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zurew replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
The question is, given a high level awareness (in this context this means, that you can reflect and self reflect, and can feel and see the suffering of others, and how one's actions impact the other parts of the world and seeing that you as an invidivudal, you are not really just an individual, you are not just part of your country, but you are the citizen of Earth and your country couldn't really live or thrive without all the other parts) which valuesystem should we use, and why? This is a fair point, but there are ways to make it work, this can't be an excuse why not to be a globalist and care about more and more things. If we see ourselves from a globalist standpoint, we can get a more accurate image of whats happening, what affects what, and paradoxically, with globalism you can have the ablility to make the biggest progress and the ability to solve really complex and hard problems. You can't solve complex and hard problems when you have rivalrous dynamics between multiple nations (where a country's ability to survive or to thrive is based on fucking you over, scamming you, stealing from you, or manipulating you to get what it want and to survive as a little finite self [or in this case nation], while not recognizing that in the long run, fucking any country or part over will come back and bite back in the ass). On the other hand, if we have globalism, thats when we can have real agency to try to solve global problems. There is a reason why nowadays we talk more and more about global problems not local problems. The very reason why we have global problems, is because everyone is focused on the parts and not the whole. If you only need to care about the local and not the global, then even if you had the ability to fix things or to solve one part of a global problem you won't do it, unless you will be incentivised to do so using low consciousness tools( either via forcing you to do or manipulating you --> so low consciousness tools have to be used and you won't act unless it directly affects your country). We need to recognise and be okay with the fact, that all the finite parts are interconnected and each and every part affects all the other. You don't need to change the globe yourself, thats a wrong way to view it. If you are a roof builder and you only good at building and reparing roofs, you wouldn't say that just because that person or that team can't build a whole house they shouldn't build or repair roofs. The point is to act on things that you can directly influence, while keeping in mind how your local actions affects the global. -
@Tyler Robinson as i previosly said, it doesn't have to be all or nothing. Look for the main characteristics that you like and at the same time try to filter the main red flags that you can' t tolerate and thats basically it.
If we really want to get spiritual here, then you shouldn't try to change your partner at all. This is a huge stretch here, and if you would be honest with yourself, then you would reailse that you wouldn't follow this advice to its abolute extent. Again, i think you should acknowledge that there is a spectrum here: some people are able to and want to put up with more things and okay with more toxic dynamincs,but others are not. Its simple, find people who you are okay and compatible with. I think no one is advocating for that here. Most guys here were talking about redflags in the selection phase. Guys should be able to spot most redflags in the selection phase, if you find a lot of redflags in the dating phase, then you already fucked up. If therapy friends and family combined are not enough to fix that person, then your love won't be sufficient enough either.
Sure, but where you draw you line what you consider normal will be different for people and it will be subjective , thats why most guys here didn't agree with most of your takes with being a therapist and stuff like that. You were pushing really hard on guys here, because they said they don't want to get into a relationship with a girl with for example daddy issues. Just because they don't want to be with a girl like that, that doesn't mean that they won't be caring and won't be protective to a different girl who don't has that particular bad trait. If you get into a relationship with a girl, who you are not really compatible with (where she has a lot of traits that you don't like and can't tolerate) that will almost necessarily lead to failure and disaster. Why not try to find a girl, who you are a lot more compatible with and you don't need to change her whole persona and habits and goals etc. This doesn't mean that you have to find the perfect one, but you have to be compatible with her on the vast majority of things , otherwise you really are wasting your time. You would ideally do this in a smart way though. Im sure most guys here would invest time, energy and resources into a relationship, if they think they could have a future with that particular person, but again, if you guys are mostly not compatible, then why waste your time ,why not find someone who you vibe,resonate with a lot more? Sure, maybe. But there is a huge difference between a girl who is on the edge of suicide, can't take care of herself, depressed vs a girl who has some medium outburst from time to time. I think that nuance here is really important and there is a spectrum here that we need to acknowledge.
zurew replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Carl-Richard It was a fucking great debate/convo. I watched it live, its fucking 4 am here, but it was worth it . -
zurew replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Those hard ones can fuck you up for life as well. Relationships with healthy people are already hard enough there is no need to get into a relationship with mentally ill people. No one is saying here, that you need to find the perfect partner, but there is a baseline that needs to be there, becuase if there is no baseline, then your relationship won't be about growing together or helping each other, but It will be about you trying to play a daddy, a partner, and a therapist role at the same time, without having the necessary skills to do so , while wasting a lot of time and probably fucking up yourself mentally as well. If you want get into a relationship with the only intention to grow, then get a girl who is a psychopath with narcissistic traits combined with daddy issues and combined with being suicidal. Good luck, but now imagine that not everyone is going for growth only, when it comes to being in a relationship. Don't try to play a therapist role when you are not a professional one. There is one role you need to play, which is to be a partner, but not a therapist.
zurew replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
He is probably trying to balance the negative takes with a positive one. He is not trying to be consistent with his take, he would rather make us productive than make us more worried (i assume). -
That kind of logic could be used to dismiss and to not do anything. God doesn't give a fuck whether you fuck or not, but you do, so you should do something about it.
zurew replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Its not simply that energy will be needed, but the fact that as you advance with tech, that advanced tech at some point becomes so cheap, that it will be distributed to everyone. So now everyone will have that tech , everyone will use more energy and because of that advanced tech, we can invent more advanced tech and the cycle repeats. So the more cheaper we can distribute advanced tech, the more energy we will collectively end up using and craving. You need finite resources to build whatever tech we are talking about and because of the exponential growth, at some point natural resources won't be able to keep up with us. That is basically the rationale here. Its not really about whether we will be fucked or not, its more about whether we will have to slow down economically and realise that everyone don't have to have the most advanced cutting edge stuff all the time. -
zurew replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
That's part of their equation. Industrial revolutions are the exact reasons why we spend a ton of more energy now, than what we did before. Whatever tech will be developed will require a lot of money to buy it and it will require a lot of energy to mass produce it. Can't really dodge the energy problem part and the lack of resources part. The transition from nonrenewable energy to 100% renewable energy will be rough on the economy. Even if we assume, that we can transition without a major economic problem, you still have to assume, that you can keep up with the constant exponential need for energy. -
zurew replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Destiny will have a debate/convo with the hardcore redpill guys (fresh&fit) on Friday. It will be an interesting one. Those guys are representing the same value system and thoughtprocess what Tate has. -
@BlessedLion Can I ask, what kind of work you did?
Just to be clear, I assumed when @KH2 was talking about being exploitative, he was talking more than just the basic exploitation that occurs under a capitalist system, which is that there needs to be people who gets less compared to a Ceo. So i wasn't specifically attacking Andew Tate or the idea of a capitalist business, but i was attacking the idea, that you have to be more expolitative than the necessary exploitation that occurs between a Ceo and his/her workers. Looking back, It seems that KH2 wasn't talking about more than the basic exploitation, so i agree with him on that one. That being said, if we stay under a capitalist framework i can give you 2 different examples to differentiate between a low conscious business, and a conscious business. Low consciousness business would be mcdonald's, where the whole business relies on getting you hooked on their unhealthy food and items. So what you get for your money is addiction, and a fucked up health, and lack of control. So basically Mcdonald's earning a lot of money by fucking up people's lives. Conscious business would be actualized.org, where there is a vision to provide massive value to people and to help them practically as well. Firstly, you get 100s of hours of content for free, without the need to pay anything. That mechanism don't automatically means that it is a conscious business, but it shows ,that actualized.org not only fixated and optimized just only on money. If we talk about the LP course, then what you can see is that, you get something that you can use to seriously improve your life with, so you get real value for your money, and you don't get addicted to anything and your life don't get fucked over by any item or service. This forum can also provide massive value to some people, especially if they manage to get direct answers to their specific problems and questions and this is free as well. But basically, the line between a conscious vs low conscious business is this: A low conscious business will optimise everything to gain more power and more money, without giving a single fuck about anything else. A conscious business will be a business that is built around the idea of providing massive value(not just what the market currently thinks as valuable but actual value that improves people's life massively and make society greater). Now, does that mean that a low conscious business that opitmise everything to gain money can't provide massive value to people or incapable to make society better? No, doesn't mean that. It means, that when it comes to making business decisions - if according to the current market, the most easy and most scalable way to earn money and to gain more power is by fucking people over and getting them addicted, then a low conscious business will do that and adapt to it. Opposite to that, a high conscious business will first try to think about an idea or product or service that can provide massive value to people, and just after that would start thinking about how could that be made profitable to the business owner as well (without fucking over other people, or doing it with as little damage as possible). A high conscious business won't intentionally fuck over other people just to earn more money.
I wasn't talking about using a socialist structure, i was pointing to the fact, that you can use the capitalist framework and still give more back, than what you take.
Nope, most of those things are not unique and don't provide massive value, and most of those things are not necessarily scalable. If its for a starting point where you want to earn some capital to be able to start your business later, thats fine , but i would be curious how many people get rich from affiliate marketing or dropshipping. Also this "passive income" idea is misleading a lot of people. Ohh how good is that i don't have to do shit and i can earn a lot of money. But in reality you either have to put in a ton of work first and then you can enjoy some level of passive income but even then you have to put in time and money to maintain that because it will quickly run its course, because almost all the passive income markets are competitive asf. For instance, some people might say, youtube is good for passive income. You put in 2-3-4 years of work and then you can relax and don't have to do shit. But thats not true, even if you manage to get a high subscribe number, you have to upload some content, because channels that are inactive will get behind channels that are uploading 1 or multiple videos a day. You can exploit someone or a business and get loads of money. With marketing you can make people believe that you provide something that you actually not, and then you can make people addicted to your product / service, and then voila you can have a toxic business where you don't really offer any value, but earn a lot of money. Nope, my point was that you can choose if you want to have a toxic business or a business where you actually provide some underlying value and help people and not fucking them over. I didn't say that competition is inherently bad/worng. The wrong part comes, when you are willing to do anything to take over including (directly fucking over other people and businesses) - like bleeding out smaller businesses, talking shit about them make them look bad, pressuring them to quit etc Yes, you could say that there is a built in exploitative nature in the capitalist system, but as a business man or a Ceo you can have a direct impact on how much you exploit your workers and how much want you to give back. As i said, you can build a toxic business, a toxic environment, where you take almost everything and don't give back anything or you can have a healthier and more sustainable relationship with your workers. You can also have a direct impact on what kind of business you want to have. You can have a business where you don't really offer any value and all your value comes from marketing but there isn't anything there that could be tangible and and you make people addicted to your service/item and fuck them over, Or you can offer value that directly helps people in a positive way, where they don't get fucked over but the opposite their life becomes better. Its not whether you exploit or not, its about how much you exploit and how much you give back. You can give back value through paying your workers more money and through your item/service (namely how much you help people who use your item/service)
There is a big difference between exploiting someone else's work compared to trying to create value yourself. If your success directly relies on fucking over other people, then you should reconsider your methods. You can carve a niche without the need to step on others heads. For instance, you don't have to use your marketing to talk shit about other companies, you can focus on your own product/service and market that without the need to shittalk or to bring down other companies.Or If you have a bigger company you don't have to bleed out smaller companies by bringing your prices down for long periods of time. Leo's business plan was relying on his message, which is to create and provide massive value. He wasn't fixated on this: "How could i fuck over other companies or people in order to become successful? Your relationship with all other companies and people don't always have to be rivalrous. So if you have 2 principles: I have to fuck over other people in order to become successful I have to focus my time, energy, and all my creativity to provide massive value The decisions that you will make down the line will be massively different and it will be depended on which principle you will use.
Yep and time as well. If you don't have time to think up images in your head or if you don't have good visual imagination then you could waste a lot of time and energy to try to masturbate without porn. Porn makes it more easy and you still don't have to do it every day.
And it takes a lot of mental power to repress sexual desires everyday. I might argue that watching porn 1-2 times a week take a lot less mental power from you compared to repressing your sexual desires every day, 7 times a week. Also, when you are super horny, thats where you make the worst decisions in your life.
Don't have to be, but it could be a huge benefit for sure. Just as an unconscious robot could be very good at doing specialised tasks, a low conscious human could be good at doing a specialised kind of therapy without being a highly conscious person. Problem comes when that low consious person is being too reductive and assume a lot of things about you without being able to see what your problem really is, and without being able to see at what level your problem needs to be addressed.
This assumes that your partner have the same libido as you. Even assuming that, you further have to assume that you are both home all the time waiting around to have sex. Realistically this almost never happens. Unless you want to talk about a "relationship" where you have a fucking harem at home with 20 chicks waiting around to have sex with you, a man with a high libido will always have the energy to fap regardless how much sex he has with a single partner. They can be okay with porn, or they could even like porn. guys, don't use the word 'conscious' or 'quality' when you have a subjective opinion about something. Just because you use that word, your opinion won't automatically become a 'conscious' or a 'quality' take.
Yeah this is true for sure. I think that doing psychedelics alone won't do much, you need to do + work, like seriously contemplate the insights that you get from psychedelics. Integrating insights that you get from meditation or from psychedelics is the heavy part of the work (imo). All these practices are good and unique in their own way. We don't have to choose one over the other. We could use them in a clever way where each strengthens the other.
Thats an assumption. You can have sex and watch porn. Porn doesn't have to replace sex. Many people in a "meaningful relationship" want to have rough animal "low quality" sex. It totally depends on the person, what he/she likes.
You don't need to apologise for being you, i am not offended or mad or anything, we are good.
Don't disagree with that. How? Not all people who watch porn experience the effects that you listed above.