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Everything posted by NorthNow

  1. A book, a movie, a video game? I hear comparisons all the time, “life is like a movie”, well what are our egos the extension of?
  2. @Jacobsrw If you understood what he was saying you would not think he was wrong or had a "spiritual ego" I watched all of his videos on his new channel where he talks about his insights. He is VERY awake, and seems to be completely authentic.
  3. @ArchangelG @ArchangelG Just existence itself? My mind? Society?
  4. You wake up, you play, you cry, you go to sleep. You will forget every time, you will eventually remember and you will accept that it's going to continue and will always do so. Childhood is the reason. Sweet innocence and experiencing that absolute fucking bliss.
  5. I'm using this language deliberately because I know that people will just echo the things I already understand. The organism in question is me. Right now. Why is it here, not anywhere else? When this body dies, when will the next life be? What will exist in the meantime? Why is it so immediate and particular? Random chance??? Intention?? Where does the intention come from? I am ready to accept is not the case that experience will continue when I die and I will simply wake up in another life as I did in this one. As if one day I was an ant, I was stomped on, and now I am Jack. With an inclination towards existential questioning and teetering on the brink of insanity.
  6. @freeman194673 You do not understand. Keep searching
  7. I know it's stupid, but the thought crossed my mind. The ego lashes out against its destruction. The same things can be said for physical pain, no?
  8. @Leo Gura Please considering trying N,N-DMT sometime. I would enjoy to hear your insights.
  9. Just watched this video, he seems to understand. I see people in this thread talking about how he seems fake. I understand why they would think so. But this guy 100% understands.
  10. @freeman194673 A tree is not a tree, you only think it's a tree. If you don't understand that statement I don't know how else to explain it I'm not particularly gifted in communicating these ideas And yes, we do not have any good alternatives to language. We are very limited biological creatures.
  11. He has singe-handedly given me an understanding I would never have had otherwise. The particulars in his speech and the nuance to his words hooks into my mind like a secret language and he explains things that I've felt that I could never possibly begin to unravel by myself.
  12. @freeman194673 No. You misunderstand. All knowing, at least from our human perspectives, is illusory because it can't fully encompass the true nature of reality. We deal with concepts, incomplete ideas and constructions of an entirety. There is such thing as a tree, but trees are an illusion. Language is an incredibly incomplete, primitive and insufficient tool for communicating reality. Anyone who has some sort of level of understanding to the nature of reality however will understand the distinction and nuance to this.
  13. @freeman194673 Our reincarnations? Reincarnation isn't real. Nothing is being RE-incarnated. The absolute essence of reality is the entirety of reality. Infinity in and of itself is a motion. There is only and can only ever be infinity. You cannot escape this. Not with silly concepts, not with pretending it's not there. It is the only thing you will and can know. That is why we call the ego an illusion. Concepts are illusions, I can think of a square-circle but it will never be a representation of reality.
  14. Leo claims that telepathy, clairvoyance and a plethora of other abilities are possible. Is there proof of this? I have an open mind, I have awoken to many facets of enlightenment, but I still can't fully comprehend the possibility of these things
  15. My time loop experiences are incredibly scary, I've had them while on LSD. I have this overwhelming experience that wherever I am is all there is to the universe, and I keep forgetting what I am doing, realizing I am doing it, and then repeating it. The realization I have when I remember what I'm doing is like a face palm, like "OH! SHIT! I remember now, I'm such an idiot." then again and again and again. One loop I had was on a separate trip I had a loop again and I had a very overwhelming sense of anxiety, because I thought I was still stuck at where I had my original trip. It feels so real. So is it a part of ego death? Or is it a separate experience?
  16. @Serotoninluv Thank you for this measured response. I greatly appreciate it.
  17. If time is an illusion and I am the entire happening, then the one who becomes enlightened will always be the same? When the universe (I) decides it wants to go another round of duality, everything will unfold exactly the same way because infinity has only one path. That sounds like a counter intuitive thoughts "Infinity only has one path". I hope you can understand what I am trying to say. How does the universe have a will? From the perspective I have it seems that we might project intention as a concept onto the universe, would it not be just a cycle, with no free will? It's just this thing that is happening for eternity. It makes me nervous and sad. I wish there was free will.