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Everything posted by zurew

  1. You can dismiss anything even God if you want to, but only if you are using a finite self. You try to understand it, examine it, using your finite human self as a ground which can get to some truth. You are thinking that you are a human, because you are in that a state of consciousness, where if you self-examine , you come to the consclusion that you are indeed a human finite being. If we were to change you brain chemistry radically, your sense of self and your sense of reality could change radically.(You can say here, so God why need to change its brain chemistry to find about itself? - the answer is all this talk and concepts are only needed for our communication. These are just concepts and patterns that are needed as a story to open your finite mind up to other possibilities) The question is which state you will trust more, and on what basis? If you assume right now, that you are really Absolute and God, do you think that using this finite self to understand yourself would be sufficient? Or you might need to change your brain chemistry in such a way where you can expose yourself to infinite consciousness, so that infinite consciousness will become your identity, and the distinction between everything will sees to exist, and also that infinite consciousness, can use its infinite nature, to self-reflect. You can argue, that you don't want to assume that, because you ultimately don't know if it is true or not. However, if you want to entertain some ideas, to figure things out, then you might need to do some experiment. After that you can still say, that it might just be a delusion to think about ourselves as God, but again that judgement would be made in this finite state. Basically, examining anything from this state you can say that others can't say anything in an absolute way, because it is just a belief for them. From your state of consciousness it would be true, however, if you don't want to make yourself subject to this state, then you can play with other states as well, and see what other things are possible. So the question is, do you want to do some experimentation and discovery? If the answer is yes, the following question is, what state would be more better for God to understand itself better and to discover itself? My answer would be infinite levels of consciousness. Even for most of your ideas about what possible and what is not possible, is ingrained in this level of human consciousness.
  2. True, even if we were just to use the context of the ego, we are talking in our heads all the time. In fact, that's one of the reasons why there is a more growing need for techniques like meditation and yoga (to be able to have a calm,quiet mind).
  3. Very true. Why do we think, that more and more pickup coaches are out there? One main reason, is because there is a market for it, there are more and more guys who are needing such teachings/service.
  4. You could do what @SgtPepper said. Or if you don't want to start in the gym, or don't want to go there yet, you can start with doing different variations of pushups. In my opinion, pushups can be really good for building chest muscle. If you are doing pushups, focus on doing a lot of sets and reps as well. If you can only do 15 pushups in one go, then do at least 3-4 sets with 10 reps. You can get really good at doing pushups, i think in a relatively short amount of time. Once you get at the 40-50 rep range, you can build up even more, or you can do it with some additional weight, or you can confidently start goint to the gym, because now, you will have some foundation to build upon, and to play with some weights. Don't get me wrong, you can start in the gym, but i mentioned calisthenics, because it is not really required to go to the gym. You can achieve some good results, just by doing calisthenics movement. At some point it could be beneficial to go to the gym though. It all depends on what goals you have, and what levels you want to achieve, and how you want your chest to look like.
  5. I've heard some stuff that there are some cases, where you see some impact, but that impact is delayed, so it is impossible to track it back down , where it came from. Even if it wasn't delayed it would be super hard to understand the causality factor in a really complex system, but with the delayation it really seems impossible. I assume thats party one reason why there is this ingrained "philosophy" in healthcare, to try to treat the symptoms rather than focusing on solving the problem on a root level. The other problem i see as a layman in the system, that there is too much dividedness in the healthcare system. A lot of issue is targeted as if it could be well examined with one specific approach. If i have for example a problem with depression it could be because of 100 different things. The most mainstream approach is to go to a therapist. So that therapist try to solve my problem, and he/she can't solve it because it might be because of some dieatary issue. Or it might be the case, that I have depression because of not just my diet, but because tramuas and some other factors as well. It might be the case, that the therapist can solve some parts of the problem, but how could one even know if the psychology part is solved, if the depression problem is still present. Yes this is an interesting dynamic you are pointing out. It could be framed, that more and more people are trying to take more responsibility for their health nowadays compared to the past. I totally agree with this.It would probably take off a significant weight from the shoulders of hospitals and from the shoulders of doctors .
  6. To be fair, every system and every philosophy and reasoning will be circular if we question it enough. So thats in an of itself is not a great critique. Every system will defends its "truths" with methods that are in that system, or with tools that are just based on assumptions that are need to be taken for granted. Logic in an of itself could be questioned: Is logic a good tool to find Absolute Truth or to understand it?
  7. Do you think there could be a better way or approach to find out the causality factors, or it totally depends on the situation and on the context? How would you set up the healthcare system differently? How would a stage yellow healthcare system would look like in your opinion? Btw i agree with you, that nowadays more and more people are talking down on the mainstream approaches. But we forget that it is really effective on some level, and of course there will be parts where it isn't so effective. The question is, how should we change it so it is more suitable and effective for everyone. Probably my question is just partly right, because you can't just change one system (healthcare) and expect other bigger systems (economy, politics and so on) just to adapt to it, probably it will go the other way around, but regardless, what is you take on it?
  8. To a certain extent, it seems like it is. But the real question is , how can one have more control over the dream. It would be interesting to find out a pattern for this. What is the formula, or the pattern for manifesting something from thin air (assuming there is one), and how can one be sure, that he/she did it, and it wasn't a coincidence. Or maybe searching for a pattern is wrong in an of itself, because there is the intuitive knowing, where you can know without reason, or in other cases you know something and you reason backwardly why you got that consclusion what you got. I would assume, that this kind of knowing would rely upon on intuitive knowing more than the other one.
  9. Maybe we can, maybe we can't. It comes down to the question of, how much control you can have over reality? or How much you can manipulate reality? Using Leo's conflict theory can be very important in almost any field. Can we stop molecules bouncing around, just because we are using this philosophy? I don't think so, and i don't know if this philosophy can be good in an of itself for the use of manipulating reality. However, this philosophy can be a part of solving the problem, that you have mentioned. This philosophy can be at a more better use, if we use it to give us a better understanding about some dynamics in a certain field or topic or conflict or system. The body is fighting for its own survival agenda, and the disease fighting for its own survival as well. Because our survival agenda depends on our bodies, we will help our body's survival, so we will end the conflict between our body and the disease by escalating more the conflict counter intuitively. (because we are giving help to our body to kill the disease or to cure that particular disease)
  10. I could recommend you to listen to some music, to distract yourself from the war a little bit
  11. @Yoremo Even if nothing excites you at the moment, you could contemplate about it. If you really can't find anything, then you can "attack" this with answering the following question. What would be useful/worthwhile to do? Because if you can find some answer for that question, even if it doesn't excites you at the first moment, you can still feel some purpose there, because in your opinion it would be worthwhile to do. You can also change up your routine, you could move, change you evironment so you can gather more experience. You could try different kind of jobs, so you can have a sense what you are naturally good at ,or what can catch your attention. Make sure you are open to new experiences and places. I think one of the most important one is, to change up your routine. Make new friends, make sure, you have different kind of experiences. You could contemplate about jobs, and then watch videos about it, to see how those jobs are looking like in the every day world. Also, you could talk about people about their jobs, especially if you see that they are excited about it.
  12. @Benton Interesting stories. Don't eat yourself up, your point was valid. I just wanted some more specific ideas, but now you gave some, so thanks.
  13. Have you tried drinking? For some people, a couple of drinks can help to get more loose and to be more confident.
  14. Don't feel bad about it. Its good to question things. Just make sure, you question your own beliefs as well. Have a great day!
  15. What i would add, to my original writing, is to make feedback loops. Make sure you track down your progress. Lets be it reading or a new skill, that you have learnt from a book. Make tests, and make sure you have occasionally some feedback.
  16. Thank you for this share!
  17. It will be painful, especially when you start. You need to build up some practice. Start slow, read only a few minutes a day, make it a day to day practice. At the start it will require a lot of attention and energy to drag yourself to do it. But after some days, it will become more and more a routine, and it will go to your subconscious mind, once it is there, it will require less energy to do it. So basically you need to get through the threshold, after that it will be much easier to maintain it. I think there is no easy way to start a new hobby. You need to be aware that it is painful in the start, and you will feel letargic for some days. Think about the goal, that this practice itself, can give you huge benefits, if you can make it a daily routine and everday practice. But make it in a way, where you don't let yourself to get distracted by anything. Even if you start with 5 minutes reading a day ,thats good, just don't get distracted by anything. Train your attention span, thats a key element for any practice.
  18. maybe relationship, i was wondering too .
  19. Fair enough. Thats why i put 'assuming it was targeted at me' in parentheses. And i understand your position and frustration about virtue signalling, because it really is an issue.(it could be said here, that i am doing a meta virtue signalling here lmao)
  20. Well, you don't know if i actually do it or not, or how much i do it on a scale(assuming it was targeted at me). You asked the question i answered it directly. Virtue signalling is only true, if you can provide evidence, that a particular person is not doing what he preaches. But i think your take is fair. But the answer is still the same. You can try your best, to understand various positions and then you can get closer to an objective image. Basically thats all you can do. Just because a lot of people do some virtue signaling on a particular level, that doesn't mean, that you shouldn't try to understand better. If your goal is to understand, you shouldn't be focusing on or bothered by people who don't do it. You do you. And to not dodge your question the answer is yes, most of the time the issues i care about i actively seek every side of the spectrum to understand better. Of course becuase i have an ego, i will still have some biases and holes in my knowledge, and i have to say this, i don't do this with every single issue, because i either don't have time to search for it, or i don't find that particular issue serious enough to get a more objective image about it.
  21. If you want to get as objective image as possible, then you should. So it depends on your goal. The reason why, is because everyone has their own biases and incentives. The more different kind of sources you use, the better ability you can have to shed light on the biases. If you want to understand ,why the attacker attacked, then the answer is yes. You could argue, that i am assuming rationality, and reasonability here. I think its a good practice to assume rational reasons why things happened, or why someone did what they did. Once you contemplated that, and you spent a good amount time with that, if you didn't find any rational argument why they did what they did, then you can start to assume that there is no rational reason, but you can still be wrong there. Also you can deliberately search for good earnest people and sources, that can represent and defend the side, that you want to analyze.
  22. Ask quality questions for yourself: How this book can change my life in a practicle/tangible way? How can i integrate this knowledge into my understanding of the world? (especially big picture understanding) What are the top 5 pieces that are the most important to me? How can i change my daily/weekly routine,actions or thinking so that i can apply the knowledge, that i gathered from this book? Is this book changed any of my core beliefs or assumptions about the world or any particular topic or subject? (if the answer is yes, then contemplate further and write them out) Similar one: Is this book made me question any of my core beliefs or assumptions about the world or any particular topic or subject? ( if the answer is yes, then you should contemplate why) Basically, what you need to do in my opinion, is that you need to spend more time contemplating, integrating, embodying the knowledge.
  23. @vizual It could also be added, that when Putin say something that worries him in the future, his words will hold much more weight. If he says that he has a problem with any other country joining the Nato, that worry will hold much more weight now. Those worries can't be handwaved away anymore. Even if his worries doesn't seem to be true or rational from the West side.
  24. Veganism most of the time could be looked at as a morality issue. Sometimes people want to talk about the health aspects of it, but i think that most of the comparison between vegan and meat diet is disingenuous. Most of the time, they make a comparison between an unhealthy meat diet, and a good healthy vegan diet. I don't think there is a lot of difference between a really healthy meat diet and a vegan diet. So besides the morality aspects of it, nowadays it could be looked at as an environmental issue as well. If we look at some statistics about how damaging meat production for the environment, we can realise that it is not sustainable for a long time at all. However, i don't think the solution is ,that everyone should convert to being a vegan or a vegetarian. I think the right question to ask is how to make meat production more sustainable and less damaging and less cruel.