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About blowfish

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  1. Be aware of your reductionist argumentation, which has nothing to do with what I am saying.
  2. @The observer What you are describing is what I meant by some parties taking advantage. They enhance it and make it look bigger. The question is: Was there minor protests before all this you describing happened? Specifically in Tunisia? My point is, as soon as initial protests happened, different parties jump in on that. Be it US or some opposition etc. then things like you describe happen. You cannot generalize and say everybody was living in harmony. There is also minority groups like in every country or people who felt like this person setting himself on fire. Your point of view is valid, but it's only part of the whole picture. It's easier for the people to see a bigger evil in the US or the West than their government after all this happened. It's also obvious that the West tries to portray it like it was all genuine protests, overall it wasn't. But the initial protests were, don't you think? I actually don't even know much about Arab Spring, and when you describe how it was, I was thinking "obviously". I don't need to know facts about it, to know how a party will influence these kind of things. That's why there is nothing "mastermind" about it, it's common sense. My point was not to discuss details about the Arab Spring, but to compare the 2 cases and how they are similar, in the sense that it gives protesters an evident example what's wrong, which a lot of people will be touched by and join in.
  3. Of course different parties tried to use Arab Spring to their advantage, but it definitely wasn't started by them. You greatly overestimating US. This general idea that some party controls everything and is behind everything that is happening in the world is only partially true. Reducing a system to a few elements, which admittedly have the most power, but not the only, doesn't explain the whole picture. The point was that both cases are similar. In both cases there was/is major flaws in the system, in each region. Both cases touch people and open their eyes even more, which leads to action. Whether it will be contained isn't clear yet. I'd say, as of now it has 10-20% chance to lead to even larger civil unrest. Depends on how the incompetent mastermind government handles it.
  4. Will Goerge Floyd's case become like the one of Mohamed Bouazizi, who set himself on fire, igniting the Arab Spring? What you think?
  5. @LfcCharlie4 Doing great! Remember to listen to your body along the way discovering all these different diets. You have a good approach. One general tip I always recommend is; don't mix different types of food together. Eat fruits alone, vegetables alone and so on. We mix all kinds of foods that don't work together. Look, it's how the world works: Every system has to process something and if the input is all chaotic and mixed and complex, it's harder to process. Our digestion is no exception to that. Taste in food is secondary, first is energy. Also keep in mind that regular dry fasting brings us the most health benefits, more than any diet. What meditation does for our mind, dry fasting does for our body: Getting rid of trash.
  6. Omg how could they do this. This is so unbelievable. I want to speak to the manager. NOW!
  7. Have you thought about combining it? There is famous doctors. And you can also get the approval you need.
  8. The underlying insecurity in what you write is obvious. The way you view things and how you think reveals the ego behind it. The very fact that you are not even aware of how you portray yourself, shows that you created an ego, which thinks of itself as turquoise or whatever else label you like to use. Insecurity is the need to tell your ideal image instead of just living it. As mentioned by another user, you get defensive when your image is challenged. It's similar to this culture of people who desperately try to tell everyone how "nice" they are, although actions show different. There is clear patterns. You may perceive is as toxic or an attack. And some of us are definitely triggered and express hostility, but even from so called "toxicity" there is lessons to learn. Some of us have the intention to make you aware of what's holding you back. It's not hard to read in between the lines here. Being tier 2 and identifying with labels is a clear contradiction. Anyway, I just intended to make you aware. If it doesn't help and you are as developed as you claim, you will not feel offended by something like this. At least by name dropping a lot, you introduced me to these subliminals, which will be interesting to try. Thanks.
  9. This thread is a perfect example what it looks like to create a turquoise ego. At least we learned a lot of labels. I actually love this, was fun to read.
  10. @UnconsciousHuman There is dogma everywhere. Learn to filter it and learn for you relevant lessons. Everything your read or hear is dogma to some extent. Unless you go and live in a cave.
  11. @Recursoinominado Try to build a foundation. Pick some small steps, take time to implement them in your life. It will serve as pillars to build more things on top. I believe the problem you encounter is that, the advice you get from all the courses is somewhat overwhelming to take action. Pick something, one or 2 things that you truly believe will improve your life and try to stick to it for a while, make it a habit, automatic. Let's say if you pick meditation, the choose the minimum amount of time that will still make a difference. Let's say 20 minutes. Do it every day for 100 days. Or reading a book for 20 minutes a day. It should feel easy but be enough to have impact. If you believe these things are essential and will benefit you over time, they definitely will. Pick anything you really believe in and commit. The rest of the time enjoy you life don't overwhelm yourself with the rest. After some time you will notice yourself picking up different things intuitively and build on top of this foundation you started. Maybe you will find a passion after that and a purpose. All the small things combined create a greater whole. Keep the destination in your mind but focus on the steps. And sometimes like in your case, the destination might become clear after you have some steps behind you.
  12. A great reminder what kind of mindset we all should try to shift from. Starting at minute 8, relevant to the conspiracy mindset and also the counterside, since there's been lately a trend of discussing these in this subforum. I thought I should share.
  13. Your beliefs and ideologies are very limited. Forget this left and right bullshit and focus on developing yourself to get out of this delusion.
  14. "I’m very highly educated. I know words, I have the best words...but there is no better word than stupid. Right?" I think they don't have the best words, unlike Trump. At least they have a great influence.
  15. @LfcCharlie4 I don't really know what they go on about. You can very well listen to binaural beats with the right frequency, just like you can during normal sleep. It's just a simple power nap. Maybe you will have a hard time falling asleep at first, what I like to do is use it as a lying meditation with the purpose of falling asleep. If you don't fall asleep, it will be a simple 20 minutes relaxation meditation, if you fall asleep even better. Both serves as a reset and energy boost.