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Everything posted by zurew

  1. It doesnt exploit everything - it specifically selects for traits that optimizes for reproduction (survive long enough ,so that you can reproduce) in a given environment. So again you for your argument to work, you would have to make a case for why evolution necessarily has to select for the ability of OBE (meaning there is no scenario when evolution doesn't select for the ability of OBE). If you cant make such a case, then this evolution argument won't be sufficient to debunk OBE. ... and to be clear - even if you could make such a case - there are still ways to get around it by saying: Even though evolution haven't exploited the ability of OBE, it will in the future (because, just because you can make a case that evolution haven't exploited a trait yet, from that doesn't necessarily follow that in the future it won't).
  2. You use this point about evolution as if it would be a necessary dealbreaker. Whats your argument for why evolution would necessarily exploit these things (not just might, but necessarily)?
  3. This is just rambling without having any coherence or real point to it.
  4. Here is his new vid on aliens: What thoughts do you guys have on it?
  5. If you have fun debating these topics you probably should. It can be a fun challenge to craft a sound and persuasive argument for some of these topics in a way, that can be persuasive and or mind-opening . I can think of two ways how to approach these debates/convos: 1) Try to ground your argument in a premise or premises, that can be compatible with physicalism (or in other words, try to ground it in a premise , that they more than likely already agree with and slowly step by step build an argument from there that ends with your conclusion). 2) or if the first doesn't seem to be possible , then you need to debate physicalism (which will be very unproductive with most people).
  6. Its true its just not efficiently computable. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Formula_for_primes.
  7. @Jrix just bite it and engage with @Inliytened1's question. Your actions dont necessarily show your metaphysical beliefs ( this is obviously true - like there could be given a 1000 seperate reasons why you would do a specific action) and even if they perfectly did, how would @Inliytened1 know exactly all the actions that you take on a daily basis?
  8. @Davino Ty for the detailed response
  9. What did you see while tripping and How did it feel like?
  10. I don't see, whats the essence/point of your objection. Im planning to go through a territory that im not experienced/knowledgeable in, therefore I would rather take in the wisdom that others have who are more knowledgeable/experienced in this field rather than just chaotically going through it and elevating the chance of fucking myself up in the end.
  11. Yeah, well, I am okay with some "disorder", but I want to be catious as well.
  12. I have read that other people had their own crazy experiences with kundalini stuff as well. Could you handle the experience (By handling I mean , did the experience had such a big effect on you so that you couldn't do your normal everyday stuff for a couple of hours or days) ? Also how many days/month/years did it take to properly integrate the experience? I only had some kind of heart chakra opening experience. I don't know if it was fully open or not, but it was really profound. I felt a profound and deep connection to all beings in the universe and I could feel deep empathy for all of them without exception and the only thing you care about in that state is to serve and to give to others to the best of your ability without expecting or requiring anything in return (Because in that state you are completely fulfilled and you don't want to get/expect/take anything, you just only want to give and contribute). To be honest I would be down to open up all the chakras, but it seems to me that if its not done right, it can become really overwhelming and could probably cause ego backlash and would probably make it so that I wouldn't do any meditation or yoga for a good while again. Is there any program that you (or anyone who is reading this know of), that shows how to open up the chakras in a systematic way so it won't become too overwhelming?
  13. Yeah thats why the Dunbar's number is important ,and we should probably create something that can scale that number up. The problem of an individual or a group being able to do a harmful action (whether intentionally or not) against a person or against another group of people and then not get any clear feedback back for his/their action and then get away with it (without suffering any negative consequence for their action) is a main problem. I guess, as long as whats important for one person is not directly interlinked or more like directly depended on (in a way where there is almost no time delay between an action and the effects of that action) with whats important for all other people - we will continue to have this problem.
  14. @StarStruck Do you have any experience opening up your chakra/chakras, if so can you share it? or if someone is reading this and have some experience themselves - can you share your experience and the process of how you did it?
  15. @Davino Are you familiar with the idea of opening up 108 chakras? Also how many chakras have you opened up so far and what was your experience doing it? Regarding the 108 chakra opening im talking about, here is a relatively short video (about 8 minutes long) Sadhguru explaning it in more detail what Im referring to:
  16. Most vegan arguments don't hinge on any materialist worldview - it can be compatible with most religions or in other words - being a vegan doesn't necessarily contradicts most religions ethics code .
  17. Yeah I think he said it multiple times, that Shiva probably was an alien (based on its origin story and based on how incredible and powerful he was -all according to Sadhguru) he even made a 112ft Shiva statue
  18. Thats a seperate issue, but at least because of the guy in the video, we have at least some kind of a structured relatively short summary of the topic. It can be used to lure people in who are kind of curious about these things. The question of "how to motivate powerful people to understand these things" or "how to make them act in line with these things" is not directly related to the format how this knowledge presented as, imo.
  19. @Rafael Thundercat Try to watch this summary, this might help you sensemake better: Link to the ppt: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12lxz86Bznxe-8R-iteWZdEgw05SuFrT3/view Video that talks about the ppt:
  20. Bing is way too restricted unfortunately. I prefer using an open sourced model like GPT4all. You can download it and use it on your pc locally. There are multiple open source models that you can choose from. They are much smaller compared to GPT4, but it can get some job done + it can read all the documents that you give it access to + it doesn't have any restrictions placed upon it, and most importantly it is run locally on your pc and it doesn't even need internet access to be run, so no one will have access to your info.
  21. If you can't come up with arguments that are applicapble to all forms of incest (or in other words, applicaple to the whole category of incest) that case you are not making arguments against incest, you are making arguments against specific types of incest. If you want to make moral arguments against incest - come up with one that attacks a point that is inherent to incest not just inherent to specific types of incest.
  22. Satellite images could be super useful to investigate some of the recent UFO stories or incidents - I don't know why no one tries to use those for either debunking or for proving a case.