Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. Well obviously you don't know where I'm coming from or what kind of work I've done . I meditate and contemplate deeply every single day .i would say I'm 90% fully enlightened. Because I understand stuff about reality that no one has ever understood (not that I'm aware of ). And It’s not to be proven. Whether or not someone else believes that I am enlightened literally does not matter to me. I do not want or need to convince anyone, because I have no need to control anyone else (who are not really others anyway, so it would be pointless anyway).
  2. No you don't have to do anything. Everything is what it is and life will always be life .before enlightenment..chop Wood and carry water..After enlightenment..chop wood and carry water . Here is the thing ...unless you didn't arrive to the conclusion that only the Now exists ...then you are not enlightened.
  3. Well..I'm certainly not talking out of my ass . Not sure about you . There Is no "work ' required also . Enlightenment is the simplest and most basic thing imaginable. It's so simple.that people completely overlook it even after years of meditating and practice. They overlook it because they're searching for some grand attainment or realization.. an experience of cosmic bliss and oneness.. something that seems worthy of all the "work" they've put in to trying to find it. Enlightenment is awareness recognizing itself. That's it..being aware of being aware.
  4. I can totally relate.i will give you example..You are eating something and it tastes terrible to you..I tell you stop eating it.. and you say well I don't have free will. Stop and think, if it tastes terrible, why offer it to others? Why are you focusing on it to begin with? Why not choose a better feeling perspective? Why not focus on anything else that feels good to you? And offer that? When you do, the world becomes your oyster. You had a realization there isn’t a separate self “in the body”. There are people who have realized they are literally the entire universe and even well beyond, and they are playing with it, having a blast, and receiving all that they are wanting. This is presented to you, and you immediately dismiss it, look for all it’s fault’s, Stop and slow down. You’re experiencing what you’re attracting. You tend to meet being told that with mockery, cynicism, and you go into made up objective examples, to deflect from looking at your own inner self talk & behaviors. You gotta notice when that happens, because it’s you “going unconscious” so to speak. These ‘should’ be the very things you are desiring to become more conscious of.
  5. -Mindfulness meditation daily . -Shifting focus from negative thoughts to positive thoughts. Because you are the creator of your reality .how would you like to create it ?
  6. 1-there is no empirical evidence that you gonna die someday in the future. There is no empirical evidence that there will be a future. In fact ..the universe might just disappear completely and turn into a black blank void of nothingness just the next moment . There is no glue that is holding everything together. Yet..miraculously..everything is alright and functions very well. 2- synchronicities which we all take for granted.. like the fact that we miraculously find a job..the planets are miraculously holding themselves together etc this graceful flow of consciousness might break down and devolves into a disruptive stream. Chaos rather than graceful transition of form. Existence is like a house of cards..yet all of us treat it like its not made of cards but made of concrete. And we somehow think realizing the dreamy nature of form will somehow make us immune to suffering if that dream collapses. Existence is flowing extremely gracefully right now. The fact that you can sanely sit here and read this post takes beyond infinite amount of grace. All of your billions of cells working perfectly together..form that the finite mind is looking through is holding its solidity and only changes slightly..your work colleagues call you at paced times. even if you complain.. your ego destructs at an extremely peaceful and good pace along the path. Your memories are perfectly in sync with each other and with form. All of this is extremely malleable. You're a nano meter away from all of that grace just crashing and chaotically imploding on itself. Its a house of cards..not concrete.
  7. @jdc7733 I'm 50 % gay . I'm also deeply into philosophy. Where are you from ?
  8. Yes the message reached me .I just replied to you .
  9. We could call it being? To know something you must be it ?
  10. Of course.. solidity is actually transient .it is an illusion and isn't actually happening. But be just because its an illusion does not mean it does not exist. it does and doesn't exist at the same time Have you been in a state of deep realization that transition is a dream?..that the past events leading up to present events leading up to future events isn't actually happening? its just pretending to..yet if that transition(which is a dream) stops dreaming a graceful transition.. and starts dreaming up chaos.. no matter how much you realize its a'll freak the fuck out. I should have Added a disclaimer in my OP that reading this this might have some negative effects on mentally unstable people. It's also sad that people seek "the absolute " only when shit hits the fan ...and not out of genuine curiosity or philosophical instinct. Only when they suffer deeply they begin looking for something else other than what this world offers. You know nothing about death. You haven't died yet ..therefore anything you say about death is conjecture. Imagine you're at the hospital and all of a sudden you forget what a hospital is.. who everyone is etc. You've even forgotten that a hospital is a place to get've forgotten that you're looking at infinity through a HUMAN finite could be a finite mind. Why are you human? Is there any explaining of what is happening right now?
  11. No one knows anything about anything. Trust me on that one .
  12. Relative means its only true with respect to certain factors .it's only partially true . Absolute means its true under all conditions and doesn't change . So relative to there being a blue rock orbiting around the sun with 8 billion human beings living on it ..there are "people " or "selves " like "you" and "me ". If you ask me to point to it ..I would just point to the physical body .that's what defines "you ". But from the absolute perspective these boundaries get dissolved and all that is left is a sea of consciousness without divisions.
  13. First of all.. We have to be honest about the world we live in. It’s full of good.. but it’s also full of evil. All spiritual traditions and religions claim that God is good..yet the world is full of all kinds of evil. We don’t have to look too far for examples.. just flip on the news..Rape.. torture..crippling.. viruses.. car accidents.. terrorist attacks.. starvation..abuse.. slaughter.and the list goes on and on . let’s just be honest: All of these things are evil. They’re not just someone paying back karma from a past life.. they’re not just random events happening to random people.. they’re not some cosmic balancing act of yin and yang. They’re evil shit . could God which is supposed to be unconditionally loving allow for evil ? Here's my best try : Evil can only exist if good exists . Otherwise we wouldn't know what is good or what is evil . And Good can only exist if God exists. He is the embodiment of pure goodness.. so in order for evil to exist God has to exist. Are you following this ? If God does not exist there is no personal cause behind the universe. As a result the universe is either illusory or completely mechanical. Machines are neither good nor evil..and illusions are just that.. labelling them good or bad is also illusory. That’s the simple explanation.
  14. So basically the typical no self aspect ? Do you think that's all there is to enlightenment? I would say from the absolute perspective there are no others and there is no "you " it's all one undivided undifferentiated field of isness . We make artificial boundaries. However..from the relative perspective there is certainly you and others .if you claim otherwise...then you are either enlightened or insane . Yes it's just one facet .I mentioned other facets in OP. But since you disagree with this facet...let's discuss this :. What do you know? Do you know what reality is ?do you know how we all got here ?Do you know what the fuck is happening right now ?be honest. Do you know what anything is or do you just give it a name and call it a day ? Of course I'm aware of the paradoxical nature of this claim .(to claim you know nothing you must know that you don't know which is a contradiction ). But I'm pointing to something entirely beyond the logical mind .you must experience profound states of not knowing for yourself to understand what that means .
  15. What is "it "? What are you referring to ? Enlightenment?
  16. If everything is possible.. then yes of course. But an infinite universe doesn’t mean infinite possibility. It only means anything that CAN happen WILL happen. If something has a non-zero probability of happening.. then over an infinite amount of events that thing will halpen. Imagine you are a cartoon character, living on a sheet of paper. A very large sheet of paper… for all you’s infinite. in any case.. you never saw an edge. Someone tells you that there are other sheets of paper on which different rules apply. Maybe you are a cartoon character in a world drawn with a pencil.. someone tells you that there are other sheets of paper on which strange things exist that you have never seen.. or even imagined.. in your cartoon world, like “color”. So you ask… but if my world is infinite, where can these other sheets of paper be? Well… not in your sheet of paper. They exist outside of it and independently of it. So reality is infinite but it will always appear as finite . You can't see infinity .you can only experience finite things .like every object in your room right now . About bias . Yes the ego mind looks into the world and divide into good and bad for survival agenda. But survival is the real God that got you by the balls . So you can't live and maintain a human life unless you're biased . So in will always be biasd as long as you're alive .so you will always suffer .
  17. It's not enough to be "Deeply " Conscious. You have to be 10000% Conscious. If there is a Trace of a Doubt in you about who you fundamentally are then that's not enlightenment. Also ..There is only one Absolute. No different Absolutes. The Absolute is the Now .
  18. OK this is not stuff that I have pulled out of my ass.. it's in accordance with Leo's series on how to get laid . So ..the number one #1 reason you don't have a girlfriend or not getting laid is because you don't approach . You just sit in your dad's house eating potato chips and playing video games all day every day.and you expect that attractive girls will just magically land on your lap ? Good luck with that! So ..without rambling too much . Start approaching. Today. Tonight. Stop making stupid fucking excuses. And btw ..don't expect that you won't suck at first .because you will . Oh boy how many times I come off awkward as fuck when talking to girls in my town . But you gotta make it a daily habit . A challenge for yourself. One approach at least per day .push yourself out of your comfort zone .find the places in your city where girls hang out..and move your ass to there. See girl..approach girl .
  19. Suffering is a form of evil . God could easily effortlessly effectively efficiently allow for evolution without struggling..yet he didn't. How to explain that ? (I know the answer ..I'm just testing you )
  20. . He created both good and bad so that he can see them fight each other.and good will always win at the end . And its all for a purpose and for the greater good brother. Please consider visiting a psychiatrist. Its not for vanity .there is a great goodness awaiting you . Just hurry up and die before you die and see for yourself the goodness that is surrounding you all the time .
  21. Agree .God-Consciousness is a state of awareness. It is an ever-evolving process. You cannot just read it in a book. You must experience it. I haven't experienced it myself. And I don't doubt that Leo has experienced it in his trips . But I think since consciousness/reality /existence is infinite ..then all we are doing with these endless chasing of mystical states is chasing our tail . "An absolute truth I'm an infinite reality " you see any flaw in this line ? You are actually abiding as it 100% of the time . Again the message here is that there is nothing that needs to happen. You are already what you eternally are . Exactly. It's slippery. You can't grab hold of it. Once you think you've got it assured that you're wrong ? Great idea ?.
  22. @Yimpa you're cute .I like you. (No homo).