Terell Kirby

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Everything posted by Terell Kirby

  1. God tricks us mere mortals by imagining distinctions between dreams and what we call real life lol. Low and behold its all being imagined. It would be easy if God had a physical form .. but to imagine up an entire universe, that's infinite, requires it to be formless !
  2. Helps to determine what your end goal is. This requires you to be honest about what is important to you, at a very deep existential level. That helps gain clarity, and clarity allows for you to make easier decisions about what to do with parents, university, business opportunities. Sounds like a shameless plug, but the Actualized.org Life Purpose Course will do wonders for you here. Good luck.
  3. They sure can be a waste... as awakening is a not really a group thing, the most profound insights are gained in isolation / deep contemplation. However, circles can help .. if you don't become too attached to various corruptions of group think.
  4. This is concerning. Maybe this situation happened to show you that you were really aren't committed to grad school like you may have thought. It's less about the girl, and more about what she has revealed in you.
  5. This is a serious inquiry. With awakening being a such a rare thing in humans, I have a strong urge to seek out those who have really discovered Truth. So I ask this question: how many of us are awake? If you feel that you are, please state why you know this to be the case. I am finding that many people on this platform have various mis-interpretations of what being awake is; when people write long monologues with fancy terminology...for me, that's a clear indication that they have not discovered Truth. Truth is insanely simple at its core..
  6. You got it backwards. Awareness creates all function. Further, you are this awareness (God) .. therefore you are the creator of all function. The term “function” can be interchangeable with the term “life” or “existence”. Deeply contemplate what I said here, and you will discover that it is more profound than any spiritual theory you have read or subscribed to. Primarily because it is rooted in your direct experience.
  7. @Atb210201 it's better to just try these methods out, rigorously, to see if they change your state of consciousness in any way. There is no 'one size fits all' answer to mediation and psychedelics. It works for some, and not for others....and is unique to each individual.
  8. You are imagining that you have a dog named Baily.
  9. Saw a talk from him a month ago. From the spiral perspective, he is definitely Turquoise..but it doesn’t mean he’s God realized. Someone would have to ask him directly, which nobody has because no one even knows what God realization is lol. Most don’t at least.
  10. God does, silly… And you are God. Become aware of this life you are imagining and you’ll be all set .
  11. 'How to be a 3% Man' - Coach Corey Wayne. You can learn great techniques from books, just remember that you'll need to practice, practice, practice.
  12. You are indeed. Now..go deeper to get to know yourself, one becomes more loving this way.
  13. @diamondpenguin When I read a book, I try to finish in a week (if it’s not over 300 pages). When starting a book, just set a deadline for when you’d like to finish. Example: 275 page book, would like to finish in a week. (275 / 7 = 40 pages a day). You can break it down even smaller if you want to read less each day.
  14. Masculine and feminine attraction principles transcend differing cultures. But you are right, secular societies provide a better platform for casual dating and sex compared to fundamentalist societies.
  15. Hell and Heaven are birthed out of Love. They share the same Creator, so are siblings in a way ☺️
  16. Nothing misleading about it, it's just your mind is not willing to grasp it. Those who truly know God should not dumb down their wisdom to serve the ego of others.. ...newbies should be humble and catch up to the wisdom instead.
  17. Correct, that nobody is you. After all, who says that you have to be somebody to exist in the first place? The label of somebody is in reference to your human form and story that you are imagining, which isn't you .
  18. @Psych2Awak3n I'd go for the phrase, "everything is imaginary"...instead. And you are doing the imagining .
  19. Seems like there is some undermining going on. Answer is you'll never really know. Instead of judging others, the best thing to do is to test Leo's insights in your own life to see if they work for you or not.
  20. Sounds like you need some better friends.
  21. Being God is not an appearance, it is the sole key to your awakening.
  22. This is your resistance. What is being liberated? See..in your experience there is a subjective experiencer of reality, and deep down, you know that experiencer to be none other than YOU…the Self…the formless Godhead Why do you insist on denying the existence of the Self? Your ego is getting some pay off from it. I am curious if that is due to some avoidance of responsibility that entails going all the way. Truth be told, this process of tapping into Self is endless. Claiming no Self gives you an excuse to rest, thinking that there is some end to this journey. But alas, reality will eventually show you otherwise. On a humorous note: I’m assuming, but your username gives me much insight lol. Be careful that your ego does not form an identity around “having no self”.. that’s a quick path to Zen devilry
  23. @BenG these are great questions , happy to help through sharing my subjective experience (p.s. I don’t claim to be a guru nor do I want to be) There was certainly doubt at the beginning. But the key is not halting your inquiry after your mind comes up with doubts for the sake of protecting your worldview. A key here is being skeptical of your skepticism. Ask yourself this question: “If me (and by me, I mean your human name, body and history) never existed, how many problems would I have in life?” What you’ll realize is that most, if not all, of your suffering comes from your identification as the human you think you are. Ridding of this suffering, which created by your Mind, happens when you are able to let go of your human construction. What is left is what I would call bliss…you don’t take life personally, which means you get to play. God realization is the key to getting to this mind-space The sheer fact that no one in society, including people and institutions, is spreading this to the masses. The realization itself would fix 99.999% of the issues we see in the world today. Even further, it is surprising when one expressing Truth, how they are aggressively demonized…as you can see throughout this thread. Something so beautiful to God is very threatening to human Egos. This is the great challenge that all sages and mystics have faced throughout time. We should be very thankful to Leo and Actualized.org for literally putting their life and reputation on the line for teaching these things. Hope that helps.