Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. What do you mean "purpose is creation "? Do you mean its made up ?
  2. @The0Self thank you so much bro . This is extensive and detailed. Highly appreciate it ?
  3. Yes. I want to beat the shit out of some boys who bully me . For that I need a strong body with thick skin and glamorous muscles .
  4. The only thing im certain of is direct experience.
  5. Yup . At least it makes sense to me .I'm not asking you or anyone to believe me . You create your own purpose in life .God is an infinite shape shifter clay . You can do whatever you like with your life .God loves it all and accepts it all .thats what is referred to by "unconditional love".
  6. What follows from that? God must experience the people who enjoy pain and those who don't like it @Holykael Thank you!
  7. @integral thanks dude. Really helpful ?
  8. Are you implying that I'm making shit up? Because yes I am. At least its better than what any religion say. Some would say that God created the Universe for self-glorification and so that he could be adored by humankind.. what does this say about his lack of self-esteem?
  9. No sir. Existence is serious. Not fun at all. Maybe you just haven't got to experience the deep brutality of life yet. God doesn't "enjoy" pain. You are God.. Do you enjoy it? Definitely not. However, God must experience pain because pain is a fraction of infinity.
  10. Great. Thanks. Do you use Any dumbbells? I Just want to know what you're working with so I can try to give it a shot myself and more suggestions. I'm thinking combining bodyweight stuff along with what i have on hand. but I'm not 100% sure what exactly I have to work with right now based upon my current condition . I do a combination of progressive calisthenics and weights, myself, mostly bodyweight with weighted dips and chin ups. Few questions about nutrition : 1-how much calories do you eat per day? I'm having a problem with this because my appetite is low and it's hard for me to get the enough fuel to gain weight. Any suggestions in how to increase my appetite? 2-do you use any protein powders? 3-should I eat before or after the workout? Thank you!
  11. Most of my money go to paying the bills. From food to rent to electricity to internet etc. I don't have the luxury of going to gym. Can you tell me what kinds of exercise you do? And how muscular and fit your body is?
  12. I'm not saying" to exist is to be perceived " like what George Berkeley said.. But you don't actually know if these things are experienceable. You just assume so. And that's the first word you said "let's assume". See? It's not so much about what is more convenient or more practical or more rich and flexible. It's about what is actually True. Is there an external objective universe that exists out there independent of my perception of it? I don't know. I get tricked every night that my dreams are objective and independently existing outside of my direct experience.. But eventually I wake up and discover that it's just a fucking dream. Maybe real life is just the next level of dreams. Maybe there is no end to dreaming. Again I'm not advocating solipsism. I remain agnostic.
  13. Ok my bad. Then can you summarize your point so that I can see what to do with it? Also, a tangent question..isn't the same mechanism of looking at the rock and blinking applies to your nightly dreams as well?
  14. It tells me exactly exactly that ...when you look at it is there. When you look at half of it ..then half of it is being experienced by you .if you close your eyes completely and hold disappears. Nothing more .Nothing less . You said other people can see it ..but how do you tell the difference between "people " and rocks ? They are both appearances within your consciousness. So you can only ever BELIEVE that the rock is still there or that people have consciousness. I'm not saying they don't aka solipsism. I'm saying it can't be known . This question about the relationship between subjects and objects has been beaten to death throughout the history of philosophy. And until now it's not resolved. Maybe it's all a dream in your mind...who knows ? Who the fuck knows ?
  15. Do you realize that it's impossible to prove or disprove this? Is that obvious to you? Or do you need more elaboration?
  16. @Breakingthewall solipsism ain't "it", my love.
  17. It's similar to having a bad dream . A nightmare and there is all sorts of painful things happening to you .or you are stuck in a loop of madness. The only way to overcome the fear is to become lucid in the dream . Similarly, if you awaken in "real life "...all fear must dissolve. That's a good criteria to determine how woke you are .by how much of fear you have towards existence.
  18. We are just ignorant motherfuckers. Everyone here don't get that they don't fucking know. You don't know who the fuck you are! this place is not for mental masturbation and parroting Leo..but I agree that "life is Consciousness". Ok fine explain what you say... What to make of this one line?.. Life is not anything other than what it is. It's actually a good pointer to disregard words.. Cuz that leave you knowing absolutely fucking nothing. But language covers this up. And I cringe when someone says reality is an illusion. I obviously don't know what the hell reality is. But I definitely know that it is not an illusion. Furthermore it's just a concept in the mind . "oh life is a dream and illusion bla bla". But all that is actually delusion in your mind. It's not actually experienced. Better to say I don't fucking know. Here's the thing.. Knowing is actually being... Let me explain.... Reading ten thousand books on astronomy explaining what the sun is won't give you a better idea about it than to simply look at the sun.. I mean the mysterious appeance. It's actually gonna get a little bit more mystical. We can know stuff on the relative pragmatic level.. But the deeper we go.. It is actually true that you don't know anything. I'm just saying it as it fucking is. Imo.. To know something is to experience it. Since all you have is experience. But notice your experience is unknown. You don't actually know what's up. But language covers this up. By giving lables to stuff. Whatever the substance of reality is.. Is exactly this present moment. This is the substance right now right here. Yet...... What is it? You know it in the sense that you know that it's happening and you are familiar with it. But it is unknown in every other sense.
  19. It's not a koan. We know reality as it appears. It's exactly as it appears. Yet we don't know what that appearance is. So we both know and don't know simultaneously. It's like a child opening his eyes for the first time to see the world. We don't know more than a child. Humanity is still in the dark ages intellectually. We made radical discoveries within Quantum physics.. But we are just peeking through the bottomless hole that is existence.
  20. The most effective way to get to enjoy true happiness and inner peace in the future is to build the habit of having inner peace and happiness in the present, right here right now. The vice versa is also true: sacrificing inner peace now for the sake of the imagined future tends to lead to an unhappy future too. You are always in the present, meaning the here and now. It is only ever here and it is only ever now. Thus, if you build a habit of valuing the future over the now, and thereby choose to lack inner peace in the now, you always lack the happiness of inner peace because you always be in the now.
  21. I didn't say "pleasure" because that's obviously a trap. You Can become a Cocaine addict If all you care about is getting a dopamine high or getting intoxicated. I said Happiness. Happiness is the end and ultimate goal of life. If spirituality doesn't make you happy then you are doing It wrong. There are no problems with hedonism if define as the the pursuit of happiness. For some people praying to God produces more happines than having sex or eating an ice cream. Exactly. That is my point. What will happen will happen. And What happened has happened. You cannot change the outcome, but you can make sure the memories of the outcome don’t control your present-day life. It takes persistence, fortitude, and practice, but it can be done. Please remember this: What happened in the past and what will happen in the future isn’t who and where you are today. Live in the present. That’s the best advice I have, I’m afraid. Hope it helps. Just monkey mind. I'm trying to show you a paradigm shift.. There is a whole new dimension of uninterrupted peace and serenity in just taking a moment to become still. And you are all over the place "ya but this ya but that". It's never gonna work. You have to try it to know.
  22. And I used mixed techniques. 1-do nothing. 2-watching the breath. 3- watching the thoughts 4-watching the space between thoughts. The benefits : I didn't feel happy or relaxed as that for maybe years. And I discovered the root cause of all my psychological suffering. It's simply overthinking. Feel free to ask any questions.
  23. Yup I switched posture from sitting on a couch to lay down. I find self-observation to be most effective technique . Just taking a position of observer and calmly viewing all events arising in my mind: "this is a thought", "this is a wish", "this is a pleasant sensation", "this is something unpleasant", etc. At times I may discern further" what caused that thought?", "why I am feeling this emotion?", but as soon as I get an answer I tend to go back to the observing position. Also focusing on the breath is good. I like practicing focusing on the breath first, then once I've settled, being an observer of everything that arises without judgement. It feels like the most natural way to meditate for me.