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Everything posted by Rolo

  1. pron can be a tricky thing to deal with, i would suggest looking into doing something different with your life if you want to quit watching porn. focus on love or even put that into your sexual practice. the key to sexual freedom is to love but not repress at the same time.
  2. @lostmedstudent Osho undoubtedly created a powerful platform for teaching consciousness in the west, I have met people that have been in his presence and they can only speak of how he fills the space with a very deep love. I know Osho's work is banned in China, probably because his work is so liberating it can disturb certain societies.
  3. how he starts his talks is awesome. he does his meditations with a holotope. His channel Daryl Anka likes to keep his content private to his website, but someone put some of his meditations on youtube.
  4. I am going through a similar thing, i come from a very dysfunctional family and for the past couple days i have been doing Leos forgiveness template, I think it is a powerful tool and it is creating a lot of positive change for me.
  5. depends on your partner, are they supportive enough to share these things with? likelihood is that they have the same level of development as you do.
  6. I found some of Oshos teachings helpful. There arent many teachers that talk about the topic of sexuality because they sit in a chair and talk about faeries and angels expecting people to find a needle in a haystack.
  7. I have found great spiritual teachers with backgrounds in psychotherapy, maybe search that platform. I find they have more love to give in the healing process compared some of the clinical psychs out there.
  8. its good your dealing with this now, there are men in their 50s 60s that still struggle with this problem. maybe talk to the girl about your fetishes. This girl may not have all the crazy hair and piercings on the outside, but on the inside she might share similar fantasies.
  9. @Ingit Dont react in a bad way, you will regret it.
  10. @Javfly33 sounds like a toxic enviorment, it might seem like something you can adjust to but over time the bullshit will wear off and you will eventually react to it. if you choose to stick around you can make a little experiment out of it and see how miserable this person can make you feel until you cant bare it anymore and just leave. if you dont like your enviorment cange it, if not be happy with what you have got.
  11. It depends on you. if you like camping and are familar with it then im sure there will be less anxiety about going out there because you will know what you are doing. Do shrooms wherever you feel comfortable. I personally dont want to be in the middle of nowhere far away from the world on shrooms.
  12. dont talk about yourself too much. you should be the prize in the conversation. The prize being the one that doesnt need to prove themselves. when people feel comfortable they love to talk about themselves. There is a conversational trick called mirroring, if you ask someone about something like what do you do for a living? They might say im a gardener, and then you say ohh so your a gardener. mirroring peoples words makes them feel validated depending on your emotional state.
  13. I think Joe Rogan is a pretty healthy masculinity. he may not come across as the sharpest tool in the shed, but he has this drive to get involved in things and ask questions. Whos to say spiritual teachers are intergrated members in sociotey?
  14. i think sexuality is a difficult topic to talk about. Osho would say sex should be in the body and when it gets into the mind it becomes perverted. so my conclusion would be that this idea of orgasm should be about life being a sensual experience and that our arousal thoughts and fetishes are more or less based on biological drives and repressed emotions in our unconcious mind. sexuality seems like a complicated phenomina that needs to be understood, I have found that looking into the writer of a billion wicked thoughts by Ogi Ogas. he talks about sexual drives and how the human brain is geared to be aroused by universal body parts. this gave me a certain security and undersanding about how my sexuality works, hope this helps.
  15. @Zigzag Idiot The counterphobic measure i can relate to alot. Its like i am geared for worst case scenario in alot of situations. I am always sniffing out potential hazards in everyday life. The thing is that i have done it for so long that most of the time I have learnt to adapt to high risk situations that nobody tells me about. so its like a ability to overcome unrecognized dangers that nobody tells me about because this characteristic in me has to develop a solution to overcoming those fears.
  16. I am 24 years old and for most of my life i have had this fear and insurcurity towards authority. I have lived my life thinking i am a somewhat rebellious person, at the same time discovering i cannot survive living amongst stage red people. i am stuck as a individual that sees the importance of laws and authority at the same time have a deep anger towards anyone that has the ability to enforce them. My childhood consists of teachers that would abuse their power and scream my head off, my own mum was a school teacher and used to scream at those teachers. I just grew up around people that would scream at me all the time without reason, my mum and dad have a reputation for screaming at people as if they are identified as the short fuse psychos of the community. how do i deal woth this anger inside me and make something better in my life? and to tell you the truth i have looked at many solutions and and have found so many insights through healing, just hearing another mind express its unique quality of love is a healing thing in itself to me, so please authority and non authority just give me your words. <3
  17. i dont think he is focused on gaining big wealth. he runs a podcast that trys to empower people, if he really wanted to make money i dont think he would be providing a free podcast on youtube. I think he just really likes talking to people and expressing his character.
  18. I would say a orange green yellow. he shares alot of information to his viewers, challenges corrupt authority and does what he can to deliver a father figure like role for young entrepreneur. its important to also recognize its not easy to be a asian american self help philanthropist with his standards, imagine all the hate and discredit you would get in the buisness world. I like the guy, pretty green to me.
  19. i think his salesman type character gave polotics a more modern style that sells to the general population. he allowed people to see that they cant give their human rights to anyone.
  20. Industrial society provides the progressives with the technology to express their opinion, if anything, progressives would want the industrial sociotey to evolve into a more stage green sociotey. The fork in the road is greedy politicians that value money over the wellbeing of human beings. I Hope the information age makes their kids evolve to a more green way of being.
  21. @Opo yes standing up for myself has been a difficult thing because i am so frightened of my anger.
  22. people in martial arts are taught to want their opponent to do what they do to you, if you have a understanding that people are projecting thing out of their experience onto you, maybe want them to make that projection.