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About StudentOfLeove

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  • Birthday September 4

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  1. Mind Control: MK Ultra: In the first place I have to mention MK Ultra. That was the name of the top secret research program carried out by the CIA during the Cold War. The CIA wanted to figure out how to control people's minds—how to mentally manipulate people (for example, to make them commit murder) or kill them without leaving a trace. CIA director Allen Dulles approved the secret project in April 1953. The second goal was the production of biological weapons. There had already been experiments with captured enemy soldiers and spies - now the experiments were carried out on a larger scale. Mind Control via Tavistock and the media : Many of the programming techniques perfected in these experiments are applied through the mass media. Mainstream news, movies, music videos, advertisements and television shows are designed using the most advanced data on human behavior ever compiled. Much of this comes from Monarch programming and other MK-Ultra programs It is about shaping and controlling the behavior of society and the mindsets and attitudes of the population itself. Therefore, they study the reaction patterns of the masses in order to get accurate predictions of future behavior. The average person believes that their opinions, worldviews and decisions are their own because they cannot and will not see the hidden hands of manipulation that shape their beliefs. Almost every major shift in the past hundred years, including music, politics, religion, social reform, and most notably the New Age movement, are undoubtedly facets of a hidden and insidious agenda that stretches back decades. This agenda is based on the fact that an individual will rather be fed and indulge in physical and emotional pleasures than face the truth and question things. It is better to believe a feel-good lie than to question it because it is uncomfortable and exhausting and requires the courage to swim against the tide. The Tavistok Institute of Human Realations (TIHR) is the think tank that governs all think tanks in the world. There they study the behavior of crowds and how the mass consciousness reacts to and might govern the environment. They call this mass consciousness swarm intelligence . So the individual will always follow the swarm. The programming of this mass consciousness happens primarily through the mass media. Through this one can reach all people. The committee has managed to control all major media areas. It can determine their content and filter out anything disruptive.Only what is useful to the committee is reported, and "outside the box" and other opinions are censored and removed by the big tech companies (Amazon, Apple, Google, Facebook and Microsoft). Even the most respected greats in all fields of science are muzzled and even undeniable facts are twisted or erased. Never before has the power of the mass media been shown to us so clearly as in this time of the plandemic . The trick is simple: the media need only repeat the same simple lies in all areas and allow no other statements and the population will undoubtedly believe them. In this way, lies acquire an irresistible aura of credibility. The Tavistock researchers found that when they use a variety of information sources, with messages that are slightly varied, there can be no sense of external control. This content needs to be made entertaining and engaging in some way, giving people the impression that they always have a choice between different news and sources, when it's always the same information that's being disseminated in a different guise (illusion of choice). The Tavistock network is global. It extends to the most important universities and commissions, such as the US Air Force Intelligence, Mont Pelerin Society, Trilateral Commission, the Ditchley Foundation and the Club of Rome. The above-mentioned goals of the committee were all worked out here. The goal of this network is the total transformation of society into a 2-class society of slaves and rulers. This is done through the staging of shock and chaos and the constant unconscious manipulation of values. With a budget of around USD 6 billion, it consists of 10 institutions, 400 subsidiaries and 3,000 working groups. Secretly, Tavistock runs powerful multinational corporations like the Rand Corp. (media, politics, commerce, health, education, defense), the Miter Corp . (defense, revenue, national security), the Stanford and Hudson Institutes , Institute for policy studies , Institute for the Future , National Training Laboratories, Brookings Institution , Plan and Research Corporation , International Institute for Applied Behavioral Sciences and of course the Council on Foreign Relations among others "Without Tavistock there would have been no World Wars I and II, the Bolshevik Revolution, the Korean, Vietnam, Serbia and Iraq wars." - John Coleman. The 10 strategies of manipulation: The well-known linguist Avram Noam Chomsky has described 10 strategies that Tavistock uses to manipulate society. I've added a few more: 1. Reverse Attention: The key element of controlling society is to divert the public's attention to non-essential events in order to distract them from important information about actual changes by the political and economic governing bodies. Thus, public opinion turns its back on the real problems of society, sprinkled and distracted by unimportant matters. Keep society busy, keep them busy, keep them busy so they don't have time to think about anything, on an animal level. For example with football, series, talk shows, celebrities, drugs, mobile phones, games and above all a 40-hour work week. 2. Create problems and provide the solution: This method is called "problem-reaction-solution". A problem or situation is created to elicit a response from the recipients, who then expect a pre-emptive course of action. Spread violence or incite bloody attacks so that society accepts a tightening of legal norms and laws at the expense of their own freedom. Or create an economic crisis to justify a radical curtailment of basic rights and the dismantling of social services. 3. Stage Changes Down: Gradually shift the boundaries of changes, step by step, year by year. Gradual accustoming to mass surveillance, malicious technology, cashless society, censorship, etc. 4. Postponing change: One must present a change as a "painful imperative" in order for society to allow it to be implemented in the future. Society has the naïve tendency to describe negative changes as "everything will be fine". This strategy gives citizens more time to become aware of the change and transform acceptance into a form of resignation. 5. Speak to the crowd as to little children: Only give arguments that children or people with intellectual disabilities can understand, and use a patronizing tone. Suggest to your listeners that they are little children. Then they will most likely react without criticism. This is how state paternalism works; the state tells you what is true and false and what you can and cannot put into your body. 6. Focus on emotions, not reflection: Use emotions to override common sense. Address the fears and basic needs and describe the danger everyone is in. 7. Try to keep society ignorant: The masses should not be able to see the methods and control techniques. Education should be as simple as possible so that the big picture is not comprehensible. The focus of education should be on individual facts, not on relating all subjects to one another and combining them in an overall concept (the big picture), i.e. only serving the left half of the brain so that the masses remain stupid. 8. Suggest to people that they are weak and helpless: The citizens should be convinced that they cannot see the connections and do not have the necessary specialist knowledge to trust the sole competence of the state. Get them used to reality shows and trivial entertainment. 9. Transform resistance into a feeling of bad conscience: Suggest to people that they are the only ones to blame for their lack of success because of their low intelligence and competence. They alone are to blame for all evil, not the state. Give them the feeling of powerlessness: "I can't do anything about it anyway, what's the point of a person." This leads to depression and a blockade of further action. And without action there is no change! 10. Know people better than they do themselves: At present the committee (Tavistock) knows people better than they know themselves and thus has greater control. 11. Use the instincts to hinder the development of personality: After 90 years of research, Tavistock's most important discovery is about children's sexuality. This has a major impact on personality development. Early sex stimulation produces adults whose emotional development is similar to that of a neurotic child. 12. Keep people in constant stressful situations: Tavistock researchers found that when people were under constant stress, they became increasingly childish and irrational. If only peer pressure becomes great enough, they will then give up all previously held beliefs in order to conform to public opinion. This explains why mainstream media insists so much on sex, violence and fear-inducing messages. We become terrified, submissive children trying to escape the stresses of everyday life through emotional masturbation—TV, radio, CDs, DVDs, movies, and video games. 13. Constantly influence them through the media: Westerners spend about four hours a day, the equivalent of two months a year, or nine years of life, mesmerized by a television, unaware of the effects this activity is having on them. You have almost stopped interacting with friends, neighbors, the community, and even family. She spends her free time in imaginary relationships with fictional characters on screen or mobile. A few US statistics will show us the extent of the phenomenon: 99% of households have at least one television; there are 2.24 TVs per family; the TV stays on 7 hours a day; 66% eat in front of their TV. Addiction starts right after birth, because 30% of children aged 0 to 1 year and 47% of 5 to 8 year olds have televisions in their rooms. A typical US child spends 3.5 minutes per week in meaningful conversation with a parent but 1680 minutes per week in front of the television. By the time they are 65, most people have seen 2,000,000,000 TV commercials. The entire world population has become addicted to television. It's like an addiction. Without TV and mobile phones, children in particular experience withdrawal symptoms that can be just as serious as those associated with drug or alcohol abuse. Media expert Hal Becker once said: "I know the secret to getting the average American to believe anything I want them to believe. Just let me control the TV…. You show something on TV and it becomes reality. When the world outside the TV contradicts the pictures, people try to change the world to match the pictures on the TV.” Tavistock studied the effects of television on human behavior as early as the 1940s. The researchers discovered that 30 seconds after starting to watch TV, the brain automatically starts generating alpha waves, an altered state of consciousness. The viewer goes into a trance-like mode, a kind of light hypnosis. Her full attention is focused on the screen while ignoring the rest of her surroundings. In this semi-conscious state, they become very vulnerable to the messages contained in the programs, especially the advertisements that are specifically created for that purpose. Television started to become popular in the 1950's and the elite has now accumulated more than 60 years of experience spanning over 3 generations. The results are overwhelming. People are no longer logical because their opinions and ideas come directly from television. The pictures confirm what you hear. This filter of TV opinion is automatically superimposed on their daily reality and they have become passive members of a networked society and can no longer think, speak or write logically. For them, images and knowledge are synonymous. In Europe, the proportion of violence on television is as high as in America. Statistics from 1988 showed that during a week of television viewers witnessed 670 murders, 15 rapes, 848 fights, 419 gunshots or explosions, 11 armed robberies, 8 suicides, 32 kidnappings, 27 scenes of torture, 9 defences, 13 strangulations and 11 scenes of war. And with the modern streaming of films like Netflix, Maxdome, Amazon etc. you can see such violence at any time of the day. 14. Work with the conspiracy theorist's stamp: The think tanks of Tavistock have managed that even the slightest doubt about the narrative spread through all media immediately leads to the stamp of the conspiracy theorist. It's called psychological warfare. Once the stamp is on the forehead, the person has lost all credibility and will not be listened to, or if they are, only to make fun of them. The stamp is also often used to silence people. After all, conspiracy 'theories' are only believed by uneducated idiots and you don't want to be one of them, so you better keep your mouth shut, even if questions come to your mind that the media can't explain. And anyway, if there were, then it would be in the newspaper after all, you get to hear. If you don't stop asking questions, the brainwashed will quickly react aggressively, feeling personally attacked in their identified beliefs. It is purely human that deep-seated, trained beliefs such as "the state only wants what is best for us", "the media always reports neutrally" or "we just have to choose the right party to change something" are difficult to give up and doubt these beliefs are difficult to bear. People just can't imagine being so massively betrayed by the state, even with the evidence in front of them. 15. Use "subliminal messages": The CIA was testing subliminal messages on the US public back in the 1960's. For example, the anthem, which was broadcast on television every day after the end of the broadcast, was provided with subliminal messages such as: TRUST THE US GOVERMENT, GOD IS REAL GOD IS WATCHING, REBELLION WILL NOT BE TOLERATED, OBEY CONSUME OBEY CONSUME. MK ULTRA. MK NAOMI. And that came late at night when most viewers' brains are already in the alpha wave state. Consumer groups and Disney have also used subliminal messages for many decades. 16. Post fake news trolls: In order to discredit the "conspiracy theorists", large agencies commissioned by Tavistock are working to place fake news trolls on the Internet, which will send the "conspiracy theorists" some made-up information that they are then supposed to ridicule. Destroying health and nature: "They" put fluoride in water, aluminum in deodorants, TiO2 in candy, genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in food, spray toxins on plants, feed animals hormones, flour and antibiotics, lower the water table, um Making soda is destroying forests around the world and the entire planet, vaporizing toxic gases into the atmosphere, polluting the seas and oceans with plastic waste and toxins, spraying chemtrails, infusing food with toxins and driving nutritional value to zero, provide medicine that only makes you sicker and ban really healthy remedies, destroy consciousness through constant exposure to radio waves (5G, WLAN), also systematically destroy the psyche through coercion, coercion and constant game and TV consumption, dumb people down, atrophy their consciousness, reduce their fertility and eliminate as many as possible through disease. Outlook: I am still not at the end of the committee's strategies for bringing about the New World Order. So next time I will talk about the use of biological and DNA weapons, bioengineering, neurochemistry and vaccination. But a clear picture is already emerging of the precision and years of planning with which this goal is being worked on. I hope that this information will help you, dear reader, to finally wake up and become aware of this cruel reality. Because only when we recognize the true reality can we do something about it. And we really have the power to do that. It is only a very small percentage below 1% who want to enslave us. Let's be among the 5% who will wake up the others to overthrow this tyranny.
  2. Once in a distant galaxy a planet was enslaved by terrible beings. But 20% of the population awoke and regained their power. On the ruins of the past they began to build a new world where only peace and harmony reigned. Jaguaralen - NEW WORLD (Lyrics) (english translation) Cheers to existence, we celebrate life. Every breath is appreciated, we honor our planet. No matter if black, white, yellow, green, blue, everyone participates. Know no races, a family, we are colorblind. Our seven chakras flow in peace and harmony, love the phantasy, fly like in paradise. Remind us of the forgotten treasure, the infinite power. Eternally freed from all suffering, we have finally awakened. We are beautiful beings blessed by light & love as if our souls came from other planets. We refuse to take, long for the blessing of giving, forgive the rain of misery, strive for the seas of light of life. Lose ourselves in the flow now, flow into the depths of the stream, a peaceful codex, always transforming process, feel the love of death, have been reborn in seven dimensions raised to peaceful warriors. We are one forever in eternity free from space and time we are one consciousness ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪ I hope you enjoyed it.
  3. Quotes: Reality is a mirror reflecting your inner world. "Be the change you wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi Jaguaralen - SPIEGEL (Lyrics) [English translation] If you stop fighting, it is the victory over war. Never aggressive again, filter the negative energies and shape them on the beat into this positive symphony. Peaceful and loving this G like E.T., just wanted to let you know that good melodies still exist. Rest in peace to sugar, nicotine and caffeine, unfold the energy. Life is the best game, the soul of a rap MC, forgive my enemies for everyone in the Galaxy and the joy shines through the vicious circle, anger, remorse, suffering, it begins a new time and it shines white, completely free, no expensive price. Yeah, so so deep, born MC, make rap back again to poetry. And the mirror breaks in the love of light. (2x) And the hero left his village and climbed up to the love choir. Embarked on a journey to the answer of life and therefore entered the greatest martial art. On this path he always carries in his conscience this life is a maze with obstacles. They will come and try to deceive the hero, but he knows he will find himself forever. So he drinks from the tree of knowledge, makes the dream disappear, including the thousand voices extinguished in the smoke. Oneness, wisdom, freedom, it begins and flows through his spirit. Birth and death, limited lifetime, but his bliss radiates from eternity. From infinity to zero... YOU ARE THIS HERO! And the mirror breaks in the love of light. (2x) The wars in the world are a mirror of ourselves, because man is blind, but in the heart a child. Yes, change is possible, from the twilight like a phoenix. It took me so long to realize... this is not about me, this is about the WE! And the mirror breaks in the love of light. (2x) ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪ Have a nice day!
  4. @Gili Trawangan Oh yes, I do like to hear that. Thanks?
  5. Hey there so here is my second song guys, hope you like it.♡ and again did it all by myself.? Here is the english translation: Mon Chérie, it was all a dream, eternity, even death has to flee. All a dream, an Illusion. I woke up in a dimension from space and time of the dream of the one, (I) write thousand lines till you also understand: your life is more than a breeze of being, you are the eternal ocean and not just a drop locked in a cage. Notice out of the darkness rise white ravens, Our wounds heal and scars remain. This pain makes a human strong, follow your heart till the last day. Some times life feels like a nightmare but then you wake up out of this ocean of ice. Good or bad dream it doesn't change anything cause We are the summer and the winter, the sun, thunder and storm, gods colorful fingers. You are that what is forever, remember that child of light. Imagine you are one with the galaxy in you is the holy paradise. From the cycle of time to the happy river of being. Welcome in this temporal phantasy! Simply in love with this time-phantasy Life Is A Dream End of deception, beginn of enlightenment Life Is A Dream (×2) Everybody a child who sinks into tears if a blessing accurs, a life for the light. No enemys in sight of my hunter-instinct if my ego goes out in the metaphysic. No shizophrenia, no Cocaine-Rap, All philosophy like socrates. I remain the jaguar in the monkey stall and (I) show my face in this masked ball. But the majority will never understand me cause I go a little into the depth, (I) talk like nietzsche, (I) dont beginn a war and plead afterwards for freedom, (I) tell a litte philosophy on the beat Cause Im the painter of my movie, (I) bring colors to the picture and paint what I want. The guy who gives insights to everybody who knows those tracks. (legendary rap-presence) our heart burns in the miracle of existence cause We are the summer and the winter, the sun, thunder and storm, gods colorful fingers. You are that what is forever, remember that child of light. Imagine you are one with the galaxy in you is the holy paradise. From the cycle of time to the happy river of being. Welcome in this temporal phantasy Simply in love with this time-phantasy Life Is A Dream End of deception, beginn of enlightenment Life Is A Dream (×3) ?❤
  6. So I started to create music and want to combine it with great movie-like musicvideos that have the intention to spread Spirituality, Philosophy,... basicly to help people become more conscioss and to share my insights and so on... I want to be my own boss, I dont want to work for somebody else and I want to earn my money independently from larger companies. I already started on youtube, Im learning and getting better but no matter how good I am, people need to see it in order for me to become successful with it. I showed my family, my friends, social media all of this but now... how do I get the attention from people? How do I market it? Before I can sell a product or something, I need people who actually know that this product exists in the first place. How does this all work in detail? I read some books but nobody explains in detail what is actually going on here. Most of them dont care about a great, beautiful business that is doing good to humanity, all they care about is money. And money is in this world a really great tool to create big things but it is secondary to that what I want to create. I have the life purpose course and the book list and Im gonna buy some books from their on this topic but I feel like this won't answer all my questions. I know I can do all the basic stuff like, commenting under someone elses video with the an audience who would potentially like what I am doing. I know I can make features with others who have same intentions like me. I know I have to keep on uploading. I know I can give money to those who would give people attention to my work and yes I want to go the long, hard, real way but I feel like Im missing something. I need your help guys. Do you know any great books that I need to read spesificly on this? Any great advice for the next steps? Any great courses and videos? Do you got some insightful knowlegde yourself that will open my eyes for this? I know I have to learn a loooot and have to go through a lot of experience about making money like this. But I am willing to do that. It would be very helpful if you Leo or anybody else can help me on this one. Have a nice day
  7. (This text is not just for you but for everybody) I recommend you to stay sober or if you're not then to give your best to be sober (No drugs of any kind) and to do normal human stuff like sport, spending time with your family/friends, having sex, playing games, eating healthy, doing something you love and make money with it. Just keep in mind (I guess) most people whom you are surrounded with in your life dont understand shit about spirituality. If you tell them something about your experiences with Jesus or something like "I am the next jesus" they gonna label you as mentally ill. "They gonna say, you have to go to a mental hospital, take medications, you are diffrent and thats why you are not accepted in this world." You can drive them nuts and thats what they dont like. But the ones in society who believe in "normal" stuff that alot of people do are "normal". Its basicly rasicm against "mentally ill", "diffrent" people but both of those sides are just deluded in some ideologys. Their egos want to survive just like youre ego wants to survive. And then there is real spiritual work... Accept it, let go, be free, be wise with your actions.
  8. Have to correct this. True detective and hannibal are very dark but there is lots of truth in them. So dont watch them when you are very empathic and apocalypto is stage purple and stage red in spiral dynamics.
  9. @Florian Danke
  10. hahahah nice and thank you very much!
  11. Where can I find this singer course, this sounds awesome. Oh yeah I know about this mic, right now I have one for 50 euros, its not the best lol.
  12. Oh yeah, I like the ryhmes. Similar to Kollegah - NWO. Good work. @IAmReallyImportant @Rilles It is my first song that I did by myself. Before that I did covers and stuff like that. My goal is to create my own beats/ music combined with my own film directing combined with my own deep lyrics. All of that should arise from the source of existence with the purpose of waking people up to their true self, an awakening of love. I already created some beats, I have awesome ideas for the filmaking in my musicvideos and the lyrics are better than 90% of german songs which is not very difficult to achieve now a days. But still I have to learn a lot (about Musictheory,-production, Filmmaking, Buissnis, Marketing,...) to make it perfect and professional and to make a living out of it. This is just the beginning of a journey.
  13. @DefinitelyNotARobot Thank you, Im working on it. @Tim R Danke?? @IAmReallyImportant Thank you for being honest, its maybe because I listened to him since I was 14, lol and I cant see your YouTube video cause its private. Thanks guys✌??