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Everything posted by Rolo

  1. make sure you create a really relaxing state of being, you could do belly breathing maybe some form of physical activity etc... i used to do Osho active mediations to get into a relaxing state in my body.
  2. partly, That is how you get caught in the trap.
  3. yes! sex has been a obstical for me, and the need for the woman to be a sexual partner for me has created a lot of sexual deviations in me apart from prior deviations from my conditioning. I better know what i need to do, Thankyou.
  4. @Globalcollective I get scared of being a nice guy, and when i avoid that i become a hateful dick. neither roads seem to work, any advice on how i approach?
  5. I am that which is not born, and does not die.
  6. There are imagination exercise on youtube called shapes meditation that helps you develop your imagination and visualisation.
  7. you are the best judge of the meaning of your dreams. I believe dreams can be very insightful and meaningful to knowing myself. i think this nightmare you had is just a feeling in you that needed to be expressed, be sure to also relax before you go to bed, if you gear your mind/body towards a certain thought/feeling its highly likely you will have a dream about that thing.
  8. my mum and dad used to tell me to get away and not look at the microwave when it was operating. They are were both chemists, but they have their own problems lol.
  9. @MoniniPanini I found spirituality made me more open in my sexuality because my practice was more connected with my body, and it created more sensuality in me and made me more intimate. The journey of feelings can be a very touching experience.
  10. I found spirituality made me more open in my sexuality because my practice was more connected with my body, and it created more sensuality in me and made me more intimate. The journey of feelings can be a very touching experience.
  11. i like video games. They let me go into autopilot and relax, but i am no Leo and dont have many obligations and haven't figured out my goals so i cant preach. I suppose the best i can say is be aware of what you are doing and what you get out of it, so if video games relax you and allow you to disconnect, notice that. you can put your energy into the game of life! but there is corona so its pretty shit atm.
  12. I find meeting people at a stage green in the spiritual community are great friends. If you want to connect with people i suggest looking into mirroring and watch Leo's perspective video, That will allow you to make clear distinctions on people and who is right for you in your friendships.
  13. im at a stage where relapse is a heavy porn binge, but over time i have been able to get involved and understand my sexuality in my imagination. I think open mindedness and understanding and body awareness is key to sexuality integration.
  14. In Japan they use the hara, whch is basically the belly. hara is also known as the mountain of consciousness and is considered storehouse of energy in the body, hara is also considered the center of death in the body. They have a belt that helps with hara breathing so you can learn to breathe deep into your belly.
  15. ''understanding perspective is the universal solvent of resolving human conflict.''
  16. I have found there to be dangers in meditation, I mean you can make a mountain out of a mole hill, It all depends on you.
  17. @John Mitchell you need to develop skills in connecting with people, do workshops on stuff that interests you, go to burning man or if you are socially awkward do some communication skills course like conversational hypnosis or toastmasters.
  18. this is great, good to see this sort of self help getting involved with these stereotypes.
  19. awareness is key. its like we have the freedom to choose our software to create the life we want, the important thing to recognise is that effort has to be made to live the life we want. The amount of awareness we have the easier it is to shift into the state you choose to be in.