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Everything posted by StudentOfLeove

  1. Eckhart Tolle is the reallife Yoda. "Present to the moment you must be"
  2. @levani its not directly about Awakening. It shows the heros journey, can teach you stuff about spirituality and everything about it is incredibly beautiful and just magical. I just finished it and loved it. is my Hogwarts.
  3. Harry Potter 1-8 Spirited Away The OA (Tv show) True detective (Tv show) Hannibal (Tv show) Interstellar Into the wild Apocalypto
  4. Its like you wake up from a dream and realise that the psychedelic itself is as illusionary as everything else in the dream. Such a mindfuck...
  5. "The enemy is fear. We think it is hate; but it is really fear." -Mahatma Gandhi Hate comes out of fear and it requires that there is others. Fear = Duality (opposites) Love = Nonduality (no opposites)
  6. Be LEOVE and all the toughts are not allowed to get inside your head. Demons are "toughts"... and they die but you dont die... heheh we are superhumans here, HEHEHEH, I am laughing like one of those Allan Watts types of devils but I am a Mini-God, so I just love at you.♡
  7. I am consciouss of this dream but this dream is in a dream in a dream in a dream in a dream in a dream... infinity is the unspoken number of this never ending existence. I warn you, dont try to undetstand me, this will twist your mind in all kind of ways, it will hurt you... but you are just a child and I love my child who discovers the unknown it kills my breath... thats the beauty of life. I never killed my self so will you. I am not a simple human anymore, I live way more dangerously than anybody I know. Come, lets try to kill me but lets just try.;)
  8. @bejapuskas My shaman said to me: "The question: 'WHY?', is a question that always brings us back to the point where we started!" He also said to me: "Recognize, regret & finally CHANGE!" He is one of the most epic men I ever saw, the way he loves his wife, the way he speaks the TRUTH, that way man... its his own type of way! [Frank Sinatra: " I did it myyyy waayyy"] He saved my life and all I can do is just saying: THANK YOU, SHAMAN BLACK EAGLE!♡ Thank you very much... P.S. His wife is on fuckin' fire too, I will never forget what she did for me too, so much love to you guys♡♡♡♡♡♡ I am sending it, accept it.
  9. Well I began watching Leos videos in the year 2017 (didnt watch them all but I listened to lots of the important ones more than once) Yes at the beginning I fell into all the traps [ being dogmatic, ideologic, etc...] As I advanced I got psychotic symtoms ( watch "the dark side of meditation" & "dangers of"). I had some mystical/ paranormal experiences and this year I have gone to an ayahuasca experience which was very fucked up, lol, to summerise this: felt like jaguar (spirit animal?), had acoustically "hallucinations", purged some old trauma out of my body, gone absolutly crazy for 3 hours ("my entire life"= "toughts" have gone thru a fucked up strange loop), ego-death / breakthrough- experience = god-realisation/ nothingness (laughed like a maniac). This happened before 2 months: did a lot of integration-work since then and now I decided to watch this new video from leo and mannn I just watched the first 7 minutes and I never listened to Leo that way how I am listening now to him. I am very fucking serious now with all this . I got more aware about lots of stuff. I have a lot of creative ideas now, I know now how to live my life, I know now how to not create new suffering in the present moment (at least I am trying, experimenting, observing, learning, failing, and starting the whole process again.) I am 20 years old and I am not ready to do the real nondual-consciossness-work now but I am preparing myself now for it and I tell ya: I will be fucking ready for it!! But first I want to live like a young, wild, free man: I want a sexy wife (I know already who is going to be it;), I want children, I want a dog♡(wuff wuff), I want to be finacially independant (filmmaking, music, art, books), I want my family to be happy and peaceful, I want to have lots of fun with my friends and people in generall and so on... this kind of real, internal success will take me some years and thats okay but than, brothers and sisters, than, when I am very grounded in life: oh yeah baby, there will be no escape from me RUUUUAAARR ( sorry that was the jaguar inside of me), what I wanted to say is, thank you that you read all of this, I appreciate it. Go meditate now! Bye.
  10. I am doing this every second of my life, brother. Love this, thank you.??
  11. Masterpiece! The song & video! She is a lightwarrior!
  12. Ladies and Gentlemen and Infinityaliens, I am done with instagram, I will maybe in future continue on youtube, wish me luck. (I hope I dont get warning points for this one) See ya☆
  13. I love you, you love me, We are happy family. Hajmo svi, gdjeste Yugoslawci moji?
  14. {My parents are from bosnia and I was born in Salt Lake City / Utah.} I have no religion, I just follow my intuition. I like vinjak but I just drink vine Because in germany we always say: NEIN! My instagramname is @rebellalen, already got 8 warning points, But I dont give a fuck, I smoke with Barney Joints. So lets drink some coffee without ego-identity, I lost everything but @zeroISinfinity Poem end ♡
  15. Just listen, brother/sister.?
  16. Wuhuuuu a party for lightwarriors where are we going brothers? Into the light of course, good luck. Kill all of those titan, Eren! I believe in you, just do it, Aho!♡