Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. Stop saying "It's " when it should be "is".
  2. @Michael569 yeah that's suitable for you . You only post on the nutrition subforum and the life purpose subforum. Just you have any philosophical interests? Like questions about existence and such? I never saw you commenting on the spirtualiy section. You show a deep knowledge when it comes to health and nutrition (because that's your field). Why don't you just try and engage in other subforums than the health section?
  3. @Yimpa @Sempiternity lol im just teasing Leo. I really missed his videos. I think probably it will be about more practical stuff than philosophical.
  4. Yay! Leo rambling out about metaphysical mumbo-jumbo that no human has ever reached for 3 hours straight. New level of awakening that contradicts his older episodes ? I certainly missed that .
  5. @Holykael What gets you out of bed in the morning? What's the point? What's the motivation? What is there to look forward to? Why? What is stopping you from just not getting out of bed? “The truth is none of it matters and the truth is it all matters tremendously. It’s a wonder any of us ever get out of bed at all. And yet, we get out of bed.” - Bojack Horseman
  6. Do "you " have free will ? It all depends on what do we mean by "you ". It's all dependent on your self-definition . If you identify as the human body ..then certainly you have a tiny portion of will . You can't fly. You can't wish a million bucks into existence etc. And some spiritual schools claim that you as an ego..or as a separate self have ZERO control over your life .over anything basically. And it's easy to prove if you tried to think of what wil be the next thought in your mind lol . Or if I told you to not think of a red cat (immediately an image of a red cat appears in your mind ). So does that mean you have no free will ? Well the answer is : YES &NO! If you define yourself as this human being..then surely you have limited free will. However,..if you define yourself as the entire universe..then everything that happens your own will . You are like a movie writer and actor simultaneously. You as the author have predestined everything from the get go ..not a single atom moves by chance ..its all Your will . But you as an actor only have the power to act out as what's being predestined. So when you click on this actually have predestined this to happen from the start of infinity (so to speak) but you as the human didn't have a choice . This video of leo explains it perfectly. Any questions?
  7. False. Its only because its infinite..that it can be downright any fucking thing it wants . Free will =infinity . Infinity is synonymous with freedom.
  8. Because god is everything. And is infinite. Therefore his will is infinite. There is nothing outside of God to tell it how it should be .God is the ultimate existential authority.
  9. 1-well I'm a human being .I'm a sentient creature. Therefore I possess awareness. Are you trying to say that it's backwards? That "I" is a thought that appears inside awareness? 2-what about the body ? 3-where Is this one awareness?
  10. Could you elaborate on this please?
  11. No .there are no exceptions. It's all or nothing . You either have zero control over your life including everything even meditation. Or you have 100% control over everything. What I'm suggesting is that BOTH are true. Depending on your self-definition. Did you listen to Leo's clip?
  12. Yup. You have preordained everything from the start and designed it to be a perfectly deceiving existence. To appear as a weak little human who can't control his genitals lol. And when you finally meet God will all make perfect sense But if you let go of All misidentification with being a finite human you will be like a drop that dissolves in the ocean . I'd say you can't let go of false identity and still maintain a human life .idk maybe folks like Jesus or Ramana Maharshi can do it. You can and will make all the choices in life. But like i said not the human you . The god you . I agree that as a mere body mind you can't control what is even gonna pop in your mind next second. Buy you as God have known that and created that from the very beginning Watch the video.
  13. Its because Most people are materialists . they believe in an objective external world of independently existing objects separate from themselves that they can passively perceive using their brains. However, serious thinkers over the last century have realized that materialism doesn't make sense. Consciousness is fundamental. No brains or neurons have anything to do with it .
  14. Exactly! But they do that because they are believing they are the ego .the seperate self that should be in control of its life . They are afraid of getting out of their own way and allow the will of God (which is essentially their will as well ) to do what it had to do in its infinite wisdom . Leo has two episodes on free will .in the first one he denied that we have free will because he looked at it from the illusory ego perspective .but in the second video he tackled the issue from God's pov.
  15. I'm just bored at college right now and have some time to kill between classes. So I figured why not survey the forum about this . Feel free to add any details in the comments. Have at it ,guys and gals
  16. Well..I do have some homosexual tendencies. I'm not gay ..but I can appreciate a really handsome dude just as I appreciate a beautiful girl . But just impartial appreciation. I didn't get an erection to a man before. And i find gay porn to be gross . But like i said I'm not 100 % straight. Thing is ..People fantasise all the time about weird, freaky, illegal things . incest and rape porn are extremely popular, for example, but the people who watch that don't want to be raped or shag their relatives. Very weird dynamic .
  17. Wow ! Thanks for your post. I'm amazed by how you understand the male sexuality being a woman.
  18. It's not that . Its whatever you believe to be true becomes true ..for you . So becoming Conscious that solipsism is true can happen when you isolate yourself For too long .it can even lead to paranoia . In fact ..just having a conversation with me means you know I'm real .otherwise if you really really believe yourself to be the only conscious person in existence you wouldn't be talking to me . The main assumption in the solipsistic worldview is the assumption that "real life " is exactly like a dream. In a dream only you are conscious. Heck ..even that is uncertain. So why don't you humble down a lil bit and just accept that you got no clue?
  19. Eat meat and drink blood's good for you ?
  20. @Sincerity Nope. There are 8 billion other people. Also I have a family and friends and girlfriend. And I love them all . Be done with solipsism delusion already. It's for kids .sorry .
  21. Good thread ? Spirituality to me is the direct investigation of truth and fleshing it out from falsehood. That's what All the methods aim at . Especially meditation. I meditate because my thoughts obscure the clarity of there being nothing but the present moment. Whereas thought might suggest that there was a yesterday or there will be a tomorrow. But when you clean your mind of all thoughts .the truth is what's left . I'm not awake .or enlightened. But I'm conscious of pretty amazing stuff. We can talk about them if you like .