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Everything posted by Rolo

  1. i feel a strong connection with that guy, i was listening to him before he had this level of fame.
  2. when i saw him live he said he has this strong ability to make the energy crackle around him.
  3. 20:50 insightful 40:50 emotional intelligence 42:25 congruence I would suggest watching the whole thing, he answered these aggressive questions really well, showing a lot of rational and intelligence, at the end the reporter even bought his words and pointed the questions to nbc news.
  4. @Carl-Richard i honestly think he has stage yellow qualities, American media has just tired to destroy him.
  5. conservative mind is a very closed mind, they dont leave much space for new things to come in, but what they do value and put on a pedestal, so to speak has a certain quality to it that is symbolic of their tradition, its like a cultivated beauty of human achievements, but what comes in is mainly built on the framework of their conservative ideology.
  6. The whole structure of this form is so counter-intuitive to what schools have taught us, thank you Leo your making great people here. I personally have noticed your arrogance and cutting attitude and have been fearful of posting things based on your opinion (i am also aware of my projections), but this form is really teaching me something, especially seeing someone as a authority openly express their own flaws, its very empowering for me because i feel i can share my opinions.
  7. nobody knows your experience except you.
  8. I know there is a spiritual field that is involved in talking to spirit guides, angels and aliens, I personally think it can be a dangerous path because it can be used as a way to escape you negative beliefs that limit you from the ability to experience other aspects of life, i like to think of it as getting drunk off your mind. At the same time i do believe there are other dimensions in consciousness that express these deities and archetypes that have a physical manifestation in another reality, we just need to switch into that channel. Maybe you are drawn to this stuff because of genetics, i find i am personally drawn to that stuff because my dad is into the mystical and esoteric, whereas my mum is a chemist and hardcore scientific.
  9. I think a certain diet can create a experience. Why would i limit the possibility of experiencing eating meat, it may provide some sort of insight into who i am.
  10. well when we sweat we release toxins from the body, when we ejaculate we release energy from the body. The energy can be a release of unconscious repressed emotions or anything really, its creative energy, you can use it however you want to. I think its defiantly something worth contemplating and reading about.
  11. its important to take into consideration that the economy is messed up and getting into debt is a big risk. It all depends on how willing and confident you are about starting your own business. If you can use your creativity to do something that can adjust to the current times, then yeah go for it, if not, its ok to start your career working for someone else so you can get some experience working in this industry.
  12. your body releases sweat when you work out, Your body releases sperm when you masturbate. Do the math.
  13. Leo talks about stage green businesses, stage green businesses make money by contributing to the society in a positive way. I think its important to be clear on the definitions about what stage you are at. I would suggest sitting down and writing out a list of stage green jobs and find what ones resonate with you the most.
  14. it all depends on you, your mind is a tool for you to use as you develop more awareness of what it is saying. you are not the body and you are not the mind. Always the watcher, never the watched.
  15. that helped deeper my visualisation abilities,when i visualised these understandings really clicked and created that separation from body and mind with a vivid experience of visualisation. Thanks for the share.
  16. you kinda remind me of this spiritual interviewer called Lilou Mace haha
  17. It should be something you are passionate about, It doesn't necessarily mean you have to do work to make people tranquil, just your state of tranquillity will help in so many ways.
  18. I am not a fan of cannabis, it makes me anxious for some reason.
  19. @Gladius Trump uses conversational hypnotic language patterns found in nlp that allows him to create emotional triggers in his audience and influence them. He is like watching a tv commercial. you you have a taste for McDonald and you play a McDonalds cheeseburger commercial it can be easy to be influenced by its marketing strategy and before you know it your eating something that is destroying your body.
  20. your channel seems like stage green spiral dynamics, really cool stuff keep it up.