Thank you for your long answer! I will inquire this more deeply once I get an urge again.
So far I observed over the last weeks that there is an impulse to forget myself and a void to fill. One year ago I threw my computer out of the window, cause I found myself unable to quit. So I couldn't play anymore but started watching videos about it. Always after some weeks I bing watch a whole lot of videos and feel totally dizzy afterwards. It feels like there is a void I want to fill and that I want to forget myself if that makes any sense.
I also observed: first a thought (about a game for example) arises in my mind which then causes a feeling. But if I look very clearly I can see that the feeling doesn't tell me anything. It doesn't tell me to move. It might be uncomfortable to feel but I don' have to take action and can just sit with it until it disappears after a while.