Happy Lizard

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Everything posted by Happy Lizard

  1. if the Israeli army can effectively eliminate Hamas completely form that resign that will be good. But thats a big if loaded with half dozen of bad scenarios. Hostages being held, people, families, children, street wars, explosives. a god damn mess. What will Gaza be after this? Are people supposed to be eating popcorn while all this happens? It might be long disaster of a war. How can you hold all these moving parts? The public opinion, surprising factors. It’s not going to be good or easy.
  2. @Nivsch wouldn’t you agree that it’s not sane? wouldn’t you agree this is coming form blind revenge? Nothing good could come out of this believe me. It’s not that I don’t see what you are trying to say. But this just not going to be good for any side. More hatred will be left. I do understand that I’m trying to ask Israel too much of an ask. it’s just insane to me to defend this.
  3. These are the exact words one Hamas fighter used in one vice interview. this should not continue, believe me, nothing good could come out of this, I don’t care if you are for it or not, truly, but this is just not going to be good for both sides.
  4. “They don’t target civilians directly” I don’t know what logic anybody on the case for Israel bombing Gaza is hiding behind saying this with a straight face. This is insanity. I’ve never seen anything like this.
  5. @Vrubel can I ask tou where do you live? This will make a huge difference on the way you view Gaza, depending on the place you are used to live in. For example France cities has some of the best bakeries, social gathering, world class child-care, but Americans wouldn’t want to live in France, they would rather live in the US than not have their central heating/cooling and couldn’t simply live without their trucks. tell an American they have to buy a gas cylinder and bring it up the stairs to then hook it up to their oven in order to cook and they’ll lose their minds — my point : it’s relative what you think is livable city, Gaza to the western world is dysfunctional. also add to that Israeli would never allow tourism and all kind of imports and businesses to flourish, arabs flying in and out. That will freak them out security wise. If you’ve painted a group of people as dangerous you tend to see it this way forever, and then it comes and bites in your butt. Not bashing on your point, it’s stupid that Palestinians chose Hamas. But also this rosy picture you are painting is not completely feasible, and not all of it’s fault lie on Palestinians.
  6. @Thought Art This is the brand: https://www.dynavap.com/products/the-b I should’ve called it dry herb vaporizer. You light up the tip with a lighter for a few seconds, it works as a vaporizer without the need for a battery.
  7. Anyone knows if vape pens the kind where you can light up with a small torch lighter can be used to vaporize DMT substances ? Not an experienced user
  8. I heard an advice to increase walking: park your car far form the entrance of the building. Which adds up over time.
  9. @zazen this paints a different picture https://youtu.be/OagYlYna75Y?feature=shared what is interesting is that he says even if troops invaded — to finally eliminate Hamas form their roots, others will spring up. innocent people being killed left and right in the middle of all of this, but “you should get sense in your mind b/c war is ugly and civilians die”. Between that and annexing some of Gaza, what is this looking like? Routinely killing people every number of years out of “we don’t know WTF else to do about it” gets ugly over time.
  10. And I can say “many Russian like Putin”, I’ve no idea, it’s sorta like that. But I love you man it’s aight.
  11. @Lila9 I’m sorry for what your people have gone/are going through. I can see the pain in your post and I recognize that. If we don’t start doing this there is no hope for peace. My sincere condolences.
  12. @Leo Gura for Hamas ? Is the million dollar distinction. No arab sympathises with Islamic Jihadist, even sympathize is giving it too much, given that Islamic brotherhood have been quite literally canceled in Egypt, and they are on the verge of extremism not extremist proper. Extremism have been poorly represented in all sort of media since the 90s, not to mention how much death been endured. I’m getting the sense that you think Arabs are some dummies who still don’t own a TV nor can distinguish for themselves. You can believe me, or You can believe bad faith actors, and merely interpret what you see with your eyes and not know for sure, your choice. if Hamas were all lined up in the desert and shot to death no one will give a shit, granted no bomb be dropped and no civilian be hurt or killed. Thats a big distinction!
  13. Your take is completely outdated and is not true. I’m surprised you are actually saying that. like Arabs are actually happy that Jews have died. But hey, it’s not my job to change your mind; I’m worried about what people absorb/think of this when they hear You say that.
  14. Who’s giving a shit? are your for real? I swear to you man, no arab gives a crap about Hamas or their case, or cares to defend them. those people protesting are protesting for Palestinians and their lives.
  15. @Breakingthewall aha ok I see your point, I’m keeping this in my mind, thanks the turn around!
  16. You think I’m not hurt for the Israeli people, you are wrong. I’m not going for a blaming game, and I’m trying not be inflammatory. My argument does not lead to let’s kill women and children. Nor do I support Hamas at the least bit.
  17. How can we collectively work for a better conversation, rather than calling each others out? is the play/fight between our opinions really going to wake us up into seeing each-others/each of the two sides of people’s sorrows/pain ?
  18. Damn, he tripped so hard he went aged backwards.
  19. “It’s your fault for not sharing with me, so I guess I’ll take more for myself then until you feel bad about it, and then shame for it and claim that I’m innocent”?
  20. @Breakingthewall I see that you are communicating what you see is true, and you are correct in lots of what say, but I think you are observing correctly and placing judgment too quickly, which I can understand and don’t hold you too much for it. My own opinion is that it shouldn’t be blamed solely on people, surely not confusing them for their religion too or characterizing them. The foothold of progressive islam is very weak, due to lots of islamic scholars who push strongly against it, and has increased with the internet. Many muslims don’t like what Islam today is/has become. and yes, it’s an evolving thing. Any Muslim who falls in this trap of taking it as-is has trapped themselves, but is it really their fault or hundreds of know-it-all islam experts who keep guilt them and calling for an unchangeable islam? fundamentally islam is as any other religion -as all religions are somewhat psycho lol- but it’s a religion that exist in a geographical locations that insures hard survival, so it’s naturally not going to develop as fast as say Christianity. For example Christianity forbids tattooing, no abstraction! yet how many people in Europe or the US of christians origins take that seriously? As societies develop religion develops too, and losses it’s strict hold and doctrine. Assuming good faith in this conversation and wishing you well.
  21. @Breakingthewall you are speaking/generalizing about a vast number of people. How can you say this is not hate talk and/or prejudice? How do you think this help ?
  22. it’s so easy to pick sides, yet also so hard not to see the strongest in this conflict going haywire on blind revenge. All the lives of those innocent people are in the hands of powers that are indifferent to them and their struggles. If anything I hope more Arabs start seeing how criminal Hamas are in all of this and their crime against their own people as much as all those Jewish victims. Those sons of bitches knew all of this was coming.
  23. You mean with just in this last interview or all of him interview people about the Israel-Palestinian war? I liked the arguments he used in the last interview. Bassem is definitely sounding crazy, but he’s speaking more generally about the entirety of conflict/struggle of Israel-Palestine not just what’s going on now, and poor Pier is taking all of it.
  24. This is an amazing to see contrasting it with the kind of work that we do here at actualized. I was able to see both perspective and listen to them while trying to keep my biasses. I see a lack of and the need to dialectic thinking and the lack of sincerity form Bassem (although of course I wouldn’t put too much pressure on Bassem given the situation he’s and his family are in) acting the touchy feely postmodern view of deconstruction east and west arabs and jews Natzis and jews, while throwing cynicism here and there, What torments him is the Irony of it all and the his perceived vanity of using/being sincerity/sincere in conversation . On the other said Jeremy “boring”? I think his last name, is taking the fundamentalist view being rational and not willing to give into perceived untrustworthy feelings. interesting change of roles, traditionally Arabs have been the fundamentalist and the west postmodern. Very interesting to see and also would’ve never been able to not take sides without the work that we do. although I have a feeling that Israel is not being sane unleashing this hell on people of gaza, this is crime against humanity what’s happening now in Gaza, against all of us. honestly I didn’t see it this way with Ukraine and Russian. Yet I believe what we are seeing now is different, it a barbaric act and it’s being backed up by the powerful.
  25. They do care. There’s intentionality being lost in translation. Their answer is not that of a radical terorrist, they are answering the question logically like math; I can feel that the person asking the questions is disturbed by the answers, or he thinks they are being senseless for not caring about what the ramifications of their answers are, but they are simply saying : “it would be justice if the Jewish people who came and took a land that was not theirs to leave it and go back where they were” the kind of school yard justice. I doubt that if these people were realistically given a two states solution they will not take it, maybe feel bitter or oppressed about it but they will gladly take it.