our current population consume things. How do we do supply ourselves so well without draining the planet dry. I guess with minerals and oil we could always recycle these things. But how do we recycle food and water which are the most important resource?
  25. I apologize for any transgressions from my part You do have a point. I will try to tone it down a little bit Thanks.