In regards to the 'sleeping earlier' aspect of a morning routine...
I found with myself and my baby son for sure, that there is a link between when your body wants to sleep and what but importantly WHEN you eat.
If I want to get up earlier, having a good filling breakfast makes it easier on day 1 but the following day it's like your body remembers and finds it easier to wake up at that time again. As long as you are eating quality food I think a good amount of calories and nutrition will help a lot!
The reverse seems to be true in that - eating late seems to make it harder to fall asleep earlier. So I try to eat my last meal as early as I can.
i should really find an article I read a while back that links this routine in regard to feeding and sleep to 'mammalian behaviour' but for now I just hope it helps! One of the rare 'carrots' in the otherwise 'stick-filled' awfulness of getting up early.