Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. Honestly.. When you really think this through and try to find the healthiest diet possible.. It's gonna be raw fruits and vegetables. That's it. So if you're really interested in cleaning up your diet and eating healthy.. The only thing you should put in your body is a peice of fruit or a vegetable. Nothing else. That's the healthiest and cleanest diet possible.
  2. To me . God doesn't give a shit about you or what you do or what happens to you . It's neutral and indifferent.
  3. I’m looking to hear from any of you who have felt like a loser but have seen improvements in yourself whether they are big or small. I have waves of moments when I feel like I’m on-task, getting stuff done, being the best version of me... and then days where I can’t seem to do almost anything... days that make me feel like a total loser. Anybody out there who has overcome these patterns? If not perfectly, then at least to a degree that allows you to feel more accomplished, in general, and less like shit on the “down” days? Share all your accomplishments since starting this Self-Actualization journey. From your financial freedom to your health to your success with the realtionships with the opposite sex to your experiences that expanded your consciousness and spiritual (or philosophical) insights. Thanks in advance!
  4. Honestly, I'm having some mind blowing sex with my gf recently . To the point I masturbate after it for few Days when she ain't around. I introduced her to the idea that we should film or record our intercourse but she refused and got angry at me. Of course I explained to her that I ain't gonna upload it on Pornhub or anything like that lol.. But she insisted that I don't ever think about it again. Honestly, those moments when we have sex are the highlight of my life (it's really so fucking good) and I want to record it on video to view it in the future. It's like I want to save those moments or "document" it for the purpose of creating good memories. What do you guys think? Am I a freaking weirdo ??
  5. @Razard86 why so angsty about this awakening stuff?
  6. Look, I agree that it is always better to obtain the vitamins and minerals required for the body from natural sources. supplements neither are that bad nor i am against them but we should consume these supplements only then if we are not able to fulfill our requirements from natural sources of vitamins and minerals just like milk, curd, yogurt,vegetables etc. On a raw fruit and vegetables diet you gonna have some minerals and vitamins lacking..that's the only downside of this diet ..but you can always supplement it.its better than getting those minerals from real food which is toxic .
  7. vitamins are chemicals. There’s no difference between ascorbic acid from an orange or ascorbic acid from a lab.
  8. So be it. You can Take omega 3 or fish oil supplements. Beans contain enough protein.
  9. They are plant-based. What do you think Oats are? Wheat. And what category of food does Wheat belong to? Sure. You might have some nutritional lack in some nutrients like protein and Zinc etc. So you can supplement it. Most animal products nowadays are injected with bad hormones for you. Insane? What are you talking about? You will feel lighter and cleaner and your mood will improve. I make no promises about how you gonna feel on this diet. I simply said it's the "cleanest" diet possible. Most food nowadays are filled with bad hormones and injections and heavy metals. Even the water we drink is filled with toxins. Note that I don't claim that this diet is the one you gonna have the maximum energy on. I simply said it's the cleanest. Please understand that distinction. It's plant-based.
  10. Simple. Eat more. Eat giant ass meals. The truth is there are hundreds of plant-based ingredients that are high in calories. it's just a matter of recognising what they are and making sure you get enough on a daily basis. Like Soy, Beans and Natural Oats etc. Besides.. Do you care more about your health or about feeling stuffed? And I'm sure meat and eggs and milk are far more expensive than veggies and fruits.
  11. Same as what I'm saying really. So we agree.
  12. Yup. You have different feelings depending on the position, but I think by far she being on top is the best because of the angle. There is also this feeling of "please don't stop" because of how powerfully good it feels. A good, strong orgasm is like waves of tingling. It happens whenever she Is riding me "being on top". Oh man even when I fap to that memory it feels otherworldly ?
  13. I mean I can have the 3D experience almost twice a month. I just feel a new level of satisfaction that I don't want those moments to be gone forever. And memories will fade away sooner or later. Is there any specific reason why would a girl refuse that because she is concerned for her privacy? Thanks for your honest opinion Everything. The eye contact, The dirty language we use, The intimacy, The kinky stuff we try. We almost tried 30 different positions. And the orgasms are earth shattering.
  14. Not no idea. It's endless and infinite in all directions. So it could be said that the substance of everything is nothing.
  15. Of course there is a paradox in saying existence cannot be known. In that it's confirmed that I know that it's impossible to know. But that's just the strangloopy nature of existence. Paradox is inherent. You can't say anything factual about existence by trying to rectify paradox. So when I say "you don't know what a cat Is".. I don't mean there is no specific image that comes to your mind when you hear that word. Yet still you're absolutely clueless as to what cat or the whole of existence actually Is beyond just knowing it in the form of perceiving it with your senses.
  16. @Carl-Richard would you agree that from the absolute perspective there isn't any explanation for literally anything? But from the relative perspective there are partial explanations?
  17. Sure. You can reduce one phenomenon into a more fundamental phenomenon to explain it away. But you are just facing the "turtles all the way down" dilemma. Psychedelics are hallucinogens. They affect certain areas in your so called brain which makes your perception change because perception centers exist in the brain. Is that a satisfying explanation? Not at all! See?
  18. When you really question everything you think you know or have an explanation for.. you will be shocked at how little you know. And it's not extreme to say that you don't know a dam thing. Do you know what anything is or do you just give it a name? For instance.. A cat. You don't know what a cat is. I mean it's essential nature. You just know it's appearance. And you give it a name. A label. We give labels to objects and actions.. We write mathematical equations to describe certain patterns in nature.. We think we know this stuff.. But we actually don't. We don't know what an apple is or what a tree is or what a color is or what a sound is or what a feeling is or what a thought is or what a human is or what psychedelic is or what any thing is.. Existence is pure undefined magic.. An explanation requires further explanations to back it up and you always end up with infinite regress.
  19. Why does anything look the way it does? No "why" is answerable.
  20. Great results and improvement. Thanks for sharing ?
  21. @Squeekytoy @Yimpa You two.. Why do I feel that you are the same person ??
  22. Irreducible mystery. Why is there something rather than nothing? Nobody knows. 'all that I know is that I know nothing' - philosopher Socrates. Science can discover simpler and simpler primitives to explain complexity.. which has been already done to a remarkable extent. We know,.. with high degree of certainty, that the amazing and beautiful complexity of living things.. including the human brain.. is nothing more than physical processes governed by the laws of quantum theory and general relativity based upon the standard model of particle physics which have been working for billions of years. How did those primitives come to existence? We don't know. But maybe we will.. one day. However... the simpler primitives that will be discovered.. will still remain unexplained. This is an uncomfortable situation.. we don't like to not understand.. So we fool ourselves into thinking we do.. as have been done for centuries for much simpler questions that we know the answer to today. Any attempt to philosophizing an answer to this question will be an attempt to fool ourselves. There is no way to determine whether a theory is correct unless it is falsifiable by physical evidence.. and there's no way any physical evidence will shade light on this question.
  23. Humans want power and and to live forever. But this is not realistic of course. Even the most powerful people ever will amount to effectively nothing in the end. Insteada.. better way to attain immortality and infinite power you must simply find the most total and ultimate thing ever that also happens to be eternal.. and then live vicariously throught it . You would effectively identify with it... Like sports fans do with their favorite team. The most ultimate and eternal 'thing' ever is the totality of all reality in its entirety. Why? Because in every possible scenario of existence the ultimate state of reality exists.. forever. See my example below: Hypothetical Scenario 1: No universe ever came into existence Hypotherical Scenario 2: The current universe as it is Hypothetical Scenario 3: A far future when the universe had died out and nothing exists anymore (like it was before) Hypothetical Scenario 4: Something else In all 4 scenarios one thing remains the same.. the ultimate situation/state of reality. The ultimate way things are in their entirely. This is eternal and invincible.. nothing can destroy it. It outlives everything and everything happens within it.