Terell Kirby

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Everything posted by Terell Kirby

  1. You are right, there is only the Absolute..and there is per say no one that is doing the identification. At the heart, it’s a simple realization of what we are..and have always been. The identification does happen on a human level relatively speaking, but at heart, it is God awakening to itself ?. We are speaking the same language, but of course language by nature is a pain in the ass when communicating these things lol. Thanks for the insightful dialogue!
  2. @vladorion thanks for sharing. I must question your statement of it not being possible to identify with the Absolute. The Absolute is direct experience itself. All that exists in the universe is direct experience, and each of us has eternal access to it. If one has eternal access, then it means that one can merge with and become direct experience (ie the Absolute). Be careful as our human egos will tend to put limits on what can be achieved through direct consciousness..as it is quite threatening to let go of identification with mind and body. Also, you create a duality when you say an “imaginary” Absolute. Truth is, all there is..is imagination. Whatever you call a real Absolute vs an imagined Absolute is completely...imaginary ?
  3. @Kalo thanks for sharing your insights. “I am created by God” seems to only stand true in material existence. From the perspective of a human, I am absolutely created by God. But alas, Truth points me in a direction of that which is not human. I am not created by God because I am God...when identifying with the essence of the Absolute
  4. @Leo Gura a bit of feedback. I think you did an excellent job addressing this with back to back videos last week on the dangers of spiritual work and a deep dive into nihilism. For the millions of followers and members of the forum, you showed tremendous leadership in tackling this head on. I hope it causes a renewed sense of trust in Actualized.org for those who have become skeptical due to recent events. Keep up the great work, and thank you.
  5. What is the nature of suffering and why does it exist? Practical tips in weathering moments of deep suffering, particularly on the spiritual path.
  6. Completed the Ultimate Life Puropse Course and found out my mission in life is to eradicate dysfunctional families and empower children through making their parents more wiser/conscious. This is deeply rooted in my own experience growing up in a dysfunctional family and the burdens it carries in ones adult life. I am now working on a life coaching certification, specifically parent coaching. For those interest, please post me what conscious parenting means to you and what are some things you wish your old folks did better in your childhood.
  7. @Leo Gura thanks for doing this. In all honesty, I believe a good chunk of the forum participants are delusional and totally miss what is being said in your teachings. Most opinions expressed here are not original; they are simply regurgitations of points made in previous videos, or mental masturbation and useless debates. The hottest topics that get the most views and comments tend reek of nonsense... This may be a controversial statement, but teachings like these are not for everybody. In a perfect world, you could pre-screen those who sign up for the forum, or even the general audience of Actualized.org to see if their minds are ripe for this level of insight into the nature of reality. Of course, this is virtually impossible. I would consider possibly removing the forum component if things get too out of hand. A very few of us will really take this journey serious, and vast number of us will demonize, mis-interpret or use these teachings in an insanely harmful way. Best of luck!
  8. Just replace “other people” with “other universes”. Bodies and minds are only manifestations within multiple universes that playing out simultaneously. So not only are you as God living out the life of your body/mind, but also the body/minds of everyone you know. @Leo Gura didn’t explicitly make this clear in his God Realization video IMO. Basically, I am God writing this message, and you are God receiving it. There is only one Being but it is looking at things from multiple perspectives. This is what it is meant by God experiencing itself.
  9. @Leo Gura I would agree, but as you have expressed in the past...in the relative domain, everything matters. Viewers mis-interpret this, and turns it into Zen devilry and a lack of consideration for others. There's a bit of a theme going that survival and feelings are bad things that are simply not accepted as part of Truth, when in reality it is as just as anything else...from an absolute perspective. We must honor our survival mechanisms and feelings...then integrate them in the highest way possible. I will refer to your 'Ego Collapse Awakening' blog post...the question posed at the end: "how do we square awakening with survival?". Awakening can turn into nihilism and suicide when we don't practically deal with survival, feelings and other human shit.
  10. @Leo Gura You displaying empathy is all that's needed to battle the trolls of Actualized.org. Much respect to the enormous tasks you are taking on with bringing this to the masses. There are a lot of us here who support you and believe in your vision. Godspeed and thank you.
  11. @Leo Gura I think it would helpful to post a PSA video on the blog to talk to forum members about this. It would be unfortunate to see this community break apart due to the confusion that these kinds of events lead to. At the core, it is a mis interpretation of your teachings in which some of us take the concept of God realization and use it to justify selfishness. Yes, ones actions don't impact the imaginary human - but it does impact the consciousness that is having the human experience. The shit that all of us do on this Earth matters...God realized or not. Solipsism and nihilism is not Truth...but I believe your last video set a lot of viewers down this path. I would agree that some spiritual teachers have a softer approach than you. There are benefits to this, but this is not to say you should change your style. It may just need to be re-iterated that we as viewers and followers of Actualized.org are responsible for our interpretations.
  12. @Raphael thank you for your powerful words...that means a lot.
  13. Finding quite a strange loop while contemplating this.. It's almost like the full surrender of Ego goes full circle, and turns into you having full control and responsibility of your present reality.. Of course, this happens after you realize who you are..the Creator of existence itself (I only post to see if anyone resonates with these insights, my awakening is deepening and I can't stop it...feels like insanity unless I express myself publicly).
  14. Realized while in the shower that my life was essentially a film that God is watching. My true nature is that of an observer, nothing else. It’s very difficult to put all this into words and concepts, but this is the best I can do at this point. Does this resonate with anyone’s awakening experience? Of course this means the character identified as the body/mind has no say in the script that’s being played out. It’s a puppet..“self actualization” of the character is not the actual doing of the character, but the doing of God (otherwise know as your True Self). Ego only increases when it takes credit for the spiritual milestones and achievements that it had absolutely nothing to do with. P.S. I came to this without the use of psychedelics.
  15. @Jonty good question. It varied based on my identification. As a body mind, I am being witnessed by the All Powerful. But the strange thing is I could consciously switch into identifying with the All Powerful, and able to witness my body, mind and environment in motion. In the end, both perspectives had the same foundation..at least on the level of senses. What distinguishes it is actually hard to describe with language..the content of reality remains the same, but the context can be altered from low to high.
  16. @Inliytened1 thank you! Yes, to know consciousness is indeed infinite is somewhat scary. Even in a sober state is quite amazing to ponder the true nature of experience. As God, I can only imagine what it’s like to experience other realms...ie “films”. This one seems so limited..
  17. Thank you all for the feedback and resources. @SgtPepper I couldn’t agree more with your point about shaping behavior.
  18. We as humans wield God like power with the advancement of technology. How do we use it consciously for the greater good of society and vital systems in an effort to push ecological sustainability. Where have we failed, where have we succeeded and where are we going?
  19. Consciousness work makes you more authentic. You stop caring about accommodating preferences of other people if it means hiding your authentic self. Those who have taken the work and Leo's insights seriously have also seen the change you are referring to, but can also relate to and better understand where the change comes from. It has happened with me as well.
  20. Thanks for the feedback! @Loving Radiance
  21. Spinoff to the Conscious Politics series. A deep dive into America's constitutional amendment that granting the right to bear arms for its citizens. How is this problematic and how is it essential? Can discuss gun reform, individual rights, history of weaponry, etc. (of course tie this in with meta perspectives and spirituality)
  22. I love Tame Impala! The Currents album is so good.
  23. General question for those interested in dialogue: Is the quality of ones consciousness transferable between incarnations/lifetimes? I've been contemplating that it would really suck to realize that I'm God, creator of everything in present existence, just to forget it once this my physical mind and body dies . I have not studied Buddhism in depth, but maybe this is addressed in the notion of reincarnation. The nature of our experience may change, but does the recognition of absolute Truth remain? The localized realities in which we inhabit, are in truth finite. Side note: Leo has mentioned in his recent YouTube episode that the forum is lacking serious questions from its members. I consider myself a serious of the work, and am encouraging others on the forum who are as well to contribute quality questions to keep this interesting. With love
  24. As a fan of Actualized.org and a follower of the content for a little over two years, this question is becoming more and more prevalent. I would love to see a video (or blog post) on Leo's perspective of self actualization from the Absolute perspective. Is there a self to become actualized? Is self actualization an absolute good under all circumstances? How do we integrate our ambition to self actualize, with the realization of no self/surrender to the will of God (capital G of course!).
  25. Figured this was appropriate for Valentine's Day :). How do we date, get into relationships & marriages from a high consciousness place? Leo has created previous content regarding dating and relationships, but would love a deep dive into how existential wisdom can help foster healthy intimate relationships where both parties can actualize and become more conscious together. Also, a description of common pitfalls of intimate relationships that can be tied to spiritual lapses.