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Everything posted by Tboy

  1. I'm inspired by your words, am listening to your podcast now
  2. yeah I know I will only get better, I just worry about making music that won't reach a younger audience by the time I am older, which I guess doesn't have to be an issue. I think the thing I really search for self-expression, which appears to be more the basis of my life purpose than music perhaps. Thank you for your thoughts.
  3. I appreciate this, I am not on the fence about music, I know it's my life purpose or at least a large part of it and I am willing to go the 'so good they can't ignore you' route. I just worry about having a style that seems a little dated by the time I achieve mastery. @Yarco @vizual I appreciate your thoughts, I 100% know I can do it, I just worry about being able to sell it and like you say @Yarco I have a huge fear of being that cringe old musician who never really made it.
  4. Even though I have only been doing it for 15 mins daily this past month, I 100% feel happier as a result. In general, I am just a bit more chilled and content, would highly recommend it. I imagine it will get more challenging (more resistance/ego backlash) as I start to do it for longer but I can already see how much of a valuable technique it is. The constant question being: Why can't you just be happy and satisfied with just this right now, for no apparent reason? Who told you can't do that? How's everyone else getting on? Anyone been practicing it
  5. I don't know what to tell my parents when they ask where I'm going when I go out to a club or bar. I would say I'm just going to see some friends but the truth is I'm not, I'm going to meet people who I met on a Pickup Telegram group to go and do sort-of personal development. I basically don't want to lie to my parents but at the same time, I just don't think that they would understand the truth either and they would 100% get stressed out by it. I plan to move out soon so it should be fine but until then I just don't know how to tell them where I'm going when I go out. Anyone deal with this and/or have told their parents the truth?
  6. Of course not but their only concept of doing that is by meeting people through friends or going on a date maybe, which I do, do as well but the thing is that my friends don't really go out to clubs and bars to meet women, so I don't get as much practice at growing my confidence when I am around them.
  7. Your diagnosis is on the money. I guess I feel like I need to tell them about it at some point I don't know, the truth is I'm going out alone right now and I tried to tell my Dad that and he was basically like 'wtf?' - it may be easier when I find a wing I like. In answer to the questions of why I care so much, the truth goes very deep to a fear of being rejected by my parents (a common thing), that sort of rejection feels like death to a part of me. Thanks for your post.
  8. So this is obviously a huge deal and requires an acceptance of reality as it is but in terms of daily practices The Satisfaction Meditation is a key one here no? I basically do that, push the boundaries of my comfort zone and do this trauma healing journaling exercise. Am I missing the point by boiling it down into daily practices like this? I guess Psychadelics (for someone in a stable state) would be recommended too.
  9. yes this
  10. Anyone here watch Leo's Dating/game series from London? I basically want to have a set going-out schedule that I do for a couple of years or more, so I can get better at this stuff and grow my confidence. I want to find someone who is committed to that as well and that I can get on with/have a good time with. If you're from London (my city) and are interested, reply here and we can meet up and see if we get on. Peace
  11. With Stuff like David R Hawkins and Julien Blanc's Transformation Mastery - do we not think that by going out and approaching but also by putting our awareness on those sensations of fear and/or journaling about those feelings of fear, we can reduce our approach anxiety/general social anxiety more permanently overtime? Julien Blanc claims he doesn't need to get 'in state' anymore, he is naturally in state because he isn't resistant to the sensations in his body.
  12. yeah please do Joe Rogan or Russel Brand, that would be great. Duncan Trussell as well, if you appeared on Midnight Gospel that would be great as well.
  13. Hello (I'm Toby), does anyone else suffer from huge muscle tension problems? The tension I have is a like a physical resistance to letting people see a certain side of myself, it keeps down a lot of anger and grief it seems. It covers my whole body, and is felt all the time, Sex is very difficult. I am doing some Reichian therapy with a specialist right now. I originally was doing a sort of David R Hawkins letting go/shamanic breathing technique to feel into the tension and let it go but my body spasmed so much that it felt very unsafe, I would hit into things in my room because the spasms, caused by being with the muscle tension, would propel me across the room. It was the only way I could let them pass through me. This sort of spasming stops me from being able to do other normal practices like yoga and meditation because it seems I have to move to let trauma pass through me and always seem to need more space. If there's anyone else out there with this, I would love to connect and talk about practices that have helped, for instance I can report back on the Reichian therapy i'm doing and see if it solves the problem. Peace
  14. Sit with the pain and let it pass through you. Feel into it. Give yourself like 30 mins to an hour with it. If its still there after just go and do what you want to do and do another sitting session maybe tomorrow or something or whenever it gets really bad. You'll be fine, its a natural reaction if its something you care about.
  15. I really like Leo's new video, it was an amazing vision for how my life, more specifically my relationships could be and I realize the importance of the approach of seeking to understand the other person's perspective. The problem I'm having with it is that if I get triggered by someone, invalidated by them it is very hard for me to try and see their perspective and empathize with them without abandoning the sensations in my body at the time. It seems like I can either stay present with the triggered sensations inside of me until they pass and then consider the other persons perspective after they've died down or stuff down (resist) the anger and hurt that I feel when I am invalidated by another person , go into my mind instead and force myself to try and see their perspective. I really don't want to abandon myself in these moments because I feel being present with the sensations in my body when I am triggered grows me a lot but I also want to get better at realizing and understanding other people's perspectives and loving them for it. Anyone have any thoughts on this? Or struggle with this? I don't know if I misunderstood you or something Leo
  16. Its not always easy - ideally you would be with emotion fully and the other person would just deal with it: your change in facial expressions etc. I always want to do this but my emotions get so intense my facial expression changes dramatically and it becomes weird. So one thing you can do is be with the emotion as much as you can and then look away whenever it gets really intense. At least that's my coping mechanism for now. Other than that just let everything be as it is as much as you can and you will slowly sink back into calm presence but there'll be some weirdness (strong emotions and resistance to being present with those emotions) to be present with before you sink into a more easy present state.
  17. I'm still on my early journey as well with this, doing little projects - I think the idea is to focus on creating and giving value through your products, services, entertainment etc. (Life purpose) and once people see you have something to offer you will start gaining a following of people that will buy your products,services, entertainment etc. It depends on your circumstances but the point is to enjoy doing your passion, give value to people by doing your passion and they will naturally pay you for it as they see it as valuable.
  18. Honestly I completely believe his side of the story from that video but I also didn't know who he was before came onto this thread, sound understandable though