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Everything posted by zurew

  1. If you could wish anything , which one would you choose ( you can only choose one ) Solving this: Everywhere i go i see people suffering and try to survive working wage slave jobs, kids with illnesses, people with mental health issues, poor people. Or solving your depression, all your emotional problems, all your inner suffering Do you think those two are directly related, or do you think you could see those two decoupled?
  2. Yes, i somewhat agree with what you are saying. However, if for someone health is really his/her top value,then learning about it and optimising his/her life around that value should be the choice. There is nothing wrong with being more aware and to learn about how you can become more healthy. Of course anything can become too toxic, but being more conscious should be good. There is nothing wrong with calculating either, it all depends on calculating what impacts has on you. Look at Leo, Leo's top value if i know correctly is understanding. He is optimising his whole life around the value of understanding. An outsider can say, that it is toxic and he should value having children or family or health much better than understanding. Usually health isn't a top priority/value for everyone, there are things that are more important for most people compared to health. So overall it all depends on one's values and goals. How do you want to live your life? <--- Thats an important question to know the answer for.
  3. There are some research around alcohol that it can be beneficial for you if you are moderate about it, but its arguable. But even if we say that it doesn't have any direct health benefit, a small amount of alcohol you have sometimes won't destroy you nearly as much the other things you can do for yourself. For example, if we are talking about being anxious and being stressful, i think that is much more damaging for you, than having a little alcohol here and there. If the health part is the main reason why you are contemplating about to drink a moderate amount of alcohol or not, then i think you should weight other things in your life as well, how healthy is your diet, how often do you exercise, overall how much is your lifestyle is optimised for being healthy. If Health is your biggest value and priority in life, then you should cut out alcohol completely from your life. Live up freely for your highest values, its your life, just calculate how much stress it will bring and calculate how much can you handle the pressure from outside. Maybe it will generate a lot of stress for you, and maybe it will be even more damaging for you comapared to rarely having a drink with your friends .
  4. One final advice for your coding journey. The advice would be to make your own projects. Start from scratch and learn the needed technology,knowledge, tricks, and piece of code that you need to make your little project happen. Thats the ultimate learning, when you can put your knowledge into real practice, you struggle, you need to research, fail and try and fail and try. Thats how real projects are actually bult. If you will have a job in coding in the future, you will be doing something similar. If you are a beginner, you should choose smaller projects like building a tic-tac-toe game. There are a lot of other small project ideas, you pick one and you try to solve it yourself. If you really really struggle you may peek and see part of the solution and then try to finish your project. By building your own projects: you will really understand how coding works in practice, you will learn how to translate your idea into code, you will learn how to research for solutions or part of the solution, you will find a lot of error and that way you will realise what different kind of errors can mean and how to solve them your brain will have a lot more connection to coding, you will have a tangible experience, what different kind of coding concepts actually mean. You can build your own portfolio, which can be very beneficial when you apply for jobs You will learn a lot of skills through struggling (like being able to find effectively a soultion, researching, getting to know your IDE better, handling errors more effectively, learning debugging, and learning about the most common bugs, and learning about where to search for the bugs in your code) You can reuse your own code (you will know exactly all the parts of your previous projects and you will be able to use parts of it for other projects or problems) Good luck!
  5. In my opinion, if a lot of people is telling you the same critique to you, that should be alarming for you to think about it. But its all depending on the situation and on the kind of critique you receive. For example, you can get critiques from people who is much better at a certain field than you, so you should evaluate what they are saying to you. I think you should also differentiate between critiques and impulses from someone. Sometimes there is a heated moment in someone's life so they will project a lot onto you. Overall, what you can do is to improve your own self reflecting abilities. If you focus on improving your self-reflection, if some critiques are valid you should be able to realise them yourself. Of course, there is your own bias, so that you can't see some stuff, but still using certain practices like meditation and psychedelics should show some fallacies in your ego. If we are talking about an intimite relationship, if someone wants you to change your core values and some of your core habits, then you should really think about that realtionship if you really want that to go forward. If we are talking about slight behaviour change suggestions, then maybe if that person is important for you, you can try to change those. You should know exactly, where you want to draw your own line. What is that you can tolerate. You should always focus on what you can do. But negotiating can be important as well, but before that you should know exactly what your values are, and where you draw your line. If your line is clear, then communicating with the friend or partner can be beneficial, communicating is key. Informing that particular person where is your line, what will you be able to sacrifice for that particular relationship, and getting to know why they told you their critique.
  6. You should be developing a ton of intuitive knowing about women by then. Most of the time you won't even think about what to do in certain situations because you went through it tons of times, and you have a lot of experience by then. Its like if you would ask this: Can i get better at something, if i gain a ton of experience by doing that particular activity? The answer is obviously, yes. Experience is always king.
  7. Maybe you are right on the smelling issue, but it doesn't sounds too exact to me either from the information that you wrote. Maybe she isn't getting bullied, she just can't keep up with the new pressure. Or maybe she is getting bullied for some reason, but you can only get to know that by asking more questions. It could be that she shouldn't be in the position she is in right now, because she can't do the work she needs to do, so if she get an easier position maybe she could handle the stress more well. I think that if you want to help, you need to gather more information about this situation. I would ask some clarifying questions from the woman who think she is getting bullied unfairly: When did the bullying started? What things she is being told? Does she know anybody else who is getting bullied the same as her? If you don't get any significant insight about the issue, then you could ask the bullying side as well, what exactly the problem is, how she feels about the situation, whats her take. That overall should somewhat clarify what is going on, and then according to the information in your hand you can make steps if you want to solve it or not.
  8. I think you should contemplate about exactly, why you feel guilty when you drink. I think some arguments could be made that a small amount of alcohol can even be beneficial for you. You say that you are not a heavy drinker, so i don't think that drinking is the problem here, more of a mental block or something psychological. Contemplate deeply about it, exactly why do you feel guilty: Is it a cultural programming? Is it something that you have learnt from you parents that you should't drink Is it something else that you came up with in your mind to feel more special or to feel more better? Do you think it causing harm for your spiritual development? if you think it is, then the question is how? What is exactly that you try to achieve by not drinking anything?
  9. VPN-s are easy to get around. But yeah, it can be annoying. Also there are cases, where some content is hidden from you, if you have a certain kind of ip address. In that case, you are not necessarily even aware, that you can't access everything. So even if you know how to get around it, you won't , because you are not aware that you should. For example google did it, russian's couldn't access almost any western news about the war. As a russian you had to use vpn-s to be able to see western articles or you had to use another search engine. Tsuki made a thread about it.
  10. You are rightfully becoming more and more pessimistic. However, you shouldn't let your pessimism to chain you down completely. We don't want to have a society where everyone is naively optimistic about every issue, because thats very damaging and it could be fatal. We don't want to a have a society either, where all the people are pessimistic, so they don't want to do anything, and don't want to make any change, lets be it inner work or outer work. We need to understand the issues on a systematic level, and make sense of the issues, so we can start to think about the changes what we can do to at least try to solve them. Sometimes there is nothing else but the ability to try. Even if the chances are very low to succeed, we should capitalize on it, if we don't have any other choice.
  11. yap, cannot be limited down to any method or sentence or concept. <--- even this one is incorrect because its finite. <---- and this one and i could go like that to infinity.
  12. For me it works even with multiple different kind of accounts. I just make an account which has minimum 18 years of age in it, and works fine, without photo ID. But if you really struggle with it, then yes follow mojsterr's advice and google it.
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0KWPqUBGUQ click on it, and try to login into your youtube account, that way you should be able to watch it.
  14. You can use the 'ignore user' function. I don't know how it works, because i haven't used it yet, but it could be usefu,l if you feel bad from some user's posts.
  15. Even to be able to say that there is something like non-existence, non-existence to be real it needs to exist. How can non-existence exist? Only within existence. So even the concept of non-existence is within the domain of existence. You simply cannot escape existence.
  16. Yes thats true, however there are things that we collectively agree on that has some value. For example money, money is an illusion that has a value that everyone is agreeing on or in other words we collectively as a market putting emphasis on money. There are also a million different kind of items and services that we as a market collectively creating and putting value on, but in reality thats all an illusion. However, all those things are really useful. In my opinion, you can do everything artfully. For example, if you think you have an important message, it could be important and useful to put that message and use some art to make it more digestible ( for example make a very good and well edited youtube video about it ). So you can do your art without targeting anyone but you can do it targetfully as well. You can say that art should speak for itself, and shouldn't be distorted by doing it for money or for special targets or for a purpose. I sort of agree with this, but i think art shouldn't be pinned down just like that. Art can be useful if you want to do it that way, art can speak for itself if you want to do it that way. For the ego there is always a need to do things for reasons. I write this message for a reason, you wrote your message for yarco for a reason. Even when you say, that you do art for itself, i think even there you could find some underlying reasons why you do it (You enjoy doing art, so that could be a reason for doing it, if you would not enjoy it you probably wouldn't do it). We are highly depended on our meaning making and value judging processes. But from the Absolute perspective you are right. If you have enough money that you don't need to worry about food and shelter, then this is true. However, if we don't satisfy the lower stages of maslow's hierarchy, then you won't be able to do art just for itself, without worrying about doing it for a specific market. So if you need money you can create it in a different way than being an artist, however you could do both at the same time. I agree with you, that money should'nt be the main goal. But if you need to satisfy your needs first, there will be a little distortion in your art work to be able to make your needs met, so after that you can fully focus on what you really want to do.
  17. So here is a thought experiment: In my opinion, it should be possible to manipulate this dream, what i have right now(ego talking) in a more effective way. There should be a fine line between getting to God level/infinite level of conscioiusness and the point where you are identified (as an ego, but an ego who is much more conscious than this one right now) but not God's level yet. If that level of consciousness could be reached and could be maintained, then from that level, the dream manipulation should be more possible . So from this lower self / limited ego perspective, it seems like i can manipulate this dream on a certain level, but because this ego is a really limited level of consciousness, it seems like that i have a very small amount of free will (from the relative perspective). But, if i could reach such a level of consciousness, where i am not aware that i am the Absolute/God, but at the same time, i am on the edge of God consciousness or close to it, i should be able to manipulate this dream better, compared to what i can do right now.(or better to say, it should seem like, that as an illusory separate self i can manipulate my dream better). Because once one reaches God level of consciousness or the Absolute, there is no identity because you are Everything.There could be no other relative manipulation because it already happened, or it is happening.The selfishness spectrum hits 0 there, because it is realised, that there is no finite self which could desire anything.Its not even that it already has everything, but it Is already Everything.The desire for manipulation or the desire for owsnership can only happen from a finite self. Also, illusory manipulation can only happen if there is a separate self (when the ego is not aware, that everything is already God's will).So illusory manipulation can only happen when one is identified as a finite self. What Illusory manipulation means in my vocabulary: a separate self thinks that it has the ability to manipulate, or a separate self thinks that it has free will (not realising, that God is the ultimate puppet master of everything) So even if we ultimately say, that it is a delusion, because as an ego you can't really manipulate anything because it is an illusion, i think it could be a fun experiment to try. Reaching such a level of consciousness where it seems like, that more manipulation is possible. Again, even if it just seems like, that you are doing the manipulation, it does not matter. That seemingness should be enjoyable in an of itself.
  18. Agreed, the term of a 'scientific fact' is misleading, its a fact as long as it isn't disproved. Agreed with this one as well. The current schooling system making the minds more trapped and more dogmatic.
  19. I don't think we should shit on science entirely. We need to recognise the limitations of it, but the good parts of it as well. There is a lot of stuff that is falsifiable, so feel free to find any source that can prove anything otherwise. You make a hypothesis and test it over and over and over again. After a few thousand tries if your hypothesis is still true, then you can say more and more confidently that it might be true. You can always disprove it , but i don't think we should dismiss all of it, because we don't like parts of science. Of course its nowhere near holistic, but that doesn't mean that science can't make good points.2 It would be nice if we could understand the entire swamp, but to be able to understand something you need to test stuff. To know if a frog is affected by bee eating in the swamp you don't necessarily need to understand the entire swamp. You make this hypothesis that 'a frog is affected by bee eating in the swamp'. Now you test it over and over again. If all of the tests says that it seems to be true, then you can say more confidently that it is true, if you still don't think its true or that it wasn't accurately tested, then do some test or find some tests that prove otherwise. There are some cases where you don't even have the time to understand something holisticaly before you make some narrative about it. For example covid19 vaccines. We didn't have the time to sit around to understand human beings more holistically, we had to make some tests and then create a vaccine, and then test that vaccine over and over again. So overall you can make confident points without understanding everything holisticaly. But of course it would be much better if science would become much more holistic. We need to find ways to improve science not just shit on science.
  20. I would try to get more feedback from other psychologists or psychiatrists as well, because sometimes it is a misdiagnosis. After that, if all feedback is pointing towards that i have this x mental illness, then I would try to learn about it deeply, learn about how it works, what are all the best coping mechanisms that i could use, making myself more aware how to handle it. Learn about all the factors that can make it worse or better to make a map for myself how to be able to deal with it. I would contemplate about what advantages can this particular mental illness give me, and what are the bad parts of having this mental illness (in other words what are the things and desires i need to let go of, and what are the things, that are easier thanks to this mental illness).
  21. I think that boundary is not that clear. You have an idea of a you. That idea dies, when you have an ego death, and that idea dies when your 'physical' self dies. Whatever idea you have about your physical nature, that idea dies.
  22. What is the exact difference for you between ego death and physical death? Where can you draw your clear line?
  23. Being a high social status guy will automatically attract a lot of girls, but that not necessarily mean you need the whole baggage of redpill for that. As i have said before, it all depends on what do you want out from your life. How do you want to live your life. Build yourself up in way that can suit you whatever life you want to live. Notice you are generalising again. There are a lot of counter examples for that. Do you think there is no other way to be at the top other than using a redpill ideology for that? Also what do you mean being at the top? Do you mean it money wise or dating wise?
  24. You are searching for justifications from me, to find reasons why to put 5meo Dmt on a pedestal for you to be able to start the process. Any possible reason i could give can all be doubted. There is no need to rationalize all this process, in fact what we want to do is not to rationalise just this one time. Do you think, that further doubting or questioning this process can get you closer, what i am talking about? Its not much about the process, its about how effectively can you get out from your finite self, or how effectively you can destroy your ego for x amount of time. It happens to be, that certain psychedelic substances can do that effectively. Its not about trusting the substance itself, the substance just the road, that takes you somewhere, where you can't go using only logic and your ego. Thats why its often framed like a transcendental experience, because it transcends your finite boundaries. Judging with ego this whole process can absolutely seem delusional , again i get that. However, there is no way around it, you need to get out from you sober state. Again you can't use thinking and linear logic to understand any of this stuff, because those are too limited for the complexity here. Your only frame of reference right now is this limited perspective what you are in right now. From your perspective you are absolutely right to try to judge it as delusional and etc etc. But again, for you to be able to make that judgement you need to trust your linear logic, doubting etc and to take those for granted and place them all higher in the perspective hierarchy . Judging from lower isn't going to help you to take a further step into the direction i am talking about. If you understand this part, that your logic and doubting are finite tools to make sense of the world. You know your ego's limitations, you know that there are pespectives that are more correct or full or holistic compared to other ones, you know that an infinite perspective is the most holistic one. You understand all that stuff, you are just not believing that it could be possible , or you are not trusting a process that can get you there (by not trusting you have to trust doubting). I think those 2 could be your problem right now. All i can repeat now is to experiment ,experiment, experiment. There is nothing more worthwhile to say.