Happy Lizard

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Everything posted by Happy Lizard

  1. I’m not in opposition to what this guy is saying, and for eradicating Hamas. But how does one sit comfortably with the slaughter to come of possibly more than 1.1 million people in Gaza now being asked to evacuate in an impossible scenario? I trust the US to eliminate Isis in Mosul when they were hiding in civilian houses, but not the Israelites in fighting Hamas, it’s going to be a mass murder in a blind vengeful way. All Hamas’ fault! Those poor people don’t even have a say in supporting or not supporting those scumbags and yet they are the ones who’ll be burned and driven out of their houses in this war. I’m seeing the west being completely insensitive towards the thousands of innocents that are being killed, are the lives of these Palestinians just worthless/not important ?
  2. @MuadDib where do you find the course, and much did it cost you?
  3. Mostly I’ve found videos with a presumptions that you either “know” business or you are looking to improve your already existing plan to start a business. There are no business 101 that I’ve found or at least no high value business education, I’ve seen some google talks but that’s about it. I would appreciate any sources you might have to get educated about this.
  4. Hi, I’ve been thinking about this topic for quite a while now and have come to some conclusions and some Ideas that I wanted to share in hope of getting some help kickstart my progress in this area. Let me start with a some of my background information: I come form a business illiterate society. The country where I’m form (stage red-blue) has no connection/immersion in the culture of business and markets like the US is. Since I know live in the US, every time I hear people talk about business in real life or on this form, even Leo has almost this idea that business is like the air you breath or the food that will almost definitely be there in the supermarket next door. Where I grew up, I knew of very few people who had a business or talked about this subject in a general form. Sure we had groceries, small appliances shop, restaurants, or gold and jewelry shops. But these people were not my close friends or an extension of my family, nor was even the idea of opening a business looked at the same way form point of view of people here in the western world: so it’s just looked at as the work of that specific family, meaning it’s just what they did, not one single time did I in my life sat down and had a conversation about capital ,niche ,marketing etc etc To illustrate this more, the number of chocolate bar brands that I grow up as a kid buying where exactly 4, shampoos 2, chips maybe 2, tea and juice maybe 1 or 2. All local that is; we did import form other countries, but this is just to drive my point; I grew up knowing no supplements brands or vitamin brands no hardware no fishing tools no special chocolate ice cream pints with cbd in them. Since I started opening my mind and thinking more often about business here in the Us I have had the feeling of almost chocking with the amounts of business and how different it is from my upbringing, it’s like I grow up never playing a video game and you are all talking about unlocking achievements or hidden side quests, and I’m like uhh yeah sure … my main problem having not grown up in business literate society is that I do not know what to start a business for? How do I come up with a business idea, like where do I start to make this happen? And how do I educate myself about business and this whole world in general?
  5. I have a question about the life purpose course, about embodying a value. What does that mean exactly ? and how is it different form a tangible description of what or how it should look like specifically from my own perspective? for example one of my values is helping people. I know it in my coure that I value helping people. I have a definition of how that would look like, my answer is: working on a project that represents handicapped or disabled people in a good artistic way( I value art and want my work - like advertisement or poster or whatever it might become - to be dedicated a portion of it to people that I feel need to be supported and accepted in society .) I also wrote that I want to educate people about how and what to eat and how organic food is the best for us, the plant and the soil. I intend to do this trough art as well. Some other thoughts popped into my mind like helping elderly people who need physical help, or help people communicate better or use non violent ways of communicating, but i dont know how to make the prior into my life purpose and in what way?? I know that I enjoy helping people who cant left something heavy or help a blind person cross the street or something like that, but dont know how to weave that into a life purpose? And with the latter, making a course about communication or teaching people in public sounds improbable. And these are just few examples I can think of and kind of thought about while contemplating how would I like helping people and in what areas; I can probably think of many more ways of helping people! Yet I dont know how to make a valid answer about embodying the value of helping people, can I say for example when I have worked on a project that help x people and whenever I see people needing of help I go and help them? Idk it doesn’t seem too concrete. one other example for the value of spirituality I wrote : having a daily spiritual practice like meditation or any other practice as for the tangible answer. and for the embodying answer mine was: having my own definition of spirituality that I enjoy and or having an awakening experience that gives me the authority to have my own understanding of spirituality and can teach people about it. It doesn’t have to be something grand just enough for me. I want to know if im going about this correctly?
  6. @Michael569 Hi, thanks for replying! To answer your question are the end: Sort of … Well I was very confused b/c Leo in the course said that this exercise is quick and should be fun and easy to do/contemplate/and think about ( the sense that I got was it will sort of come to you without too much force and deep contemplation ). So I treated it as such but also the question itself - I’m talking about the LP course for the context of this thread- “how do I know that/when I embody x value” which to me sounds like a question to clear all doubts that you might not have thought about this value enough, meaning you don’t pass this round of the LP course without having had clearly pined down that value is yours and it’s important to you. If you dont; that means its one of your week values and you haven’t thought about it enough. Which is kind of a strange question especially when talking about grand and general values like spirituality wisdom or charity “ I mean what am I going to say? When I’m a buddah then I’m for certain have embodied spirituality/wisdom without a doubt ?” Sounds silly, but either that or speak about what you Imagine you yourself can do to embody that one value (another phrasing we can use : what is your grand vision for yourself that allows you to say yup I have done enough work in my view to say I embody and am still continuing to embody x value) Otherwise this should take me years to pin down correctly, continuously contemplating how to embody x value and writing about, it would not be easy and quick. I hope I’m not writing to much to illustrate my point, but Are you getting a sense of what I’m trying to say? the questions you gave me are great to ask oneself to keep yourself embodying ones values in one’s own life. kind of like individual gym classes for each value to make sure you are not losing “ muscle mass” in one area or another. I don’t know if I’m missing something or not understanding the phrasing/meaning of the question correctly but this is my mental process of it at least.
  7. @Leo Gura who is it most suitable for? Someone who is ready to shred reality to pieces or someone serious about enlightenment? Or do you see it suitable for normal people too (with some understanding and use of psychedelics ) ? Trips on 5meo seems so mixed up I can’t really tell how some people awaken to “the universe is made out of love!” and others saying “it’s just blank nothingness and you end up not enjoying it”
  8. How ? for example if I read a book about Kegan level of development or any of Ken Wilbers book; it will be good to compare the two, But how do you go by finding their limitation? One time you criticized SD by mentioning that it might not be applicable to regions outside of the Western World, and though I disagree form my own observations, your proposition persested and I cannot prove you wrong without having you see form my own perspective, which when I'm thinking, seems like a difficult task since it's seems yours has some level of convection not observation. In summary I don't think limitation are very obvious to see (at least for me) other than it being a map not a territory kind of thing . EDIT: maybe the only way to find out is to conduct these studies in other regions of the world ? that could be one emperical solution. although I feel like it's like going to measure the cost of another country just to prove that your tools of measurement do the same thing in other places around the globe.
  9. @Leo Gura good, thanks! I’m always grateful for your great work, and just want you always be at the peak of your creative output. Otherwise you’ve helped me a lot seeing shit ideas form good ones (I guess you’d call that : you improved my epistemology!) and for that I’m really grateful.
  10. @Leo Gura I want to ask you this question because I know if I should start a whole thread just about this. I hope you answer it: Why are you making videos about controversial people/figures ? - Like Andrew Tate or Jp - doesn’t this take valuable time form your mission as I understand it ? when are you going to cover all the big topics you’ve been promising/hoping to make and what you aim to make actualized.org about ? I feel like your wasting a good time instead of making a video about a topic that can transform our understanding of reality you make a video about Tate. Just wondering what value do you see in it that don’t?
  11. This post will seem like I’m giving my own conclusions or my own anecdotal stories, but I hope that it in this way might shed a light on what maybe, in addition to Green/leftist pushing their agendas, what can be another layer to this problem. I’m a foreigner living in the us for about 9 years now, and form my point of view having lived and traveled outside of the the US, this loneliness problem also definitely has to do with how the American society and even (to a very apparent degree ) the way cities are designed in here that drive people appart. The sense of sick “individualism” that is, even though it breath of fresh air to people used to less individual oriented societies, can quickly turn toxic and sickening. In retrospect, Men where I’m form in college never struggle with having friends, you meet people and you hang out with them like a pack. I don’t know a single guy who’d tell you they felt lonely or isolated. Not to mention people knowing their immediate neighbors, or staying in close touch with their childhood/early school friends, having deep life-long relationships with them. When I fist arrived I was shocked, and honestly stayed in disbelief of how things are like here! Yet I played with it, being used to not having this much binderies/autonomy/freedom. yet I quickly realized how it made me feel like I didn’t belong/alienated and its wierd that even people who are born and raised feel the same way about where they live. What I’ve gathered is there is a false sense or a promise that you are going to go “someplace” or find “someone/some people ” “somewhere” where then and there you’re at the right spot with the right people where you can form friendships and/or commit to “being” there - in reality of course you never do. - So it's ok to spend a semester talking to your classmate, or year working with you co-workers and then not talk to them ever again. “Your not “there” yet and so these people are not so important to keep in touch with.” This seems to be like a program that everyone here has running in their heads, which is madness to people living anywhere else! Social life in the us sucks! even though I live close to a major city, where you can find people actually walking side to side -instead of all packed up in cars- It’s still tainted with this crap individual sense. That you would be breaking an invisible norm to ask for directions, or to asume someone has the time to help you or give an honest little piece of their time. Compare this to were I was last summer, in France: we were lost somewhere on the edges of Paris. Some 3 old folks (white guy, and two black and Indian ladies) saw the look on our face, said something in french, guided us to hop on the bus with them and on the road were fighting over who’s got the right directions that can lead us where we wanted to go; they were complete strangers, not even in a trouristy part of the town, didn’t speak English and me and my family differently didn’t look like them, yet they helped us like we where citizens of their country. On the streets kids were playing on the side of the road with their parants barely paying attention to were they where going. Families, friends and couples hanging out in open parks giving zero attention to time, relaxed. What it brought to back to me was the feeling of what it felt like to live in a “society”. Compare that with the US where the past 2 paragraphs are practically impossible in so many different ways. No wonder people are lonely here, society is spilt between ridged individualism and leftist agendas that misguide the young folks, where the hell can they go?
  12. Which ones work for you ? I bought Modalert and it doesn’t do much for me.
  13. Which brand of Modafinil do you have?
  14. You are just not asking the right existential questions to break it :
  15. The piano piece is a really nice choice!
  16. Had an interesting experience being around my family and relatives this thinks giving, whom are very centered in my view around stage blue-orange: rational thinking yet vaules family and self-identify as homophobes… yep literally! ( they absolutely refuse anything and everything that has to do with being LGBTQ) It was like being with current Jordan Paterson for 3 days. Which I tried to use as a practice for my own development and expansion of world-view IDk learned anything useful or if i did well or I just hearing them express their world view openly and proudly, maybe they only thing that I learned was that people have the freedom to think whatever they like. I feel like I just viewed a number of adults in a state of hate/anger and/or unwillingness to discuss their ideas or see the world form different lens. I tried to grant them they opportunity to say what they like without me debating or interrupting with what I though. What I didn't like was how it felt like I had to cheer them out for every opinion they had or I would be the opposition, it was physically very tense for me to be in that space but I did what I could. Some of the was discussed during the gathering (NOT my own opinion): vaccines causes disease and turn people gay, black people are inherently driven towards crime/troubles making, genrally there is no justification for being gay and they openly refused to go to a place just because the name of the address had the name “Gayloard” in it. would like to hear your ?
  17. @Leo Gura plugging more gradual and last more so the experience is interpreted bretter vs. vaping immediate last less time ?
  18. Seeing that you say that you say you are in uour late 50s, Would you recommande for a young guy over 26 ?
  19. @Leo Gura you should've asked what cures this cringeworthy behavior (serious) it's actually sad to look at devoted humans that worship the "idol" of god and preform good deeds for good karma etc, and yet aren't able to let go of a depiction that was given to their grand-grand-parents because they are afraid of opposing god, so they cause all kinds of idiocy, and fail to appreciate god's creation. Also could you explaining what Cringe meant ? I could be biased of what I imagine that to be.
  20. seems very turquoise, speaking openly about why some minorities would not be able to get teachings that are higher than their level of development
  21. I have noticed recently that my left rib cage is sticking out to the left more than the right side, I've never really noticed that before. I've had x-rays and had doctors look at my spine last year and no one have mentioned any problem with my spine. I'm mentioning this as I had costocondritis last year (first time of my life getting this) and took a number of x-rays, but no doctor mentioned that this might be due to a ribcage rotation or anything of like that. a few months ago, I visited an Osteopathic and he pointed out that when I lay down my left ribs stick out more than the right. I didn't know what he meant until I looked online for people noticing a slightly more sticking out ribcage. like I said I've never noticed this before or had any doubts, I'd even say that now that I'm looking at the mirror, I'm sure that there is a difference than how I remember my ribcage looking at least a year go. in the past two years however I was doing a rotation movement, bringing my arm towards my body and twisting to the left ( it was the only thing that helped me recover from my costo symptoms ) I did this twisting motion almost everyday, and I'm worried that this might shifted my ribcage. I'm wonder if there's a way to help reverse this rotation? ask me for more details if you'd like.
  22. @Tyler Robinson that’s extreme blue which I don’t like either, what i said is that the business owner themselves would be compelled not to lie as much as the could and actually ground themselves and their business with some good values.