Terell Kirby

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Everything posted by Terell Kirby

  1. this is all you need to make the right decision. You are most likely worried about how other's will perceive this change. The mind is sneaking this way .. I struggle with worrying about how other's will perceive my decisions as well.
  2. ^ The framing of this question is the problem. Humans cannot confirm these things .. only YOU can.
  3. Smart decision @Leo Gura Truth be told, when One arrives at Truth .. they have to integrate the painful realization that what they have discovered cannot ever be shared with any other conscious being outside of themselves. At the end of the day, what you call "other people" (along with their experiences) are literally being constructed by your Mind. Those who have gone deep have recognized this a long time ago.
  4. Yeah .. and unfortunately there's no magic pill humans can take to acquire the grit and hustle to do this.
  5. @Leo Gura seems as though psychedelic use does not guarantee full God-realization in every instance. I wonder what does? ..well aware that whatever it is , is not associated with some biological/genetic mechanism. (science being an ego-ic construction).
  6. Only when that comfort will prevent physical and/or psychological harm to self and others. Most of the time comfort is there to protect limited belief systems, which is not the same to what is mentioned above. The opposite of comfort is to be open to an unknown circumstance in the future.
  7. No need to suppress it, focus only on transcending it by deconstructing its narrative.
  8. How do you scheme to escape wage slavery? Im not a fan of the word scheme, I like to think of it as strategizing. For me, it’s finding a life purpose which is grounded in helping mankind (luckily I have found it), then finding a way to pay my bills with it (difficult part).
  9. Notice how you are imagining these two camps. On the simple grounds that each of these camps are being imagined, there is no difference between the two. The more you try get of this through endless word games, the faster you dig yourself deeper into mental masturbation. Stop imagining differences between things, and you’ll maybe get somewhere.
  10. Pluses: physical attractiveness (relative to my standards), feminine, sexual chemistry, loyal and a good communicator
  11. Getting good at being counterintuitive is the efficiency in diagnosing your selfishness and self bias in everyday decisions and perspective taking on reality. This is damn hard to do, but you become quite magical if you can do it.
  12. Not into to her enough to marry and have kids though?
  13. The consequence would be you expressing your desire for a relationship, when she is not ready. This is a sure fired way to lower her attraction. Women don't want it easy when it comes to the pursuit of a man's heart.
  14. Sounds like you are not really into her, and want to play the field. If you know this is true, then the most loving thing would be to free her by ending the relationship. It will sting for a while, and you have be prepared in case you find out she has began dating another guy (girls have no problem finding new men quickly). But the good thing is you'll be free to go for what you really want.
  15. It can be hard to find a good wing. You'll have to play the social circle game with guys for a month or two, then determine which ones are have the same goals regarding improving their sex life (you'll get good at determining which guys are good prospects). It all starts with going out and being social, with both guys and girls.
  16. There's your motivator right there.
  17. I get it. Something being “popular” comes with the notion that it hold shared value among more than one person or thing … basically creating duality. Reality (God or I) is ultimately One .. having nothing and no one to share its insights with .. Thanks @Leo Gura
  18. Isn't this placing limitation on Truth? I like to be an optimist in a sense that mankind will someday unite around it. Of course most of us here will be long dead by then .. but its possible that this is where collective consciousness is heading.
  19. The notion of something repeating comes with an assumption that there is a start point and end point. Since reality is Infinite .. there is no mechanism that allows it to repeat .. it just is.
  20. Might be best to explore psychedelics after you take care of your emotional baggage and past traumas. You always run the risk of mis-interpreting a trip if you do it in reverse .. this is where bad trips come from. Psychedelics may amplify the negative emotions which you have not released. I would start with more conservative means such as therapy, counseling, EMDR, meditation, etc. When you are in a natural, healthy emotional state .. then that would be a good time to experiment with psychedelics.
  21. This has already happened in a sense .. religious dogma is a bi-product of spirituality and mysticism becoming popular. We should expect this .. but it shouldn't stop from spiritual leaders from making the effort to raise collective consciousness. Instead of focusing outward, turn inwards and make sure you avoid becoming a Zen devil yourself.
  22. Why not try to actualize this in real life? It'll be much better than in the dream .. I promise
  23. Love it. Thanks.
  24. @Ulax thank you!
  25. @kray yes they are. Specifically DevOps .. there are a lot of opportunities out in Silicon Valley. Like you said, it's expensive .. but the job market is hot, and a lot of tech companies are paying out fairly large salaries.