Terell Kirby

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Everything posted by Terell Kirby

  1. Love is the state of being whole/complete
  2. Practicing gratitude goes a long, long way.
  3. Facts. Life is trial and error. it’s not about how many times you fall, and it’s about how many times you get back up.
  4. Goal: To die knowing I gave my best in living life.
  5. Addressing the issue childhood abuse/neglect through educating parents on raising children in a conscious manner..primarily through coaching/consulting.
  6. Lol there's a lot of truth to this. But...it simply shows how powerful the ego is in using fear to help with survival situations. Alas...there is nothing behind you, nor is there anything in front of you. There is no YOU to ground these things.
  7. My Mom cared, but she was also domineering. I'm just now changing that in our relationship, and I am in my 30s. Takes courage.
  8. Trippy insight... I have reached a pretty high level of consciousness during this trip. This was one like non-other. It's almost like God-realization and awakening are too separate things. Regular awakening to nature of God is not sufficient to completely annihilate all the deceptions of the ego. It feels like (and I am realizing this after trips and deep contemplating) that our spiritual journeys will ultimately be seen for what they are..illusions and distractions from Truth (that we are literally dreaming everything up). It's a paradox though, because you have to participate in the illusion of spirituality to break out of the illusion. Just realize...when you become God, you'll understand that spirituality will take a backseat along with ego...in the backseat of illusion.
  9. Deconstruction of language is a good starting point.
  10. I agree. It’s a necessary endeavor, illusory or not. My insights are a bit advanced, not meant to discourage newbies. I would not have gotten to the realization that spiritual work is illusory without actually partaking in spiritual work itself.
  11. Why let people have control of your quality of life? Sounds like a recipe for misery..
  12. Yes - O definitely recommend it. In fact, society should promote the use of therapy more for various emotional problems, and basic/routine wellness. Do research on your therapist, some specialize in certain areas (mental health, family/relationships, addiction, childhood trauma, etc.).
  13. The realization comes with an enormous sense of life purpose. To see the beauty in life, and to love it fully. True indeed.
  14. What separates the real ones from the fake ones? Fake gurus, to me, tend to be overly mystical in their teachings, purposely confusing students to keep them coming back for more. Some of them don’t even know what awakening is, but act as they do. They’d much rather keep students partially in the light AND partially in the dark with promises of “liberation” and “freedom” from reality. Real gurus cut straight to the point, and don’t seek to keep students thru cult dynamics. They’ll want you to awaken as fast as possible, and leave all searching/seeking. They know that ultimately, there is no liberation or freedom from life, because life is all there is…life IS GOD. This requires a watchful eye over the ego and it’s trickery. P.S. these dynamics apply to spiritual students as well. Best to verify if they seek to serve God, or worship the guru.
  15. @zzboy Counter question, what are your thoughts?
  16. There are definitely toxic ways to do pickup. Essentially, you want to be honest with women about your willingness to commit. If you plan on keeping her around after having sex, she’ll eventually bring up the status of the relationship and where it’s headed. It’s important you don’t lie about your feelings on this point…a lot of guys mess up here.
  17. Some thoughts: no debt income exceeding your expenses Providing your own paycheck (though not limited to) Multiple streams of income / assets Robust savings account Robust 401k Which leads me to think that you can be very stable as a wage slave. But…does being a wage slave automatically make you not financially independent? Even if you have all other points going for you? Bullet #3 and #4 have been the toughest challenges for me…guessing because it requires exceptional creativity and hard work. I plan on using the next 10 years to obtain it.
  18. Correct. The ego is one tiny aspect of existence. The mistake is to think your identity is limited to your human form. You are your human form, and everything else. Deeply grasps this and you will come to realize that your true "form" is that which is without form.
  19. You are all of existence...every aspect of it. (take this literally...this is not a play on words). There is nothing that exists in the universe but existence itself. You are eternal.
  20. It starts with asking questions, which you are doing a great job at. Keep asking and asking...genuine curiosity will bring you to Truth. As a teaser, the story ends with realizing that it was all a dream...including this very moment
  21. Indeed. The physical body does have an expiration date, but at the same time, you are imagining it. You can imagine it away, the body dies...but who you are, the one who imagined it, doesn't.
  22. When you die, you realize that death isn’t real. Quite a paradox. p.s. You can realize this while you’re still alive. No need to wait till your last breath!
  23. Contemplating this. Organically speaking, bigger egos seem to be found in males in comparison to females. Consciousness can be measured by how much or how little ego you have. Could this been a sign that women are more conscious? (Not to mention their prefrontal cortex develops faster than men). Please don’t take any of this personal, I could be grasping at straws here lol. Thought it would be interesting dialogue.
  24. Great question. Our sense of self is often tied with our positions on things. Going against that position means the death of ones existing way of interfacing with reality through various belief systems. This is threatening to the ego, and will often result in backlash in the form of denial, anger and projection. All of these emotions are rooted in the fear of realizing that you do not have the full picture of life.