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Someone here replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
In some ways.. it’s obvious that we create our reality. I have an idea in my mind for a chair.. I think about what the chair will look like .what to make it out of..and what color it will be ...all in my mind. Then, I create the chair by purchasing the materials and going to work on the wood. Chair (reality) has been created. But what about the things we don’t (seem to) have direct control over? Let’s start with how our thoughts can change our minds..and make us seek out certain types of information. If I spend an entire day thinking a negative thought such as “I am lazy,” how would that impact me? I would consider myself lazy..and also discover other thoughts..such as “no wonder no one likes me” or “I can’t be successful because I’m too lazy”. The seed thought of “I am lazy” ..when nurtured with constant repetition and focus ..grows into similar thoughts. You get how this works ? Same attracts same. -
Well..I know most of you guys watch porn .every guy watches porn.even married guys .porn is more addictive than real sex . So I'm just asking to not have double standards. If you watch porn ..don't judge me because I watch it as well . We are in the same boat. I know one girl Is not enough because as soon as I love a pornstar I quickly change my taste and find another one .
Sure bro. I was hopeless just few months ago .I couldn't believe that I could have a girlfriend. Law of attraction and dreamboard helped me immensely.
What type of person does watching porn make me in your opinion?
Sweet .namaste
Yes unfortunately I'm very very addicted to sex and to porn. Nothing in life compares to sexual pleasure .I still didn't fully transcend the horny teenager phase .so I guess I will keep indulging in my addiction until something makes me stop.
That can only happen if I "overdose ". Sometimes I watch too much porn and fap too much to the point my dick becomes sore from the intensity lol.but I keep looking for new girls (in porn ,not In real life ). But what are the alternatives? I'm a guy who gets bored quickly. I can't find a new girlfriend in the immediate future. So I guess I will just stick to my girl..and not telling her about my porn habit.
I welcome all your thoughts .but probably I'm looking for opinions of people who are 30 years old or above (because they have more in depth experience with life ). You know ..I'm a young man and I wanna know what's waiting ahead of me down the road. Is life fundamentally easy or difficult? And why do I tend to believe that it's difficult? I also have a belief that life is unfair ..you have some people who are just born in a wealthy family and they live completely carelessly and piss their time away in whatever way they want . And you have people who literally work 12 hours a day just to put bread on the table . Why is that ? Is it 'karma '? Why are some people lucky witth the 'genetic lottery' and they are physically attractive (whether they are men or women )? And other people are less attractive . Dunno ..just felt I would empy out some of this stuff
I mean I didn't tell her that I masturbate ,..but do you think she doesn't know even if I don't tell her? She is not that naive . She knows that guys need a sexual release every once in a while . And we only have sex twice a month . Porn is a whole different story. I told her explicitly that I don't watch "hot stuff online "(that's the term she used lol). Like I said if she finds out that I watch porn ..99.99999% she will leave me .
Like what ? Actually porn gives you (obviously) more variety to experience sex. The shit is literally endless . Whereas real sex is the same old same old.
Bro..I've been cumming to porn since I was 14 or so . I'm now 26 .and this is my first adult relationship. My gf Is a very sensitive person. She doesn't have to know . There is a lot of hustle in this thread .. I'm basically asking one question: Is watching cam porn cheating?
Interested in hearing more
OK let me explain what I mean by a "7" ..she is attractive..but definitely not as attractive as a super model or a professional pornstar. Also ..what do you want me to do ? We live in a conservative society..porn is considered evil here . If I told her she will leave me . She doesn't have to know .it's not like I'm actually cheating on her.
@lostingenosmaze do you want my ass banned from here? Do your research! Sexual what ? I'm indeed obsessed with sex . But I don't think that I did fuck a lot of girls in my "past lives ".if anything..I must have been a homeless horny muscular dude who hasn't even touched girl ?.
What is a healthy way of watching porn ? Why is cam porn "stupid " and unhealthy? I mean given where this industry is at at the moment..that's the less toxic stuff I could find . Dude ..I've seen 'stuff'...I've seen 'stuff' ..you won't believe me lol Besides everyone here watches porn yet they are triggered by my braging about watching porn.
? Enjoy
And what exactly is wrong with that ?
Imagination is hazy ..it slips quickly out of your mind . Why would I try to imagine a hot chick when I can see an actual hot chick. But go ahead..I give you benefit of a doubt ..how exactly do achieve "infinite orgy metaphysical sexscape "? A lot of guys are into that shit .I'm not the first in history who've done this .
You don't watch porn do you? ? Why do you care about my post history ? At least I have the balls to admit what is happening in my life. Most guys have even worse sexual dilemmas that they are afraid to talk about .
How could I not ? Let's be real . Every guy in his early twenties watches porn. The thing is ..real sex will never be as good as porn . In porn you have access to an endless pool of naked women doing all kinds of sexual acts . And you want me to not get addicted?
Yup .I feel no shame for saying what I just said. I value honesty . I'm honestly bored of fucking the same pu**y all the time .it's like you can't eat the same lunch everyday.
I know it's a controversial topic and might somewhat be offensive to @Leo Gura ..but I gotta get some stuff outta my chest .. In Leo's video on not knowing he said that the honest answer to the question of solipsism is that he doesn't know . And that's true . Leo himself was confident his experience was the only that existed .he releaseda 3 hour video on solipsism being the ultimate truth ..then he deleted it because he wasn't sure..and then he released a video rambling on about Infinite Gods. Be easy on leo..just let the guy do the work and present it in a noncontradictory manner . Maybe that's why Leo is posting videos a lot less . I would argue God can create multiple real viewpoints the same way It makes different directions of space or directions of time as the moments pass. Up is not accessible to down.. one thing on the left is different and can't access the things on the right ..one thing a few seconds ago is different from right now.. right now cannot remember a few seconds ago, etc. Multiple things(obviously in relative terms)can exist..though they emanate from the same unity. I think The problem of solipsism arises when people view their egos or experiences as eternal and then neglect all else..don't have access to the past and the future and the other people..or misidentify their egos with God. The bottom line is that I don't fucking know If solipsism is true .and I would say that Leo himself doesn't know as well . Nuff said .
Fundamentally, why are psychedelics banned in most countries in the world? They are not addictive drugs literally.. They are just hallucinogens.. Although I heard that there is a possibility of legalization of Marijuana In India. It's already been lagalized in Philippines Last year. But Marijuana isn't really a psychedelic.. It just gets you high (correct me if I'm wrong and some people here had god realization on Marijuana). All well known classical psychedelics like DMT, LSD, Mushrooms etc are illegal in India and the near countries. I want to understand why? Is it because society and the social matrix doesn't want people to awaken to The Truth that these substances reveal? Or is it because it can be misused or overused and that might lead to problems? Fortunately, weed is getting legalized in India soon.. But Is weed potent enough to give you a huge breakthrough experience?
I'm a Madrid fan . Someone please explain to me what just happened