Terell Kirby

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Everything posted by Terell Kirby

  1. Rule of thumb: whatever exists in your present state of Consciousness-recognize it as the entire Universe and beyond….to Infinity.
  2. How do keep from guilting and shaming yourself for mistakes made due to lack of consciousness? So easy to be perfectionistic about this work.
  3. Happy Valentines Day! https://www.cnn.com/2025/02/14/world/memphis-dawson-honeymoon-wife-murder-fiji/index.html This is a wild one- not all relationships are healthy one’s. Curious on your thoughts of what level of toxicity in a relationship is reasonable? How does a simple argument over dinner turn into a homicide with a life sentence?
  4. Understanding deep truths about the nature of reality and self deception is the ultimate guardrail against epistemic corruption-which is the central cause of the masses being influenced by the toxicity of social media, click bait, rage bait. My mind is starting to make a connection between Understanding (or lack thereof) and all the toxic shit going down in our political landscape. Then again, it took many hours of consciousness work and emotional labor/suffering to take just the first step.
  5. I like how this guy breaks down Communism as a political/economic system without playing into culture war narratives: High perspective-objective, to the point, doesn’t take political/tribal or ideological positions.
  6. Low perspective music example: Don’t know what I just listened to
  7. This is one of my favorite clips of Jesse Ventura. The reverence in which he speaks about Muhammad Ali, his idol and hero, is so eloquent, unfiltered, powerful and authentic. Such a powerful clip for high perspective-that stresses the importance of integrity:
  8. This one gets the award for Best Low Quality perspective example!
  9. Seems like a New Age version of Tai Lopez
  10. You underestimate the power of self deception. The mind can come up with many clever ways to muddy the waters between truth and falsehood. Musk & Trump believe the lies they tell themselves about reality to some level. What’s even more depressing is that their followers and supporters believe it too (probably more than they do)-which is why these men have power and are in prime position to gut federal bureaucracy in the US. The majority of people are profoundly ignorant and unskillful at distinguishing high vs low perspectives (that includes me). Just by looking at a few examples-I can see how important this work is to foundational epistemology. It’s a shame we don’t teach our youth these skills.
  11. Low: Even with millions in presidential campaign donations from Musk, Trump still continues with his victim narrative: Classic projection, hypocrisy & double standard in accusing mainstream media of the very corruption each are guilty of in their pursuit of oligarchic power.
  12. Low: subtle forms of misogyny disguised in the form of men’s empowerment (ie. sense of entitlement). Assumptions about what defines a “real man” and “real woman”: Noticing as I keep posting examples, I can often distinguish a low vs high perspective simply from title of video. It’s amazing.
  13. Best way to find out is to have some sex, then see where you stand with those people you had sex with. Direct experience is King.
  14. When what could have been a simple traffic stop ticket turns into an 100+ mph chase and multiple felonies: Can’t get any dumber than this.
  15. Immaculate taser technique:
  16. Religious people acknowledge the existence of God, which is valid, but have no direct consciousness of God - only beliefs that are adopted dogmatically through their religion. To realize God beyond human constructions, religious people would have to deconstruct their religion-which is looked at as sin and heresy. In a twisted way, religion acknowledges God’s existence while at the same time preventing its followers from becoming directly conscious of God via Awakening.
  17. @Princess Arabia I’m not your enemy.
  18. High Perspective Life Coach-Randy Soderquist. Great channel full of high perspective content on principle based living:
  19. thanks for your contributions to the thread! This has been one of my favorites by far
  20. Seems like a very absolutist statement. How do you know this to be the case? Did you ask her (along with a decent sample size of other Only fans girls) to confirm if this is actually the case? Asking because it helps to separate genuine realizations vs. simply passing judgement/having contempt for a particular segment of society. Assumptions matter.