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Everything posted by zurew

  1. I am You, i am not seperated from You, because i am in your dream (remember anything or anyone in your dream is You) There is only just your dream, and you can't break out of it. When i say there is only just your dream, i say, you cannot experience anything else just your dream, you cannot escape it, you cannot run away from it, You are IT. But at the end of the day, you shouldn't believe me, you should test it and become conscious of it. Contemplate on your own, have you ever experienced anything that was outside of your Dream/Consiousness?
  2. When i say infinite parts, i mean you can divide yourself up as many times you want. If you want to divide yourself up infinite times, then you will imagine and experience of that. You can divide anything up as many times you want to.
  3. Yeah and i would say even more radical than that. Because you Yourself are an Absolute consciousness, you are dreaming everything up, everybody and everything including yourself (thats why you cannot be pinned down, because you are nothing and at the same time everything, You are Absolute, and You are God) Everything is you in the dream. You are all the dream characters, you are the sand, the rock, the trees, and you are the whole dream structure itself (So you are all the infinite parts and the whole at the same time).
  4. I don't think he achieved telepathy. He said that he doesn't know if he has achieved telepathy or not (because everything is inside your own dream). He said that he absolutely become conscious of the fact that he will never ever know if there are any other Absolute Gods. So thats why he said that there is a possibility that there could be an infinite number of other Sovereign Absolute Gods (which would be basically a 100% clone of you). But that claim cannot be investigated because of the nature of God. You have the ability to dream an infinite number of other Sovereign Absolute Gods, but they still would be part of your own dream.
  5. Yes, and this goes for you as well. If there are any other Absolute creators, you cannot access their dreams,because you can only use your own dreams, so you cannot possibly know if there are any other Absolute creators. This was the point of Leo's video. You are capable of imagining an infinite number of other Absolute creators, but they would be still part of your own dream. However, because you can't escape your own dreaming you can't possibly know if there are really any other Absolute creators just like You (Because that would require to be able to step out from your solipsistic Absolute bubble, and thats impossible, because you can't stop dreaming). God can't stop dreaming, and can't escape its own dream. Thats the only limitation God has. In your Dream/Reality everything is You.
  6. It always depends on the context. If i would be in a situation where i think that the girl would harm herself or the girl wouldn't be capable of handling the breakup, then i wouldn't want to initiate it. If i would be in a situation where i know exactly that our relationship doesn't going anywhere, and i know that she could handle the break up then i would initiate it, even though it would be tough. When you think she wouldn't be able to handle the breakup the only other option you have is to guide her to break up with you, if you really care about her wellbeing. Its manipulative, but and the end of the day you need to decide what you value more (caring about an other person's wellbeing, or not being manipulative) ----> Of course this is tricky, because i could be totally wrong in my own understanding about the situation. I might think that she isn't capable of handling a breakup, but at the same time she might be capable of handling it.
  7. That you are as an Absolute God, you have your own experience, and that experience is being constantly created by you (just as your own self is being constantly created by your own self), and no other can tap into your Absolute experience.
  8. Yeah, and the same time he said, that he cannot possible make sure if it was his own imagination or it was outside of his imagination. Because those two cannot be seperated because of the nature of consciousness, and thats why its so fascinating.
  9. If you are God , the only way to make sure of it, is by investigating it yourself. Who else would tell you, that you are God?
  10. Your universe only contains You, because you are Absolute. But what limits god to make an infinite number of other Universes?
  11. We can call them reflections if that word sounds more suitable. Yes.
  12. God is Absolute, everything is God and part of God. But if God copies its own Absolute self an infinite number of times, what happens? What happens, is that those copies can dream their own dreams seperate from each other. These Absolute Gods cannot know about each other, because the Absoluteness of their nature is limiting them to do so. They cannot escape their Absolute consciousness so they can only interact with their own Absolute/solipsistic bubbles. Being Absolute comes with a cost, the cost is that its impossible for you to know if there are other Absolute copies of you.
  13. Or both at the same time. GOD is super paradoxical in its own nature. Its not either or, its both.
  14. Because God in singular/Absolute in his nature, thats why its limiting him to know if there are any other singular/Absolute minds. Because the minute he would try to become conscious of those other Absolute minds it would immediately become part of his own mind. And Every singularity can only interact with its own Absolute nature, can't interact with anything else.
  15. Because its super fascinating and mind melting, that even God who is Absolute and infinite has something that he cannot possibly know.And that not knowingness will stay with him for eternity.
  16. It doesn't contradicts it , it builds on it. You have your own solipsistic bubble, you can only interact with your own self, you can only know your own self, You are Absolute. Lets say you wanted to make infinite number of copies of your Absolute nature (not just parts, but literally clone your whole self an infinite number of times). Those infinite number of Absolute copies are 100% identical to you, but at the same time you can't know about them, because you can only interact with your own solipsistic bubble, they can only interact with their own solipsistic bubbles. You create your own self and your own reality, they create their own self and their own reality. You cannot interact with them, because you can't escape your own consciousness, because its Absolute. Whatever would come inside your conciousness that wasn't there before, would automatically become a part of your consciousness (a part of you). So , because of your Absolute nature, for you its impossible to know, if there are an infinite other number of Absolute copies of you.
  17. I think creativity is much more than just having agency. Not just that but, creativity doesn't necessarily requires agency. We generally say that if i give you a problem or a task and you can find a solution for it that is really efficient and out of the box solution, then we say, that "heyy that was creative dude!". Its not like AI is 100% equal to programming because the AI progammes itself and adapts itself constantly. Finding better and better ways to do what it needs to do. It can drop older methods to solve a task and can find new ways. When we are generally talking about programming we need to write code for every fucking decision and task. But when we are talking about machine learning and AI we create a model and it finds a solution and sort of creates its own self. Normal programming and machine learning are different. Lets think about creative jobs. Creative people can get orders like "paint a picture for me that his this and that one it, and this action is happening on it "or "create a car for me that has this and that in it and capable of doing this and that". If the instructions are clear, then an AI can build/make it just like a human would do. Yes these machines don't have any agency but they can find pretty spectacular solutions . I want to show you a game, where the AI literally found some bugs and took advantage of those bugs just to win the game. The developers wasn't aware of such bugs. This was a hide and seek game where both the hiders and the seekers were AI-s. As time went on, they became better and better at doing their own roles and they started doing fascinating things like what i mentioned about the bugs but others things too. I would definitely call them creative, and they don't need agency imo to be creative. Also don't forget that we can merge with such AI-s so we can use our agency and use their creative capacity to create. You can read the paper here: https://openai.com/blog/emergent-tool-use/ You can watch a youtube video about it here: AI outsmarts its own creators:
  18. What would prevent that infinity, to have infinite versions of itself? (not just the parts, but the whole) Even if there is an infinite number of You(not talking about parts, but the whole), you can't access that because you are already Absolute. You can only access your own Absolute version of other Absolutes (if there are any). But ultimately you cannot know, because you can't escape your Absolute consciousness, and you can only interact with your own Self. So basically if there are an infinite number of solipsistic bubbles, they cannot know about each other. They can only interact with their own Absolute selves.
  19. The fucking sneaky and slimy nature of God/Reality. The structure cannot be pinned down, because in the process of pinning it down, it changes and adapts itself. In short, Reality/God is whatever you want to imagine it to be. I am actively creating my own self and my reality ( so if i want to imagine myself and reality as seperate, then it will be)
  20. Drop here anything that is related to the title, including movie and game soundtracks.
  21. Would you say that every single part of my own reality could be traced back to infinite number of sovereign,absolute Gods? (like every single particle or atom or quark or we are only talking about humans or my whole reality overall could be traced back to Gods?) And i am as an absolute, i hold all those Gods in my own consciousness so they are part of me, because they are part of my consciousness, so at the end of the day, we are all one and we are in each other's consciousness or in other words in each other's dreams. And i can only access my own version of those infinite Gods in my consciousness, but there are an infinite number of other Gods that are holding an infinite number of other Gods in their own consciousness (inlcuding me). Would you say that the relationship between Gods something like this: We are 100% identical but at the same time 100% seperate and 100% connected. 100% seperate, because i can only hold your version of absolute in my own absolute consciousness ( and i can't escape my own absolute consciousness). 100% connected because all the Absolute Gods are 100% identical to me . An Absolute containing an infinite number of Absolutes in itself.
  22. If you are dreaming at night, and in your dream you are in your room, the same process is happening what you just described above. The point is that there is no clear line you can point to between imaginary and not imaginary. Everything is inside your concious experience or simply put (in your consciousness). You are always interacting with your own consciousness.
  23. The goal would be to make spirtuality and spiritual practices much more common in society, where most humans can embody love and empathy. We start giving more fucks about other creatures and people, if our sense of self is containing more and more things. No one would want to hurt his/her own parts (unless he/she is masochistic). So the goal would be to embody love, and to make our sense of self bigger (the end goal is to make it so big that it contains the whole Universe). We would still need some kind of a morality system probably, but it would be much easier to navigate, compared to now. So this would transcend the rational morality, where you need to basically justify everything, what i am talking about would be based upon embodyment. But the embodyment of love is a pipe dream for now, we are really far away from it, so we will need morality for a long time.
  24. https://huggingface.co/spaces/dalle-mini/dalle-mini This is a different tool, works the same way, the only difference is that it generates 9 pictures in 15 seconds. (and you can't choose any background) Joe rogan, after smoking some DMT.
  25. Wow, i couldn't help myself, i had to write "scary alien". This tool is actually addicting.