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About Tristan12

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  • Birthday 12/12/2000

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    Ontario, Canada
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  1. Low dose 5-MeO-DMT is amazing for emotional processing. But yes, lots of psychedelics work for that purpose
  2. It doesn't help, it's just spiritual bypassing
  3. What kind of health problems do you have?
  4. I'd imagine that to Leo, the thought of doing this with his content would make him want to cry😂
  5. I love this thread, thank you for making it
  6. @RightHand That might get you there😂
  7. Or while wearing one of these:
  8. 22kg under the tongue 😎
  9. I don't know, I bought 500mg of 5-MeO-MALT and I emptied it into a glass vial, it seems fine.
  10. Leo says it’s best to keep 5-Meos in a glass vial since they can leech through plastic over time
  11. Thank you for your responses guys. I read through them all and they were helpful.
  12. That's true. The challenge for me is that it's hard to enforce my opinions when I haven't spent hours deeply contemplating and deconstructing them, making sure I'm very very certain of everything I'm saying. Even if I did, I can't do that with every single opinion I have. Previously I would almost discard my own opinion for the sake of considering another person's opinion. I would still believe my own opinion for myself, but I wouldn't really enforce it, I would put it aside and fully try to consider and take on the perspective of the other person to see how I felt about it. I think putting my own opinion aside so strongly is what's hurting me. I think I should still stick with my own perspective, but be willing to discuss other potential perspectives, and only change my opinion and fully discard my own perspective once I see that another perspective is actually superior.
  13. I've struggled for a while to be overly open-minded. I've been aware of that and I've tried to be more considerate of other opinions and perspectives whenever they are presented to me. Because of that, whenever someone challenges my opinions or perspectives, I put in a lot of effort to consider what they are saying, and I don't assert my own perspectives very much, because I'm trying to be open to new perspectives. However, I feel like I am always the one trying to consider the other person's perspective, and never the other way around. I find that there are a lot of things I feel strongly about, things that feel very true to me, and when I don't assert my own opinions and perspectives, It hurts me and feels like a boundary violation. I feel like I don't stand up for myself and what I feel is true or right, because I'm trying to be open-minded. Why do I always have to be the one who is wrong, who should be considering other people's perspectives? Why shouldn't other people listen to and consider mine? I'd appreciate if anyone could give me some advice on how to reconcile this, because I'm tired of people constantly challenging my perspectives and beliefs, and me never upholding or enforcing them that strongly, just because I don't want to be close-minded to what they're suggesting to me.
  14. @Sincerity @QandC Are you guys not going to say anything else? You guys gave me tough love and said some harsh things, which I’m open to, but then I gave a rebuttal, and you had nothing else to say. Is that it?
  15. So when you realize you never know anything 100%, you try to make sense of things to the best of your ability, but you are always open to other ideas and perspectives, and you never cling to one perspective too tightly, because you realize you can never know anything for sure? Also, reality is so big and complex that one single, narrow perspective would never be the whole truth of something