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Everything posted by zurew

  1. @Hardkill This is what i said in my other thread and i agree with you, that the more longer the war goes on, and the more resistance Ukraine puts up with Russia, paradoxically in my opinion the more damage it will suffer. Putin won't stop his invading. He has every incentive to finish his current "mission".
  2. @trenton What we are ultimately talking about is demand. Because if people don't want to spend their money on things that is unnecessary and even harmful for the eviroment ,then companies would be forced to change what they do and how they do it. Of course again this is just one side how to view this problem. What we can't forget here is that there is a so called artifically created demand nowadays. You buy things you don't necessarily want to buy but you are manipulated into it or companies exploiting your weak psychological traits and using it against you, and tricking you into buying more and more stuff that you don't want or need. We could use maybe some techniques to create certain kind of demand that would be more benefical enviromentally speaking. Or we could attack this from other side, we should think about how we can regulate these companies in a way where less and less artifically created demand possible, and people really can decide what they want. I think this naturally would bring down the pollution, because most people are buying things and food that they are addicted to. So we could talk about the psychological effects how those playing into the enviromental problems.Or we could talk about how our culture plant certain kind of beliefs and ideas into us, that make us buy things we don't really need, we just think we need, and it ultimately creates more and more pullution and also more energy will be spend because of it. What you are talking about is basically the whole system taking care of itself in a certain level. And as time goes by and things get more serious for some companies they are forced to take action and change because they created their own hell. So catashropes driving actions for sure, but not quickly enough to solve certain kind of issues. I agree that the education factor is big. Using 21 st century technology to bring more attantion to issues like this is very important and beneficial. If most people won't even see there is a problem, then actions can't be taken. The more mind is focused on certain kind of topics the more solution we can come up with. One other big force could be making different kind of laws that can drive certain kind of companie's actions, what they can do , what they can get away with and what they can't get away with. So we go more deeper and we go to the politics. If we elect certain kind of parties who is minimum stage green level, than we have a chance that certain kind of laws will be made, and other actions to start to solve some of these global problems. Ultimately everything is interconnected, and these problems will only be solved if almost everything will change. But of course we don't have to wait around for the laws. The problem is, that we still have a system where i can get benefit from you losing some of your value (rival dynamics).So if i am greedy or a sociopath, i am incentivesed to be manipulative to create artifical demand to make everyone addicted to my goods or services. As long as rival dynamics is possible, we can't really solve these kind of problems on the root level, because real collective action won't take place, because almost no one is incentives to do so. This system won't change any time soon so we need practical solutions. System not changing doesn't mean we can't do anything though. Individual action won't mean much, but what we can do is that we build ourselves up to a certain level where we can take action, and we need to find a lot more likeminded people where everyone is concerned about enviromental problems and then collective action can take place.
  3. @Benton Yeah, i saw some of his efforts too. For example i saw his video about the soil erosion. It's an other global problem that we will face in the future.
  4. @trenton Thank you for your detailed response. Decriminalizing psychedelics is an interesting one. But for sure the more people feel more connected to everything and the more people can be more emphatetic, more action will be possible. In my opinion, one of the core factors is the economic system right now. Of course, it's just one from all the causing factors, but the reason i point this out is because most people's motivations coming from money. Our economic system is basically our global value system. If no company is incentivesed, to start to take action (minimum not losing money or gaining more money to take certain kind of actions), then most stage orange companies won't do anything. Of course there are some stage green companies as well, but even for them to take action sometimes will be very hard, because they will lose so much money doing so. Most people on the planet is stage orange or below, we need to figure out how to motivate them to do certain kind of actions or to help them climb the spiral. The problem is , that we don't have so much time left for certain kind of actions. "Three, oil and gas companies cause a lot of water pollution all over. They need to be held accountable and regulated strictly" This is true, oil has to be regulated for other reasons too. Right now one of our most valued energy source is oil. We use oil for so much stuff, and we use more and more as time goes by. We need more energy to keep up the GDP growth. We don't just use it for energy source we use it to make plastic, gasoline, diesel and so on. The problem is we can't just replace oil with renewable energy immediately. To produce renewable energy sources we need oil for that also. We use oil for mining. It is one of the cheapest energy and this is a problem. As long as it is really cheap compare to other energy sources, companies will use it a lot because from an economic standpoint its good for them. We should probably think a lot about kinetic energy as well, because some say that would be one of the best for the long term. "There are 1.65 trillion barrels of proven oil reserves in the world as of 2016. The world has proven reserves equivalent to 46.6 times its annual consumption levels. This means it has about 47 years of oil left (at current consumption levels and excluding unproven reserves)." If we run out of oil completely thats going to be a disaster in an of itself. The short term solution for this would be making other energy sources and making the oil price right. Our economy right now is very far away from pricing everything right. For example, if i go back to the water problem, we could never afford 1 kg beef, if we had to pay for all the energy to produce that meat, and also we couldn't afford 15000 liters of water price to produce 1kg beef. We should price up certain kind of items but of course it is easy to say for me, because i am only looking this from the enviromental pov. I am sure it wouldn't be easy to do it and probably it could make other problems that i am not aware right now.
  5. @Knowledge Hoarder True, and also why not be more strategic and not using shells near a nuclear power plant. I wouldn't call this either just collateral damage, i would call it being too risky and not being strategic enough from Russia's part . "Buildings at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power station in Ukraine - the largest in Europe - have been damaged after it was hit by shelling".
  6. @Knowledge Hoarder Yeah i agree with you, and i don't think either, that bombing near the nuclear power plant is a smart move.
  7. @Knowledge Hoarder I can be wrong on this one, but as far as i know, Putin thought he can invade really fast and take over Ukraine. Now, because more and more time bassing by, Ukraine could really set up its defenses and its really really hard to invade even if you have a lot more military power than your enemy. The question is how much time Putin have left, because he is losing so much money every day and Russia's economy is in a really bad place right now. I don't understand why they attacked the nuclear power plant either. I don't know if it was intentional though. Because if something bad will happen there, it will be bad for Russians too. So i think he didn't want to hurt civillians but becuase he starting to be in a position where from his pov he has no other chance than using certain kind of bombing to fast up the invading pace. So he is more and more desperate the longer the war takes. If i know this correctly Russia is using its reserves right now to be able to continue the war.
  8. @Knowledge Hoarder Now thats a valid point, but i don't think that Putin will stop until he can put somone on Volodymyr Zelenskyy's place. After that there will be potential inner wars in Ukraine to try to break out from the oppression, however its hard to break out from oppression if most people will already be dead due to the resistance they are forced into right now. Right now these civilians have no choice but to fight back Russia. Maybe you are right and Putin will stop if he has much more losses, but what i think is that this way, just more people will die and Putin will take over anyway. If he can't take over, my concern is that he will be pushed even more to start WW3 , cause if he can't take over Ukraine, from his pov he did this all for nothing and lost a lot of power over it (military,economy,politcal). What does a Russian man in power do if he has nothing else to lose? Thats my concern right now. Its a hard balancing between not forcing Putin too much into to a corner, and at the same time show him that what he is doing right now is not good and have a lot of consequences.
  9. @Blackhawk Not let Russia take the entire planet, but from Ukraine's point of view can you list all the benefits fighting Russia back right now? Becuase as far as i can see, Putin won't take down his weapons and by the time passing will only get more mad and insane and won't ever stop his indavding. So in my opinion from Ukraine's pov its an unwinnable war right now, and the more defensiveness will kill more people only. So I will ask you again what is the benefit for Ukraine to fight an unwinnable war against Russia? Btw no one will let Russia take the entire planet, especially he can't take NATO countries, because he don't want a nuclear war. But if we pressure him too much and if the Ukraine war get longer and longer, Putin will be more and more pressured to the everything he can to take Ukraine without thinking less and less about civilian safety.
  10. @Willie Most people don't give a shit about anything, the reason why i bothered to post this here, is because i believe most people on this forum are more conscious than an average person, but not necessarily knowing a lot about this problem, how serious it is. I think that if more people start to be more conscious about an issue the better. Of course me posting here won't solve anything overall, but i wanted to get the information flowing, and also this post is concentrating on water, but of course it is not just about water, its about something deeper, its about how much we appretiate what we have and what we use. What would be your solution to this problem? Do you think there is a solution where we don't need to wait around in our chairs until some country is even in a bigger trouble than it is now? Or we are damned until more catastrophes happen. Also ,do you think, that we shouldn't even bother educating each other about these kinds of problems ,or do you think that it can hold some value? Because most of us know about these kind of problems, but not necessarily in depth.
  11. @Willie Sure, but it wasn't only aimed at Leo or at only who lives in Las Vegas. Because it is a global issue, its good to have certain kind of information out there. Being more mindful about global issues is a net benefit for everyone.
  12. @Scholar Thanks, i will watch it in a minute. Its not easy to makes sense of this situation. I don't know if you have ever heard about this source:https://www.improvethenews.org. This site trying to show you the facts about a particular topic, and also the different kind of narratives. I don't know how reliable it is, but i stumpled upon it a few days ago, and it seems really good to me. It can save some time to use it, and you can mindfully search articles about certain kind of news.
  13. @Scholar I agree with you on that there is a lot of Russian misinformation, and of course a lot of intentional misleading about the current events. However, in my opinion, this war could have been prevented, if the Nato would have made an agreement about the following: If Russia wants to invade Ukraine ,Ukraine will be automatically added to the Nato, but if Russia doesn't invade, then Ukraine will never be added to the Nato . This might be really harsh on Ukraine, but if our goal is to prevent a war, then we should do everything we have, to prevent it. Also when we know that we are dealing with a person ,who we know is likely to do insane things, then we should play the geopolitical games according to that. But of course, every country has its own incentives, and im not naive about that, and i won't expect any country or anyone to sacrifice a lot just for the global greater good, but i think a little bit more effort could have been added to try to solve this problem. Also what I don't really understand is that, why almost every country giving weapons for Ukraine, because in my opinion its paradoxically has negative effects on Ukraine, because the war will be longer and longer, more civil people will die. In my opinion Putin is in a position now, where he won't give this war up even if he lose a lot more money and prestige and geopolitical relationships, he sort of burned his bridges with almost everyone, and now he has almost nothing more to lose, so he won't stop invading Ukraine. I think Ukraine should have gave up and let the Russians in, of course its easy to say because im not Ukranian, but if the goal is to prevent the most amount of deaths then that would have been a solution for that. I don't see a scenario where Putin will just randomly give up his invading, from his point of view he just lose more things if he stops. So the question is what's the best questions to ask if you are the leader of Ukraine, what's more important, and what will you sacrifice for those goals.