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Everything posted by Tboy

  1. I go to 5 rhythms every week, you can also try ecstatic dance - those groups are kind of a safe space for you to put yourself out there through dance. Highly recommend
  2. yeah I agree with this, I think you need to be both practicing facing fear and putting yourself out there as well as working on your trauma/limiting beliefs etc. though
  3. @Leo Gura do you have any thoughts on the legitimacy of his main points here?
  4. the book mastery (George Leonard) is very helpful for working on a skillset - I recommend
  5. this is really great, you're doing a great job. Stay consistent on the things that will bring you the most happiness in your life and you'll get where you want to be no doubt!
  6. okay, I don't know her work that well so if she said that then fair enough but I was just trying to share women that appear me to be higher consciousness
  7. I think this woman seems to be, at least she appears to have high consciousness, she has a lovely channel:
  8. Merry Christmas, it's refreshing to me to see someone staying consistent with a journal like this. Most people I know show no signs of being consistent with important habits that they know they need to build, I root for you seeing this
  9. I would say, don't be hard on yourself, start by talking to the easiest people you can. Don't judge how the interaction goes, just try and have a good time. Then once you've chilled with them for a bit, go get a soft drink from the bar and talk to someone else there, you can go back to your original friends if that doesn't work. The point is to build momentum from those first couple of easy interactions, try and smile and have a good time, get out of your head, and stop judging yourself if you are. You can figure this out, what do you want out of life?
  10. I'm speaking from a UK perspective, it may be different for you, which country are you in?
  11. There are ways of saying you're not necessarily looking for a relationship or that you aren't at all - it doesn't have to be so awkward and direct like that. You want to be grounded in what you're saying, not doubting yourself but you can say that you are looking to meet people and have fun and if you do end up really liking them then you'll take it in the relationship direction and if you don't then you can see them in a more casual way. It's fair for you to say stuff like that and also don't bring this shit up unless she does or unless actually want to.
  12. Thanks Leo, you're my guy! I'm still working on trauma and life purpose stuff basically every day
  13. this is awesome man! Great stuff
  14. My view is that you should start taking responsibility like Mr engineer said - what do you want out of life? And notice that it is up to YOU to figure that out, no one else, not your parents or anyone else. Look for your purpose in life (would recommend doing the life purpose course). What you lack above all however, is self-love - What's helped me a looot with this is doing Leo's satisfaction meditation - it's amazing, you should watch the video The Root Solution to People Pleasing and Lonliness first though but you should also look for any deep traumas you might have and work to heal those, this will also allow for much greater self-love. Self-love will give you the confidence you need to express your masculinity, you will no longer fear doing that.
  15. You need to find some new friends and just start having non-alcoholic drinks - at first there'll be social pressure but you'll get over it fairly quickly. What part of the world are you in btw?
  16. I have one but the other guy in my group doesn't seem to be as serious as me about achieving stuff like his life's purpose or truly healing big traumas he has. He seems to do stuff for a bit and then just not keep up with it. I have stuff to work on for sure but in truth this guy doesn't seem as serious as me about his life. What are your thoughts on this? Is anyone here part of an accountability group, where you have weekly goals that you hold each other accountable for or something like that? Is anyone interested in starting a new one?
  17. Yeah that seems to be the case, thank you for sharing
  18. yeah good stuff! Tbh if you want to become more happy though watch the Root Solution to people pleasing and loneliness video and the satisfaction meditation one after - those have very much changed my life and from what I can see will only make me more and more happy. Just keep your eye on the ball in terms of what you want to achieve, distraction is everywhere, so worth having a reflection session once a week or something about
  19. You and I are in similar positions, I'm 28 and am currently working a wage slave job to fund myself while I do a lot of small bets and trauma healing to help me find and live my purpose (I already have more or less an idea of what it is from doing Leo's course, just don't know how it manifests exactly yet). Just tackle one thing at a time, you can do it! Just make sure you're taking time to calm yourself down properly and to strategize about your next steps and then trial and error your way through it. You will be fine, just never take your eye off the ball. Sort out survival and get to a point where you're consistently stable financially, take Leo's life purpose course - it's very good, it will help you understand what you want out of life and how to make it into a career, then just execute on that. If a mediocre life is not what you want, then you will never be happy.
  20. very insightful video, I had my head in my hands haha
  21. Anyone know any good books that they've used to become better at setting boundaries? By setting boundaries I mean not letting people disrespect you in conversation or manipulate you and take up your time/energy.
  22. I'm not sure you understand me, I'm talking about not being a doormat, Leo refers to this in his Gaslighting video.
  23. Thank you, this is the kind of thing I was talking about ^
  24. right, that's what I mean yeah, learning how to respond by setting healthy boundaries