Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. Its not a belief to drop all beliefs . If you asked me : will the sun rise tomorrow? I would tell you: I have no idea . Unlike 99.99999% of people will answer YES and few crazy fanatics suicidally depressed people will answer NO. If you take a random person off the street and ask him /her :" where did the universe come from "? They will tell you "probably God created it ". For me the answer is "fuck knows!". Of course.i still eat and breathe and shit .nothing on the relative day to day life has changed. It's just the conceptual story of what reality is ..THAT has evaporated completely. I live my life simply. Existential questions? I don't give a crap no more . No..a contradiction is a linguistic peculiarity..a statement that cannot be true as it asserts something is and isn’t.. which is simply meaningless.. and therefore can’t have a truth value. The word “not” is a negation. “Red” refers to a specific colour. “Not red” refers to any colour other than red.. could be blue.. could be green.. just any colour other than red. On a more deep level.. let’s look at this example. If you’re reading this response.. you obviously exist. Can you really say that you simultaneously don’t exist? That you have capabilities (like the ability to read) and don’t at the same time? That’s absurd. That’s just not what not means. So no.. a contradiction cannot truly exist..which is why we can have things like proof by contradiction..and indeed. .reality itself. Agreed ?. You still think that you have to do something in order to get somehow to something in somewhere. That's not IT. Back to the drawing board . It's difficult for me to understand what you are saying . Please try to put it in a different way .
  2. Exactly! I'm afraid we're losing the real virtues of living life passionately in the sense of taking responsibility for who we are..the ability to make something of yourself and feel good about life..we were taught to not accept reality as it is but to do everything possible in order to change our present condition which is not good enough. Thing is will NEVER EVER be enough ?
  3. I agree. It can be my interpretation of what Leo is teaching is causing me to be pissed off So..Leo's teachings In themselves did not do it to me. They just provided a cognitive shape for the growing angst i was feeling. Just like a depressed person always dwells on certain thoughts that confirm for them their depression .I t is characteristic of depression to focus on things that seem to confirm the depressive state. It is part of why depression is such a hell to get out of. So.. one can certainly feed their down with downer philosophy. True fact.
  4. @Yimpa thank you?. You are really a sweet and nice person (even though I don't know you but your posts are like the cherry on top of the cake in most threads ). I think I'm going through a mild existential crisis now and it explains (in part) why i was drawn to these ideas. And it explains why many teenagers are. (Leo's stuff sound really deep and embracing its darkness which can make a person feel that they themselves are deep or appear deep to others. so there is often another draw at work there..but which is not particularly relevant here.)
  5. As I said before me this work is about achieving happiness not about truth . Trust me ..what you want is happiness and joy ..bliss and tranquility 24/7 ..isn't that correct ? you truly want to be blissful all the time you can be.. Who are "you" really? you are This blissful nature itself. It can be difficult to appreciate your own blissful nature. Because we are caught up In survival. And because life is a bitch .you jump out of one problem only to find yourself in another one . In order to appreciate your own natural state of bliss you must cease taking yourself for what you are not... What are you not? A physical organism. What are you? Consciousness! You are that Consciousness in which the organism exists. You perceive the organism in Consciousness. The “I” is an illusion.. a delusion.There exists no “I” that is born..dies lives..comes ..goes .possesse.. grows old.. acquires. displays..exudes..acts or accomplishes. There is simply life living itself. Is life difficult? No doubt about it . Can you be blissful 24/7? Yes you can . I still haven't figured out how if anyone knows let me know ?.
  6. Amen brother ?. Stay safe when you sense it's spiralling out of control into madness territory to deliver us your poetic wisdom ?
  7. Leo are you able to remain overall sane and functional when you have seen these terrifying aspects of infinity that you became conscious of ? Idk you in real life so I'm just assuming..In your videos you seem to smile alot and sound like a cheerful person to be do you maintain sanity in an insane reality ?
  8. Or are you just a player and you wanna "taste " the maximum amount of girls you can ? Also..having kids is a huge responsibility. I couldn't even take good care of myself..let alone taking care of a bunch of crying babies ?
  9. @ivankiss good post as always Does doing art require creativity or does creativity produces good art ? Is it a two way street ?
  10. A fundamental question I wanna tackle here is : how do we know anything at all ? And if you study existence you will only find one thing .which is your conscious sense of being. You are conscious directly of yourself and the world . So that's the basis of all knowledge. It starts from the senses as Kant would say . But the question that is still troubling me : can we know using thoughts? Reason? Logic? Deduction? Is here anything other than direct consciousness to know things ? Imagine that everything there is to know has been known or will be known by someone or will be somehow remembered by the universe by the physical arrangement of some particles in a book or harddisk or someone’s mind or whatever. There is a Zen poem that says, "If you ask where the flowers come from.. even the God of Spring doesn't know." Idk . Share your thoughts please .
  11. Can you tell the difference between a thought of a million bucks and an actual million bucks ?
  12. But isn't thought secondary? And direct consciousness comes first ? How exactly I know how a doorknob work using thoughts? I know it using accumulated experience. I have to first experience how to open a door then it becomes a memory (thoughts). So direct experience comes first . And thoughts are secondary.
  13. These are the questions that I am asking. Like I said the only certain source of knowledge is sensation. Reality appears to be a bunch of separate objects with clear boundaries between them .but that's like a mirage . If you zoom into any boundary It will dissolve.
  14. I Agree that what we know is no nowhere near even 1% of all there is to know . But what do you mean that absolute reality can only be realised directly? Aren't the senses direct? I'm not talking about perception where there is a perceived and a perceiver (subject &object ). Sensory data is absolute truth .
  15. I think you are highly exaggerating this . Calling the cleanest diet possible "dangerous " is like saying snorting Cocaine is good for you in the long run. You did not even tell me what's lacking from this diet . Most people who only eat fruit are lean and fit. the look that people have when they’re older and they lose a lot of weight super fast and they always look kind of… Ill? Like are skinny but a weird pasty unhealthy sunken in cheekbones kind of skinny? Nah I don't want that if this diet gonna cost me to lose muscle and stuff. This is only a test .I know The body needs different types of nutrients to function properly. Protein, fats, varied fiber (I would imagine)… by no means am I an expert, but common sense tells me that it’s probably not a good idea for the long term. So I will try it and see . Are you fucking kidding me ?
  16. Talking out of direct experience or ? I have a friend that basically eats 90% fruits all day with 1 actual meal and eventually is trying to get to a 100% fruit diet. This person also only breaks their fast with fruits(breakfast etc). Im not sure about all those negative things you mentioned. Is it the lack of protein... collagen and certain vitamins that exists in meat and carbs and veggies? I know it's unbalanced diet .but I will try it out .
  17. @Salvijus OK thanks ?
  18. Why ? Fruits are soild . Maybe not as solid as bread but still. I've read on Reddit this diet is the healthiest. And I'm convinced that that's the healthiest diet.
  19. @YimpaOh really? Didn't know about that . Are you referring to out of body experiences..NDE and astral projecting and that kind of stuff ? @Galyna have you ever or could you ever experience anything that is not sensical experience? If you have 15 senses and not just will still be able to interact with the world via the senses . Psychedelic experiences and dreams alike ..they are either visually experienced or audibly experienced.
  20. @Galyna truth is anything you can see ..hear ..taste..touch ..smell etc. Anything else is not the truth . Utterly nonsensical.
  21. I obviously can't reply to all that . But great discussion you are having guys. Keep it up ? I will just say When I was a pessimist.. everything would go from bad to worst. It came to the point where I just decided to do a 180 and wouldn’t let anything bad phase me as a test. I kid you not.. the happy go lucky attitude literally just naturally worked things out. My outcome always turned out positive compared to that of when I let negativity impact my emotions. Try it out for yourself. It’s stuck ever since.
  22. in its weak form,principle in an empirical manner. This is the Wikipedia page on Epistemological solipsism. Give it a read . I agree with the definition. One can only be sure of the existence of his own mind . Other minds are not necessarily rejected but they cannot be known for certain. So to frame solipsism as "I'm the only mind that exists and all other minds don't exist " as a definitive claim is false and I don't agree with . To frame it as "I'm the only certain mind that exists and other minds cannot be known " is a claim that I agree with . I hope you guys can see the subtle difference here .
  23. It's something akin to watching a movie ..yeah the actors can be killed and you might cry ..but you don't lose awareness that this is all just a movie . Same with life can get cancer and cry ..but deep down you know this is just a temporary dream in consciousness and there is nothing to cry about .that Is if you are awake.
  24. @Sincerity bro ..please let's open a new page with each other and stop teasing or provoking each other . I know we can because that's what all spiritual traditions since the dawn of time teach like the Upanishads if you study them. They say that the enlightened one is fully and permanently established in his true nature as pure effortless bliss. and I saw a glimpse of unconditional happiness when I meditate .but I'm curious how to make it my baseline state .