Terell Kirby

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Everything posted by Terell Kirby

  1. I recall Leo mentioning in his SD series that a video dedicated to stage Red was in the works. Hopefully we'll get his insights - can't wait for those juicy examples :-)
  2. @JosephKnecht thank you, realizing oneness is hard at times, but a certified cure with frustration and alienation one feels on the journey.
  3. Hi Self Actualizers, This topic is for general advice on how to integrate and embody your spiritual insights whilst existing in a world full of ignorant friends, family members, coworkers (in general most of society). The prmary insight referred to here is the notion that the human body-mind as only an aspect of infinite consciousness/awareness..which is our true Being. The realization of that our identity with our body, emotions and brain alone is falsehood. Did anyone feel the sheer magnificence of this while at the same time confused and alienated in regards to interacting with others who are not enlightened? (would gander 95 to 99% of the humans are ignorant). Did you feel the need to share or awaken others, or just keep these truths to yourself?
  4. @Boethius Thank you so much for your feedback, the article provided couldn't have been more helpful. Being familiar with Nyam and it's trick is a good measuring stick of true enlightment. Important takeaway: watch how you react to your Nyam being disturbed, is the response a pleasant one or not so nice one ?